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File: 34 KB, 500x500, Michael Malice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17011413 No.17011413 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Based Jewish authors. I'll start.

>> No.17011424


>> No.17011439

in what sense are you calling him based

>> No.17011449
File: 212 KB, 1600x1150, 1231731271732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's based, y'know, just based. Like, he's based.

>> No.17011734

based on what?

>> No.17011780


>> No.17011792

Paul Gottfried

>> No.17011814

Otto Weiniger.

>> No.17011818

Hitler :^)

>> No.17011824
File: 143 B, 275x183, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.17011830

Based (on emet and torah)

>> No.17011845

>Jew with malice in his name
Like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.17011874

Malice is infuriating. He's smug and smarmy but with no content behind it, he's a boring midwit who clearly thinks he's some kind of impish clever devil's advocate, always problematising too-tidy narratives. But there's nothing there. He's completely tepid but he has this "too cool for the room" thing, and it bleeds through pretty clearly that he thinks everyone ELSE thinks he's too cool for the room, he's merely accepting their appraisal.

His constant interventions during the Tim Pool and Alex Jones discussions were annoying as fuck. Even when he tried to be funny it was like "hehe i'm being impish and irreverent ;^)" without any joke to it. He has the personality of that little gay imp from Return of the Jedi. It's a tribute to Jones' larger than life persona that he can stay in character while brushing off his obnoxious interventions.

At least Eddie Bravo was just a well-meaning dunderhead. Tim Pool is manic and a goofball but he's also well-meaning and genuinely inquisitive. Malice is midwittery personified. He sees himself as Tim Pool's wise, "bet you didn't think of that huh ;)?" friend. He also shilled his book here several times. Fuck off faggot.

>> No.17011884

You wrote exactly what I was thinking

>> No.17011902

The only based jew is RL Stine.

>> No.17011962

unironically never read a bad book by a jew, i love them hebrews man, even the cuckoo ones like singer and potok

>> No.17012294

Sometimes he makes me go 'hmm.'

>> No.17012308

Josh Cohen

>> No.17012347

Smarmy kike who validates you throwing your life away on vista - ngmi, senpai

>> No.17012354
File: 5 KB, 194x259, kafka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kafka is our guy and there's nothing you can say against him

>> No.17012388

Philip Roth and Isaac Babel will change that. Roth is just shit and Babel is hit or miss.

>> No.17012396

miss this lil nigga like you would't believe

>> No.17012397


>> No.17012407

Malice, née Krechmer, attracts burgeoning dissident-right types by dunking on bluechecks and blue politics; but then when the right takes losses, he cheers it on and frames it as a positive, because in truth he is not on the right, he is an anarchist. So in this way he is like a funnel for people that would move further right to instead make them anarchists who are complacent with societal collapse. This is arguably worse than merely being arrogant.

>> No.17012406

never read roth and babel's odessa stories are hilarious

>> No.17012428

You know, even though I like the man for some of his ideas and for how naturally combative he is with the left. When paired with Alex he gives off this sentiment that he resents being eclipsed by the mans cult of personality and openly patronizes him with humored slights and jokes. It's really off putting.

>> No.17012444

You know with you /pol/types I can just use your precious Galileo's fallacy against you and say Malice is right considering how he bothers so many of you lol

>> No.17012451

Tagging lol onto posts has the opposite effect you think it does.

>> No.17012458

I hate overtly Jewy writers who are basically mediocre white trash but with some yiddish thrown in (Roth, Chabon, Ozick, etc). But a lot of great assimilated Jewish writers who you wouldn't guess are Jewish (Salinger, Malamud, etc)

>> No.17012470

Based midwit

>> No.17012504


>> No.17012505


>> No.17012598

I disliked half of the Odessa Stories. That is why I consider him a hit or miss; really good or really shit.

>> No.17012605

found out i was part jewish a few days ago, im a fascist though what am i supposed to read?

>> No.17012635

Italian fascists and proto-Zionist’s/early Zionism. Mussolini has Jewish supporters before he got too chummy with Hitler

>> No.17012646

jews aren't white

>> No.17012655

Mussolini's mistress was a red sea pedestrian too.

>> No.17012661

read his other stuff? did he produce anything of worth post-revolution? feel like he might've lost his jewish edge after the revolution, but never read any of it. never gonna say a bad word of the kike tho, got me into de maupassant

>> No.17012685

white is an american meme, and jews have been white for a while now, just like italians and the irish. there's books about this shit man

>> No.17012783

The version I got from Odessa Stories got some stuff from after the revolution. He visits a house and there is a jewish girl who got raped by the anarchists, how he got into writing etc.

>> No.17012871

he's friends with a jannie

>> No.17013156

first incel

>> No.17013171

that was Socrates