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/lit/ - Literature

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17007556 No.17007556 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about biographers and historians of literature publishing your collected 4chan posts like Joyce's fart letters?

>> No.17007655
File: 1.70 MB, 500x281, A28BA107-5989-4868-922B-53F64835DA4C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biographers and historians
Or NSA snoops?

>> No.17007669

Is joyce really a scatfag in real life or was he just being a weird schizo?
Honestly it's such a boner killer to have the girl fart at you when you're fucking her.

>> No.17007671

future readers will revel in my bait but cringe at my effort posts

>> No.17007882


>> No.17007891

I would only permit it if they gave me the Suetonius treatment

>> No.17007897

Joyce never anticipated the internet

>> No.17007901

I've got some real gems in my post history. I'm an oldfag so there's a lot of it, most likely lost to forever's timey-sandies. I'd pay good money to have an entire catalogue of every post I've ever made here.

>> No.17007906

>Is Joyce really a scatfag in real life or was he just being a weird schizo?

>> No.17008068

Many of my posts are decent, especially the ones that actually touch on literature that I know about. Some posts I would rather not have people see because they were bad and ill informed... very few absolute stinkers though. Maybe one or two that embarrassed me significantly.

I think a big takeaway would be my campaign to insert Georgism into this board and my occasional shitfighting with the Marxists. I hope to be vindicated if Georgism can ever renew itself politically and reclaim the engine of Progress from the dubious neoliberal left and NPC communists who have blown the light out of it but not the heat.

>> No.17008092

sometimes when browsing the archive i find posts and i wish the poster were my friend because we would understand eachother, then i realise i was the poster. it is good training to not reply to every little niggling thing on here because well you cant reply to archives many of them are years old many of them posted by now dead people.

did you know my best and only real friend irl is a gay twink who wants me to fuck him? (i am straight but i concede to cuddling because he is lonely and my friend)

>> No.17008103 [DELETED] 

butters (you are butters right?) do you watch anime or just post stuff u saved from the webs?

>> No.17008107

>i concede to cuddling because he is lonely and my friend)
That sounds nice and I sometimes think that the sexual tension that comes with handholding and cuddling before having sex with someone for the first time is preferable to and lost with the sex itself.

>> No.17008112

Don't conflate fartfags with scatfags. Scatfags are a level of depravity above fartfags

>> No.17008122

Both should be thrown from the nearest cliff

>> No.17008139

The only difference is a matter of time.

>> No.17008197 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 610x80, janny what the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking janny tried banning me for this post but hasn't the power and mods haven't approved it.

what is wrong with you? fuck you cunt. let them see your shame janny, you won't silence me and don't you dare try this again shithead. like holy shit get your life in order, you pathetic little tapeworm. stand up and step away from the screen, now go for a nice long walk and ponder the absolute state of your life. just do that for me janny, if you are physically capable of it that is, please.

>> No.17008235

doubly bizarre because the post is so innocuous

>> No.17008241
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>> No.17009611
File: 30 KB, 1008x720, me in the middle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have never made a good post in my life
>tfw have never gotten more than 4 (You)s on one post

>> No.17009668

They'd probably get a pretty interesting look at my highs and lows. Manic rants vs self-pitying misery and rarely something good imbetween. Good thing I can inflict myself on this place without guilt.

>> No.17009699



>> No.17009743

>Fuck me if you can squatting in the closet, with your clothes up, grunting like a young sow doing her dung, and a big fat dirty snaking thing coming slowly out of your backside
He was a scatfag.

>> No.17009762


>> No.17010033

reported so he can see it

>> No.17010063

took the lazy fuck like 6 hours

>> No.17010100

It'd be based if I had the stature of Joyce. Cringe and embarrassing if I was just some minor writer.

>> No.17010161
File: 378 KB, 640x360, 1FBCEAC9-8B96-4B6F-8DA1-D5EAB47EF356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weirdest janny drama going on. A little off topic, but we get loads of that.
I don’t watch anime much. LWA only just recently has interested me, but mostly just Miyazaki films

>> No.17010676

Come on anons there must be three people out there prepared to spent ten seconds to improve a fren's life.

Also checked.


>> No.17010715

It would be pretty impossible to compile posts into something interesting and coherent. It would be funny if some guy 200 years from now made it his life's work to sift through the 4chan archives

>> No.17010741

that's why I regularly try to be an effort poster between two LARPs and shitposts, can't hurt the board either
here you go

>> No.17010831

they'll wonder why I spent so much times talking about books I haven't read instead of reading them