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17017341 No.17017341 [Reply] [Original]

Why did such a high number of western philosophers look down on women?

>> No.17017344

Because women didn't have any means to prove themselves during their time. I'm pretty sure they'd have a different opinion if they lived in 21st century

>> No.17017357

It turns everybody on. Women like it, men like it. Sub/Dom. It's the way of the Dao

>> No.17017360

Bad example to start the thread with. Read the Republic.

>> No.17017369

With 24/7/365 access to women (even rich ones) demeaning themselves constantly just for attention, I think they'd have an even lower opinion of the common woman...

AND the common man.

>> No.17017399

The Pythagoreans, Plato himself and Epicurus all had female students. One of the last great pagan Neoplatonists was a woman. You probably meant to post Aristotle.

>> No.17017414

Because misogyny was very prevalent throughout 99% of human history.

>> No.17017424

there's a difference between looking down on women and just iterating facts

>> No.17018645

>I applied mine heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things, and to know the wickedness of folly, even of foolishness and madness:
>And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her.
>Behold, this have I found, saith the preacher, counting one by one, to find out the account:
>Which yet my soul seeketh, but I find not: one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found.
>Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.

>> No.17020183

Why is that?

>> No.17020297
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>heey, baby. wanna check out my wine jar crib next to the marketplace?
>it's under a nice cool shade from nearby emperor and everything
>what I do for a living? I diss Plato like a little bitch that he is. why do you ask?

>> No.17020308

they all got refuted by based Simone de Beauvoir (pbuh)

>> No.17020312

Because you have to look down to see them.

>> No.17020385

is what no pussy does to a mf

>> No.17020423

Women can only do 1 thing men can't while men can do innumerable things women can't.

>> No.17020439

They were boipucci coinesseurs

>> No.17020989

It was simply a reflection on the time they lived in.

>> No.17021006

They were twink supremacists.

>> No.17021733

Greek philosophers were famous for being athletic

>> No.17021750


>> No.17021780

Because societies dominated by warrior castes dominated other societies. Men are by genetic division of labor warriors. Therefore generally male-dominated societies came to dominate the world.

>> No.17022666
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based buglet

>> No.17022673

This. Social media refutes humanism.

>> No.17022681
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Because they pursued philosophy for the sake of truth, not in order to make money from corporate PR departments or anything like that

>> No.17022839

chink detected. AHEM...

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>> No.17022845

>Why did such a high number of western philosophers look down on women?
It's not just the western philosophers who do so either

>> No.17022996


>> No.17023046
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>> No.17023103

This is basically the entire Bible's attitude on this issue.

>> No.17024509

It could be because once you reach a certain point in enlightenment, the natural acts of women seem foolish to you. Most women act adverse what philosophers believe, thus they look down on them people they just don't get it, man.

>> No.17024516

Two grammar errors I'm truly a genius.

>> No.17024611
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>> No.17024625
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