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17011468 No.17011468 [Reply] [Original]

White Fragility is the best right wing book of the decade. Prove me wrong.

>I also recognize the deep anti-black feelings that have been inculcated in me since childhood. These feelings surface immediately—in fact, before I can even think—when I conceptualize black people in general. The sentiments arise when I pass black strangers on the street, see stereotypical depictions of black people in the media, and hear the thinly veiled warnings and jokes passed between white people

>I have a racist worldview, deep racial bias, racist patterns, and investments in the racist system that has elevated me. Still, I don’t feel guilty about racism. I didn’t chose this socialization, and it could not be avoided.

>I could live my entire life without a friend or loved one of color and not see that as a diminishment of my life. In fact, my life trajectory would almost certainly ensure that I had few, if any, people of color in my life.

>Unfortunately, the prevailing belief that prejudice is bad causes us to deny its unavoidable reality.

>I grew up in poverty and felt a deep sense of shame about being poor. But I also always knew that I was white, and that it was better to be white.

>I believe that white progressives cause the most daily damage to people of color.

>> No.17011475

>this thread again

>> No.17011487

white or (((white)))?

>> No.17011499

she has internalized racial bias but she's trying to fix that and make things better for minorities.

fascists revel in that internalized bias and want to take it further

>> No.17011503

one goes extinct

>> No.17011511
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>racial bias
I wonder where that comes from

>> No.17011524

She's saying not to feel guilty of racism, that prejudice is good, and that the left causes the most damage to POC. She's a titan of an intellectual for the right.

>> No.17011885

>We must read more books about Black Experiences!
>Quickly! Buy the book by that white woman!
I just don't understand it.

>> No.17012096

She never says that prejudice is good, she wants every white person, including the ones who claim to be "not racist" to admit they ARE racist on some level.
There are things a conservative person can agree with in the book, but the book's purpose is to shame white people into giving more power to non-whites in the workplace. Her background is improving race relations in government instittutions, after all.

>> No.17012105

>she's trying to fix that
What's the point lol

>> No.17012118
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>I'm a racist, but it's okay if I don't say the N-Word
>You're racist too btw, I know you are, don't ask why, don't deny it
>The "left" is your enemy, nigg...ehr, black people

>> No.17012169

She has an internalized white savior complex and is trying to offset the cognitive dissonance with woke cultism. None of this whiteness-as-original-sin virtue signalling bullshit is helpful to society in the least.

>> No.17012202

The left is right that everyone is subconsciously racist, they're just wrong in thinking it's wrong kek. Or that a blank slate could ever be achieved

>> No.17013279
File: 81 KB, 598x476, FTFY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17013295

300 replies every time.

>> No.17013324

My english teacher way of explaining the surface of racism is because of the way blacks are depicted in media for a lot of people it is our only interactions of them so our only interpretation of blacks are these people on the news who are always killing each other and selling drugs. I grew up watching the T.V. Show "cops" which just featured white cops constantly roughing up and harassing black guys over drugs. They we're again, not depicted in the best light so thats what my interpretation of them is. Then you look to music and again, they're rapping about "stealing your bitch" and "killing and stealing". It's werid because you would think that people who live in gated white communities who never interact with blacks would be the most racist but actually the most racist people live in the most black population dense areas like southern america. Meanwhile the people who strive for things like black lives live in gated white communities that don't actually interact with black people. I wonder why this is? It's always the rich whites.

>> No.17013351
File: 206 KB, 960x952, laGsdSk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those books never answer the most important question: Why should I help you? Matter of fact, what's in for me?

>> No.17013856

Thank you rabbi.