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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 316 KB, 407x527, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17003254 No.17003254 [Reply] [Original]

Send me doc links with whatever you got and I will put it into an online magazine.
Digits choose major themes, section titles.

Accepting art or ads, but focusing primarily on lifestyle articles, niche interests, flash fiction;
popular, trade, or scholarly.
Diagrams and flowcharts especially welcome.

I'll finish it this weekend depending on quick this goes. I'll come back next month and do it again make it a monthly throughout 2021. Send all suggestions, roll for direction, shitpost, and submit content.

Here's the document I'll update as we go:

>> No.17003272
File: 297 KB, 408x528, 002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Specifically looking for anything regarding Burgerpunk, pic related.
Also anything else at all.

>> No.17003291
File: 320 KB, 407x527, 006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even small greentext or copypasta I can use.
I was here all lastnight and didn't get a single submissions so I'd love to see some anons participate.

Feel free to submit full pages, PDFs, images, multimedia.

>> No.17003312

I'm going to keep pulling elements together and I guess I'll go ask /x/ or something if they are interesting in contributing considering I can't seem to get any bites here.

>> No.17003378


>> No.17003388

go to /p/ for photography
/gd/ or /fa/ for design

>> No.17003415

I don't really need any other design elements really. At this point I am most lacking in the actual literature department. I've got one submission only so, please consider writing something up even if its trash-tier.

>> No.17003434
File: 34 KB, 800x275, email.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send submissions to:

>> No.17003451
File: 123 KB, 543x709, 009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon submitted pic related lastnight.
thought it was cool.

>> No.17003469

The magazine’s called &amp?
Like the HTML for an ampersand.

>> No.17003480

yeah pronounced Lamp. Get it.
Lamp by /lit/.

>> No.17003487
File: 294 KB, 403x523, 007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is better, OP or pic related?

>> No.17003547

what's the point of collecting meaningless schizobabble?

>> No.17003567

I finally read Legacy in a Tundra and I thought it was a really cool idea but instead of a 300 page book I figured a monthly periodical might be a cool idea.

I was already upset because I missed out on contributing to those collaborations, plus I missed out on the Moby Dick commentary, so I figured this might get anons keyboards clicking again.

Write something and submit it.

>> No.17003609

Board Culture,
fucking anything else at all.

>> No.17003617

I would send you a shitty reflection of living in a megacity after my third can of monster

>> No.17003626

Do it today. I realize drafting takes time but yes please send me that. I've only gotten two submissions so far and they were a science article and a piece of flash fiction.

>> No.17003642
File: 224 KB, 407x529, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it is complete and has been compiled it will be published on Amazon and I'll set up spec order printing so Anons can buy it in print if they really want.

>> No.17003644

Have you read Coronameron? It's 98% utter dreg slime. that's probably what you'd be working with
>flash fiction
the flight piece?

>> No.17003648
File: 3.80 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20201210_084712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man, great idea, hope the thread stays up. can only suggest some comfy Moscow pics for now (and my horses), some drawings (feel free to request), guess this thread is my motivation to shit out something in english

>> No.17003653
File: 200 KB, 645x513, 79398AB4-4DC0-4E68-85D3-754D802BEFE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s one of the most fucked up things I’ve ever read. 9/10.

>> No.17003661

I have not read yet no.
I will right now if I can find it.
I don't mind if the quality is really low. Like I said I read Legacy and Hypersphere and those were both pretty awful but
something about the disjointed, random content makes it fun to consume.

>> No.17003664

I would do it today but probably late

>> No.17003674

No it was called Dharma Hackers, its currently the last page.

>> No.17003677
File: 2.64 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20200814_201429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like OP better. tomorrow i can collect and touch up my meditations on Why some of us feel dear about commieblocks despite their uglyness

>> No.17003687

awesome I will put your pic related in right now. great aesthetic.
Also there's nothing in stone about it being a English magazine. I could take submissions in other languages if thats a thing.

>> No.17003700

I'll be here all weekend.
Awesome please do.
Remember to submit content either directly to this thread or to

>> No.17003709

thanks man, gotta droom now as it's past 1am
text me on discord if the thread dies overnight, dont want the one decent idea this board produced in the recent months to go down the drain mephisto-lad#4539

>> No.17003723

Caption this photo for me.
I've included it I just think it needs a caption.
doesnt have to be related.

>> No.17003727

Will do. I'm going to keep a thread revived all weekend plus i'm sitting on the email so you won't get left behind.

>> No.17003732

commieblocks are coomfy as fuck
I think the romanticism around these block is based on the melancholic mourning of lost futures or places haunted by the ghosts of future(in mark fisher's terms) and vision of ussr(space travelling, new means of organising societies etc). during those Cold War war years world seemed excited and the competition between two giant generated some good results. but now it's all gone the futuristic space travelling ideology of ussr and west is gone. and you're left with these voids of distant cries.

>> No.17003756

OP here. I think they're comfy too.
I always wondered what they're like inside.
Utilitarian, square, white.

I'm pretty much going to be scraping these threads for pasta and blurb content too so chances are anything typed ITT will make it into the mag.

>> No.17003790

Cool. Photo added. Page eleven.
Other anons, please send me your barely comprehensible drivel.

>> No.17003905

You didn't miss out on Moby-Dick friend, I haven't made a thread in a while but I'm about to make a final call. We are about to wrap up tho so you should hurry with a submission if you want to

>> No.17003990

I do want to.
I just need to know the details about how and where to submit.

>> No.17004038

how do I write this well?

>> No.17004097

I assume first hand experience smoking crack and heroin and sucking random gooks' dicks is a good start. would be a shame if you went that far for nothing though.

>> No.17004113

OP here. I'd been hanging onto that for a while. I added the beginning where he smokes crack and the ending where he smokes heroin just for the mag.

>> No.17004136

I've got fuck all that'd be worth putting in or is worthy of this board. I'll be reading it though. You accepting any donations?

>> No.17004168

i chuckled at your expense

>> No.17004174
File: 451 KB, 404x526, 004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing set up for donations, no.
There's no cost to anything at all, once it is published, so long as the spec order is set up, there's no cost to printing it even.

If there arises a need for donations I'll cross that bridge. Til then HODL, though I appreciate the offer.

>> No.17004184

I'll link the thread once I make it

>> No.17004200

Got a submission from the Rate my Prose anon from yesterday asking if we might serialize his novel so that's an idea. Anons that have throwaway novels or half finished serials, SUBMIT!

>> No.17004224
File: 200 KB, 504x375, 472[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17004229
File: 46 KB, 500x299, 1599427188803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have burger schizo ramblings I could send. Do you want them already formatted as a stylized page or are you formatting them yourself based on raw text? Also I'm seeing two different emails to send to now. Which is better?

>> No.17004270

awesome thanks. just had lunch writing you now.

>> No.17004281

I was just formatting it myself so feel free to submit pure words with no format.

If you're inclined to create a full page I'll certainly include it. Just make sure to submit it as a really high quality large image or PDF

>> No.17004287

Or send me a link ITT up to you.

>> No.17004366

Page 8 is hilarious.

Good shit, /lit/

>> No.17004453
File: 83 KB, 1080x797, 28699093_10160348706945106_4180080753409616139_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The science diagram on brain uploading? Yeah that was the first submission I got. weird.

Getting more submissions now, got an actual essay on an actual subject so that's fun.

>> No.17004461

I don't know why but bangs like that make me nauseous. Maybe because it makes me imagine their skin is constantly covered in saliva.

>> No.17004491

I fucking hate it too.
Looks like wet paint or something.
I have an entire folder of Y2K aesthetic though; she needs a pair of snowboarding goggles to cover that mess.

>> No.17004514

Sorry, not used to canva. I meant the 'Steal these stories' page.

>> No.17004575

Totally right. y2k aesthetic is sick but this seems like a 2020 reimagining. I really like your aesthetic choices throughout.

>> No.17004602
File: 840 KB, 1358x662, it's the conway boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, get a designer

>> No.17004618

Yeah I got those from a thread yesterday about book ideas that never went anywhere. See I'm taking submissions from anons even when they won't give them voluntarily.

>> No.17004632

Yeah so I was going to try to just get Issue #1 out first and next month I was going to approach the Graphic Design board and see if someone there is willing to help. I could try now but I have no money to pay them with.

>> No.17004684

Well, that makes sense. I've been there once or twice but it seems like they'd know their shit, at least in the consideration of something like this. Also, some anons on /ic/ are genuinely talented if you want to pay for custom art in the future, but they're relatively thin in number compared to the board's overall population.

>> No.17004700

I like it.

>> No.17004721
File: 100 KB, 960x960, 29790641_10216075306304119_2162607341216212918_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea is definitely to eventually make it 'Made by 4chan' as opposed to just /lit/. But this is my home board and I really wanted to start a magazine collab project here first.

Checking out /ic/ now and yeah I'll def make a thread there today asking for submissions. I should be hitting up most creative boards actually. Just a little afraid to hand the reins over to /gd/ (or maybe afraid they'll call me a faggot for having pleb design skills kek).

>> No.17004842
File: 522 KB, 553x718, 010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OKAY Finally got an essay.
Just finished adding
Destruction of MDE or: How Censorship Has Ruined 21st Century Media.


>> No.17004886 [DELETED] 

Pic related is what happens when you tell me you have nothing worth putting in. Congrats you are now page 23.

>> No.17004892

Awesome. Love this.

>> No.17004894
File: 5 KB, 800x1038, 011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is what happens when you tell me you have nothing worth putting in. Congrats you are now page 23.

>> No.17004901

I didn't design it. That anon actually sent me his already formatted essay. All i did was remove his name. Great essay though. Made me turn on World Peace.

>> No.17004925

i will write an epic critique of frogposting be ready

>> No.17004956

Awesome. Born ready.
Be sure to submit any formatting tips, artwork, themes, ideas for how you want your article presented in case you are just submitting Text. If you don't i'll just take the liberty of designing it myself.

>> No.17004981

That's the part I meant. It sounds like teenage hyperbole but MDE was the only actually subversive show on Adult Swim at the time of its airing. It signified the dying breath of actual broadcasted subversion that flew under the radar of major network corporations.

>> No.17004996

I feel like the Jews Rock segment alone is the most enlightened 15 seconds of TV in the last 20 years.

>> No.17005065
File: 124 KB, 960x852, 28059100_10160272119235106_7772332789359781964_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want as much Burgerpunk related content as I can get. I wanted to sort of make that the Feature theme for this issue:
What is burgerpunk? Why is it comfy or shitty or based or cringe. Anon examples thereof, criticisms, endorsements, reading lists.

Actually yeah is there anything close to an official burgerpunk reading list? Reading lists in general should be included in the magazine. Literary rags do that all the time.

>> No.17005103

Crossboard Contamination on page 2 or whatever is pretty messed. Surprised I haven’t read that before.

>> No.17005270
File: 3.96 MB, 6800x4699, TokyoAirport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a cool idea. I'll try coming up with something, although I'm not that familiar with burgerpunk

>> No.17005290

Submit anything at all regardless of theme or context. I'm encouraging burgerpunk cuz i think the idea deserves exploring but its much more important to get anything at all.

>> No.17005559


>> No.17005568

>bvrger pvnk

man i just threw up in my mouth

>> No.17005570

that's the point of burgerpunk isn't it?

>> No.17005596

>Roman stylization
>genre about the modern fall of Rome
I see nothing wrong with this.

>> No.17005697
File: 693 KB, 2048x1536, 1562204945575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17005918


>> No.17005948

nice thats going in.
Anon's empty your burgerpunk folders here.

>> No.17005965
File: 3.09 MB, 4048x3036, IMG_20180630_161756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17006028
File: 48 KB, 500x333, IMG_7209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does cursed burgerpunk count?

>> No.17006186

It does if you have a bunch sure.
I'd prefer the high quality very large images. that one is too small for a feature but would work in a collage or a series or something.

>> No.17006550

wojak's crossing
your take is alright but people who havent lived surrounded by those atrocities wont get it

>> No.17006565

awesome pic

>> No.17006640

Thanks. Feel free to contribute. Almost finished the latest update.

>> No.17006664
File: 33 KB, 1024x427, 1513400023114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am
Just sent you something bro, you may want to check on spam since I am using a cock.li email.

>> No.17006735
File: 1.78 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20201206_162217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can supply more cool background pics for now, wont be able to work on text for the new few hours

>> No.17006819

Oh shit there was a bunch of stuff in the spam. Fuck yeah sorry boiz kek. Okay.

Check the link because the project automatically updates as I work.

yeah dope the burgerpunk feature is turning out to be a photo essay which i think is appropriate. great pics

>> No.17006836

no harm no foul; I think you forgot the pdf

>> No.17006861

weird I was sure that I attached it. Sent it again

>> No.17007133

bumping. official update coming in 15

>> No.17007147

Joy Da Vive

>> No.17007218
File: 3.34 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20201123_180344_HHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks bro. i also have some that could be considered backrooms-core

>> No.17007261
File: 3.03 MB, 4048x3036, IMG_20170514_182245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17007264

seeing my poor writing somewhere else than my computer made me happy. Thanks OP

>> No.17007310

could maybe do a backrooms photo essay thatd be a cool idea. the pace of your dump is perfect.
i'm just tidying up the table of contents and page numbers right now otherwise everything is in its place.

>> No.17007357

Does my shitpost can still make it through?

>> No.17007362
File: 3.45 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20201123_180357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, man. doubt i'd be free to work on text til today evening, when are you planning to publish the final version?

>> No.17007366

that's great, man. not OP but looking forward to your other entries in the next mags

>> No.17007401

yeah mang you're live

>> No.17007406

Issue 001 will be on /lit/'s desk by Monday morning. its a good idea in general though so i'll save it for next issue. maybe one photo essay per rag is better anyway.

>> No.17007412

Sent a little lame poem, do with it as you will

>> No.17007462

first of its kind. going up now.

>> No.17007622
File: 572 KB, 547x713, 021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k officially updated.
i'm gonna keep messin around.

>> No.17007649

actually if you're around i may as well ask.
are you the owner of those photos like did you take them yourself?

>> No.17007660
File: 1.93 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20200802_201827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes all those are OC

>> No.17007972
File: 3.13 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20201212_092206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh pic this morning

>> No.17008145

I could send you a shitty paper I wrote for school on Berkely and simulation theory,would you even want something like that?

>> No.17008389

Can you justify the text please?

>> No.17008396

yeah man. anything at all.

>> No.17008419

westcoast bestcoast

>> No.17008426

on the title page? is it ugly like that?

>> No.17008537

No, on all of the articles except the one that already has justified text. The cover is fine

>> No.17008920

ah gotcha. okay will do.

>> No.17008938

wow huge difference thanks a mil.
there are some that I can't fix because they were submitted like that which is fine. big ups

>> No.17008968
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x2448, 1556756093573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17008975

Are submissions still open OP?
Also, you should make a small HTML page if you can, which will serve as a "headquarter" of sorts (links for submissions, a "What is &amp" section, and so on). You can host it for free on Github Pages. Would be much easier to keep track of this magazine this way.

>> No.17008986
File: 672 KB, 2048x1536, 1523922051317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write and read everyday.
You’ll suck at first.
Then you’ll get a little better the next time
Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.
Years will pass.
You’ll suck less.
Keep reading, keep writing.
Rack your brain for original ideas, twists on popular themes.
Suck less.
Look up and ten years have passed.
You are now considerably better than those who chose not to do the work.
What happens after that is up to you.
But be warned. If you choose to be enveloped by this passion, your social life and love life may suffer as you. You’ll neglect family, friends, and lovers to hone and perfect your craft alone. It’s not for everyone but it’s definately worth it.


>> No.17009066

good idea. feel free if you have the time otherwise thats a tomorrow project.
submissions def still open. plan to close them down on sunday.
omg this gas station is iconic

>> No.17009077

making that a centerpiece for sure

>> No.17009123

Fuck the actual /lit/ quarterly, this is great

>> No.17009209

okay now all centerfolds actually span middle spreads. also covers will where they should so we could actually print this and it would look like it should.

>> No.17009224

I'd get it in print if it were available that way. I don't like reading things from my computer screen.

>> No.17009263
File: 678 KB, 811x578, 022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i feel you. its not the same.
someone should look into spec publishing for glossy magazines, where amazon or whoever just prints a one-off whenever someone orders it. that way we don't have to invest anything.

>> No.17009378

I think lulu does this too

>> No.17009382

The other day I aw this link for the physical copy of the Coronameron:


You could maybe use the same service

>> No.17009395

>want to write about post-Marxist political ideas
>don't have enough developed thought to draft anything decent
I guess I could write my analysis of Beowulf and Grendel through a dualist lense, as inspired by Hesse, but that's going to be just as off-the-cuff and messy.
Taking any other recommendations on prompts. I just want something of substance to throw into the /lit/ blender.

>> No.17009476

Toasting into an epic bread

>> No.17009487
File: 2.80 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20200724_180948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

touched it up a bit but im not in the mood for a good revision rn, i'll let it be the way i shat it out. check your email for the promised commieblock post
use the pics as you wish, just dumping it here

>> No.17009499

Lulu seems like the best bet, I have ordered books from them before and they are good quality, not sure about magazines thought.

>> No.17009581

regarding pics: i guess it'd look better if >>17006735 took the whole spread instead of being side by side with >>17007972 because it doesnt really convey the burgerpunk mood. neither does the skiing man pic but it looks cool
t. pic taker

>> No.17009604 [DELETED] 

the three prompts i put in the table of contents are:
How To Live a Tough Life
Lorem Ipsum Empire
Interning at the Based Department

>> No.17009614

yeah ive been gawking at that for a bit. good idea ill fix it.

>> No.17009620

the three prompts i put in the table of contents are:
How To Live a Tough Life
Lorem Ipsum Empire
Interning at the Based Department

>> No.17009746
File: 61 KB, 650x640, 1527983149067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish communism was actually this comfy. great pic.

feel free to tell me how you want it to look or what you want me to change or whats no good etc. ALSO its great when anons design their own pages because 1.) it contributes to that janky disparate aesthetic that the collab books have and 2.) its easier for me. If you do that be sure to render it as large in PDF or SVG (i just convert pdf to svg).





>> No.17009780

>spent years on r9k as a khv incel. crying about no gf
>now 21, actual girl wants to meet up today
>she lives only an hour away
> i flaked cause i cba showering or socialising

It's like you've been denied something for years and then when you finally have it, you don't know what to do with it anymore.

>> No.17009805

Freedom is always like that, real freedom not the burger one.

>> No.17009861

idk about others but to me the flag pic isnt good enough to be present here at all, i took it rather to cheer up the thread
i'll take some kino pictures later for the next mag

>> No.17009886

>How To Live a Tough Life
I'll write on this after I get done running a short-story draft I've been pawing at in my head for years. It's a topic I've given some good thought to.

>> No.17009907
File: 2.03 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20200705_211113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sent you another bige russkie burgerpunk pic if you insist on having some

>> No.17010028

tenfour let the bodies hit the floor.

>> No.17010038

someone find a good thread theme

>> No.17010195


>> No.17010588

when do you want these in by

>> No.17010790

sunday evening.

>> No.17010985

I'm struggling to write anything from your current prompts or even freehand. Nothing's coming to me, I need some inspiration. Once I get the first few sentences down, the rest usually falls into place with ease. Any more specific ideas?

>> No.17011024

OP is there a size maximum/minimum on writing submissions? I did a little treatise on the death of American "culture" and implanting of Americana and materialism. It's only about 1,000 words but I can go bigger if need be to fill space.

>> No.17011038

this was from the last attempt at a burgerpunk book /lit/ did

System hang. Antivirals prop up liminal neurological firings to graciously set the needle down before the blue screen hits. Zero intensity. Lapse back and forth between what’s around me and the other. The floor is sticky with dried Coke Zero and I nod for only a moment.

Kids piss in the ballpit and there's nothing else in the world for me. Some buzzard of a junky leans over me, looking to pinch a few fries off a dying husk of a man but the last few neurons spark and my knife is in the poor faggots chest and he slumps. There isn’t even a place to wash the blood. I wipe my hands on his shirt and gather my rig and move. I have lived with this thing growing inside me for years and I just can’t starve it – soon soon – one more good push, that’s all.

Acid rain and burger wrappers in the gutters. Glints of yellow from some stray cartridges in the muck. I hear sirens in the distance and assume I am on the run. A wanton skid no older than fifteen asks me for a Dairy Queen coupon but changes her mind upon seeing the blood. There is a safehouse I know of just two blocks from here.

She asks me if I’m okay mister and if I need some like help or something but I’m too far gone now to do more than stumble.

Visionquake. Hold it now. You’re close. Pins and needles creep over my skin and I ask the Lord why the shot didn’t have a few more minutes leg. Some pimp with a fat lip and a coat of gold fur asks me if I’m looking for something to take my mind off things and all I can imagine is my hands around his throat and kicking but I keep on to myself and do my best to keep upright.


>> No.17011054

By the time I make it to Maurice’s pad I am in desperate need of another shot. He’s fucking some quarterpounder in the living room, spreading the buns and sniffing and peering in like there was something to find.

You look like shit.

I wash my hands in the sink while the smell of jizzum and mustard creeps through the apartment. I sit on the toilet and ready another vein. I pull out a double and put the spike to the patty real gentle and draw the grease up into the barrel, thick and golden. I push off to the sound of meat on meat. Maurices face materializes in front of me flashing red blue red blue and he’s pushing me like to get going and I know enough not to ask and before I have my feet under me I’m on the escape. Rain slicks the rungs and I hit the pavement.

The burger lands on top of me and is up and running before I pull myself off the wet ground. I hear the voices as I limp down the alley, I hear them call but I do not turn and look. I hear the voices, they are upon me like the rain but I clutch my head and wander half blind. They only get louder.

By the time I come to I am blocks from Maurices and the shakes are all but overwhelming. Were they after me or the quarterpounder? All that goes through my mind is fixing like animal pangs of instinct and drug honed desperation as I pull myself to my feet. The virus still lives inside mankind and we do our best to quiet the voices but we all hear them we all are in this together. Some of us just handle the disease better than others – bicameral coping strategies and fast food – madness is the only logical conclusion when the state holds your hand through the withdrawals and there is nothing left to do but talk to Wendy in the rain.


>> No.17011173

um i guess we'll try to keep it below 4k
dont force it. good material knows when to show up. i take walks to get inspired. no music. can't seem to stop my brain from going when i do that.
sick i'll drop it in.

>> No.17011212


>> No.17011227

>below 4k
Oh too easy. I'm maxing out below 1,500 at best.
Its all unedited and probably not great, since I had little notice, but I'll definitely contribute monthly/weekly if this keeps being a thing.

>> No.17011239

>dont force it. good material knows when to show up. i take walks to get inspired. no music. can't seem to stop my brain from going when i do that.
I don't think I'll be able to top my contribution to The Complete Works of God II (Burying the Hatchet).

>> No.17011255

Well, you've got me actually trying to write a complete poem. Sorry it's shit, but I figured I could try.

>> No.17011279

Night shift down the service stop's warehouse. Never know who's gonna run out a plastic straws. Get word from the Wendy's that they're wanting cleaner liquid. Up and go down the stacks for the palette with that stuff on it, file it as a cost on their counter, get back to the desk just in time to see the newer kid from the nightshift there pull up in his Fleetside Chevy. Actual Fleetside Chevy, beet red and done up shiny despite all the years. Must be older than the kid's dad that thing.

I sits and looks at him come. Kid from the Wendy's. Him in his red polo, even got the company black cap on. I think, maybe the Fleetside's regulation too. Maybe they found a kid who's hundred percent message. Crazy right? But hold with me. No acne. I swear to Christ, not even scars, not even at the nose. No acne at all. Hundred percent perfect kid for a shift down the Wendy's.

Up first I reckon I'm gonna bust his balls about the ride or maybe why they runs out of cleaner at four in the a.m. This a vomit case? I'd ask. This a urinal shitter? Still I can't so much as start, can't even talk any words that aren't off my customer satisfaction script, because this kid just customer services my ass right down into the chair with his smile and his sorry to bother ya and the whites of his eyes.

>> No.17011299

OP here actually gonna take a nap.
use the following pasta to bake if need be.

>> No.17011331
File: 37 KB, 960x744, 1525783696003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

&amp by /lit/

/lit/ is making a magazine.

Send me submissions, any format, any filetype.

Literature lifestyle themed.
Accepting arts, ads, articles, niche interests, flash fiction,
popular, trade, or scholarly,
serial, subscription, commercial, industrial
(or anything at all)
regarding any subject.

Submissions for Issue One closed Dec 13 Sunday.
Submissions for Issue Two open Dec 13 Sunday.

Please send submissions to:
or dump them ITT and I'll crawl it when I wake up.





>> No.17011334

There was a vice president's son,
Whose idea of having good fun,
Was to smoke lots of crack,
Fuck his young niece bareback,
And now his career is done.

>> No.17011361

This is when I thinks - how come none of us here at the service stop ever breaks down and kills a motherfucker? I mean, you hear postmen do it, you hear goth kids do it and crazies do it and all of that shit. You don't hear shit about some kid who's still up and on his feet in the deep part of Sunday night making himself speak like a script-tape, smile like a commercial. Never hear of a kid like that go crazy.

I think, here I am. Could be here, could be in an office. Interchange spot here suits me. Clear ride in to work, night shift gets a little ten percent on top. Spend the cash on my own oldtime Fleetside. Suits me.

Still, when I'm here, I'm me. Normal guy who just happens to be sitting in a place that's all car parks and quality service provision. Doesn't stop me chatting shit or busting balls, does it? Doesn't stop me slacking off when a chance is there. Not like this kid. This perfect kid.

But I look at this kid. Can't meet his eyes, just find myself looking at the whites of them. Then I know that this kid can't be a crazy, can't be a killer or a burnout or an anything at all, because he isn't even real. Don't mean like a robot, like an alien or shit . I mean he isn't here.

All up at once I know that when those truckers stop in the three, the four a.m. what they do is, they go in the Wendy's, under CCTV that's watching how they pay. They go in, they serve their own damn shit from the preheated racks, pay their own damn bill and pay the change out too. All the while they're talking through both sides the script. The how can I help you the make it a large then, everything. Who I'm talking to right now, this kid with the cleaner in his hands, he doesn't even need to say a word t have the whole system running on its ownsome. Just stands at the desk and he smiles.

>> No.17011415
File: 49 KB, 640x614, 1607373497249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea, you just have to work on it more so that we see the corruption of all the recent presidents. I look forward to seeing this idea expanded!

>> No.17011471

>and now his career's just begun

>> No.17011486

OP, I dropped you a little rambly essay piece. Let me know if you'd like me to polish it out and get it back to you by sunday afternoon, its pretty mediocre.

>> No.17011573

no sweat. i'm closing the submissions for Issue One at midnight tonight because by then we should be circa 100, 120 pages. I dont want to go over one twenty pages so that when anons go to buy it, it isn't $100.

but yeah no sweat. submissions for Issue Two can go live at midnight

>> No.17011597

What is the deadline for Issue Two? I'll try to write a piece of flash or something.

>> No.17011607
File: 64 KB, 720x622, 1575069582146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does issue 2 have prompts like the first one? I could actually use one of them with more than a days notice

>> No.17011615

Drop us some denser prompts or at least a general theme for the next issue so we're not just schizoposting. Also I think everyone would understand if you needed to drop some submissions for quality or stylistic reasons.

>> No.17011624

Yeah, OP, it's worth keeping in mind that giving us more time to write, might give us something of a higher overall quality, something actually worth buying a print of.

>> No.17011641

I agree. Give us a deadline and pick the best submissions after.

>> No.17011686

Nice. I can't wait to order a copy.
I like it this way, the spontaneous nature makes it interesting.

>> No.17011710

>I like it this way, the spontaneous nature makes it interesting.
It's interesting as a curiosity, as quasi-outsider art to dip into in free pdf form. It's not shit that I'm just going to buy for the sake of it.

>> No.17011742

Ok. I like it, maybe the next one will be for you.

>> No.17011782
File: 182 KB, 960x612, 29e95d9be6d075a156b35964690a1f763c3f3610d9a03a6b8cde64fff8b71881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deadline for Issue Two
Jan 15
yeah i can do that. i've never used prompts i didn't actually know they were useful. i'll step that up.
so true. this one was really spontaneous.
i agree that with a month to submit per issue it will give anons a chance to put more effort in.

i appreciate that you want to submit original made to order content and that you want to put the time in the make it good. that makes me happy.

starting midnight i'm going to begin to complete Issue One and work on it until Monday when I will present it to /lit/.

i'll spend the next few weeks reading submissions and hopefully sharing ideas on /lit/, then i'll take a weekend or two in a few weeks to complete it, like i did this one. always open to suggestions.

>> No.17011806

one anon suggested making a Masterfile on Github for all pertinent info. i can do that after monday when I throw down 001 and discuss plans for 002

>> No.17012004

missing a syllable on the last line

>> No.17012040

Approaching the bar we see Fred
Whose eyes are all bloodshot and red
He put down his gun
And came to have fun
Rejoicing, his whore wife now dead

>> No.17012089

This gonna be the email for submissions to issue 2? I'd love to write something in line with the general themes and prompts if possible, something more substantial.

I also agree with what someone else in the thread said, a mix of shitpost-y and genuine skilled effort is the best way.

>> No.17012123

Today OP was not a faggot

>> No.17012263

in divorcing america from americana you said "from whence." proper usage is just whence as whence means from where/ from what.

>> No.17012365

I have only taken to copy editing the very good ones and that one was a good one so i must have missed that. i appreciate it.
same email yeah. i actually put the instructions for submitting right onto the Table of Contents.

>> No.17012378

What kind of thing are you looking for with Lorem Ipsum Empire and Interning at the Based Department?

>> No.17012393

i was looking for the titles and i found them.
the content can be anything at all.

>> No.17012405

yeah. both high quality and low quality content was sort of the idea. i honestly only expected to get shit-tier stuff but i'm actually surprised at how decent the stuff is. especially the long form stuff, thankfully.

>> No.17012917
File: 148 KB, 1200x1798, 023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.17013018

You got any submissions from any other boards?

>> No.17013077

I had a submission from I assume /pol/ but it was just the pasta where the guy uses the n word like five thousand times or whatever so I said look dude I’m not here to censor you but that is old pasta kek. never heard back.
/x/ and /gd/ ignored my threads trying to stir up attention. no biggie. I spend lots of time on /x/ and a TON of my inspiration comes from there so I’ll definitely tap that board to source stuff for Issue Two.

>> No.17013107
File: 1.34 MB, 640x1136, B01B5995-C954-4875-A025-97E2658C6BB7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also decided to serialize the novel im writing in the magazine, but I want to go for TradPub when I’m done so I’m redacting my excerpts artfully heh.

>> No.17013638

submitted some writings and pictures. OG

>> No.17013765

Hey dudes, I am the anon that wrote "Zhongzhen 125"
If any of you have any kind of comment or feedback I would like to read it. Just because this is the first time that someone ever reads something that I have written except for myself.

>> No.17013770

idk if anyone here will understand but the cover is a normal map

>> No.17013783

doesnt look very normal or like a map to me anon

>> No.17013812

i sometimes see maps but not this time.
sorry i don't have extra meds for you

>> No.17013838
File: 2.59 MB, 1600x800, earth_normalmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a map of surface normals, we use these in videogames all the time. I figured no one here would know about it but it was the first thing i thought of

>> No.17013842
File: 238 KB, 1024x512, nm_textures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another ex

>> No.17013860

i dig. how do you make those.
the palette is bang on.

>> No.17013870

Bro only the ocean should be blue on a map, make the land green or something.

>> No.17013881

You can bake the information from a 3D mesh or do a conversion from a black and white heightmap. Each of the RGB channels represents a directional axis, R is horizontal, G is vertical, B is depth. That makes each pixel a 3D vector where 128,128,128 is "straight at the camera" and lower or higher values represent a difference in viewing angle. That's why they all look psychedelic-colored

>> No.17013884

yeah nm.
preesh tho!
smash me a bunch of those.

>> No.17013906
File: 82 KB, 1169x1080, 1606251249678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the mag!

>> No.17013916

Melancholy enabling place. Don't have to work to make it better, one can just swell inside their apartment and get drunk while listening to low frequency music. That outside cold, inside comfortable, everywhere gloomy feeling is the cathartic mothers hug. But its easy to be coddled by it, learned hopelessness etc etc. What is the NEET situation like in eastern europe?

>> No.17013978

is english your second language? because it reads like it a bit.

>> No.17013989

thx frin
almost at one hundred pages bling bling

>> No.17014049

yep it is, I guess that its pretty clear lol

>> No.17014777

not too good. no benefits substantial enough to support NEETdom but many still dwell on it.

>> No.17014797
File: 796 B, 20x20, pepeicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last call for newcomers to submit material for the board's very first issue of our brand new literary tabloid.




>> No.17014816

how much will it cost in print approx?

>> No.17014859

haven't figured it out yet.
right now i'm going to look into whether or not you can print on demand per order as opposed to printing a bunch at once.

>> No.17014917

found some options.
I'll look in a little deeper. looks not too shabby though i still have to find out if there are up front costs.


>> No.17014929

Check lulu

>> No.17015012

An entire month? That should get you plenty of submissions. Nobody will feel like they are being rushed either. Do you want us to stick to a theme, or should we just write whatever?

>> No.17015067

yeah checkin out options now
>stick to a theme
nah. i dont know if we'd be any good at sticking to a theme. but if you do have focus, some anons are working on a feature on Commie Blocks.

Issue One i wanted to explore burgerpunk and i think we did a good job. i've not before seen anything this comprehensive or exploratory in BP themes

>> No.17015075
File: 1.36 MB, 1080x1288, 1530554146099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're sitting at 94 pages right now.
so i'm closing submissions, save for the few anons that i expect emails from on sunday.

>> No.17015315

The best approach would be to decide on a general theme or group of prompts, but then include broader submissions as well. So we get a cohesive theme for the issue but retain the classic schizoposting.

>> No.17015339

Yeah I think the way it ended up is fine, I just think that if there are prompts or themes then we need to know ahead of time or there's no point. For this one I just submitted whatever I had laying around because that's all I had time for

>> No.17015555

Holy shit, the story about the Psychic insurance agent vs lawyer causing accidents is pretty good, im gonna write it into short story.

>> No.17015595

>I'm gonna blatantly steal someone else's idea they posted on /lit/
Hello, psyop police? Yes sir, this post right here. Thanks.

>> No.17015709


It literally says in the magazine, "Steal these storeies" so I am gonna, I don't care about your fucking muh "intelectual property" if you dont want to get it stolen, don't post it on the internet for free.

>> No.17015752

Yeah but you're not actually going to do that.

>> No.17015824
File: 74 KB, 720x540, 1605688671071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd probably order it if it comes out at 15-20$, but someone will have to recieve it for me and ship to Russia by post
t. ruskie anon

>> No.17015951

To whoever wrote The Justice System, keep writing man. That shit's hilarious and the ending sting is perfect.

>> No.17016518

Alright, I'll see what I can come up with. Are you going to keep making threads until the deadline or just a few days before?

>> No.17017288

Thanks bro that means a lot

>> No.17017320

I don't know if it was intentional, but the image of the dad just calmly clocking his kids in the face while drafting a legal document of household rules is amazing. Its perfect transgressive comedy.

>> No.17017760

>some anons are working on a feature on Commie Blocks.
I could write a bit about new architecture

>> No.17018862

please do. im the ruskie anon and as dearly as i love the ugly blocks, all those sterile modern anthills are just vapid. they lack not just beauty but soul. would love to hear someone else's take on them

>> No.17019156

I am, already got ~1800 words in.

>> No.17019602

i really liked that one too,
keep it up

>> No.17019704

Can I submit my essay deffending pro wrestling as a high form of art? With a formalistic digression comparing the orwellian doublethink with the concept of 'kayfabe'?

>> No.17020182

You done good. Nice job.

>> No.17020326

finally woke up.
Adding all new content now.

right actually that makes sense. good idea. i'll generate some prompts tonight and actually put them in the magazine itself. theres a section called Steal this Story that has prompts kind of but i can do better if its what the people want.
checked. yeah got those from a throwaway plot thread. gonna make sure Steal this Story is in the next issue people loved that. if you write a story based on those, would be kino.
so far its looking like it might cost about $30 per issue. i'm about to add a bunch more content to it tho. so maybe circa $50, i hope. that would be totally reasonable. i put the word luxury on the cover in case it ends up costing too much and anons need a visual reminder that between those covers pure genius waits
The Justice System is so good that I made it the first feature. it is what makes this publication worth the money spent on it.
inormies who pick it up and read the magazine will read that and say
"wait this was made by 4chan?'
i'm defeinitely going to want more from you for the next issue but i realize giving up work of that quality for no money nor even exposure isn't really appetizing

>> No.17020343

absolutely. i censor nothing.
for really high quality stuff I might do a quick copy edit (and because the work is good this is very easy). but anyone can send anything about any topic bar none. send it to me and i'll put it in Issue Two.

>> No.17020414

cant wait for this thread to die so I can reup with all this juice.

>> No.17020441
File: 80 KB, 355x355, 810jY1NcBxL._SY355_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will upload the finalized PDF somewhere neutral and free so we can all enjoy it then its up to anons to download it.

After that I'm going to start making moves printing it. Keep in mind that NOBODY can own the rights to print this magazine and so once you have the PDF you are welcome to print it yourself (and sell it if you want).

>> No.17020593

okay all content is in the magazine.
right now I am figuring out legal shit, licensing, creative commons etc. any legalfags let know what I should do otherwise i'm just learning it now.

the link is dead permanently.
The final link for the magazine will go up this later today and tomorrow we can officially announce it to the board.

>> No.17020607

hell yeah man I look forward to it

>> No.17020641

What kind of Creative Commons license do you think we should go for? i was going to just prpovide the free-for-all license, so people are free to sell, change, remix, shit on, etc anything they want to it.

but then i started thinking about how i might actually have an obligation to protect anons' work from being stolen, even though its anonymous.

>> No.17020645

Spent a week in a large city for the first time in my life. The vanities of wealth and pleasure. Ignoble and unnatural pleasures. Ignoble and unnatural sufferings. Man was not made to live like that. Man was not made to suffer like that.

>> No.17020701

I can't really imagine anyone objecting to it being free-for-all

>> No.17020764

yeah i think you're right.
i believe I will use a "CC0" license, which would officially put &amp in the public domain.
i guess if there are any objections to this i'd like to hear them.

i'm gonna spend an hour or so just trying to find the actual smartest path to take here.

would it be smarter to force people to attribute these works to Anonymous when they use them? or do we care. i dont care personally but we are legion blah blah

>> No.17020866

yeah i'll put it in the public domain.
the only thing we would be salvaging would be by obligating people to attribute the works to 'Anonymous' which is a little silly. Being in the public domain it will already be protected against people pretending that they are the ones who wrote it.

>> No.17020874

Most lit collabs are public domain, and I don't see a reason to restrict this work

>> No.17021046

its settled then.
i've decided not to write any fresh writing prompts for this issue. starting tomorrow we can field anons for ideas and i can start putting up prompts for anons to use for next issue. i just dont have the time right now, plus I think the Steal these Stories page provides some ideas, simple and silly as they are. but yeah i'll make some actual real prompts tomorrow when i make anothe magazine megathread.

>> No.17021346

man The Justice System deserves to be in fucking Vanity Fair.

>> No.17021552

If I hadn't sent my contribution to you I would have published it in the public domain anyway, like all my work.

>> No.17021554

Pretty sure as soon as I got that submission (it was early) was when the project went from a zine (a crudely designed pamphlet of stories) to a magazine (graphic design and shit). That story alone was worth all the effort.

>> No.17021578

oh cool. yeah thats a thing.
i owe you a thanks.
The very high quality submissions just put me on my ass. I don't know how sustainable it is to expect really good writers to just give up their shit for free but maybe that is in the blood of /lit/.

if this project actually blew up culturally, i think one of the only things that would change would be that i could start paying anons for their work.

>> No.17021615



>> No.17021625

thats the last page i'm adding.
apparently the total number of pages has to be divisible by 4 or 8 in order to get it printed.

so'll with this final page of Classifeds, we'll be sitting pretty at 96 pages.

>> No.17021664
File: 351 KB, 640x943, raphi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my small shitpost after a week of trying to learn python made throught

>> No.17021707

For sale: Dakimakura, never hugged

>> No.17021839

and i put your metacomment regarding your code in too, right before the "Abstract" feature on bitcoin. The link is down right now but it'll be up soon as i finish the classified ads.

thank you. i need lots

>> No.17021889

Female, age 18-25
Classically beautiful
Willing to service a 47 year old man with a micropenis on request
No smokers
No pets
No boyfriends
$2500/month not including utilities

>> No.17021914
File: 474 KB, 1195x1195, 20201213_200517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost dog
No reward
You can keep her

>> No.17021932

kek awesome.
bumping for anons looking to contribute something very small. here's your chance!

>> No.17021947

kek. wont be able to include the pic but the ad is funny.

>> No.17021981

also, point of inquiry.
when do threads get automatically archived, after ~300 pages?

>> No.17022008

We would graft anything to your face for 5 USD.
Please the object in question and your face properly prepared and documented to Pyongyang People's Hospital No. 1, Moranbong St, Pyongyang, Norh Korea.
It sages at 300 I think

>> No.17022018

Dog found
Cute pupper
I will find you next

>> No.17022034

kek good stuff keep er coming boiz

>> No.17022082

i sense a 'lost dog' meme emerging from these classifieds.

>> No.17022133

Its either 310 or 320

>> No.17022145

we're at like 260 now so we're good for a bit.
i'll make another thread when the time is right. looks like she'll be ready tonight.

>> No.17022270

okay classified are finished.

putting small touches on the overall and find somewhere to host the PDF.
then i'll wait for this thread to die so I can post the finish product

>> No.17022338

ah, blood meridian, monsieur? that novel is the sark and chaparral of literature, the filament whereon rode the remuda of highbrow, corraled out of some destitute hacienda upon the arroya, quirting and splurting with main and with pyrolatrous coagulate of lobated grandiloquence. our eyes rode over the pages, monsieur, of that slatribed azotea like argonauts of suttee, juzgados of swole, bights and systoles of walleyed and tyrolean and carbolic and tectite and scurvid and querent and creosote and scapular malpais and shellalagh. we scalped, monsieur, the gantlet of its esker and led our naked bodies into the rebozos of its mennonite and siliceous fauna, wallowing in the jasper and the carnelian like archimandrites, teamsters, combers of cassinette scoria, centroids of holothurian chancre, with pizzles of enfiladed indigo panic grass in the saltbush of our vigas, true commodores of the written page, rebuses, monsieur, we were the mygale spiders too and the devonian and debouched pulque that settled on the frizzen studebakers, listening the wolves howling in the desert while we saw the judge rise out of a thicket of corbelled arches, whinstone, cairn, cholla, lemurs, femurs, leantos, moonblanched nacre, uncottered fistulas of groaning osnaburg and kelp, isomers of fluepipe and halms awap of griddle, guisado, pelancillo.

>> No.17022384

fuck yeah i just sent you something i wrote from a prompt in a thread here OP

>> No.17022411

got it. Issue One is full up so yours is the first official submission for Issue Two. thanks anon!

>> No.17022695
File: 99 KB, 355x355, 810jY1NcBxL._SY35512_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay plebs here it is. It is your job to download this and upload it everywhere else you want it. If I wasn't a poor fag I would make the website right now, where it would live permanently, so if any anons want to donate, shouldnt cost more than $30 for the year.

Like I said I'll make a thread tonight I think so we can announce it. I'll probably make a thread tomorrow to organize and consolidate efforts for future issues.







>> No.17022704

right now i'm going to try to arrange for on-demand printing options and if we're lucky anons should be able to order printed copies right away

>> No.17022775
File: 92 KB, 547x326, 025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17022952

I uploaded it to libgen should appear shortly

>> No.17022981

so i guess i should have done a little research regarding trim lines and bleed edges and shit. i really dont want any words getting lost. i underestimated the padding i needed.

should be fine though. dont wana go back and redo the whole thing.

>> No.17022998

nice dude.
that being said. it is finished. the final product.
for future issues i will be more cognizant of the margins. i dont foresee an issue: all the important shit is mostly within the trim line, and all important shit is within the bleed edge so should be okay.

>> No.17023035

I need to redesign a couple pages so that printed copies are okay. The Justice System is in grave danger of being ruined if it gets printed as is. Which would break my heart. >>17022952
So that will be fine. I'm just going to redo the margins on The Justice System, no content being altered. so it wont affect that. thx

>> No.17023433

WHEW okay fixed the margins and killed the last link. Also just set it up for printing.

The magazine is literally finished and ready to be purchased. All in one weekend.
what a fuckin trip.

>> No.17023527

Purchased where? The drive link above doesn't seem to work

>> No.17023546

Thank you.

>> No.17023570

Great work OP
When this thread dies, consider making a thread to image dump the magazine for fellow /lit/ anons to read. Would do a lot to draw attention to the magazine.

I think I'll submit a little essay on post-post-modern architecture for next month's, and if I ever get some headway on my short story/novel idea I may periodically submit that with redactions like that other anon.

>> No.17023583

yeah man. yeah that's my manuscript. wanted to redact it in case tradpubs find out when i go to get it published i can at least say 'it was leaked with redactions!'
i'm poised to make a new thread once this one dies.

>> No.17023591
File: 253 KB, 600x400, Lamp-mockup01b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.17023636
File: 3.01 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20201208_120914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn 25$ is too expensive for me, guess I'll have to just read it digitally like a faggot (or try some luck with local copycenters and assemble it myself idk)
thanks for doing all this work, op

>> No.17023652

i couldn't make it any cheaper.
keep in mind there its 100 pages long so i think $25 should be worth it.
you can literally upload the PDF to a print service and see if you can get the price down though.

>> No.17023655

OP consider doing future editions in greyscale to alleviate printing costs. The full color is great for the inaugural edition; obviously, keep doing what you're doing for as long as sales and interest keep up

>> No.17023659

also do you own that photograph, kek

>> No.17023671

checked. never thought of that.
when i started the project it was going to be just a minimal zine but when i started getting submissions i thought about how cool it would be fully done up. greyscale might be cool considering that a lot of the images in the magazine arent print-quality.

>> No.17023679
File: 2.83 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20201208_120919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. dont own that horse but we care for him

>> No.17023684

many cheap mags/papers have several color pages + covers and the rest in greyscale

>> No.17023685

ALSO for the record,
i'm taking a $2 cut on each purchase in an effort to fund the website. Once i get enough to develop the website ($30 or 15 sales, i'll take the $2 vig off. Anons that want to save $2 can print the PDF themselves.

>> No.17023694

consider letting me put them in the next issue.
there is going to a survivalist, farmcore, bugout feature in 002.

>> No.17023698

ohhhh that's a good idea.
that being said, if some anon donated the money to do the website, I could take the $2 off sooner.

>> No.17023701

Collected Ramblings of the /lit Schizo-Poster


>> No.17023710

o shit saved.
hm. i wonder if Schizo submitted anything to &amp. lots of anons had schizo in their email name kek.

>> No.17023714

>Collected Ramblings of the /lit Schizo-Poster
I think you mean 'The Legacy of Schizophrenia in a Tundra'

>> No.17023729

Dear diary. Today /lit/ was good.

>> No.17023749
File: 3.79 MB, 3000x2000, Lamp-mockup02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was actually not bad when listened to (as opposed to reading it (which can be said for all philosophy i think)).

>> No.17023760

eagle eye anons will notice the page number in the wrong spot in this image. in the real version all page numbers are where they belong. my gf mocked this up for me and she just picked two pages without concerning herself for which side they were on.

>> No.17023768

So you were the rate my prose anon from the other day. Nice. Anything else of yours in the magazine?

>> No.17023770

Beat your girlfriend for me

>> No.17023774

"mantelpiece" and "dharma hackers" are both mine. everything else isn't.

>> No.17023780

i did. a mistake like that she's lucky i'm still around.

>> No.17023789
File: 128 KB, 1242x791, 081FC6CD-C940-4442-9B31-B05A29A79EAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bataillian solar anus isn't good succumbing to evil as much it is reveals evil as the stagnancy of excess: evil is A “DISEASE OF SEMEN”: the chaos serpent Apep is an INNER COSMIC NOTHINGNESS: in Egyptian pataphysics evil is not an Outside or transcendent grotesque trying to break in (Zizek's Schelling, Land, Luria), but an immanentized surd of unbound telesis trying to break OUT: the devil is the claustrophobia of identity (of being the Son), during both death and sleep we go to the turiyanic crystal, the difference is that when we die we stay longer, during sleep we are dripfed eternity: not to be reconciled with oblivion but to immortality and the infinite Kierkegaardian demand: keep your head up: God is God because his everlastingness is the seeing that is the conquest (and sanctification) of death: you are the brains of the dead, their tongues and fingers, you see for them. They see you, too. Your eyes wide. You'll be lights in an empty room.

>> No.17023817

did you submit to the rag?
i sure hope so. there was a distinct lack of schizo ramblings in the first issue.

>> No.17023855

On the contrary I really hope this publication doesn't devolve into pure schizolology.

>> No.17023890

i was actually blown away by the quality of the submissions (in that they weren't 100% shit). in fact most of the content was decent. Only a couple pieces of flash fictions were poorly written i believe. some of the other content is a little dry and academic, but well written and interesting. in my opinion its really decent for people who like to read all kinds of stuff, like me.

if you read any of it, read the first feature, The Justice System. shit's good enough to be in fucking Rolling Stone.

>> No.17023923


>> No.17023937

I agree. The schizologues and screencaps from the board do make good "page turners" between more substantive works, though.

>> No.17023939
File: 13 KB, 403x519, asset02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
