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17001960 No.17001960 [Reply] [Original]

The people who knock this for being pretentious are far more pretentious than the people who read it. I think DFW would've liked that if he didnt hang himself

>> No.17001972

>The people who knock this for being pretentious are far more pretentious than the people who read it
A new, false and interesting form of cope. Go on.

>> No.17001977

I don't remember any sex scenes in this book, which is funny cuz DFW was such a horndog

>> No.17002000

Yeah, it's not that hard or trying to be clever or obtuse. Even when it came out he was surprised that so many reviews called it darkly funny, satire etc when he thought it was mostly sad. Ironic deflection was already a default reaction.

>> No.17002015

Big Red Son is pretty based https://youtu.be/papiCP6GSt0

>> No.17002137

Why does he use footnotes like he does?

>> No.17002378
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Nobody who actually reads books thinks that Infinite Jest is pretentious. It's the people that never read books and then, somewhere in between freshman year in college and before completing graduate school, decide to take a swing at reading "a big book for big people"; these are the people that are considered pretentious. The kind of people that can relate to both Hal's marijuana addiction and the Ennet House junkies while somehow fitting their own middle-class environment into that corporate/entertainment landscape framed in IJ. After reading it however, they somehow think it is without a doubt the greatest novel ever written and then they start reccomending it and feel the need to bring the novel into the conversation whenever someone is talking about books. This is because IJ (by the way I think it's a pretty book good but nowhere near the greatest of even the past decades) has become a fashion piece for insincere intellectuals.

>> No.17003508
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Women knock it because allegedly, toxic men like DFW too much.

>> No.17003518
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>> No.17003562

> this for being pretentious are far more pretentious than the people who read it.
A lot of the jokes in it remind me of a girl I knew in middle school. She was pretentious as fuck, and I think her entire self worth was split between being smart and being not like other girls. She thought her puns were hilarious and spent a whole bunch of time explaining the joke to people. She didn't understand people weren't laughing because she wasn't funny, not because they didn't understand. I still cringe thinking about her. Couldn't make it through the book because of that.

>> No.17003568

That makes her sound endearing

>> No.17003611

based wordsworth how do they keep doing it?

>> No.17003615

She was horse girl before I knew what horse girls were, and she took two months off high school when the Chad she was obsessed with turned her down publicly. I still knew some of the people who went to that high school and they said she never talked to him before, and her proposal was something like
>I'm better than all the Stacey's you went out with
and quickly turned into
>You're an ignorant shitbag probable rapist foreveralone reeeeeeeeee
when he pointed out he didn't know who the fuck she was. It's pretty painful remembering how cringe she was in middle school.

>> No.17003629

There's nothing in the world that I hate more than pretentiousness and self-importance, but I never got that from DFW. It doesn't read like he's writing to impress the reader.

>> No.17003635

She fucks horses?

>> No.17003686

Idk lol. Teenage girls who are obsessed with horse stationery and all that shit are known to be crazy, according to memes 4chan told me. I knew she was crazy for other reasons at the time, but I didn't know the horse designs on everything was a sign of crazy back then. I just figured that was some shit girls do.

>> No.17003699

only way I will ever buy IJ

>> No.17004242

Pretentious pseud detected

>> No.17005015

damn this is way more entertaining than I expected

>> No.17005038

I'm 60 pages in and your post had pretty much summed up my opinion of the infinite jest controversy.
>gee this really isn't all that high and mighty, just a little autistic
>I can really see why zealous leftists hate it for being so normal

>> No.17005045

isnt the meme like some dudebro uni fuckboys like to name drop ij to seem cultured or impress girls or whatever thats why they make fun of it?

>> No.17005069


Nothing about it is remotely normal are you kidding? Have you read a book before?

>> No.17005070

>Famously pretentious novel creates an entire fanbase of insecure pseuds so overwhelming obnoxious that even the fat bitches on Tumbler take notice and start to make memes about them
>Said psueds realize the only way to get around this is by calling everybody pretentious instead.
I'll give you guys credit, you've handled being outed as limp-dicked faggots better than the Rick and Morty groups. Also I own and have read Infinite Jest and enjoy it very much, but DFW's fanbase deserves every bit of ridicule it's earned.

>> No.17005104

Obama would have if it came out earlier.

>> No.17005122

I mean he's more detailed than most authors with footnotes and such but it's not like I'm fighting what I'm reading or finding myself lost.

>> No.17006496

Year of the Whopper
Year of the Tucks Medicated Pad
Year of the Trial-Size Dove Bar
Year of the Perdue Wonderchicken
Year of the Whisper-Quiet Maytag Dishmaster
Year of the Yushityu 2007 Mimetic-Resolution-Cartridge-View-Motherboard-Easy-To-Install-Upgrade for Infernatron/InterLace TP Systems for Home, Office or Mobile [sic]
Year of Dairy Products from the American Heartland
Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment (Y.D.A.U.)
Year of Glad

>> No.17006763

I fucked her

>> No.17006865
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>> No.17006906

>he kind of people that can relate to both Hal's marijuana addiction and the Ennet House junkies while somehow fitting their own middle-class environment into that corporate/entertainment landscape framed in IJ.

I've never even considered reading Infinite Jest but I respect its meme status and I think that DFW is hilarious.

I smoke weed every day and life a corporate life. I might have to read this book now.

Are you trolling me?

>> No.17006967


>> No.17007013

house of leaves has better footnotes

>> No.17007031

lol I could see her getting with a 4channer. What's her initials?

>> No.17007046

Exactly! I genuinely love IJ but the fact that it's considered a "difficult" book is ridiculous.
DFW fanboys who use it to bolster their intellectual credibility deserve every syllable of ridicule they get.

>> No.17007053

Based and subsidized calendar pilled

>> No.17007104

>DFW fanboys
I see these people seldom but the people who criticize them often

>> No.17007141

Pemulis enters Mrs. Incandenza's office and finds her and John Wayne fucking in there wearing nothing but a football helmet and Avril wearing a cheerleaders outfit.

>> No.17007216

Look in a mirror.

>> No.17007241

The real treasure was the footnotes he made along the way.

>> No.17007289

u missin comma lul

>> No.17007296
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>Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment
the statue of liberty wearing a diaper for advertising purposes is similar to irl turning nelson's column into a lightsaber during the force awakens promotional campaign

>> No.17007424

No, there are a lot more characters and themes but the examples I named were the first thing to come to mind. It's a pretty good book but don't expect a literary awakening.

>> No.17008237
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If Horatio was a fellow of infinte jest way before the invention of videotape, how did he create those darn movies?

>> No.17009624

This desurito.

>> No.17009887

I've only had it recommended to me by women

>> No.17010159

one person wouldn't make it often fuckface

>> No.17011126


>> No.17011177

No but he does use Orin to project some of this thoughts about sex addiction and seduction. Also Joelle's O.P.D creeping on them when they stayed in her room.