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/lit/ - Literature

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17016346 No.17016346 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books currently in circulation that you see soon being banned? Do you own any?

>> No.17016372

The Bible

>> No.17016388

You can't ban the internet so I never see the point.

>> No.17016392

Essential Works of Mao Zedong

>> No.17016399

Anon, the Middle Ages concluded centuries ago. Banning books is (mostly) not a thing anymore.

>> No.17016410

Nobody reads anything anymore so why ban things

>> No.17016411

They won't ban anything, they'll just stop reprinting them or will only reprint them with extensive commentary and introductions by some intersectional cultist reminding you that the book is a historical curiosity and its ideas have since been deboonked.

>> No.17016658

this, plus censoring and rewriting children's classics.

>> No.17016662

Haven’t you heard of China and North Korea

>> No.17016693

VPN bro, but Amazon does ban things. I noticed when they banned Roush V. Not that I'm some PUA sympathizer, but getting tossed from the Amazon market place is a bad precedent for self-publishing.

>> No.17016731
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not banned but there is plenty of stuff that will be bowdlerised to remove "triggering" language
example, pic related from the invisible man by h g wells. the title character suddenly declares he went to work "like a nigger". it's just an exclamation, it doesn't really add anything to the story. it's easy to imagine that it would be removed in future reprints.
the picture is from the gollancz sf masterworks edition, quite a recent printing, so it's kind of surprising that they left it in without any kind of warning or anything anyway.

>> No.17017376

Wasn't Sun and Steel practically banned until a couple years ago when some pdfs popped up around the internet? I mean the only way to get ahold of it before that was you pay like 400 dollars for a portugese print. Sure nothing get's officially banned nowadays but presses will just stop printing things that are problematic which is basically the same as a state banning a book.

>> No.17017380

Go look for those early leonard Cohen books on amazon

>> No.17017704

Many gay positive books were banned from many libraries this year. Probably some lgbt stuff will reach national bam lists.

>> No.17017716
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Being seen with this book is practically social suicide

>> No.17017791

>They won't literally ban it, they'll just indirectly ban it or make it impossible to obtain physically
Oh well all good then
Probably more and more books that were considered normal a few decades ago but are now considered racist, patriarchal, xenophobic, transphobic, etc.

>> No.17017809

If you look at what eg. Amazon won't distribute there is a pretty clear pattern.

>> No.17017833
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It's a misconception that SJW Cancel Culture bullshit gets books banned.
These are the top 10 challenged books according to American Library Association

>> No.17017838

Delusional commie.

>> No.17017851

Here's a link to ALA banned and challenged books. All of them are pro-black, pro-lgbt, or "witchcraft."


>> No.17017866

books go out of print all the time. mishima has always been practically unknown outside japan and died in 1970. unsurprising that his books faded into obscurity in the us/europe. vintage republished a couple of his books (including the sailor who fell from grace with the sea) a few years ago so he has had a minor resurgence in arty circles. /lit/ is fascinated with him because of his edginess but /lit/ has no significance in the real world.

>> No.17017877

>schools and libraries should not put books in a child's hand that require discussion
americans are so fucking weird

>> No.17017880

That's obviously bullshit though, those books are not challenged by anyone with any power. They're just trying to make it seem like they're the oppressed underdogs, because progressives are incapable of not pretending that's what they are.

>> No.17017925

>according to ((American Library Association))
Sure buddy

>> No.17017943

There's an edition in my country (Spain), which I have, and it was made by a big company, without notes or other horseshit, so maybe it's because you live in a anglo country

>> No.17017945

Lmfao ok dude? Either it's a big conspiracy or these books are the most challenged at American Libraries, which sounds more reasonable?
Read for yourself then schizo.

>> No.17017961

Harry Potter sold 500 million copies, if you think it is a challenged or banned book, you're just a fucking retard

>> No.17017968

Keep in mind that the ALA has consistently remained politically neutral and have published many articles on how and why Librarians should be free from bias and always support freedom of speech. They even faced backlash for remaining neutral about Trump and pledging to work with him. I'm sorry this information doesnt conform to your deluded worldview.

>> No.17017982

In 1999, the Harry Potter books were challenged 23 times in 13 states. According to the American Library Association, they are now the most challenged books of the 21st century. Many challenged and banned books have historically beem major sellers you dimwit. The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf come to mind.

>> No.17017987

if you can buy a book at every major retail centre it is not banned in any way whatsoever

>> No.17018011

They're fucking retarded and despite what 4chan says it's the bible thumping Christians that have consistently attacked literature over the years. Off the top of ny head Christian groups have tried(and sometimes succeded) in banning.
The Catcher in the Rye
Grapes of Wrath
Of Mice and Men
The Lord of the Flies

>> No.17018026

Except of course in the literal sense of the word as in removed and prohibited from libraries.

>> No.17018059

who fucking cares

>> No.17018060

What about books that libraries refuse to even stock?Or are you saying some crazy smalltown christians getting angry about degenerate children's books is worse than huge corporations blacklisting and refusing to handle books about certain historical events? Lmao you people.

>> No.17018080

It however isn't a misconception that that's exactly what they intend to do and as of 2015 they've slowly been attaining power to do so. This list will be outdated in a decade.

>> No.17018238

Who the fuck are you people I don't claim any dogmatic political ideology you fucking sperg. List the books they "refuse" to stock. If you're concerned drop a request into your librarian and they'll typically order and stock it.
Libraries are the shit and it's fucking free. You should visit one you uneducted dunce.
List the books they've had banned. I understand twitter libs enjoy ranting about "problematic" blah blah blah, but please show me where they've had books banned.

>> No.17018247

I own a few that already have been, including one by its own author.

>> No.17019952
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Mine, probably. I'm worried I dropped too many redpills in them.

>> No.17020031

"Ahh he screames as his pissy wetspot shot his sister through the door."

>> No.17021420

Look, a book can be "challenged" by soccer moms or Cuckservative senators but this is literally meaningless, these people have no real world power. You make the case for this in your own post, if Harry Potter was so viciously challenged why is it a best seller all time, the books banned or suppressed in the past did not do this, at least not until later.
Media, corporations and ngo's/activist orgs hold far more power especially in the public consciousness, as other anons have pointed out in age of internet most books are easily accessible. If I can walk to retail store and pick up a book in front of store with "Jeff Bezos(tm) approved Amazon(tm) best seller" then it's not being suppressed, at least not by anyone with power.
The more effective suppression is simply not printing the book, or reprinting it with alternate translations and introductions.
All of this being said, if you published a book tomorrow which was just 200 pages of gay sex, and marketed it as a children's book to introduce them to 'culture', and parents don't like it, does this make your book suppressed? Yes, of course it literally does but I think the OP was looking for things that to use a common phrase 'speak truth to power' or w/e and thus must be shut down. No one is surprised or cares if "The Pedo's guide to r*ping k*ds and getting away with it" is banned in schools. Technically it's a response to OP, but I think we can all infer that because De Sade isn't taught in elementary doesn't mean it's on the receiving end of a conspiracy to silence its knowledge.

>> No.17021438

ask me how i know you wish you were american

>> No.17021440

Speaking of dropping requests to librarians in highschool my friend got our librarian to order Ride The Tiger by Evola (he was a kinda doppy guy). Sometimes I feel like going back and checking if it's still there. Too bad we were dumb and got a book that's incomprehensible without reading his other works. Just imagine if we got Revolt Against the Modern World in a big city Canadian public school. Good times.

>> No.17021462

flannery oconnor

>> No.17021738

Still don't get the controversy for Catcher. It says "goddam" a couple times and he very subtly rapes his sister. That's it.

>> No.17022937

Les Deux Etendards is being forcibly forgotten by history

>> No.17022971

His sister, Phoebe?

>> No.17023036

One guy got into trouble for having a girl being raped in his book but he got acquitted if he lost the trial those who owned the book could have being charge for possession of CP.
sorry i am too lazy to find an english article
Maybe books like turner's diaries which is also the last book that got officially banned in canada and used to be sold on amazon.ca despite the ban.

>> No.17023074

Censorship os censorship and in the past theyve had books banned from stored too you utter dunce. Due to the Streissand effect banned books actually sell remarkably well lmfao just simple human curiosity, people will find a way to get them and always have. I don't have a political affiliation, and Amazon or BAM isn't banning shit that I'm aware of so I don't understand why you fucks feel the need to write a diatribe in favor of censorship in public libraries. Haha you pukes defend exactly what you claim to be against. None of the books were
>200 pages of gay sex
Look at the classics that are being challenged by these same pearl clutching MADD types(it can be found on the same link.) and tell me you think it's fine you hypocrite. Libraries are more important than any gay ass multinational bookstore. Fuck you and your gay ass identity politics you weak minded slime.

>> No.17023086

He yes my friend. Libraries are the shit and I've never had a request turned down outside of books that just don't have many physical copied period. They'll do their best to get whatever you want.

>> No.17023091

Someone should make a t-shirt out of it

>> No.17023152
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ignore these inbred rightoids

>> No.17023178

They're entire worldview is a farcical contradiction.
>claims to hate censorship. Supports censorship
>claims to be skeptical of science. Except old ass heavily refuted IQ studies.
>claims to hate globalists and neolibs. Supports Trump.
>claims colleges are neo-marxist indoctrination. Disregards people without degrees.

The list goes on. Fuck it's tiring.

>> No.17023246

My local library actually has one Evola book. It actually isn't really controversial, and it's just a book about mountains and spiritualism lmao. It's called Meditations on the Peaks.

>> No.17023284

If you request others they'll get it for you.

>> No.17023291
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It helps to think of them as just coping incels therefore their whole frame of reference is incoherent and illogical

>> No.17023295

I've honestly never thought about requesting a book for my library. Maybe I'll try to get them to get some of the other books.

>> No.17023323

Dozens of my kindle books from Counter Currents and Amren have been banned from Amazon. Amazon still delivers them for now, just can't buy them again.

>> No.17023332

I've taken them lists of like 10 relatively obscure political philosophy books and they had 8 of them within 2 weeks. This is a podunk American small town too

>> No.17023336

My guess is that most people don't even know they can request books. So libraries will take the few requests they get seriously.

>> No.17023344

It's possible, there are hardly ever visitors in the one I'm talking about, they didn't even have any Sartre and only one Dostoyevsky