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1701669 No.1701669 [Reply] [Original]

Okay serious question here. You see that picture with the hot chick? This is just what jogged my memory. I see lots of book shelves like this filled with leather or hard bound books that look like mountains of text. What are they? What do these scholarly rich people fill their massive bookshelves with. Is it all encyclopedias? What do you think? Do you have a shelf like this?

>> No.1701673

Good question.
Bump fo interest

>> No.1701680

If you're a book "Collector" you may tend to seek out "collections", such as Shakespeare's works all done by certain publisher, that sort of thing. I have a few, but they aren't too frumpy and leatherbound, one is a collection of American History books, another a collection of Classics for Kids.. Another is a 4 volume set of How To Get Hot Chicks To Look At Your Bookcase (in their underpants).

>> No.1701686

When rich people have libraries like that, they usually buy the books by the metre from an interior designer. A lot of the time they're not even real books - they're called dummies (the fake books, not the people who buy them)

>> No.1701687

If I was rich I'd pay for a custom bound collection. I like things to look the same.

>> No.1701689

What happens when your rich friend tries to read your books!

>> No.1701692
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You put your troll face on and say
>Oh? You can't afford those? Pity.

>> No.1701704

I have an Oxford leather bound book series; encyclopedias, dictionaries, dictionary of quotations, companion to American literature, etc.

I also have some leather bound collector books of TS Elliot and Yeats.

That's it, though. I'd like to buy more, but they're too damned expensive.

>> No.1701711


As pretty much everyone else has said, its more of a status symbol than anything else. There isn't enough time in the world to actually read all the books that there are (same with any form of media, you can't have seen/heard/done EVERYTHING), but like movie buffs have huge dvd/bluray libraries, and gamers love their shelves full of rare/unique games, books can be seen as a sign of intelligence and class.

The books themselves? I'm sure most of them are just either huge collections of encyclopedia's or giant works of a certain author, or studies done in a certain profession (a prestigious MD may want to have a large library of medical research and papers to give the illusion he is more versed than his colleagues.)

>> No.1701727
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Owning a large and impressive library is like having the biggest penis in the rich man's world.

If you are nouveau riche (newly rich) it means you had to work extremely hard for your money, and it would be simply impossible for you to read all the books in a library like that.

The old money, and (presumably) more classier rich people, do not have to work, and would be able to spend their time reading every last book in their libraries.

Old Money: "Hey Nouveau Riche, u jelly u mad fag?"
Nouveau Riche: "Didn't earn it. Estate taxes. U jelly u mad fag?"

>> No.1701728

It isn't always pretentious, just usually. There are good reasons to buy complete collections, like the resale value, or if the collection contains commentary or illustration specifically for that collection, or if the bindings are of a better quality, or if there's some hot chick in her underwear you want to impress.

>> No.1701948


Then he knows you're new money, and a wtetched little parvenu. The truly wealthy have massive libraries amassed across generations

>> No.1701960

What has she got round her neck? Librarians are weird.

>> No.1702800

haha! actually, i had a well off friend, who lurks 4chan, and perhaps this forum. And when we were there, our friend went over to the fire place mantle, (all for looks really) and asked us, "what are these books doing here? like honestly" And took them down to look at them. they were in fact hollow. and stored all the families cards and keys to important things. We all laughed at my well off friend who was a loser, and he got pretty defensive over being exposed.
So take that you ass who thinks your so great when ppl talk behind yer back and with my ex. I lol at you for so many reasons, and so did she. shes just mad i moved on and didnt care. Sorry about that, but i thought it would be useful to express my dislike for people whom, like is shown in the pic, store all these..nice looking books for looks, (cuz they do look nice) or for appearance of being all high and mighty, or for storing the families financial security.