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File: 25 KB, 638x344, 3B41446E-6815-4738-BBB9-49476B3A3053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17005333 No.17005333[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

looking for recs on deepfakes, not just AI in general. im terrified of this shit atm. that uncalley valley feeling is strong when i see some of these. just imagine the implications of this shit perfected.

>> No.17005367
File: 249 KB, 1242x1811, 0D800D52-258C-47D2-A145-E34789FBE4CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was just thinking about how these deepfakes seem demonic and then come across this how am i not surprised

>> No.17005487
File: 417 KB, 575x620, 042ECDC7-5FDB-4959-B636-28C0611655D6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok kike

>> No.17005562

Yeah, remember when Photoshop radically changed the way we percieve reality? Scary spooky stuff!

>> No.17005631

Has little to do with AI shit more to do with the vast amount of data harvested from the internet. If they couldn't do this they'd have to come up with something actually advanced.

>> No.17005634

what are you talking about? im confused
its not the same but you know that dont you faggot? also i could make a strong argument that it has.

>> No.17005636

Is there a deep fake of Donald?

>> No.17005637

It did though. Instagram is responsible for a whole generation having body dysmorphia.

>> No.17005638

There’s nothing “demonic” hinted at in that screenshot, what’s the connection

>> No.17005646

Can you photoshop videos convincingly?

>> No.17006431

someone can, not me. but that's literally not relevant whatsoever lol?

>> No.17006547
File: 15 KB, 559x423, 1600895695938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17006594

It never fails

>> No.17006605

Genuinely scary shit

>> No.17007100

I doubt it, the ig model look is just an absolute shitload of a makeup, especially around the eyes and an outfit with a really tight waistline. It’s more about doing your best to look like a mulatto than an unrealistic standard of beauty.
It was worse in the 90s when the super-thin Kate Moss look was popular because anybody with hips felt like they were fat

>> No.17007166

It literally did though if by "Photoshop" you mean digital photography + editing.

>> No.17007200

You're retarded, my man.

>> No.17007226

alarmist doomer teenagers love to dogpile any half-sensible view that doesnt fit their fantasy while simultaneously buying into the corporate technosphere hype. >>17005562 is correct. new media leads to new media literacy in its consumers and very slight adjustments in expectations of reality. this has been the case since grug smeared shit on a wall, and nothing whatsoever about deepfakes suggests anything alarming.

>> No.17007523

Media will be cryptographically signed won't it?

>> No.17007733

Simulacra and Simulation
The Question Concerning Technology
Industrial Society and it's Future

>> No.17008141

deepfakes are god tier
mrdeepfakes and kpopdeepfakes unironically saved porn
stop worrying and enjoy the ride

>> No.17008146


>> No.17008194

stay mad and upset faggot

>> No.17008243

Is that Scarlett Johansson?
Post more

>> No.17008265

are you just bringing this up to talk about it or are you actually looking for books? How could there be books written about deepfakes when they only started popping up like last year?

its your life being wasted

>> No.17008281
File: 210 KB, 1000x1500, faceoff-face-off.457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgetting a certain 1997 masterpiece anon?

>> No.17008292

we're both here on 4chan retard high ground simply does not exist, try again

>> No.17008766

yeah sorry you tried very hard to make it sound like you're correct and being rational here but not all tech is the same. its unbelievably retarded you're trying to say this shit isn't fundamentally altering the human psyche. we're so much different from middle ages humans and ancient humans. they literally saw reality completely different. there are tens of thousands of books proving this without a doubt. you're fucking stupid at best and evil and malicious at worst.

the strictest argument you could make without being a dishonest piece of shit is 'we don't know how this will affect humans but i'm inclined to believe we will adapt properly and in a timely manner' no other argument for your current position is a possibility unless you're fundamentally dishonest and lying to yourself. i would have pointed out how fucking stupid you sound less if you hadn't been so cocky about it. now go do some basic research and reading. human brains are pliable and plastic, meaning environment drastically changes them. don't be stupid.
exactly what i was thinking about lol. like are we going to have irl watermarks?
i've read literally all 3 of these already lol thank you for suggestions though. have any other options? scholarly articles, essays and thesis' etc would be great too.
i dont have more but you can find them. i actually couldn't even nut to these videos/pics. not convincing enough yet. but that's partly whats troubling. >>17008265
i mean i'd like discussion and suggestions both. because people can write books in a few months? or because this started popping up in 2012 and not last year? or because its been theorized for decades? drop the pretentious attitude goofy, not smart enough for it.

>> No.17009062

Please elaborate what's evil about this image

>> No.17009063

i don't have anything to contribute to the thread in the way of recommendations, but i'm interested in your thoughts about this. in a general sense, this is just another small step towards humans being forced to alter their biology in order to keep up with their quickly-changing society. so firstly, would you agree with that surmise? the way it seems to me is that humans are kind of just fucked. i don't want this to be the case, but it really seems completely inevitable; unless we change into something inhuman, we will not be able to keep up. if this is correct, the obvious question is whether we can go through the inevitable transformation without losing our freedom. unless valuing freedom is purposeless?

>> No.17009086

This really calmed me down, you're right.

>> No.17009090

Cyberspace, Cyberbodies, Cyberpunk: Cultures of Technological Embodiment

>> No.17009101

It's from Israel

>> No.17009105

Okay, but you want books on the philosophy on deep fakes, when nobody in that area can explain where deepfakes will take society.

If you'd like to form your own opinions, then maybe you should start with getting familiar with software engineering, then machine learning/deep learning, then try your hand at making ML models.

>> No.17009121

How the hell do you people get off to this, much less the hardcore variations?

>> No.17009122

yeah i would agree with that. honestly im not too sure about whether we're fucked or not. i think for sure this is going to be part of the next big paradigm shift without a doubt though. idk about inevitable, there will always be some kind of retreat i think. there needs to be a way for those who want 'off this ride' to get off whilst still letting this technology grow. i dont find freedom to be inherently good but personally its desirable. determining just how 'inevitable' all of it is would be helpful but i'm not convinced either way. i've read plenty of guys who believed it was inevitable but i still don't see it. shit can change in a flash and historically we can see many instances of this.

>> No.17009133

Go on, and so?

>> No.17009154

looks perfect i'll check it out thank you
so you've read everyone in that area huh? give me some resources on people who give their opinions. it doesn't have to be a book titled 'Philosophy on deep fakes' you fucking midwit. If you know of any concepts that tie into this philosophically then that's what books i'm looking for. thanks for bottom recs, that helps as well. now i can look into philosophy pertaining to those things too! wow that's crazy huh it doesn't have to be a perfectly specific book.
i have no idea i couldn't do it, i tried. made me feel even way worse than watching regular porn.

>> No.17009172

are you brand new here or are you being purposefully dense u dumb subhuman nigger? kill yourself tranny.

>> No.17009182

Just like any other technology, deepfakes can be used for good and bad things. I don't know exactly what good things though, maybe to revive old actors?

>> No.17009216

how its used is hardly relevant one way or another. its going to change things when perfected. especially combined with the other popular tech right now like AI, deep learning and virtual/augmented reality.

>> No.17009218

>made me feel even way worse than watching regular porn.
That's because it's computer generated
If it were real, at least you have the satisfaction of knowing that people were having satisfaction themselves

>> No.17009243

Well, considering you're making baseless assumptions that all Israeli companies are evil/state owned, in a thread about book recs on a Computer Science topic, I'd say you're just another one of those new fag schizoids that think their hot takes make them relevant to all discussions on every topic.

>> No.17009252

the bad things matter more. an animal in the wilderness has to firstly prioritize avoiding death. anything that benefits the animal (beyond ensuring its survival) is merely a bonus. when a new technology is introduced to a society, the threat of death is far more serious than the possibility of imrovement. we stand very little to gain and absolutely everything to lose.

>> No.17009259

Nah none of those yet good idea tho

>> No.17009272

ive said it before and ill say it again: once we can reproduce the look of reality in flat images, then you'll be able to buy deepfakes of you fucking your high school crush (and much worse). it's over. the line between reality and this disgusting irreal world of images we've been constructing will finally be erased

>> No.17009273

>That's because it's computer generated
Even if it was real, hardcore is pretty disgusting. I don't know how people can stomach it

>> No.17009282

In practice this means more incels until the day either China conquer us or it makes all of us poor.

>> No.17009308

We've been able to stomach photoshop just fine.

Anything that happens in a photoshop or Deepfake can be contested in a court of law.

>> No.17009324

It's deepfake, not the nuclear bomb. Even the internet is worse and we are still here.

>> No.17009346

>it's always been like this

no you don't get it, this isn't an extension of photoshop, photoshop was just the first step to what deepfakes have always been: the near-perfect simulation of the appearance of reality. when reality can be simulated as a pure surface-event, then this demonic plane of desire the internet's being extended into will only grow bigger and more indistinguishable from the every day. you don't programs that abolish the distinction between reality and the appearance of reality in a way that'd make even Baudrillard blush THEY'RE COMING.

>> No.17009371

Bro it’s 2D pictures. Close your eyes, walk away from the screen, nigga

>> No.17009377

you're right. the trouble is that we have no choice either way. suppose it were the next nuclear bomb; do you think we would have any say in whether it's accepted or not? people will use it despite the danger. so our only choice in a situation like this is to hope the technology doesn't end up destroying us, but it's really only a matter of time

>> No.17009392

bro just uncritically accept everything your masters make for you, it's always been this way

fuck off

>> No.17009470
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 1606937297335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will work until somebody makes an AI that can detect deepfakes. Then there'll be a temporary dip, until somebody realizes they can just feed that data back into the original algo, whereupon they'll essentially have created the essence of the conscious mechanism. What should scare you isn't the gradual assimilation of human naturalness into the digital simulacrum, but the possibility of the simulacrum creating something of its own.

>> No.17009490

its just linear regression, cool it with the Google marketing.

>> No.17009502
File: 87 KB, 750x711, 1604968528810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17009548

I don't know why the implications VR and AI aren't a much bigger talking point in everyday life and academia. Shits more terrifying to me than nuclear war or social collapse.

>> No.17009550


>> No.17009571

I'm fairly sure the pic is actually related and is being used as an example of a deepfake.

>> No.17009648

been here much longer than you. im also much more attractive and well read. i didn't say literally any of that at all lol. no i'm mentally and physically well more so than you. i don't think i'm 'relevant' i don't care to be relevant, this is literally an anon board retard. i wanted fucking book recommendations and to hear other peoples thoughts. go back. >>17009272
yes this is exactly the kind of stuff i was talking about. what about children being simulated sexually? what are the ethics around that like holy fuck. think about this tech mass produced. fully customizable entertainment of any sort made completely at home by yourself. what happens to Hollywood etc? will fame no longer exist once we're fully submersed in AI/VR/deepfake reality? why worry about some celebrity when you can just create an unending movie with your exact preferences on your PC. all the implications of this shit is going to be pretty wild.
yeah i'm not big on regular porn but i get horny like everyone else. this just felt so much more wrong.
you think this stuff wont affect China?
idk about the internet being 'worse' its simply the same problem just on a more fundamental level.
captures my feelings exactly thank u anon
im not even slightly worried about myself, i can do that fine goofy. but 4 billion others won't. it affects all of us don't play dumb.
why is the simulacrum creating something of its own supposed to be more terrifying? instinctually that doesn't raise any hairs but you make the most sense here. is this baudillard? i haven't read much of him. so is the future just going to be AI battling back and forth lmao.

>> No.17009679

>why is the simulacrum creating something of its own supposed to be more terrifying?
Envision an AI whose input and output is only the input and output of another AI. There is, as far as the material goes, no humanity at all. What was previously oriented toward human, albeit crooked, ends, are at this point nothing but anti-human. We can mediate what we can understand, but nothing more.

>> No.17009689

It did. It made social media 5x the fucked up rat race it might have been the minute people started erasing all their flaws.