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16993797 No.16993797 [Reply] [Original]

"in societies like ours sex truly represents a second system of differentiation, completely independent of money; and as a system of differentiation it functions just as mercilessly. The effects of these two systems are, furthermore, strictly equivalent. Just like unrestrained economic liberalism, and for similar reasons, sexual liberalism produces phenomena of absolute pauperization. Some men make love every day; others five or six times in their life, or never. Some make love with dozens of women; others with none. It's what's known as 'the law of the market'. In an economic system where unfair dismissal is prohibited, every person more or less manages to find their place. In a sexual system where adultery is prohibited, every person more or less manages to find their bed mate. In a totally liberal sexual system certain people have a varied and exciting erotic life; others are reduced to masturbation and solitude. Economic liberalism is an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society. Sexual liberalism is likewise an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society ... Certain people win on both levels; others lose on both."
Is he right?

>> No.16993854
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Yes. You can count the number of people who aren't some form of cruel social darwinist on one hand, if they don't believe capitalism is good then they engage in some other sexuality-based horror like saying half of all men are genetic garbage or Othering animals so hard they put them in battery farms that make concentration camps look like Disney World (Houellebecq briefly examines this in Submission via a chicken farm, but being the hypocritical French pervert cigarette addict he is, there's no way he's a vegan so he engages in the same shit himself.)

Sex is a case of haves and have nots, and is exacerbated in developed countries who have rejected religion, which was basically a moratorium on our horrifying monke nature. That moratorium is over now, and now that we've returned to unabashed darwinism we are much more capable sadists with our nuclear weapons and technocracies and hyperreality than primitive peoples with their clubs and diseases ever could be.

For this reason I would literally liquidate Houellebecq into a fine Frenchoid paste and redistribute his assets for the greater good if I was an absolute monarch.