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17004373 No.17004373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literature about art criticism?

>> No.17004420
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Rupi kaur
The complete tweets of donald trump
Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.17004424
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> Post postmodernism tells you that this tweet qualifies as art criticism

Hum, I'll take a sourcerino with that, please?

>> No.17004469

The person who wrote the tweet, that’s the source

>> No.17004512


>> No.17004526

the banana taped to the wall is not good art. maybe it is mildly interesting and you can have a short conversation about it or something but come on

>> No.17004732

>short conversation
There’s a shit ton of stuff you can talk about, especially given the artist in question

>> No.17004807

you could spend hours talking about literally anything if you try hard enough

>> No.17004832

I mean, you're not wrong.

>> No.17004971

Arthur Danto
Walter Benjamin

>> No.17005412

Ben Lerner

>> No.17006470

you could spend hours talking about literally everything made up around it including the details of the money laundering but none of it will really be about the artwork on its own feet. if you need an ideology and collation of trendy buzzwords to shield your dogshit from criticism then there's no point in talking about its merits.

>> No.17006479

>u have an opinion???? say 'thank u' to postmodernism darling (smug)
Tell me a peasant 1000 years ago couldn't have made the exact same criticism of that banana taped to a wall. Postmodernism says your pedantic over-analysis is valid (it's not).

>> No.17006482

it is good art because people are talking about it

>> No.17006492

postmodernism says publicity acts are good art

>> No.17006502
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dumping better art from random pics than gaslighting money launders could ever appreciate

>> No.17006506
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>> No.17006512
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>> No.17006527
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What kind of deflection is this? No one is stopping you from talking about it the way you want to. Plenty of people talk about the piece instead of constantly whining about money laundering whether it’s applicable or not too.

>> No.17006583

no. they make up a story to give it artificial artistic value. they inoculate you into this story and say 'you just don't get it' if you point this out or try to diverge from it. it's basically brainwashing but the dullest kind. unearnt grandiosity, with a heaping of in-group buzzwords, and insistent repetition as substance. they have their own formulaic frameworks and vocabulary to legitimise a piece. nonconformity in this means it's bad or not true art. that's how it works, it's very simple, a very simple and eery cult.

people mention things like money laundering because they're trying to figure out the reason for the art establishment having this weird culture and essentially being anti-art in the sense that formulaic narrative-making and social status is the determining factor, but also because it explicitly hates skilful or pretty art. it's not that the patroned artists are deconstructing this or whatever, they simply don't have the skills so that's the best they can do. it's an entrenched establishment and culture fellating itself, basically nothing to do with art.

>> No.17006586

>he doesn't get it

>> No.17006588
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>> No.17006593
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>> No.17006599
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>> No.17006602

Good article. I think there is a place for various lenses of critique, but as the writer pointed out the political lens has become the default. Unfortunately I can only see this getting worse. It's no longer possible to write something just for it's ascetic beauty, everything is a political statement even things that aren't political statements. "Silence is violence" has become one of the anthems I've seen a lot. If you aren't screaming out against oppression you are the oppressor. Normally this sort of political theater has been limited to the fringes, but now you see a growing number of people participating. I'm hoping that as soon as the lockdowns are over and everyone is back to work/school that this shit dies down.

>> No.17006604
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>> No.17006612
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>> No.17006623
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zoom zoom

>> No.17006629
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>> No.17006639
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>> No.17006642
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>> No.17006646
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>> No.17006651
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>> No.17006654

Regarding the first paragraph, please try reading some art criticism because clearly you think anyone that bothers looking at contemporary art never strays from the pack. You can find plenty of people talking shit about stuff like Koons and Hirst, for example. Art even. Regarding your second point, I can’t tell why you’re mad about institutions basically being a social circle for the elites while at the same time complaining that standards of beauty that were previously ‘controlled’ by said institutions aren’t the norm anymore. What exactly do you think an ‘art world’ is? What kind of art are you even pining for?

>> No.17006655
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>> No.17006660

I don’t think that would make sense after one country desperately tried to not do anything about the pandemic

>> No.17006678

>What kind of art are you even pining for?
internet artists who are skilful and don't need insipid """criticism""" and narrative-making to be immediately known as good and beautiful. this doesn't omit more depth, it just doesn't privy the nonsense circlejerk 'intellectualism' which only gets more absurd and necessarily social over actual art and making art.

>> No.17006688
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>> No.17006697

Good is good and bad is bad. What more do we need to know?

>> No.17006703

>because clearly you think anyone that bothers looking at contemporary art never strays from the pack
they 'stray from the pack' with formulaic, well-marketed 'novelty'. all within the logic of their cult. this is not actually a plurality of opinion or approach to art.

>> No.17006708
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>> No.17006712

One could argue talking about the art is an art form in itself, but I think I get what you mean. What do you think of curation then?

>> No.17006717

>they 'stray from the pack' with formulaic, well-marketed 'novelty'. all within the logic of their cult.
Can you give an example of what this looks like?

>> No.17006726
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>> No.17006749

using the same words and space. reinforcing the cult. but mostly that they're not actually novel just presenting as such in the to be histories (this is a general problem, seen in historical narratives a lot). anything genuinely divergent would get no attention unless it were from someone already established (personality cult) but at that point they don't care or they never cared to begin with so they are incapable.

>> No.17006764
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>> No.17006781

Art criticism’s mainstream doesn’t seem to be as detrimental as other industries’, mostly because people don’t read art criticism. They probably do still fall in line with historical thinking, but there’s definitely pushback against it.

>> No.17006925

Looks like my old cat. Very comfy.

>> No.17006933

Does that make 9/11 the 21st century's greatest work of art? Performance art?

>> No.17007020
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Read this recently, honestly was pretty underwhelmed.

I feel like post-modernity has deadlocked any meaningful discussion about art, as long as it is purely subjective it opens the door for the kind of bullshit no-skill art you see if you go to just about any gallery or museum nowadays.

We're in this shitty spot where we sort of know that the subjectivity is there, but we can't concede to subjectivity all the way because then that leaves us with nothing, no gradient on which to judge art. Then the door is wide open to someone declaring that something is now art, and logically, it has to be accepted alongside established great pieces.

I mean fuck, no one can even agree on the definition of art for Christ's sake.

But in any case, if anyone could reccomend some books that prove me wrong I would love that.

>> No.17007309
File: 268 KB, 700x1060, 9781784783808-0b2b7ca723e69f177638edb948f43a5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried reading this, there are some interesting ideas presented but I need to give it another go. It might be more art theory than criticism, but it's not like the two don't overlap at times. I think one problem in terms of discussing art is that we're still holding on to our prior notions of art and art history that prevent us from looking at things in a completely different way, so the idea of chasing after a consensus like before might be inhibiting how we think about art.

>> No.17007316
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Documentary is worth a gander.

>> No.17007444

This pic isn't post-postmodernism, or even post-modernism unless post-postmodernism constitutes our appreciation for the ruins of rome or the beheaded greek sculptures, or the pyramids in their current state, or even things like vinyl and vhs clouding a film or piece of music yet providing a ghostly sense in some ways preferable to the original. If it were the case, if all these things had their appreciability constructed from our contextual understanding and bolstered by the 'freedom' of post-modernism, which means what we call 'post-modernism' has always existed, and the only reason 'post-modernism' and its 'art' seems so strange is because of industrialization and its effects on economics, the resulting scientific revolution and complete technological domination changing almost everything about our lives. So post-modernism doesn't exist, and doesn't excuse or allow any poor art. Its just that at thin veil allowed by factors above has been draped over extreme commodification and money laundering, and 'elites' have played with language to develop a sword that cuts down the plebs and defends them from scrutiny.

>> No.17008124
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This painting by some japanese kid is better than all contemporary, postmodern and modern art displayed in art galleries and you can't convince me otherwise so don't even try.