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17005346 No.17005346 [Reply] [Original]

Plz, can you recommend any interesting books about math/logic/statistics/etc. that can be read by an 110 IQ humanities fag? I love math but I am not good at it.

I'm not looking for a beginners book to teach me basic math or something, I guess I mean more "pop sci" type stuff but about math, but is there stuff that's a tier above pop sci but not literally text books for upper level math classes. I have looked at those and sadly they typically assume the reader is already familiar with certain terms and principles that I am not.

>> No.17005354

Just look at college textbooks start from precalc and use khan academy to fill your gaps

>> No.17006918

There's a big book by this guy who used to be friends with epstein about number patterns and "weird curls" you might like. I think it's called "Goebbels, Esther, and Bach," but I could be wrong.

>> No.17006958

An Introduction to Mathematics by Alfred North Whitehead

>> No.17006965
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Plugging Gower's "Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction." It's a book that doesn't presuppose almost any mathematical knowledge but treats its reader seriously. Touches on almost all the modern branches of mathematics and (most importantly) explains the general methodology of math as a field of study--what Gowers calls the abstract method. The book is short but dense; take it slowly.

After that you should follow whatever you find interesting, but a reasonable grounding in proofs (w/ something like "How to Prove It") and knowledge of calculus (there are a million books & courses) are good to have, the former so you can better understand what you're reading and the latter because calculus is the best bang for your buck: incredibly elegant but not too too hard to understand.

If you really want something pop-y maybe Matt Parker but that's like reading NGT for physics :/

>> No.17006988

Extremely cute apu

>> No.17006998

Godel, Escher, and Bach