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17001608 No.17001608 [Reply] [Original]

Why does no one writes kinos like pic related anymore?
>Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul.
Still the best opening hook of all time

>> No.17001622

Because Kali Yuga and technology, read The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology

>> No.17002526


I wish they had kept the line for the James Mason film but "loins" might have been a bit much for 1962.

>> No.17002568

>Still the best opening hook of all time
no it's kitsch while trying to be parodic (something you probably didn't get out of it)

>> No.17002793

Honestly hate how much people quote this, that and "rust and stardust." And I like the book.

>> No.17002794


>> No.17002806

its the midwit holy grail, vacuous but florid language and pedo shit.

>> No.17002850

I am writing a closet drama, does this sound kino? It is modeled to be Shakespearean-ish:
Morgana Le Fay:
>O Merlin! Son of Cymru, valued vizier, divine druid!
>I remember the night when as a child I wandered into his study.
>With hands muddy from playing in the dirt and by the river,
>I pulled and prodded at the delicate instruments of his devising.
>When he finally saw me, he did not grow angry.
>Instead he picked me up, took me to his golden telescope,
>And showed me the pocked surface of the Moon.

>> No.17002863

No I won't. Read more instead of seething without argument because someone told you that your favourite author is a hack, a mindless drone of style, humming sentences without meaning, pining them on his pages like his dead butterflies or chess problems.

>> No.17002917

No that's Blood Meridian.

>> No.17002976

Nah, Lolita is more famous and more pedo and attracts more pseuds who are closeted pedos.

>> No.17002992

This isn't Quijote opening.

>> No.17003031

This. Like with anime, I think lolita attracts pseuds because it compliments shallow narcissism and self pity

>> No.17003045
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>best opening hook of all time
That's Notes from the Underground

>> No.17003126

>more famous
>more pedo
>more pseuds
Pure statistics. Better book = more fame. More fame = more readers. More readers = more pseuds.
>Like with anime
You're off to a bad start.
>because it compliments shallow narcissism
Blood Merdian again
>and self pity
That's Infinite Jest. Lolita is pure flexing on other writers. You should probably read it before saying more stupid shit.

>> No.17003174

Sneed, feeder of my life, seeder of my loins. My gummy bears, my soil. Sn-ee-d: the tip of the shovel taking a trip of three digs down the dirt to tap, at three, on the PH. Sn. Ee. D. He was Sn, plain Sn, in the morning, standing five foot ten in one gucci loafer. He was Snee in overalls. he was Chuck at store. She was Sneed's on the dotted line. But in my arms he was always Sneed's Feed and Seed. Formerly Chuck's.

>> No.17003200

>Better book = more fame. More fame = more readers.
Harry potter>>>>>Lolita.
Blood Meridian at least has substance. Lolita is a soulless hack's projection, who pseuds think is deep because "Dude, its totally not that but this! Nabokov is fucking with us I swear!"
>More pedo

>> No.17003250

weebs love nabokov. says it all. joyce mogs him in terms of craft and eclipses him in depth. cope

>> No.17003284
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>> No.17003301

>Harry Potter>>>>>Lolita
Correct. And if Lolita>>>>>Blood Meridian, then Harry Poter >>>>>>>>>>Blood Meridian.
>Blood Meridian at least has substance.
It "at least" has substance? You mean Lolita, the novel regularly regarded as one of the greats of world literature, just fluked its way to the top over and over again?
Agreed. Go back to your boy rape.
>Weebs love Nabokov
I don't care what you love, weirdo.
>Joyce mogs him
Yeah, Nabokov has outright stated that himself. Are you trying to talk a shit about a writer you clearly know nothing about? What the fuck, dummy, go back to reading your Hardy Boys horseback adventure.