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/lit/ - Literature

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17017172 No.17017172 [Reply] [Original]

Ok nerds, convince me why pursing a solitary pursuit is worthwhile. Why read when you'll never use what you learn, when no one will ever care what you have to say? No wants to hear about how story second hand, and no one is interested in hearing you regurgitate someone else's thoughts and philosophies. What's the point? Why bother when you can hang out with friends, or practice an art that people do want to see or hear? Convince me why anything else isn't better than reading

>> No.17017216

It can be a really pleasurable and comfy pastime if you mostly read fiction and a nice method of escapism. This is like asking why bother watching movies and tv shows or why bother playing video games.

>> No.17017227

Tv and movies are accessible and common conversation pieces. Video games are fun and challenges your dexterity, and can be social experiences if you like multiplayer

>> No.17017228

You'll never be a good writer if you don’t read at least a decent amount

>> No.17017229
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Use what you learn.
Don’t be solitary for too long a period.
Find friends who care what you have to say.
Also, why isn’t a good story good to read for one’s own self? You share in a meal as you would share a book, or not.

>> No.17017259

Some people like to learn things. Others value socialization with others more. Some want to be lost in fantasy. Others do things which lead to their security and protection. These things depend on personality traits.

You have a limited view of why we do what we do.

>> No.17017266

Low IQ post desu

>> No.17017272

>anime girl picture
>low iq post
every time.

>> No.17017278

The truth is that there is no one good advice for everyone. Reading might open a new world for you, fill you with useful ideas and improve how you are perceived by others but that doesn't mean you couldn't have spent that time doing something immeasurably more rewarding. Make decisions for yourself and be cautious when taking advice from anyone.

>> No.17017285

Get better taste in anime you ginormous faggot, imagine thinking that anime in general isn’t low brow enough that you have to specifically watch brain meltingly retarded isekai specifically

>> No.17017286

It can be pleasurable as well as knowledgeable. You’ll use plenty of what you learn if you’re reading “good literature not YA bullshit. You’ll learn better critical thinking skills, gain better perspectives, vocabulary, natural charisma when speaking etc. You'll also get to read some of the best pieces of work by the greatest thinkers of our times.

>> No.17017318

>video games are fun
Case closed, can't argue with that, guess I'll stop reading then

>> No.17017325

I agree. Reading fiction is as valueless as playing vidya

>> No.17017330

You will never clean your soul and attain a higher dimension if you don't pursue wisdom for the sake of it.

>> No.17017395

Aren't you bothered by your ignorance? Don't you want to learn something about history, science, foreign languages, and so on? If you think it's fun to hang out with mouth-breathing retards then knock yourself out. But at some point down the line you may realize that being an ignoramus can be rather tedious. Learning new stuff brings novelty into your life and makes you all-around more interesting to people with half a brain. And above all else it can be rather fun, even more than video games so far as I am concerned. Anime are okay though.

>> No.17017435
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>implying a cartoon-watcher can be cultivated into a man of letters

>> No.17017524

This guy knows

>> No.17017549

Not everyone is a mouthbreathing extrovert living an unexamined life.

>> No.17017695

We won't. Don't read.