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17000673 No.17000673 [Reply] [Original]

literally just one long lit shitpost. what's so special about this?

>> No.17000682

Thought this was a book about non-mainstream rap. Was very disappointed.

>> No.17000688

boring shit, indeed

>> No.17000690

This book was quite literally written for normies

>> No.17000691

That's why /lit/ likes it.
Hi R*ddit!!!

>> No.17000798

>filtered by entry Dosto

>> No.17001068

How are the Vintage Classic editions of Dostovesky books?
The covershave always looked nice

>> No.17001192

They feel nice, but I prefer everyman's

>> No.17001204

You're retarded. Anyone who's lived a hard life and is remotely self aware does not need to read notes to understand its message. rest of dosto is great tho.

>> No.17001231

Whats the messsge

>> No.17001276

find out yourself

>> No.17001416

>Hard life
You literally got filtered bro. A big point is that Underground man DID NOT live a hard life. He lived an average life.

>Either an Insect or a Hero. Anything in between is suffering.

>> No.17001433

You wouldn't get it.

>> No.17001560

I have pretty much similar thoughts, it wasn't bad, but I expected something better

>> No.17001583

So you were a pseud who got filtered. Thought so.

>> No.17001599

>thinking that material possessions equate to living an average life
yeah, you're definitely underage

>> No.17001600

can you name an earlier lit shitpost than this?

>> No.17001877

>his life was hard because being an insufferable bitter piece of shit couldn't get him any pussy

>> No.17001979
File: 72 KB, 1023x682, just_stop_bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek. there's no way you can be this retarded. stop embarrassing yourself and read the book again anon but don't rely on supplementary material this time around.

>> No.17002091

>strawmanning because you got exposed as a retard

>> No.17002170
File: 41 KB, 396x382, go_back_to_plebbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it all makes sense now

>> No.17002222

>let me have the last word despite losing the argument
lol no

>> No.17002270

>fixating on an internet argument so much so that you declare yourself the winner
kek. have you no shame?