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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 7 KB, 250x214, cowpep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17006692 No.17006692 [Reply] [Original]

>itt: we post characters we see libraries and bookstores
>that old guy in the western section buying yellow paged 10 cent western books at the used book store

rock on u crazy cowboy you

>> No.17006706

Very nice thread idea, anon. I wish I could contribute

>> No.17006720
File: 224 KB, 1536x2048, 3A04CC83-776E-45F0-ACC5-ECD70E71E7E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking art hos bro. The art ho in the YA section. The art ho in the classics section. The art ho in the cooking section. The art ho cashier.

Im so fucking horny for art hoes. I want to fuck a coked-out tumblr hipster DIY aesthetic astrology thot in her lip gloss DSL mouth. I want to cum all over a girl with thick frame glasses and edge dyed bobcut bangs. Everytime I hear a THICK, waist-high-jean-clad braindead slutty wiccan minx say "yikes," "y'all," "big mood," "this is a bop," or "gay disaster" I get an uncontrollable urge to run up to her and fondle her d cups and sweaty thighs. I want to pour ropes onto their contoured cheeks and neotenous faces and rhinoplastized nose. I want to finger an art hoe thru her jean overalls while pretending to be interested while she talks about van gogh and arctic monkeys and how david foster wallace fans suck and gilles deleuze and VICE news and 'union pool' in williamsburg and steven universe and homeopathy and saveur magazine and taking adderall to pass exams. IM SO. Fucking. Horny

>> No.17006727

>the scrawniest black man I have ever seen reading manga and having a coffee at the Starbucks inside Barnes and Noble
Fight the good fight brother

>> No.17006732
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go to hormi jail

>> No.17006742
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>I just finished reading The Broom of the System and I am wondering how many copies of Infinite Jest you have?

>> No.17006746
File: 165 KB, 840x709, 9CA3657E-AB5D-4F97-B693-8C2C28860C67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen brother

>> No.17006753

>antifa looking onions with a pentagram jacket in the magick section

>> No.17006757

The 70 year old hobo with 10 stacks of books who has been working on his thesis for 30 years now.

>> No.17006770

The large paki family with 7 young, loud children taking up all the desks and chairs (in the library).

>> No.17006783

this but nigs

>> No.17006799

>This is who they got to play DFW
Was this whole movie an in-joke between producers just to shit on him? Because if so I want to watch it.

>> No.17006806

Muslim nigs are the worst, man

>> No.17006815

I’m pretty sure the actor produced it

>> No.17006832
File: 139 KB, 372x571, 1582428003224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the horribly obese neckbeard with the black t-shirt (it's always black) that has some kind of Reddit meme on it, who's over walking around in the graphic novels section

Every time I see one of these fuckers I'm kind of amazed, because they've been stereotyped and memed about so much you'd think they wouldn't be real any more. You'd think that surely, by now, they'd no longer exist. But nope, they sure as fuck are still around.

>> No.17006864
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>the ugly-almost anorexic girl reading YA who stares at me
>my friend who goes there just to bother me while I'm reading
>the guys who just check out the books but never read/borrow/buy anything
>the qt who would never look at me

>> No.17007955

>the 35 year old woman that walks in and immediately asks the cashier for Pride and Prejudice "for a birthday present"

>> No.17007958

>that boomer who spends twenty minutes looking at the military history section and won't move when I try to look myself

>> No.17008085
File: 33 KB, 496x470, 80BA95FD-7269-490B-AF6B-893B50D58516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the crypto-fascist closet-bisexual androgyne that’s looking through the classic literature, history, and philosophy sections
>he is dissappointed by the meagre selections and vows to buy his books online from now on
>as he leaves he passes the self-help and pop-psychology books showing visible derision

>> No.17008100

Literally me

>> No.17008116

In describing yourself, you describe a hearty proportion of /lit/posters

>> No.17008135

I know, I did it in this thread because I wrote the same early part of the description a few months ago just describing myself and I got a dozen replies from other anons who it also described. Though I guess I’m not actually very closeted

>> No.17008148

>the extremely annoying middle-school project group

>> No.17008160

well-dressed millennial in the military history section with 4 books picked out

>> No.17008186

"Man, I sure wish we lived under a system that prohibited the exercise of grosser half of my sexuality" ~ Based Anons

>> No.17008187

Poorly dressed neckbeard who thinks he’s fashionable because of his fedora, standing in the military history section

>> No.17008199

>Man, I sure wish we lived under a system that prohibited the exercise of grosser half of my sexuality
Gay stuff turns me on and I kinda miss having fun with guys but gay sex is irrational, even discounting the greater health risks.

>> No.17008205

Please stop stalking me

>> No.17008208

Wait, so are you well dressed or a neckbeard?

>> No.17008212

I feel that your situation is more common than often reported among zoomers. Access to pornography at too young an age ought to be given the same psychological considerations as molestation.

>> No.17008215

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

>> No.17008219

Its the ultimate mumble pic. I don't know why projecting is a lost art.

>> No.17008240

Maybe it’s something like that, I was never molested but I looked at a lot of hentai when I was 13-15 (though i was never really against gay stuff) I think homosexual desires is more of a hormonal imbalance thing. It’s strange though because the girls I like aren’t androgynous, I like busty, thick girls.

>> No.17008250
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The girl who sighs and leaves because I had the audacity to shop the aisle she was reading in. Take it to the coffee shop, Anna.

>> No.17008260

Before reading this, I did not want to fuck the art hoe. Now I do. What is happening?

>> No.17008262

Metaphysical rebellion
They are stronger than you or I, contented in their blissness

Lower your standards and pound that annie puss if you know what's good for ya

>> No.17008388
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>> No.17008540

Why are we like this bros? There has to be something in our composition that directs our interests if the description is so apt.

>> No.17008654

You weren't supposed to describe /lit/
His supreme prose excited your senses like nothing before and now you're prey to it's powerful effects.

>> No.17008769

>that old dude in the philosophy section who wants to do some "practical philosophy" with you once he saw you picking up Foucault
>that dude who quietly rips pages off various books to "make his own novel"
>that old milf in the erotic novel section winking at you
>the creepy smelly dude who buys his own copy of Nabokov's books and puts them in the shelves so the whole library can be Nabokov
>the drunk hobbo who reads Tintin comics and who used to be a Proust scholar
>that little kid quietly reading Finnegans Wake with his finger
>that blind dude who asks everyone for braille book, when you tell him there is none he hits you with his cane he reminds you that Borges was blind
>the French guy who leaves crumbs of bread in every book he reads
>the sociology student who asks you for what reason you picked the book you picked and never leaves you alone
>the Japanese kid that reads books from finish to start
>the guy who has been there hiding from the cops for two years now and is begging you for food
>the dog owner who doesn't like to read but still brings his dog at the library because his dog likes to read
>the autistic boomer that draws flowers and dragoons in unrelated books
>the library clown who makes fun of you when you read
>the face-sitting fetishist who hides his face in the pillows of the library chairs making "hehe" noises
>the Celine cosplayer
>the Bukowsky fanboy who likes to take smelly shits in the aisles
God, I miss the library of my childhood. Nowadays it's just old people, students and boring hobbo...

>> No.17008942

one of the great copypasta, truer words are seldom spoken

>> No.17009004

>the Japanese kid that reads books from finish to start

>> No.17009007

holy fucking shit this movie was about DFW?! i watched this a while back and somehow didn't realize lol

>> No.17009018

lmfao this is too accurate

>> No.17009067


>> No.17009197

>the old guy who walks through the door and immediately recognizes another browsing old guy, then proceeds to have a very loud conversation about his boat, a hunting trip, his wife asking him to work on the roof of his house, their mutual friend Dale, the dog that passed away last year, then finally another mention about the boat before both of them leave together without buying anything.

>> No.17009279

Reading this was like a descent into madness, each character becoming more deranged.

>> No.17009286

That guy who hangs around the business section trying to recruit people to a pyramid scheme.

>> No.17009294

Ok, but I’m not bisexual

>> No.17009301

Once at a library book sale I saw two people making out in the stacks in the back. I was a small child so it was kind of disturbing for me

>> No.17009307

yeah ok, sure

>> No.17009316

are you me

>> No.17009331

They report it all the time, like 50% of the their generation identifies as at least partially gay

>> No.17009335

You need to bury your dick in that ugly skelly ass. Take her to the continental philosophy section and fuck her brains out

>> No.17009351

Zoomer here. I'm "bisexual" but gay porn is so disgusting and feels wrong to me. So does heterosexual porn, but less so.

>> No.17009372

Denying that aspect and owning up to the rest isn’t going to do you any favours given that the post specified “closet” bisexuality

>> No.17009379

>Ok, but I’m not bisexual
This. The rest is acurate.

>> No.17009388

>but gay porn is so disgusting and feels wrong to me
Agree with this, but it doesn’t mean much in determining your sexuality
Gay porn disgusts me usually but I’ve had sex with men dozens of times (prior to realising I should give it up)

>> No.17009389

>Look lad, EVERYONE is secretly gay, BELIEVE ME.

>> No.17009398

This is true of women but not men.
Men have remained at a pretty constant 3-4% homo/bisexual. Zoomer men are like 4-5.
Women used to be at like 2-3 homo-bisexual. In the past couple of years, that has jumped up to 5-6 (overall). I think, according to zoomer women, they're like one quarter or one third homo-bisexual.

>> No.17009492

Just think, the Simpsons was already making fun of them in the early 90s

>> No.17009509

Good work anon

>> No.17009526

Jesus, zoomers really took the fash pill eh. You guys aware that well over half of "redpills" are totally false yet? Give it some time.

>> No.17009535

no they aren't lol, they're all true to some extent. just not fully true in some cases. don't play dumb tranny. kill yourself.

>> No.17009538

Well over half of statistics are false

>> No.17009563
File: 236 KB, 1143x851, 1569851853525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the old man in the computer area who keeps calling the librarian over to help him transfer money to his mail-order bride in thailand
>the deranged-looking white guy in a robe and turban who comes in every week to photocopy new issues of his zine, and who scares the librarians so badly that they specifically tell you never to interact with him
>the guy who keeps asking the bookstore clerk where they keep the books about secret microtonal messages hidden in pop music
>the half-dozen teenagers in slim-fit suits who spend half an hour clogging up the personal finance section, loudly comparing and contrasting the merits of the different books
I've seen all of these with my own eyes.

>> No.17009574

I wouldn’t claim that, I just meant in the instance of the way sexuality was specified in the initial post
I made that post about me, I’m not actually a fascist but there are enough similarities between my beliefs, the common beliefs on /lit/, and fascism that calling it crypto-fascism is just easier.
Additionally: dilate, you will never be a woman, go back, cope, seethe etc. etc.

>> No.17009579

Nah they're based as fuck. Towering behemoths of humility and manliness.
Hygiene, exercise, fashion? These are signs of rampant vanity and narcissism in our culture. We need more of these humble sages that pursue knowledge and japanese comic books.

>> No.17009606

You're still asleep fren. Easily 70% are false or misleading. It's a disunity psyop from on high. Started after OWS. Storm shit was always a honeypot. They're employed by glowiescto spread the shit, I was there when it started.

Keep reading philosophy though and eventually you'll learn how to navigate and contextualize information in a coherent fashion.

>> No.17009617
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dapper mystical old black man browsing history or philosophy section. Has good reccomendations. Supremely warm and friendly. Rare.

>> No.17009635

They don't pursue knowledge, they just pursue effortless hedonism. They're too flacid in their bodies and in their minds to be a paradigm of manliness.

>> No.17009653

I already told you I’m not a fascist and that I used the term for memetic convenience

>> No.17009691

>two skinny guys with long hair that look 5 years younger than they actually are first looking for books about real aliens before relegating themselves to the scifi section
>old man constantly buying every book about ww2 and no other wars
>his wife who exclusively reads agatha christie
>research student who's cornered a real south african and his asking him about his country's history
>the owner's lifelong best friend who sits at the counter and runs through stories from 50 years ago with him and will make you wait for him to finish before you can buy anything
>the overly eager woman assistant who tells a motorcyclist she likes hearing his leather boots creak as he walks around and then gets excited when you pick out flashman #7
>the guy who keeps asking what's in the back
>loud group of women and their gay friend who take up the entire contemporary/generic fiction section
>fat guy with a flowers of evil tattoo who's never read a poem in his life

>> No.17009742

>>the old man in the computer area who keeps calling the librarian over to help him transfer money to his mail-order bride in thailand

me in 40 years

>> No.17010410


>> No.17010476

>actually neoliberal cyberpunk post-industrial atomized freakworship society is great guys, here is a study proving it so

>> No.17010869

Not many of them are completely false. They are usually only repeated because they are useful and apply to a certain context.

>> No.17010888

Oh, delicious tacos posts here.

>> No.17011136

>Guy who straightens the used comic books because it kills him to see the spines destroyed by the racks.

>> No.17011155

Based dork

>> No.17011226

Somebody post the "that's why you read Plato" copypasta.

>> No.17012034

>the goblin-looking guy who sees you browsing philosophy books and offers recommendations
I later saw him in the local newspaper. Turns out he's a published author of philosophy books.

>> No.17012322

>I later saw him in the local newspaper. Turns out he's a published author of philosophy books.
S... Sar...Sartre??

>> No.17012969

>ackythually your ethnicity is a frivolity and you should be an enlightened cummie commie like me, only glowniggers advocate for their interests in groups

>> No.17013202

even if pol is wrong about 70% of that shit it's still too high

>> No.17013245


Many of the people who came to us were of the kind who would be a nuisance anywhere but have special opportunities in a bookshop. For example, the dear old lady who ‘wants a book for an invalid’ (a very common demand, that), and the other dear old lady who read such a nice book in 1897 and wonders whether you can find her a copy. Unfortunately she doesn’t remember the title or the author’s name or what the book was about, but she does remember that it had a red cover. But apart from these there are two well-known types of pest by whom every second-hand bookshop is haunted. One is the decayed person smelling of old breadcrusts who comes every day, sometimes several times a day, and tries to sell you worthless books. The other is the person who orders large quantities of books for which he has not the smallest intention of paying. In our shop we sold nothing on credit, but we would put books aside, or order them if necessary, for people who arranged to fetch them away later. Scarcely half the people who ordered books from us ever came back. It used to puzzle me at first. What made them do it? They would come in and demand some rare and expensive book, would make us promise over and over again to keep it for them, and then would vanish never to return. But many of them, of course, were unmistakable paranoiacs. They used to talk in a grandiose manner about themselves and tell the most ingenious stories to explain how they had happened to come out of doors without any money – stories which, in many cases, I am sure they themselves believed. In a town like London there are always plenty of not quite certifiable lunatics walking the streets, and they tend to gravitate towards bookshops, because a bookshop is one of the few places where you can hang about for a long time without spending any money. In the end one gets to know these people almost at a glance. For all their big talk there is something moth-eaten and aimless about them. Very often, when we were dealing with an obvious paranoiac, we would put aside the books he asked for and then put them back on the shelves the moment he had gone. None of them, I noticed, ever attempted to take books away without paying for them; merely to order them was enough – it gave them, I suppose, the illusion that they were spending real money.

>> No.17013807

>that guy in seed'n'feed section who just sneeds around all day

>> No.17013997

t-thanks, anon. will do so

>> No.17014033
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>> No.17014146

>the dog owner who doesn't like to read but still brings his dog at the library because his dog likes to read

>> No.17014190

why does that chimp have so much fucking arm hair jesus christ is that a man

>> No.17014832

Who is dog's favorite author

>> No.17014878

what interests do I need to feign to get art hoes, bros? I already enjoy Murakami (unironically)

>> No.17014882

Being attractive

>> No.17014910

You could make a good novel out of this, or at least some quirky comedy show.

>> No.17014979

There's a homeless guy who hides in the Vancouver, BC public library main branch in the winter because it's huge and it's really easy to hide under tables as long as you're quiet and don't stick your foot out and alert the guard. Apparently he's actually been to prison for doing this, and he keeps on. Absolute madman and I commend him.

>> No.17014986

>the old woman cashier who berates you for not having a membership because, "all you people could be saving so much money, it only takes a few purchases!"
>the indistinguishable fat nerd couples who pass through the fantasy section every ten minutes
>the retarded store helper who only seems to approximately understand what you say to him and only knows how to yell

>> No.17015005

I wouldn't know because I go there to read.

>> No.17015018 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 400x400, entp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that incredibly attractive jock that smiles at all the women and sits down to read Karl May

>> No.17015024
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Disgusting, art hoes are almost never attractive and when they are having sex with them isn't worth it.

>> No.17015032

Just because she rejected you doesn't mean the next one will, keep trying anon

>> No.17015039

>>my friend who goes there just to bother me while I'm reading
Kino; really all of your descriptions are irl kino.

Just say "excuse me".

>> No.17015055

I don't think anyone outside of /lit/ could get this.

>> No.17015059
File: 126 KB, 500x238, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me in 30 years

>> No.17015069

Arthoes are literally the dorky girls who look at you and you keep away from.

>> No.17015188

Me and my friends looking at the funny penis graphs on anatomy books.

>> No.17015269

The geeky Dad who wants to teach his kids programming so he picks up a book on C++ having no idea how much more complex it is than when he learned BASIC as a kid.

>> No.17015284
File: 92 KB, 1064x677, patrickpepeman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and checked

>> No.17015292

>Greasy tabletop nerds looking through the Pathfinder books and scoffing at people who still play D&D
>Handlebar moustache looking at vinyl
>Fat guy going back and forth between the philosophy and psychology sections trying to find an accessible book so they can learn bite-sized information about complex questions on the human condition

That last one is me, desu.

>> No.17015421

The school teacher looking for 30 copies of Romeo and Juliet and doesn't care if they're matching

>> No.17015539

>library clown
Reminds me of the /tv/ meme with crabs legs and falcons and police blocking singles from entering. Only good thing on that board.

>> No.17015609

This post could be a good drawing. I can see it already. Too bad I can't draw.

>> No.17016256

>That one cashier I avoid because I've drawn him naked multiple times in a figure drawing class and am afraid he'll recognize me
Dude can stay still like no other, though. Straight up 2-4 hour poses with no movement.

>> No.17016293

so much this

>> No.17016311

Normie activated by normie buzzword campaign deteced.

>> No.17016318

What a coincidence

>> No.17017515


>> No.17017812


>> No.17018318

>me sitting hunched over with my face way too close to the pages because I refuse to wear glasses

>> No.17018399

Why is this board full of homos

>> No.17019902

Why are you not gay?

>> No.17019987

Because I'm healthy

>> No.17020728

No you aren't.

>> No.17021119


>> No.17021580

Literature is a very homo activity
You probably aren’t healthy (because you are here) but you are mentally healthier than the gays/bis here like me
kys, being pro-fag is wrong

>> No.17021623

post bussy

>> No.17022193

>Literature is a very homo activity

>> No.17022249

Bisexuality is the natural state of being for honest men. You don't have to loe to us anons you've thought about dick.

>> No.17022272

On the contrary. I'm a gold star faggot who has never lusted after fish and was even c sectioned at birth.

>> No.17022532

>Old, black, homeless autist who is well meaning
>insists everyone call him uncle jimmy
I love you man I hope your ok

>> No.17022547

You've transcended mans natural state, some will say regressed, but I feel an energy from you. Keep pounding buss anon.

>> No.17023951


>> No.17024044

I've encountered one of these once in my life time and.. it was beautiful.

>> No.17024055

They're good folks anon.

>> No.17024106

>balding skinnyfat guy in the fantasy section
>Looks 40 but is probably 25

>> No.17025000

>obnoxious university student in a loud conversation namedropping authors he hasn't read
>middle-aged white lady behind the counter that visibly approves when you buy a book by a non-white person
>guy in the colourful shell jacket that steals books from the shop but brings them back when he's done reading them
>loud chinese tourist that takes a book, looks at its cover, then just leaves it on the shelf or floor instead of putting it back
>ambiguously early-20s qt3.14 that flicks the corners of the books as she reads them
>jocular balding middle-aged man that works at the shop whom wears shorts in all weather conditions and surprisingly has something to say about every book you buy
>store owner that doesn't even read books and almost never shows up except to grumble at whomever is there and rearrange a few shelves
>second language learning in foreign literature section silently reading aloud in utterly broken german
>french expat who eats a baguette as he wanders around the store, stuffs the paper into a little crevice of the building

>> No.17025303

I said in this post >>17021580 that I’m one of the faggots, that doesn’t mean I need to approve of it

>> No.17025397
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Lately I've been seeing huge amounts of paperback westerns come into Goodwills (think L'Amour) and the like. Do I become the cowboy??

>> No.17025863

>>obnoxious university student in a loud conversation namedropping authors he hasn't read
wait fuck this is me

>> No.17025870

do it anon
they are prolly from some boomer who died of chink flu

>> No.17025877

I met Cornel West at a movie theater I worked at and he fit this description to a t. Guy was fucking cool as hell and I talked /lit/ with him for like 10 mins. Pretty based

>> No.17025928
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>> No.17026041

there is a scizo in my library, atleast i think what it is. he walks around messy telling childrens poetry. he offered me to read a russian book once

>> No.17027627
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>> No.17027637
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>The irl chad with his girlfriend who buys YA shit

>> No.17027655

Stacies don't read

>> No.17027672

Beckies do. I see plenty of guys who look like they play football and becky gfs.

>> No.17028615

probably more based and self-fulfilled than the entirety of this board combined

>> No.17028649

I genuinely want that man to be President.

>> No.17028725

congrats on the wedding anon

>> No.17028829

based Dylan poster
>usually happens near new releases or magazine racks, might be a mention of Malcom Gladwell thrown in
nice read
Woolf imo
tabletop nerd infestations can last entire business days, fueled by the one cup of coffee purchased by the leader
usually a tabletop nerd that's been separated from clan

>> No.17029200

It isn't /lit/ per se but this reminds me of an encounter I had many years ago:
>be teenager leafanon
>don't speak much French at the time
>go to visit friend in NB
Background for nonleafs: Canada is technically a bilingual country, but NB is the only province that's genuinely bilingual, the rest of the provinces either have varying degrees of bilingualism or are entirely English or French
>bus transfer at train station
>sit outside and wait for the next bus, fuck around on my phone to kill the time
>very large black man approaches me
>asks me if I speak French (in French)
>"no, sorry"
>he grins a bit and asks if I'm sure (in English now)
>"yeah sorry, only know English haha"
>grins even more
>starts listing off other languages asking if I know them
>each time I say no he grins further with the occasional chuckle
>after maybe 7 languages (I remember German, Spanish, and Chinese for sure) he says "okay"
>walks away with a slight chuckle
>don't see him on the next bus
I still don't know what the fuck it was about. I fucking hate NB.

>> No.17029268


>> No.17029332

I thought Quebec was also bilingual?

>> No.17029373

Nah, QC is officially French:
But even then it depends on where you go, like Montréal has a bunch of English speakers.

>> No.17029409

>the chinese man that reads with his shoes off

>> No.17029713

>her d cups
I can't suspend my disbelief that much for this pasta

>> No.17029767

It reads like a double page spread from I Spy

>> No.17029784

>I Spy
what's that?

>> No.17029823

Children's book where you find specific objects scattered in a photo of a bunch of other objects

>> No.17029827

I want a drawing too now

>> No.17029881
File: 1.66 MB, 735x986, ispy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure this is one half of a double, but the memories I had in mind were similar to pic rel

>> No.17030734

I found both buttons but where tf are the horses

>> No.17031993

How do you watch that movie and not pick up on it lmao

>> No.17032018

You don't see them? Lol

>> No.17032034

fuck u

>> No.17032228


Damn, this shit was great. I need to find the I, Spy books for my future children.

>> No.17032495

Where are the FUCKING horses?

>> No.17032526

they show the infinite jest cover many times

>> No.17032652

Old people looking at travel books, Asians or scene kids looking at mangas, students sitting around with their laptops just chatting.

>> No.17033174


>> No.17033182

>the bald guy looking up all the books in the store online to see if he can find a better deal

Fuck that guy

>> No.17033234
File: 39 KB, 500x500, texas24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gays are obviously drawn to the sadomasochistic, hypermasculine, dramatic, almost pornographic aspects of fascism and Nazism. True heterosexual chads are right-liberals.

>> No.17033264
File: 206 KB, 576x788, 8170C6E4-9D08-43C4-AC77-5E29E271E437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gays are obviously drawn to the sadomasochistic, hypermasculine, dramatic, almost pornographic aspects of fascism and Nazism. True heterosexual chads are right-liberals.

>> No.17033273
File: 38 KB, 600x450, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All your based are belong to us. Make your time.>>17006692

>> No.17033470

>>guy in the colourful shell jacket that steals books from the shop but brings them back when he's done reading them
I told you to not talk about me on the internet, anon.

>> No.17033575
File: 13 KB, 128x121, 5217_kermitwot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Art hoes are completely insipid. Their sex is like eating flavorless twizzlers.

On a more related note:
>the philosophy retard loudly and enthusiastically talking to his weeb gf about Umberto Eco's "interesting" essays about mirrors and shit.

>> No.17033701

>boomers die from Covid
>their children donate their westerns to Goodwill

>> No.17033724
File: 12 KB, 215x234, crazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art hoes will destroy your life. Just let them rot.

>> No.17033888

That girl has some large breasts you idiot.

>> No.17034204

French poetry

>> No.17034223

>rock on u crazy cowboy u
Why do you type like a woman on Twitter? Not just the "u"s but the tone and phrasing

>> No.17034257

yeah, i'm thinkin this is based.

>> No.17034296
File: 236 KB, 1080x1349, 1607985221983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one skinny tween that always looks for new CD's and philosophy books with his dad

>> No.17034592

I mean, it's a good thing no? I'd assume intellectual means sophist here

>> No.17035713

lol I miss this

>> No.17035729

This is the best post on this board right now.

>> No.17035735

I think you're doing some real heavy lifting to get to this...also, who cares?

>> No.17035811

>The psycho who mutters, "Why Lill, Why?" whenever he finds a book out of order.