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17013063 No.17013063[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Vary has never been refuted. Nobody who hates him has actually read his books. Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia is underrated.

>> No.17013097
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> Claims Christianity caused the degeneration of the Nordic races.
> Writes books about it. Using written language which Nordic fags graciously received from Christians.

Yeah, no.

>> No.17013096

>refuting a madman
Edgecore teenyboppers always say "refute him" when presenting their favorite insensate babble by a neurologically defunct retard

>> No.17013360

Shut up Vargtard, go eat a placenta.

>> No.17013365

He made a really shitty TTRPG

>> No.17013372

Sure he has, his weird wife just makes shit up. The entirety of pre-Christian European religion was not just about eating human placenta.

>oh yeah? well, if you hate jews so much, why do you write?
Did you think this one through, or do you just operate off of a stream of unconsciousness thing?

>> No.17013382

Sorry I don’t refute norducks. Nordcucks refute themselves.

>> No.17013428

>Did you think this one through

> "Nordic Vikings were better than everyone else."
> "illiterate savages are better than civilized people, and were weakened by the tools of civilisation."
> "Let me convince you of this using the very thing I denounce and should reject."

Figuring out this was always done in bad-faith is not fucking rocket science.

>> No.17013464

>hates himself and his people
>considers varg a deep thinker
Yeah, I'd expect a retard like you to hold these views.

>> No.17013474

ironically you are in perfect agreement with varg that white people are dumb inbred savages and that only the jews are capable of anything of importance. you just think it is a bad thing and he thinks that it is a good thing.

>> No.17013484


> Below ESL-tier reading comprehension skills.

>> No.17013504

Oh don't worry, I also expect that of him.

>> No.17013512
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> me : *Denounces Varg and show that the very premises of his argument should prevent him from wanting to communicate it with us*

>> No.17013550

Thank you for demonstrating that ESL-tier reading comprehension we were mocking you about.

>> No.17014423

can someone give me some ancient scandlenavian philosophers

>> No.17014434

the fallacy copes are palpable

>> No.17014495

>I want to change society
>And yet you participate in society.

>> No.17014556

even though I don't agree with him on many things, I still respect him because he actually practices what he preach. a virtue no one has anymore. I don't agree with his right wing views but his primitive side is good, he is also sympathetic to hippies and left wingers if they are against the system and do communal or farm living. his nazprim stuff is weird.

>> No.17014566
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>> No.17014568

they call him names but will never be able to practice their ideology like he does, at least respect that he put effort into doing his ideological lifestyle.

>> No.17014807
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>> No.17014814
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hail oden sael oden hail oden sael oden wooaaaaaah woooooo'aaaaah wooooaah woooooo'aaaaaah

>> No.17014823

Thats Louis Cachet