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17011921 No.17011921 [Reply] [Original]

Post examples of writers with maladaptive daydreaming. I'll start.

>> No.17012185
File: 362 KB, 1084x1513, Pessoa_chapeu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with another clear case.

>> No.17012216

>maladaptive daydreaming
Care to explain what you mean by this?
Or is this pseudo-jargon psychobabble for an 'imagination'?

>> No.17012234

It's a mental disorder that a Jewish clinical psychologist invented. It basically means an inclination to daydreaming or absorption in fantasy that is so severe as to be detrimental to one's social and/or work life, hence maladaptive.

>> No.17012247

me desu

>> No.17012257

>It basically means an inclination to daydreaming or absorption in fantasy that is so severe as to be detrimental to one's social and/or work life
Sounds like a description of Mishima's life.

>> No.17012267

Ah, so genius is a mental disorder now. Got it.
I guess Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin also suffered from this "disease."

>> No.17012284

Well they took it to the extreme by running away from reality with heroin.
Baudelaire touched upon this, although he also was an addict: being drunk off the mind and art is superior to using substances to reach the peak.

>> No.17012289
File: 432 KB, 2560x800, cropped-42733958121_b5940acebe_o-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin are geniuses

>> No.17012317

>public entertainers can't be judged by the merit of their performance
Pull that measuring stick out of your ass and take a look around dipshit

Eh, arguably. Picasso was a hash and opium addict, Charlie Parker was doped to all hell, Kerouac was a wino/speedfreak. Genius has its price.
Trying to judge artists by the measure of square society defeats what they are there to prove in the first place. Art exists outside of the temporal, artists outside of the society that creates them. That's why they're artists.

>> No.17012376

Morrison and Joplin are neither geniuses nor interesting people. You pull the stick out of your ass, faggot.

>> No.17012604
File: 9 KB, 194x259, jim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17012812

Oh another 16 yo that thinks drugs make you smart

>> No.17013016

How do I cause this in myself? Being absorbed in your dreams and thinking its better than real life like Pessoa talks about seems pretty fun.

>> No.17013021

Eat a sock, faggot

>> No.17013074

>you're mental if this life isn't enough for you

This type of thinking leaves such a sour taste in my mouth

>> No.17013116

i bet you jerk it to femboys but think it's ok because "they look like women" and "i say faggot so i'm not gay"

>> No.17013596


>> No.17013731

>Care to explain what you mean by this?
It's extremely self-explanatory. A maladaptive mindset means you do not adjust yourself to your peers or society. What do you not understand?

>> No.17013921

Have a shitty childhood or early trauma which will trigger your thirst for escapism for the rest of your life.

>> No.17013960
File: 107 KB, 610x808, jotaro vs dio - daily new egypt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get ADHD and go and hyperfixate on some faraway fictional land; shit works like cash
>t. currently on the 8th possibly rewrite of the world I've been building pulling inspiration from everything I've read, watched, played and learned about

>> No.17013992

>Have a shitty childhood or early trauma which will trigger your thirst for escapism for the rest of your life.
Both of these things happened to me, and I resent my escapist fantasies and desperately wish to experience something "real" but don't know how to go about it. This is why I always crave drama with my friends.

>> No.17014002

>Being absorbed in your dreams and thinking its better than real life like Pessoa talks about seems pretty fun.
It's really really not.

>> No.17014028

>How do I cause this in myself?
You don't really want this if you want a social life. It's torture whem in public or with family when i'm triggered to daydream. There is always an oppressive feeling to find some where secluded to get lost in my daydreaming. Because of this I spend most of them time by myself in my room and I don't really enjoy being around others

>> No.17014039
File: 126 KB, 1200x900, they-live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme quote but:
>It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society

This type of social policing is dystopian as shit imo

>> No.17014083

>>It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society
Yes, but humans are known to adapt to their surroundings regardless. Is it any surprise a word such as "maladaptive" exists?

>> No.17014112

How'd he do it?
Writing great works at such a young age

>> No.17014334

Huh I thought this was a thing only I did

>> No.17014358

Boo fucking hoo.

>> No.17014371

For every "genius" with a mental disorder there are thousands of non-geniuses suffering from the same disorder. Perhaps if an effective treatment existed, we should allow these untold thousands to suffer on the off chance that some record company, book publisher, or art dealer might make a buck off their pain.

>> No.17014398

His education (reading and writing in the classical languages) plus natural ability.

>> No.17014712

I once came up with a story were the mc ends up realizing his maladaptive daydreaming is actually insight into some higher reality. I prepared a whole plot and even began writing the first draft
Then I found out it was the premise of some fucking anime and gave up writing altogether