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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 399 KB, 2048x1151, 1607637630159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16999973 No.16999973 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16999995

>reverse search image
>find nothing
i-is this you with your gf anon?

>> No.17000004

>spent yesterday browsing academic articles about jackdaw perception written by a german ornithologist actual princess
I'm in love

>> No.17000010

I got banned for posting
>american authors

Fuck jannies and fuck americans

>> No.17000029

Yes, it's from her instagram.

>> No.17000033


>> No.17000048


>> No.17000054

I wish that was me :(

>> No.17000057

Their blood will never wash off

>> No.17000063 [DELETED] 


>> No.17000079

>sorry Chad. In real life, it’s the so.yboy that gets the girl

>> No.17000117

>self-harm scars
Don't worry anons, you're not missing out on much

>> No.17000145

I don't see any.

>> No.17000159

why are your arms that veiny, and if you arms are that bad how is your cock? post image

>> No.17000172
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>> No.17000200

still don't see it

>> No.17000294


>> No.17000307

So go out and meet people.

>> No.17000338

I have them as well, we're each broken in our own way.

>> No.17000355

>jackdaw perception
Links? They are loveable little fuckers.

>> No.17000363
File: 167 KB, 1024x971, 5100324728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro, going out now

>> No.17000372

Good. If you really don't know where to go try to look for sportsgrounds, a basketball or football ground, and start throwing the ball. People will join you, it will flow very naturally.

>> No.17000383

>covid lockdown
>living in the boonies
Your choice is tinder or the grocery store. >>16999973
It’s the familiar theme that life is played out before you like a chess match. You’ve mastered the game out of sheer boredom. Incidentally this causes nothing other than a slight annoyance to your already trivial matters at hand. So you are left with a simple choice.

>> No.17000387

>>covid lockdown
Who cares?

>> No.17000389
File: 71 KB, 315x231, like-id-know-hey-philosophers-probably-have-pretty-big-dicks-27295091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17000400

Post roast.

>> No.17000410

Literally the government because they’ve used their vested powers to “temporarily” close businesses for healthy & safety.

>> No.17000412

Everything you land your eyes on while browsing the internet is an addictive stimulus. Pornography, memes, irony, politics, outrage. How long will it take me to truly disconnect from this? I feel like the internet has damaged me irremediably even if I reject the addictive shit. And the more I try to stick my neck out the deeper people seem to willingly submerge themselves, so the less I can relate to them. Basically everyone who draws draws porn now. It's uncanny.

>> No.17000413

Actually i changed my mind, its pouring down with rain and really cold.

>> No.17000419

If you have bad social anxiety you could go on discord and talk to people or just sit there, sweat and listen. Exposure to such social situations will significantly lessen your anxiety.

>> No.17000442

unfortunately that's not true :(

>> No.17000453

Go cold turkey for a month. No access to the internet. In the meantime read whatever captivates you. Thank me later

>> No.17000476

>Basically everyone who draws draws porn now.
Artist here. That's been the case since forever. What you're seeing now though is that a lot of hobbyists are only in it for porn and this is now published more broadly than it was once. In earlier times, because you needed to physically print to distribute, there was competition among porn pamphleteers. This doesn't mean the best porn won the right to be the one published, but it did limit the broad canon of porn and slightly privilege those who were by trade draughtsmen or who by association knew printers. If you read things about pamphlets during the French Revolution for example, there is genuine concern that the amount of pornographic leaflets is becoming a litter nuisance which could stop traffic. And, before you bring up furverts, most of those leaflets featured explicit bestiality.

>> No.17000561

You ain't kidding about that being you huh anon? Well I feel a bit rude now, I have self-harm scars too from years ago, best wishes to you both anon. I hope you've managed to overcome that dreadful coping mechanism and find the beauty in life

>> No.17000647
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Utter nonsense. The one thing you've chosen to weasel your way out of answering any of my questions, "willpower", is a combination of the very things you are accusing me of doing: unfair universalizing (that everyone has the faculty of "will"), scrutinizing ("willpower" is an exclusively Rational idea), bias ("willpower" is a radically fundamentalist idea even within the vulgar scope of worldly musing), public disapproval (most people have no awareness of their or an other's "willpower"), Logical insufficiency (the term "willpower" just pours out of your mouth like shit out of your anus), going in circles (the latter half of your replies restates the same thing), being disingenuous (most of the past and present human socio-cultural equation has no room for "willpower"), etc. You are either extremely perfidious or extremely stupid, probably both. Fuck you.

>> No.17000658
File: 395 KB, 2506x520, So many (You)s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so easy to troll /d/

>> No.17000693

70. L’imposture de la satisfaction doit se dénoncer elle-même en se remplaçant, en suivant le changement des produits et celui des conditions générales de la production. Ce qui a affirmé avec la plus parfaite impudence sa propre excellence définitive change pourtant, dans le spectacle diffus mais aussi dans le spectacle concentré, et c’est le système seul qui doit continuer : Staline comme la marchandise démodée sont dénoncés par ceux-là mêmes qui les ont imposés. Chaque nouveau mensonge de la publicité est aussi l’aveu de son mensonge précédent. Chaque écroulement d’une figure du pouvoir totalitaire révèle la communauté illusoire qui l’approuvait unanimement, et qui n’était qu’un agglomérat de solitudes sans illusions.

>> No.17000726
File: 48 KB, 1024x962, 1576097156845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish my priest loved me back
god made a great joke making me fall for such a righteous man, meanwhile there are hundreds of clergymen that'd give up their left kidney for a very young-looking, rather cute literary schizo that admires them with fiery passion

>> No.17000773

what a faggot

>> No.17000789
File: 69 KB, 656x875, gr3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really are aren't they: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2009.02.062 , I think it's open access

>> No.17000806
File: 225 KB, 962x962, a9b7398a6c5468e21badcd92091c0c0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not gay if it's spiritual

>> No.17000844 [DELETED] 

That does suck. This is the worst one in recent memory

>> No.17000867

This one?

>> No.17000927

Living the dream. Keep it up you beautiful faggot.

>> No.17000962

Fuck, I already had post lose two books I bought online, and now I'm reading an article on all the problems people have with them, and it makes me so anxious about this one book I'm still waiting for.

>> No.17000980

Based anon. This actually explains a lot of how the wild jackdaws react to me. Generally the ones who don't know me yet I point to the food and wander off, so as not to scare them while they are trying a new food source. The ones that know me don't read extending my arm the same way.
I think the cutest thing is the ones who know me get very excited when they work out who I am when I am wearing unusual clothes or a new mask, like they have solved a puzzle. They do a little I-know-who-you-are-now call and dance, instead of their You-feed-me call.

>> No.17001001
File: 58 KB, 604x453, 1590662898810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be left alone in my own seclusion at this point, it'd been very clear early on in my life that I will never be loved nor I will be liked. My parents have no love for me, their separation when I was a child is enough that I, their only son, isn't much of a force to strenghten the bonds of familial unity. Not to mention how throughout the years they have become indifferent towards me. Mother immediately found a surrogate for my Father months after their separation and goes on to find a surrogate for me by giving birth to another offspring, Father did the same thing a decade later with another woman.
My relatives whom they left me to ever since I was the age of three is very hateful towards me, even when I was young I remember them saying things that would make me feel bad as a child. It's very funny how they tell me that I should be thankful of my life because it only shows how myopic they are, how they are incapable of seeing things pass beyond what is material. They should've acted on what they said to me by kicking me out years ago, but no, they still have hopes that one day I may benefit them by reducing myself to a money-making machine that's why their hellbent on sending me to college despite me telling them that I should first figure things out.
None of the activities or interests I take part in makes them proud nor makes them happy at the very least simply because I don't profit from it. Whenever I pass by them while their watching the television and some commercial for a reality show audition shows up they would quickly go on about how I should join, how I should take a shot with my looks, they would say something alone the lines of: "Anon you should try to join this reality show, you got a proportional face, you're fair-skinned, you got all the qualities that they were looking for! We would support you for this!", little did they know that saying those things make me feel like a manwhore. But when I open up that I have prospects for doing X, when I tell them that I'd like to go to a doctor to get something checked they would simply neglect me. Hell, even what I do for them often gets overlooked.
And how about friends? Well, after the last year of high school back in 2019 everybody parted ways. It's one of those things that makes me regret going to high school, that gives me the thoughts that I should've did whatever I want instead of going to high school and maybe get my GED afterwards. All those years making and maintaining frieds just to go down the drain. I'd suspected it even before high school ends, I asked them that maybe they can go to the gym with me, you know, improve themselves, I'll help them with the basics and yada yada but they would always come up with some excuse.

>> No.17001006
File: 179 KB, 656x468, image0-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>16987786 #
Fwiw. I'm a tranny on some serious anti androgens, and I have absolutely no problem getting it up still. You won't have any issues with a weak ass AA like propecia

>> No.17001007
File: 338 KB, 2048x1536, 13647264827423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may be selfish of me seeing things this way but it has been tormenting me for the past year or so and might be responsible for the multiple sporadic episodes of crying. I have no one to talk to over this, not my parents, not my relatives, and sure as hell not the two temptresses I have left for friends. I didn't really planned on living past the age of sixteen, if I only had the conviction to commit suicide instead of the perseverance of self-preservation I wouldn't have been typing these words right now. Society has somewhat convinced people that death is the worst thing that could happen in life, not that someone is living with little memory of his past, not that someone is waking up everyday only to be tormented by the same few memories over again, not that someone can see himself in the mirror yet he cannot recognize himself, not that someone's suffering is being neglected by the very people who purportedly claims that they care for him, not that someone's father is irresponsible for the ailments he passes unto his child, and certainly not the fact that someone wakes up so only he can slave away his time.
I might go full on /x/ schizo and reprogram myself at this point

>> No.17001052
File: 47 KB, 1076x829, realistic apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alpha fucks, beta bucks anon

>> No.17001076

>Artist here. That's been the case since forever.
Kill yourself you piece of shit, fuck you, fucking agent of evil scumbag. You disgust me, stop distorting the truth, it was never like this, fucking hell you are like a fucking cult

>> No.17001095

>Kill yourself you piece of shit, fuck you, fucking agent of evil scumbag. You disgust me, stop distorting the truth, it was never like this, fucking hell you are like a fucking cult
Thanks for the title of my new Richard Prince inspired work, anon. :^)

>> No.17001139

i want to write something thats on my mind, but i cant think of anything in particular. im excited for the weekend, work is lame, yea thats about it

>> No.17001157


>> No.17001160
File: 67 KB, 747x747, 123322641_1174568519603793_8426046180347511688_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what gets people going about the fact that some academic professors consider themselves marxist or use marxist doctrine to analyze stuff. Like yeah, your professor for sociology is a marxist. And? Did you expect them to cater to your libertarian ideas instead or what?
People act like Marx was just some lefty whose ideas are now used to propagate communism among scholars. Do they realize that that he's the most well-known and most controversial economist ever, and that his ideas influenced probably the most radical change in the course of civilization? How is one NOT supposed to talk about Marx given that context? Or are we supposed to block out all thinkers who do not agree with "our" values?
His analysis of capitalism is something that anyone, regardless of their ideology could agree on or at least find insight in, and das Kapital is much more nuanced than 90% of pop-economic theory that conservatives try to shill. I don't see any problem whatsoever with a marxist professor. In fact, isn't that actually perfectly logical since academia is also supposed to question the country's status quo, which is neoliberal capitalism in most western countries?
Also, let's not forget to mention that most thinkers in the humanities were not "left-wing" and we still learn about their ideas - yet I rarely see anybody complain about conservative thinkers. Apparently it's only considered propaganda when the thinker in question was a socialist/communist. Really makes me think that this whole idea of cultural marxism and marxist academia is blown way out of proportion.

>> No.17001169

I prefer small ones anyway desuwu

>> No.17001171

Already have one named that, but thanks for the effort.

>> No.17001234


>> No.17001307

I think you're right but why are so many commies also trannies.

>> No.17001339

>His analysis of capitalism is something that anyone, regardless of their ideology could agree on or at least find insight in
This is way more true than most will believe. I was a libertarian for years and avoided reading Marx because I thought I already knew everything from reading Mises and Rothbard and Hoppe etc. Big mistake. I finally read Capital this year and just wish I had done it sooner.

>> No.17001350

It's an ideology that welcomes them, not hard to figure out

>> No.17001361

Mark my words, Marx is going to be shunned as a fascist thinker by mainstream academia within five years
"He's a cishet, white, modernist thinker!"

>> No.17001384

im same except apparently you are a chad manwhore. im a 5 maybe 6 on a good day incel it could be worse

>> No.17001419

It sucks being forced to do what you really really don't want to do.

>> No.17001474

a-are you a girl? I'm not a faggot sorry

>> No.17001491

Not much on my mind but today the band who wrote my favourite album of all time got back together and put out a new song, and it sounds like they are continuing directly from the album I love so much, so I am pretty much in a state of complete euphoria today. Life is good today, lads.

>> No.17001498

What band?

>> No.17001514

>not Japanese

On my mind is poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop I don't like boomer lit

>> No.17001516

did you become a Marxist though or did you integrate some aspects of his critique into your Weltanschaung?

>> No.17001530

>I'm not a faggot
I'm not a girl in any sense you would care about then

>> No.17001541

The latter, while I still think the Austrians had the best model for understanding human action in the particular, I think Marx illuminates the trends or forces of capital in the big picture. I dont put myself into an ideology anymore.

>> No.17001548

wheres your chin bud?

>> No.17001579

fuck she's hot: who's she?

>> No.17001677

Very cute. Funny you mention masks, was looking at another study that utilises a threatening and neutral mask to see jackdaws ability to recognise people and adjust their behaviour according to where that person is looking. In short, parent jackdaws can differentiate between people that previously disturbed their nest and those that didn't, and will return to their nest faster when a threatening person walks by. And it's a nonsignificant result, but they'll also enter the nest faster if the threatening person is facing the nest. Very clever little things, miss seeing them on my daily commute, not so many where I live - although there are funny lil parakeets all over

>> No.17001694

Im sorry for your suffering Anon .
I cannot offer you advice because Im a failure in my own life.

All I will suggest is that things might well get better, and thats surely reason enough to endure a little longer. Afterall you will be dead for plenty long enough.

If you're good looking as you say then many opportunities will likely arise. New social circles and relationships with a higher quality grade of person are very attainable.

>> No.17001710

>i looked down at the little potato faced bitch, her puppy eyes lolling around in their sockets like she was drugged.

>> No.17001747

Is eternal recurrence meant to be literal or way of thinking to not fall prey to pessimism or nihilism?

>> No.17002187

I wish they didn't have to bother them to find these things out.
Some of mine got too attached thsi year and would try dropping bread they found near me when they saw me out, which was cute but annoying, and they have a different call for I'm-trying-feed-you-you-skinny-motherfucker. I ignored it and they mostly stopped. I always get worried about them when they try gifting because they usually only gift for mates and I don't want to make incel jackdaws with a weird human fetish. I think it happened more this year because I'm in their range more frequently.
Parakeets seem like they would be cool but more noisy and boisterous than unmated jackdaws. I don't have any real experience with them though so I might be wrong.

>> No.17002259


>> No.17002301

I meant to ask if he was being literal OR using it as a metaphor for approaching the world anon. Can't be yes to both.

>> No.17002416

It is yes to both though.

>> No.17002488

>maybe seeing a single leaflet = quadrabytes of internet supersmut available anytime
Yeah, you're retarded, but by all means believe whatever helps you get by.

>> No.17002521

you're right tho

>> No.17002617

>>maybe seeing a single leaflet
That is not what anon said. >>17000476
>the amount of pornographic leaflets is becoming a litter nuisance which could stop traffic.
Imagine instead of a device that when you tried to move your car you had to shovel porn like it was snow. That is closer to what anon is saying.

>> No.17002712

Can one be a fascist without also being a reactionary?

>> No.17002714


>> No.17002745

In sex, yes.

>> No.17002807

Almost everyone in that thread called me a pedo. They worship whales there.

>> No.17002849

I forgot that /d/ for some reason bans loli.

>> No.17003091

I'm a PhD candidate and I'm meeting monday for an allegation of academic misconduct. Used my thesis without citing it (paragraphs copy and pasted) lol

I think I'm fucked

>> No.17003135

I just realized that God wants me to stay an incel because that gives me more time to use my extraordinarily high intelligence and skills to be productive.

>> No.17003139
File: 1012 KB, 1078x1353, y1lz5jdmhk461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to read on an airplane
>Aircraft attendant keeps bumping into me on purpose

>> No.17003433

What are you waiting for go smash, that's a sign.

>> No.17003456

how did they figure out your plagiarized your own thesis? did you show them? was it in your application?

>> No.17003458

Does londonfrog still post here?

>> No.17003479

I'm having doubts about my world view and life, and considering picking up some scophenhauer to cope.

>> No.17003496

I have a question. Are you fleabag?

>> No.17003517

the question you should be asking yourself is: why are so many trannies also commies? it's self explanatory, really

>> No.17003522

Thesis was likely on my pervious school's data base.

I understand self-plagiarism for journals, as there is a case for copyright infringement between them, but it's such a meme concept. Apparently in the sciences people copy and past sections, like methodologies, all the time

I think the professor (she) had an axe to grind against me.

It was lazy and dumb, but the copy and pasting was mainly quotes and text to set them up or w.e and then I added a bunch of new scholarship

>> No.17003529

Sex? What is this? Success. Excess. Section. Sect. Ex. X X X

>> No.17003545

yeah, that's some b.s. If given the opportunity, you should definitely act remorseful and cognizant of the situation. But at the same time argue that your thesis was unpublished (i'm assuming), you held all the rights, and therefore the severity of the offense should not be enough to kick you out. Take it as a learning experience

>> No.17003575

Occasionally... but other times on /biz/ and /fit/ too. Depends on the Jannies - as always.

>> No.17003579

There's literally nothing I am compelled to do. I am bored to the point of stupefaction. Bored to the brink of nullity.

>> No.17003591
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Don't forget lads, if you're going to simply compose regardless, you might as well contribute to /lit/'s first magazine, send me submissions:

>> No.17003594

Kya on the wire.

>> No.17003604

Agreed. I absolutely won't be antagonistic. Also having the excuses that not only did I talk about it in class (that I was reusing work), made a presentation about it but also had a rough draft available for two week before, which she never checked.

I guess I'm not sure if it was "published" or not since if you look it up it will come up in library database. So not sure the technicality on that. I don't think I'll get expelled, but I potentially will fail the class which will fuck my GPA for scholarships and also have to redo it to nullify that... with the same stuck up bitch of a professor.

>> No.17003748

ies are performances. a good liar is a good actor.

>> No.17004039

Will you have to start a new thesis and will this come up again when you have to defend it?

>> No.17004053 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 640x742, 1547483540275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know why but I really love tragedy porn.

>> No.17004219

No idea. have to reword it for sure at least

>> No.17004727

I don't think that explains the whole of it.

>> No.17004734

I masturbate to loli and collect the semen in separate jars with distinct waifu labeling

>> No.17004751
File: 170 KB, 1064x1600, 1607629278366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do girls become like 20% more attractive when they have red hair?

>> No.17004761

Dinner, coffee, yoghurt, beer, chocolate, bed
good evening

>> No.17004766

Why is it that weird ugly looking people date pretty girls that I like. I'm better looking and probably funnier too.

>> No.17004777

So you should be able to get an even prettier girl, count yourself lucky.

>> No.17004816

>Why is it that weird ugly looking people date pretty girls that I like.
They are way richer than you.

>> No.17004829

I'm not rich.

>> No.17004836


>> No.17004843

Exactly what? That's me in the OP.

>> No.17004883

tell your boyfriend to take his meds

>> No.17004908 [DELETED] 


>> No.17004912

Instagram photos are square...

>> No.17004922

I think i miss my psychosis, but i can never be sure again

>> No.17005292

Because it contrasts nicely with pale skin and bright eyes. They don't look that attractive when they are strongly tanned or have dark complexion.

>> No.17005309

My life is just an aggregate of toxic sludge creeping it's way into every shallow crevasse of hope and joy, I am a primordial tar pit of despair. Someone kill me. Please.

>> No.17005406
File: 528 KB, 940x701, yang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a bath. Or at least a shower. Also have a plant, goldfish, proper pet, friend, group of friends, girlfriend, fiance, wife and children in that order. And stop begging for mercy of death on the japanese sudoku forum, when you clearly don't deserve release from life. Faggots like you deserve all smell of baby diaper changing and all pointless female babbling they can possibly get. Pic mostly unrelated.

>> No.17005480

superb image, anon

>> No.17005912

Can one of you autistic mfs explain to me why the action key in Cyberpunk is 'F' instead of 'E' like every other first person game ever and there's no way to change it? Why would they do that?

>> No.17006048

A lot of games use F instead of E. It frees up Q and E for leaning around corners or other actions that have something to do with moving left or right. Dunno why they wouldn't make it rebindable, I guess CDPR is just incompetent.

>> No.17006117

Oh I see. I guess that must be a tactical shooter thing? I only play twitchy run n' gun shooters like Doom and Krunker which doesn't use that shit. Even still, 'E' is bound to "Braindance" or some shit not even lean or movement shit. Eh, maybe I'm old school and the gaming world as moved on to 'F' as the action key, but I mean Cyberpunk is an RPG, so you kind of expect the standard bindings like in Borderlands and Bethesda shit.

>> No.17006161

Ive been having constant dejavu. I might be going insane

>> No.17006420
File: 16 KB, 326x245, 1586002687741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody else feel like posting on 4chan keeps them from getting old?

Not literally, of course. Of course we're all still physically aging.

But I genuinely feel like something about this site keeps my mind somewhat more elastic, somewhat more open to new ideas and concepts, than it would be otherwise.

I'm in my 30s but I see so many of my peers on social media basically falling into patterns. Settling into rhythms of behavior. And I, myself, have not fallen into those at all.

Maybe this is me being very arrogant and full of myself. But it feels like something about this shitty website keeps me open-minded, pursuant of truth, and not as easily fooled, compared to the people my age I know who aren't on here.

Then again, maybe I was always destined to be that sort of person, and that's the sort of person 4chan attracts in the first place.

>> No.17006438


I'm not thinking this right now, I was thinking it last night and earlier today, but thank God for 4chan. Unironically. I don't know what I'd have done or how I'd have turned out after the last 7 years if not for this place. Regardless of that nature/nurture dilemma you're pointing to, I'd probably have succumbed to globohomo just out of desperation for community if I never found this place.

>> No.17006444

You're a square

>> No.17006480

I see what you mean. I've become used to opposing and unusual views, especially in regards to politics, from 4chan. I feel that I can engage with and debate certain ideas now without issue.

>> No.17006484

Probably because they have better personalities than you

>> No.17006491

shut the fuck up forever

>> No.17006500 [DELETED] 

I honestly wish /lit/ had been around when I was in college. I think this board's inception was like the year after I graduated. 4chan was around, but it was only known for /b/. I spent a lot of time on IRC which was cool, but IRC, while possibly more tech savvy, is generally much less erudite. Now I go through a cycle where I spent a ton of time on /lit/, get sick of the repetitive threads and leave for months, then come back to get my motivation to read charged up, and then leave again.

>> No.17006504

>reddit spacing
>shitty anime pic
>30 years old

just imagine the soi of this dude

>> No.17006519


>> No.17006529

Can be a sign of epilepsy and a few other conditions. Make sure you're sleeping enough and taking care of yourself.

>> No.17006562

Dude what you have to do is set a time and date where you all go on zoom together and work on it on a google doc for 45 minutes to 1 hour at least a few days before it’s due, that should be enough time so that you’re at the very least near finished and even if the other group members are retarded they’ll be able to get their part done.

It would be better if you met in person, but irk if corona fucks that up for you.

>t. Graduated last may

>> No.17006570

Yeah group projects are the worst. I did basically all the work for one which was mandatory, and then my two other "collaborators" decided the venue for showcasing the work should be in the back of beyond. I told them I couldn't get a lift and couldn't make it to the venue at the time they picked. So they got As for my work, while actively fucking me over so I would have to wait a year to complete the module. Best part of it was that I couldn't make it at the time they set because I was actually paying my rent while their parents were paying theirs and for their gas bill and cars. One of them still owes me £10. All group projects taught me is never work in a group, and that people who want to are absolute scum.

>> No.17006572


I have experience being an asshole of a group mate to get people to work. They probably thought I was a psycho, but goddamn even when my other group members were retarded we got a’s when I was an asshole. I know it might suck but you just gotta do it.

>> No.17006574

i’ve tried this and we have made progress but this was the result of “ah, yes, i will” at the last group video call and i’m in charge of editing and streamlining a fucking 40 page frankensteins monster research paper BUT THE BODY PARTS ARE CURIOUSLY MISSING FROM MY INBOX AS EVERYONE FLAKES!!!!! i am fuming!

>> No.17006577

Dude that situation is fucked up, why didn’t you email the professor about that?

>> No.17006582

i’m incredibly mean is the thing here because i’ve learned that being nice to fucking tomatohead drooling piss-pants grad students gets you nowhere but they’re still performing the last-minute mental health shuffle as though everyone else isn’t also fucking stressed and overwhelmed

>> No.17006584

The professor in question dated my dad before he got with my mom. She was still unmarried and an alcoholic.

>> No.17006603

See you have to all do it on the same google doc at the same time so it’s blatantly visible they’re being lazy fucks and are socially pressured into doing the fucking work.

Also adding to this >>17006572 be serious all the time. Don’t act like their friend until the end of the project assuming you did well. If people aren’t doing their shit look them in the eye when you meet up or sit with each other in class and tell them we gotta pick up the work here (I’m not sure this would work as well if the group memeber is female, I’m not sure how they would react to you asserting your will over theirs, most males will bend the knee though if you call them out in a manly and professional way like that).

>> No.17006608

I don't think they were evil, but they were definitely spoiled. I think to be evil they would have to see it as fucking someone over. Entitled, sure. Inconsiderate, definitely. Totally oblivious to what consequences their actions would have, very probably. I'm more pissed the professor was a bitch to me because she hadn't got laid since the late seventies. She knew what she was doing.

>> No.17006615

i’m so sorry that happened to you, anon. she sounds like a big cunt.

>> No.17006632

See here’s the thing, you don’t need to be mean in fact that might promote some unproductive negativity, you need to be serious proffessional and forceful. Make it so they understand them doing the work will be the easier option then going against your will.

>> No.17006634

She definitely was. She tried to get me kicked out once for not handing in a doctor's note, and they had to call back the other professor I had given it to from compassionate leave because she wouldn't accept the photocopy he'd left.

>> No.17006641

my group is large and almost all female and i have to phrase everything as an imperative to these fucking losers all the time or nothing gets done. if the paper were not so lengthy i’d make them write their portions in front of me but instead they’re all happily using the last-minute-crisis excuse right before i go to bed AFTER a day of writing a different paper, grading, and doing all of my other shit. i hate how people don’t even consider that other people are tense and stressed out too but they, you know...function. god i just hate this. i cannot wait for this to be done. i’m so repulsed by mediocrity.

>> No.17006649

thanks anon, i try to be stern but approachable and i’m still working out that balance so i imagine it reads as bitchy sometimes. my natural tendency is to want to help people who are serious about needing help but this niceness has been taken advantage of time and time again so i may have veered too far in the other direction.

>> No.17006667

Fuck I’m sorry man. One thing I’m thankful about is because I majored in cs almost all my group projects were all male. In that time I had a single guy that I couldn’t get to work using the described methods. Modern men are pussies but you’re at least allowed to be a bit rough with them.

I don’t know what to tell you sorry, working with females isn’t my expertise.

>> No.17006691

i’m envious that you had these group experiences. in my groups you have to tell everyone “you are doing this” and because you sound serious and frightening they promise to but then don’t follow through. last year i made a whole deal of ensuring my group members got no credit for our project because i did ACTUALLY all of it and they sent me...excuse emails and “thanks in advance” emails. graduate school is so fucking stupid.

>> No.17006693

When this happened to me in high school and college, I just bit my tongue and did all the work myself, unfortunately. It took until right around college graduation for me to get fed up enough that I stopped putting up with women's bullshit. Some small part of me wishes I could return to college and revel in not being a pushover son of a bitch.

>> No.17006798

I was definitely ahead of my time getting ‘cancelled’ in middle school

>> No.17006816

Greentext or expound please.

>> No.17006822
File: 517 KB, 577x441, 1607465246775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, I'm stuck ruminating on the Pen VS. The Sword. Been trying to think of an outcome of the future of the human race where we don't fall back into our old bullshit, but to do so, I feel the need to properly understand the differences between the two while throwing the old adage about the two out the window.

>> No.17006855

I think my main problem is that I haven't been listening to enough metal lately. Metal is my spirit animal and catharsis. I listen to it, and I feel better. It's like magic. It lets me know that my psychic discord is a widespread phenomenon, that there are fleshy chthonic mysteries that dangle horrid tendrils at the edge of human consciousness and reason. There is a certain dark beauty and truth in the best of it.

>> No.17006870
File: 38 KB, 639x512, 1573523271946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been told by people that I have a great talent for writing fiction about my fetishes, even by people who do not possess that fetish themselves.

I mean I guess I could create an alias and write erotica. Sell it on Amazon. Make a few bucks. I'm just not sure I could feel comfortable with myself if I did, since I dream of being a "real" writer.

>> No.17006877
File: 626 KB, 566x564, BuVWp4pIIAAh6m2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What dating app is the best for a long-term relationship? I'm so lonely bros

>> No.17006889

>Writing is a little bit like prostitution. First you do it for love. Then you do it for a few friends. Then you do it for money.

>> No.17006956

Love, sex, and relationships are complicated. I would rather be rich than poor, but it's still complicated. It's mo money mo problems.

>> No.17006973

Here is what you seek
unironcally. I'm married now

>> No.17006974
File: 175 KB, 680x1020, rum-balls-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real writer
if you're selling your writings you're a real writer. simple as. fetish writings are a huge market--lot of money to be made. plus you get practice writing. If I recall correctly Bukowski wrote smut before he wrote 'real' novels. Pynchon was writing technical manuals to make a living before he turned novelist. do what you gotta do to survive bro. make your bread and then write your real novels in the evening time.

>> No.17006986

Where's his chin and jaw?

>> No.17007095
File: 50 KB, 700x478, E0612E5B-0E2F-447C-91C8-69D71A1C3B75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in the early 80s I have this memory of hearing about a film. It was about an impressionable young man, maybe autistic, who was a Dungeons and Dragons enthusiast, but the tone fo the film was serious and the young man wanders off into the city and adult stuff happens and you (me) won’t be seeing that one! I recall that it was Tom Hanks first feature film. It’s been stuck in my head all these years that this is a real film, and I just missed it because it was too adult and not very interesting to me when I did grow up. At one point I thought I found it, but Cloak and Dagger (pictured) certainly isn’t it.
Even though it doesn’t exist I still think of that wide open melancholia feeling when I first had this misunderstanding

>> No.17007106

I haven't had a single friend or meaningful relationship my whole life and it kills me some days. I have no excuses, I'm not ugly and I have money, but I don't talk to anybody, I haven't said "I love you" to anyone ever, not even my parents.

>> No.17007123
File: 110 KB, 1280x800, 776BDF9F-7A98-4039-8786-950791185052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the computer/online deadens us.
Reach out to your parents maybe.
Join a book club (talking to myself here too)

>> No.17007172

Thanks for the reply butterfly. The internet era has been a disaster to socialization.
I'll try my best once lockdown and covid in general is over.

>> No.17007176

If you want a truly terrifying experience search something on the internet and rather than naively select one of the top hits scroll through the endless bottom of all these messages about it. If you go deep enough, a disorienting feeling of the absurdity of all human endeavor. The proverbial everyone and your mother has their two cents. Every single topic has a billion interpretations. How the hell am I supposed to stand out? It's like this human wave of information threatens to swallow up a single truth. No matter what nobody can truly matter.

Also let me remind you. Most of these endless sites have various trackers and web-crawlers that capture all the text and usage patterns you put into them. As I write this, just one such crawler is picking this up, google. That's because I chose to disable it. Yet in the vast lost regions of the internet desert, there are the archeologies of lost civilizations, hidden gems of the non-commercial internet that hold forgotten truths.

>> No.17007182

What was life like before the Internet, butters?
How much did people read, really?

>> No.17007464
File: 357 KB, 420x630, 1600125902843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you think about it, shouldn't third-worlders have a massive comparative advantage in the international digital service economy (eg, youtube, instagram, etc)? There are no major barriers to entry (perhaps non-native English speaking countries have a barrier to entry in English) and minimal fixed costs. The variable costs should simply be labour costs. And in single person enterprises of the cost of labour is just the cost of living. However, the price that the product (advertising) can be sold at would be identical between a first-world or third-world firm. Which, ceteris paribus, assuming the same revenue, the profit will be far higher for the third-worlder. Further, they should be able to continue operating at lower revenues because their average total costs are so much lower, meaning they will exit the market much later that the comparative first-world firm. So they should be able to make far greater profits, weather price fluctuations far better, and generally their opportunity cost should be tilted in favour of it. Yet, as far as i know (not that i'm particularly knowledgeable of the 'influencer' trends) there is nary a third-worlder in sight (outside of bad tutorial videos). These kind of economics only seem to bear out in regards to scammers (and that may have equally to do with comparative legal advantages). Why isn't every digital service platform dominated by Indians and the like? is there some variable that makes the demand so low that even their huge advantages in costs of production cant produce a comparative advantage?

>> No.17007573

Basically Saklas (the demiurge) in the gnostic gospels is like Agent Smith from the Matrix. A rogue program which is contained and part of God's design yet independent of it and manipulating it from within to create the illusions of the material world.

>> No.17007706

>why would people with little to no electrical grid and worse bandwidth not be all over the internet?
>what do you mean youtube has differing payout for partners based on region? and why would their stopping such partnerships when the third world is starting to access it be a continuation of trade disadvantages present in other markets for these regions?
>what do you mean currency and price fluctuations combined with inflation in zimbabwe leads to them having to print new denominations of money every couple of months?
>how does Indian scamming operating through telephone conversations differ from Nigerian scammers operating through text media and why would that have anything to do with their infrastructure networks?
You can only assume everything is a perfect sphere in physics not economics.

>> No.17007713
File: 42 KB, 532x270, A495F9B3-81C6-4F51-9301-9234B8D98DA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep losing weight and I’m not sure how far I should take it. I’m 6’7 and transforming from skinny-fat to skinny. I can still deadlift well over 200kg and bench close to 100kg, but I thought I’d be leaner at 90kg than I am. I guess I’m just a small-boned lanklet. Tempted to get all the way down to 85kg to see how athletic I can get...

>> No.17007728

>/lit/'s first magazine
are you trying to be funny?

>> No.17007790

6'7 and 85? what? won't you be a complete skeleton?

>> No.17007820

Thinking about some interesting dream I just had. Interesting in particular as I am depressed and sad since some months now and this dream gives me some hope.
Stay safe anons :)

>> No.17007895

I would have thought so, but my lifts haven’t gone down much from when I weighed 105kg and I still don’t have abs at 90kg.

>> No.17007951
File: 31 KB, 606x333, Approved-Countries-on-YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would people with little to no electrical grid and worse bandwidth not be all over the internet?
A great deal of the third world isn't that poor. They have access to electricity and internet sufficient for the task.
>what do you mean youtube has differing payout for partners based on region?
from casual searching this doesn't appear to be the case. revenue differs based on the number of clicks from a country, not the country which the producer is located.
>what do you mean currency and price fluctuations combined with inflation in zimbabwe leads to them having to print new denominations of money every couple of months?
Zimbabwe's hyper inflation is not representative of the monetary policy of most third world economies. even if we say inflation is higher on average, it is very unlikely to be greater than the comparative differences in cost of living.

>> No.17008032

>A great deal of the third world isn't that poor. They have access to electricity and internet sufficient for the task.
Except that a lot of centres for YouTube and scammers are based on where these things are not patchy, and there is a vast difference even within cities for access to things like electricity. If you live in rich to middle class Johannesburg, you can make internet videos easily. If you live in Soweto right next door, you don't have a sewage system, and electricity is intermittent and expensive. You're asking why don't the people who are already comparatively comfortable and middle class don't become scammers, while ignoring vast tracts of poverty and rural areas. Where people do become scammers they often had to move to become a scammer, because it was the only way of getting out of being literally shitpoor. They do not have the capacity for everyone to upload a video which even in western countries can take half a day. They have a capacity for a select few to upload some videos.
>from casual searching this doesn't appear to be the case. revenue differs based on the number of clicks from a country, not the country which the producer is located
In case you were wondering why a lot of foreign channels have to speak a high paying language to break into views, or why so much fake news about high paying countries comes from Eastern Europe which gets very low return on internal views but bank on anyone who clicks "Pope declares Trump won!"
Is an extreme example of why your cost of labour/cost of living theory doesn't work. In the west channels go down because some one trying to hustle enough to get to partnerships and payment cannot pay their bill. You're assuming that these people are financially solvent enough that even if the infrastructure problems weren't there, that they could afford the bills which people using the same service in the west fail to pay. Those who already have that kind of consistent income and financial security in third world countries don't really need YouTube dollars. They already have servants, which is something people of a similar class in the west could not afford because of higher wages.

>> No.17008216

There is nothing terrifying about this. You can see the space of infinity as dizzying or awesome. You can see it as being engulfed or as being immersed into the ocean. What modern man has to give up is precisely your fear; the fear of "mattering". He needs to leave behind the want to impress of himself on the world and his nonsensical individualism. This search for immortality is futile as we learn all about the severe commoness of our selves individually and no matter how great the image of a man is painted, he is indebted. Some will remain as such legends in our history be they great men of action or truth seekers but that time is up. Mattering was for them, transcendence is for us.

>> No.17008229 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 491x418, 1509479417938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at a small party
>chatting, drinking
>need to piss
>tell the host
>pardon me, would you mind if i used your bathroom? Just to piss I assure you
>riotous laughter
>later on
>host is hugging everyone
>open arms, move head left right left right left
>hug for slightly too long slightly too affectionately
Why am i so autistic

>> No.17008234

You could replace every other comment on social media with a bot, just repeating patterns of top comments,like meme templates on youtube,tiktok
and even on 4chan,a reply to a post with lots of (you)s with BASED or CRINGE and some pepe or wojak from a handful of random common ones
no one would notice because people like to be part of a hivemind to get that narcisical recognition from their peers, even on a virtual space
now ,sometimes I think why are people trying to push AI into creative work? art,writing,composing,architecture,even talking to you, a real human.
You could argue that these things are what makes us human and believe we are special,but from personal experience,there's just so many people just regurgitating
old,overused stuff when prompted to create something.Buzzwords,fake and shallow ideas presented as deep, insightful stuff, you can see through their facade, and everything
blends together into a mass of the same stuff that is commonplace and accepted,only with slight variations,and the thing that pisses me off the most is that those people seem
to actually believe in the bullshit they are saying, that they are geniuses when they come up with a fucking revolving skyscraper or a pseudo brutalist building and they talk about
public spaces and social spaces and transitional spaces and they spend their personal time on shopping malls and social media, just like everyone does.And the worse is that Im no exception
Im a product of my time.Everyone draws anime,everyone designs minimalist sleek stuff,everyone posts the same shit,whether its fake positivity or fake contrarianism.AI could replace us for all I care,
we are not human anymore

>> No.17008248

oh no, I was slightly awkward in a social setting
>im so autistic lol
I wish you truly were autistic, that your fat single mother would have to try and restrain you when you wanted to headbutt your wall while screaming nonsensical stuff

>> No.17008289

Am I autistic for sending a girl a poem I wrote as a first message on Tinder? Can it work?

>> No.17008317

Before the internet and before writing, most would inherit a set of traditions and practices and maintain them for the rest of their lives. Its quite the same now. Normies will continue being normies and deviants will continue deviating. Luckily deviants are less severely punished than before. As I posted here >>17008216 what you seek is not real. All are indebted.

>> No.17008339

pic or didn't happen

>> No.17008362

Depends how attractive you are

>> No.17008367

You can take the boy out of 4chan but you can't take the 4chan out of the boy..

>> No.17008397

>rather cute
lol sure

>> No.17008403

If I can't kill this fucking tapeworm I'm going to cut it out

>> No.17008408

Based womack poster

>> No.17008439


>> No.17008447
File: 208 KB, 975x1350, is that the best you can do?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream last night.
I was in a boxing match with my HS crush. It was extremely one-sided: she was fighting like a multiple time champion, cruelly assaulting me with a barrage of punches while I was unable to defend myself, much less strike back.
She's also completely naked, which causes me to have a boner.
While she has me against the post, she notices the bulge growing. She stops her relentless assault to pull down my pants, revealing my hard as a rock penis. She smiles and says that she's so confident in her victory that she'll stop and let me hit her if I can. My face is already swollen bloodied, I can barely stand but I begin swinging at her. She dodges my punches by merely steppign aside gently. Finally, a hit connects with her stomach. She looks surprised for a moment but then says cheerfully that it tickles. She purposefully sets her back against the post, resting her arms on the ropes. I continue weakly punching her midsection. She laughs playfully and says she's enjoying the abdominal massage. Then my head launches forwards, propelled by her surprisingly strong arms. My face is firmly smooched between her boobs. I can't breathe anymore and begin to lose consciousness. The last thing I remember is the sweet smell of her sweaty bosom...

>> No.17008462

made this post a while ago >>16979224
>Its quite the same now.
No, you are retarded. Everything that is going on right now is unprecedented. Just look back a generation ago and people had much more varied personalities.

>> No.17008468

You don't have to pretend your coom fantasy is a dream anon, it's okay.

>> No.17008472

>people had much more varied personalities
How so?

>> No.17008606

I think my joints are getting all woogly, but whenever I ask a doctor to check it out, they're obviously disinterested. Still, every month my joints feel less stable. Kind of annoyed, actually. I have a muscle tick in my eyes that I've had since I was young (before I was 10) at least, and my whole life I've asked doctors to look at it, and every time they just shrug and say "I'm sure it's fine. It'll go away." and not one has ever fucking LOOKED AT IT. Well, it's not going away. I'll never be able to drive because of it.
Oh yeah, and I've started collapsing and seizing at random, too. Now I think I broke my wrist again, which, of course I can't be sure of, because I have such a high pain tolerance that I can't tell the difference between "broken", "sprained", or "banged off the corner of a table a day ago". A frustrating existence.

>> No.17008627

Go to the gym lmfao

>> No.17008644

You can't stabilize weak ass ankles, or fix pain tolerance issues. Or muscle twitching in the eyes.
Or apathy from medical professionals.

>> No.17008647

If you're having seizures you need to see a doctor.

>> No.17008652

gym could just fuck him up even more, better off doing some bodyweight stuff

>> No.17008665

Doctors are a scam.

Lay off the red meat (pork especially) and get yourself some praziquantel.
Eat three to four cloves of garlic a day until your problem goes away.

9/10 degenerative disorders of the body start in the stomach.

>> No.17008675

You need to see a mental hospital.

>> No.17008678

yeah, I'm taking medication for it, but the problem is that everything is fine. That's always the goddamn problem for some reason, no matter the issue. Every time one happens, I get taken to the hospital. After half an hour I feel fine again. I do the whole set of tests again and every time it's the same fucking answer: Every thing is fine. We're treating it like epilepsy for now, but nobody thinks it epilepsy.

I don't eat red meat.

>> No.17008683
File: 168 KB, 640x1136, 879E9419-8206-4AB8-B908-E8AF0B38C92D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s in French. It’s an autistic ramble about her bio which said she liked to read while walking

>> No.17008691

You need to stop relying on

>> No.17008702

This is a common issue when it comes to rare diseases. There's a bunch of different conditions it might be. Just keep at it. Have you at least had an MRI and all that?

It's interesting, you should do you. Just don't expect that to amount to like mind control or something, like if it doesn't work it's also fine.

Also autistic or French, one of those. Hard to tell.

>> No.17008708

Wow, the psych team snatched them away mid-sentence.

>> No.17008711

Outdated forms of thinking and conformist ways of dealing with ailments.
You ever stop to think about why holistic and natural healing is having such a renaissance these days?
I won't spoil it for you, but
the healthcare system is a racket.

Probably a good start then. Could have been through anything, though.
Something like 75% of the world's population (and that's being generous) deals with intestinal parasites, a plague wholly ignored by most healthcare professionals.

Look into the long term complications of tapeworms and it may give some insight.

>> No.17008722

Hurr durrpaderp

>> No.17008774

Everyone had a different way of talking, a different set of beliefs, different vices, different flaws. I can't name two of the friends I had in high school who were exactly the same. Now it's like everyone is telling the same inside joke and it drives me crazy.

>> No.17008817

C'est pas mal. Peut-etre elle va dire qc comme "chouette" ou "c bo. t'as l'ecrit toi-meme ca?" et là tu dois dire qc cool par exemple "ah oui pour toi" ou "tu m'inspire"

>> No.17008912

My dick is actually big but I am so ugly that it doesnt matter.

>> No.17008935

C'est fascinant le monde de la séduction, j'en regrette presque mon long célibat.

>> No.17009051

Become an ugly bastard

>> No.17009065

maybe. I got too many suger bitches in my gut right now, so I'm horny for chocolate all the time.
I have to starve the little bitches out for a week or two.

>> No.17009071

put a bag over your head

>> No.17009078

>I have to starve the little bitches out for a week or two.
Doesn't work, I've tried.

Make sure to specify praziquantel, as albenzadole only kills the eggs.

>> No.17009098

I'm talking about bacterium, not parasites.

>> No.17009113

You're that guy who tried to get other priest-fetishists to establish contact with you but they all refused right?

>> No.17009128

thanks op i didn't know skinny guys could get gfs you boosted my confidence

>> No.17009144

Ah, I had no idea. I think ivermectin is a popular one, or keflex. A lot of these you'll need specific prescriptions for so I would suggest a walk-in clinic, as they're more willing to take chances.

>> No.17009147
File: 595 KB, 239x270, 28F07FBE-C34F-42A3-B2DC-F0FDA8B2F7B0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re valid, anon

>> No.17009148

share anecdotes about doomed desire, like a fat girl who wants to be a ballerina or a talentless guy learning to paint for 10 years

>> No.17009385
File: 115 KB, 677x887, unnamed6~9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OC, hot off the presses.

>> No.17009460

In the 90s I didn’t have a computer, so I did read more, scifi and fantasy mostly, and listened to the radio or watched MTV. 120 Minutes was a good show. Criminal of them for putting it on after midnight Monday morning.

>> No.17009489

I don't know where you live, but I would say you are wrong,

>> No.17009493

you're probably stuck in some niche and assume its the world or around regressive people. also talking about "a generation" is useless if people have historically (as in prior to WEIRD psychology) been rigidly accepting of their inherited norms then you can expect that "normies" have made up the majority of human personalities.

>> No.17009532

I feel this, but for me it’s Sea shanties and German marching songs.

>> No.17009536
File: 49 KB, 800x600, 1563415446121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the first time in my life i really want to kill myself.
I see no real point in being alive. No one will love me, my last relationship ruined that for me.
All I do is lift and work. Lift and work. Lift and work.
There isnt an end in sight and i haven't been happy in years.
I stay alive for my mother, but when shes dead i wont be far behind her.
oh well. Another day watching the sun go back down and saying hello to the endless feelings of nothing.

>> No.17009555
File: 1.76 MB, 629x1144, 1607693181600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope she doesn't notice the laptop stuffed in my shirt

>> No.17009558


>> No.17009638
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, 58DAA77A-7C1D-4F69-9C53-E4749A00A9CE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I’ve been in your place before but you must realize the glory of reality and existence that god has gifted us.

There’s no real advice I can give you that can gift this to you, for this I truly apologize. Here is what worked for me though, try meditating, reading Plato, taking walks through nature, meet a girl that you love, find a hobby and have good times with friends, find a beautiful place to have your morning coffee, get yourself a daily schedule where you wake up early and go to bed early but you actually enjoy what you do during the day.

Also I quite enjoyed the anime “Bunny Girl Senpai”.

>> No.17009659

Metal's so fucking gay to me. I don't get how the try-hard verbose edginess and cheesy riffs are supposed to be a good expression of human discord and evil. Most industrial, PE and dark ambient get this across a lot better for me.

>> No.17009878
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Damn, I wish my penis were longer.

>> No.17010237



>> No.17010247

Lmao, burn

>> No.17010265

Of her hair ain’t nappy it’s a weave. Talk about cultural appropriation lol.

>> No.17010280

20 days until weed is legal.

>> No.17010528

Think I’m going to delete my blog and Twitter account. I’m starting to think pseudonymous online activity and community participation is maddening. I’ve noticed my online persona shifting further and further away from my IRL persona (and IRL online persona) - to the point where I’d be embarrassed to explain what I write and talk about pseudonymously on the internet. I’m not sure I even believe half of it. But which is the LARP? Going forward, I want to be personally accountable for everything I say and do on the internet. If I don’t have the courage to post it, it will remain unpublished or posted on here. Going full anon on 4chan is different because you don’t develop a “brand” - the online persona that grows based on feedback from weirdos.

>> No.17010571

all the wojak meme faces genuinely make me sad, it's just so soulless and unaesthetic, idk what would drive someone to post them, i genuinely think my soul is damaged every time i see them on the catalog

>> No.17010656

I don't believe a woman is actually meant to control her body.

>> No.17010884

How do I create a perfectly balanced social interaction?
And if it was created, would it be possible for either party to leave without unbalancing it first?

>> No.17010899
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you shouldn't write books to deliver a message

>> No.17010910

Agreed. Its not art at that point, its propaganda

>> No.17010922

>you shouldn't
STFU moralist

>> No.17010941

Why is hindsight 20 20
How do i stop obsessing about mistakes and my past
I never learn

I keep having nightmares.

I hope the year ends soon

>> No.17010960

learn forgiveness, not for others but for yourself

>> No.17010992

The things that really itch my brain are things that I basically had no control over going wrong, but if I had prior knowledge it would have turned out better

I need to forgive myself for things out of my control? I need to forgive myself for not knowing better?
It's a very autistic problem

>> No.17010993

In some algebras it happens too.

>> No.17011047
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What is better, to be an open, honest bigot or a tolerant hypocritice?

Is it really bad to be asking what's in for oneself? If it bad to act purely in ones own interest?

>> No.17011063
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>> No.17011376


>> No.17011402

everything has happened.
thinking about what I can do to serve the holy spirit better. I'm not doing great at it as is.
keep thinking I want to kill myself.
everything has happened, but I'm not sure it means anything.

>> No.17011404

I need to change the way I look at the world. Materialism, scientific empiricism... those are too depressing.

>> No.17011543

Read Bernardo Kastrup

>> No.17011558

Wow I can see why your parents divorced

>> No.17011683

I just want to bash amphetamines and jam Coltrane.
What can I ever teach my child?

>> No.17011915

4chan passes through me
I am not 4chan
visual stimuli irritate eyes to move
I am not the visual stimuli, it passes through me
I do not have eyes, but there is a perception of eyes moving
TNG in the other window tells a story
the sound of the story passes through me, but I am not the sound
attention shifts between 4chan and TNG
I do not know if I am attention or not

>> No.17011931

sounds kind of based

>> No.17012327

I want to run away! I want to run away! Fuck these god damn border closures. I want to go back to Tokyo and ignore the world for a while. I want to run away from my problems but now this god damn pandemic won't let me.

>> No.17012461

You'll realise that at a certain point it becomes in your own self interest to act selflessly.

>> No.17012472

I don't want to sleep mom

>> No.17012765

This is why I can't fucking date black women. Like, there's plenty of black girls whose faces I find attractive, and I legitimately have no problem with dark skin.

But I've got to have a girl with lustrous hair. I fucking love beautiful hair, whether it's black, red, blond, or brown. Beautiful hair is a dealbreaker for me, when it comes to girls, and black girls so often just don't have it. There are a few exceptions that I've met in my life, but they're rare.

Also every one of them was AFRICAN, rather than African-American. American black girls just have shitty hair.

>> No.17013073
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I really need to get my circadian rhythm back on track.

>> No.17013508
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I coom about 3-5 times a day, is that healthy?

>> No.17013615

CD Projekt Red already recouped their entire development costs for Cyberpunk 2077 including 50 million in sales on Steam alone. Capitalism is absolutely wonderful. Yet another golden egg laid. Enjoy!

>> No.17013622

Girlfriend got mad because I didnt wake her up from a nap, i was out on a run and the door to the bedroom was closed when I got back, wbich I assumed meant do not disturb. We had to go get something from her mom's house but i did it myself because she was yelling at me. She drank half a bottle of vodka while I was gone, we were supposed to go to her sisters house but she passed out in the car when we stopped to pick up food to bring over. I made sure she was at least moderately cleaned up and now she's passed out in the bed right now, I haven't had dinner yet. She's gonna say it's my fault for making her upset, I'm gonna agree to disagree, we'll have great times for a few days and then something like this will happen again. I need to break up with her, or I at least need some space, but I don't have the heart to tell her. I really feel like I've fallen out of love. I've tried to make it work, I've tried to fall back in love, but I don't think it's going to happen. I need to talk to someone but all of my friends have either never been in a relationship or are essentially married to their (mentally stable) significant other. It will hurt to leave her but it's probably the best thing to do. :( :( I don't want to lie to myself anymore...

>> No.17014053

I want to tell you, if for no other reason than to break this miserable cycle of denial. Observation was never one of your strengths; you see the whole of me, an impressionist painting pieced together with globs of clashing paint - yellows and blues, but mostly red these days. I want to tell you: you're a lie in sheep's clothing. You say "I love you" with the same formal resignation that one might use in an e-mail signature. You say "I love you," but your stiff shoulders speak the truth, the flat line of your mouth and the cold, hard stone of your eyes. There's another word, one that sticks like ashes in my teeth, one that snaps each rib in turn and squeezes all the hope out of my lungs.

You know the word, but you won't say it out loud.

>> No.17014068
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This is going to be an odd question, but: does anyone know the origin of tingles spreading out from the spine, across the back and shoulders?

I realize that's kind of a broad term, but it's a weird sensation I've always gotten from certain experiences. It usually happens when I'm thinking or feeling in a very strong way. It's often triggered by being deep in prayer, or by listening to particularly powerful music, or by a particularly sublime moment in something I'm reading or watching.

It's almost like it's a physical signifier that I'm being deeply moved by something, based on my long experience with it. But what is it, actually? Does anyone else ever get this feeling? I can't be the only one who gets it.

>> No.17014069


>> No.17014129 [DELETED] 


>> No.17014144

It's what ASMR originally referred to before it became an internet meme for youtube views. Autonomous sensory meridian response.

>> No.17014149

It's called frisson. As for the source?

Exoterically: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frisson#Neural_substrates

Esoterically: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etheric_body

>> No.17014483

i like pretzels

>> No.17014557

UFC main event good af tonight

>> No.17014642

Neat. Thanks!

>> No.17014652

/lit/ is my favorite board by far

>> No.17014727
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I swore that I wouldn't masturbate, or look at porn or erotica, all through Advent. I'm trying to remove that behavior from my life entirely, but at the very least I want to avoid doing it during a penitential season. Two weeks to go, wish me luck, /lit/.

>> No.17015137

It's hard going through tough emotional periods on your own. But I am a man and that is what men do.

>> No.17015189
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tranny janny strikes again

>> No.17015270

Good luck anon

>> No.17015305

That God made man (with)in his own Image seems to be a confirmation of the Demiurge.

>> No.17015364

absolutely based. I've been recommending this on the site for about a year. Hope it continues to catch on

>> No.17015422

fuck off mate, I've seen this post before

>> No.17015425

is it.. the N word?

>> No.17015435


>> No.17015469

Well, don't all things created by God reflect elements of His form? It can't be otherwise, given that God is omnipresent and defines the full set of all that can be.
But Mankind was made, in an intentional and constructed manner, from (or as) a Reflection of God. An Image, which implies an originating function such as a lens through which light passes and is diffused and recombined.
Though it be in God's power to replicate Himself in mundane form (and this is proven by His Son), He evidently chose not to, and this begs the question of what all is captured in the Image of God by/from which we were created.

>> No.17015537

kek they have a red pill for women on reddit. they call it "female dating strategy". half of it is bad manosphere imitation and the other half is commonplace feminist platitudes. and there are, as expected, a lot of foids seething there. normally i wouldn't care but seeing the whores so frustrated and struggling is giving me greatest joy.

>> No.17015586

Roused from my slumber
To fight!

>> No.17015636

Paused reading to play The Unfinished Swan. It's peak comfy, everyone should play this.

>> No.17015681
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just trying to re-capture that adolescent hysteria of early online experiences; mission status : failed, whose fault? mine,

>> No.17015689

i've been experiencing brain fog for the last few days, but today it's cleared up a little bit this morning. decided to read "they shoot horses, don't they?" this morning and it's been really nice

i already want another book like it, even though i haven't even finished reading it yet. might finish it today, idk

>> No.17015713

That's interesting. I'm inclined to believe that being created "in his image" means Consciousness, or Spirit, and that not necessarily much else should be read into it in regard to form, or any particular elements of our nature. I think I arrived at this idea fairly independently, as much as one can. Have you read anything that touches upon that, or argues for or against it?

>> No.17015715

Having pretty bad insomnia again. Normally the problem is that I cant fall asleep, but once I do I sleep ok.
Yesterday I managed to fall asleep at 10pm and was expecting to wake up at a comfy 6am ready to conquer the day, but instead I woke up at 1:30. It really sucks.

>> No.17015721

do you exercise?

>> No.17015728


>> No.17015735

you can't replicate anything. can't. the ironic thing is also that the childish, or adolescent, state of mind doesn't seek to replicate anything, that's why it results in authentic and lasting experiences and leaves a powerful imprint

>> No.17015737

that's why you have brain fog. try going for a brisk walk every day and breathe deeply.

>> No.17015747
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ok thanks

>> No.17015766

>don't all things created by God reflect elements of His form? It can't be otherwise, given that God is omnipresent and defines the full set of all that can be.
I don't see why it should necessarily be so, and if it should according to reason, then I might say that I don't see why reason itself should be sufficient for making any claims about God. I do see how this doesn't lead to a fruitful argument, though, but I personally believe that truth may manifest as paradox at the highest level accessible to the mind. Which does make Understanding, in the rational sense, an ultimately futile endeavor.

>> No.17015774

fuck, its sunday again

>> No.17015830
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>> No.17015855

>i don't put myself in an ideology anymore
Good man, maybe it will be poasible for humans to play nice with each other again someday.

>> No.17015906
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It punches the reddit out of you and returns you to your primal roots. Trust nobody. Have fun. Satisfy yourself before others and be selfish. All other social media wants you to bow and scrimp for position among peers, 4chan says "you can spit on anyone you want". I do and it's good for my soul.

>> No.17015958

I shouldn't have done coke last night

>> No.17015965

>I do and it's good for my soul.
This site is exactly like social media, being anonymous does not remove your ego. That's why so many people are addicted to (you)s and can't leave this site despite how shit it is.
You post is delusional.

>> No.17016024
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Nobody should do coke ever, it's the most worthless drug out there. Now replenish your electrolytes and eat something, maybe take a nap after. Try not to be degenerate in the future.

>> No.17016240


>> No.17016339

I could really go for some pizza right about now.

>> No.17016431


>> No.17016435


>> No.17016439


>> No.17016466


>> No.17016493


>> No.17016585

I idealise women insanely
Probably I'm just desperate, going after literally anything that shows interest, building it up in my mind
On the other hand, usually I know that I'm running after what is like a 5-10% probability of being the actual person in front of me, but in teh 90-95% case that they are not, I don't lose anything for trying.
The question is if that is true though. It takes a lot out of me falling madly in love over and over with women who in reality I'd probably barely like.

>> No.17017075

Hell yeah. I only just now watched it. Absolutely amazing card. Every fight was great apart from the first one which was pretty meh, as expected of the heavyweight division, and it only got better as it went on.
Kevin Holland is great. Excited to see where he goes from here.
One takeaway here is that Tony probably would've been dominated by Khabib. I wasn't sure what would happen on the ground before this fight but now I feel like he would've had little chance.
And yeah, the main event was absolutely incredible. Big fan of Moreno now.

This is a good time to be an MMA fan.

>> No.17017221

Started running with this girl last week. She literally came out of nowhere and I had no idea who she was. She seems really cool, as a friend or anything else. I've only met one other person I've been interested in the last 2 years. As sappy as it sounds, we were chatting for a while after a run and I swear I saw *something* in her eyes that I can't quite shake. Not sure if she caught on. It's hard to know what she is thinking. I don't want to force anything and lose someone who could be a good friend this early. So I'll just see where things go for now. Regardless she's a new, interesting person to do things with when many friends are shutting themselves in bc of coronavirus.
da fuq

>> No.17017371

nice anon, good luck.