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/lit/ - Literature

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16993361 No.16993361 [Reply] [Original]

stack thread? stack thread

>> No.16993650

Another one of the Christmas lot came in today, still waiting on one book to come in, and I might end up getting even more still. Bought my dad his presents for Christmas so I'm happy because I've now got everyone that I needed to summat. Still don't know what to get my mum for her birthday which is on New Year's Eve tho.

>> No.16993658
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Of course I forgot to post the actual books like an absolute twonk

>> No.16993668

Books I'm currently reading:
Wittgenstein Philosophical Investigations Blue Book
Kant's Pure Reason
Hegel's Philosophy of History
Gibbon's Decline and Fall
Plato's Republic
and Heidegger in 90 minutes

consider the size of my penis

>> No.16993689
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>> No.16993800

please add mein kampf or tech slavery on top pls pls

>> No.16993979

my nigga

>> No.16993988
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>> No.16994052

Are Plato's complete works and Homer's good?

>> No.16994064

Bro you bought a prose translation of Homer?

>> No.16994074

T. Very small penis

>> No.16994095

Is Manufactured Consent still relevant with the internet? Is there a book that should be read after it?

>> No.16994097

If you can't read ancient greek, read prose. Not some made up faggot shit that takes way to much liberty trying to make the translation fucking rhyme

>> No.16994101

Currently reading:
Introduction to The Hindu Doctrines
Storm of Steel
Magic Mountain

>> No.16994130

lmao fuck the presocratics

>> No.16994152
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Hello good morning. I'm reading the usual + some new books I bought last night on First Nations art and mythology.

>> No.16994167

Yes. Start with the presocractics and then proceed to the 5 dialogues. Homer is excellent and feel free to just pick up and start wherever.

>> No.16994803
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Where are my swedebros?

>> No.16994818

Have you started Journey to the End of the Night? Is it good so far?

>> No.16994846

Yes I'm about 120 pages in, and enjoying it tremendously. Definitely recommend it.

>> No.16995006

I have that same exact edition of The Iliad & Odyssey, how do you like? I loved reading it partly because of the physical book itself

>> No.16995026

jajemen, gubben

>> No.16995038

It goes to shit in the second half. When he returns to Paris just close the book and pretend it ends so it’s perfect in your mind

>> No.16995139
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>> No.16995157

i won't bust your balls because that prose translation is actually good, but i hope you at least read it in verse at some point

>> No.16995163

It's super relevant my man. They only changed their tools, the methods are the same.

>> No.16995184

Unbelievably based

>> No.16995268

your suicide would benefit society

>> No.16995335

Här! Läser Lagerlöfs översättning av Iliaden just nu och fixar den typ inte, riktigt trist läsning

>> No.16995358

:( not very nice anon

>> No.16995362

why would you say this?

>> No.16995365
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trying too hard

>> No.16995368

>bell curve
pseudoscientific discredited racist trash

>> No.16995388 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16995392

I love Will Durant’s work and haven’t read that book on philosophy. Definitely need to add it to my list

>> No.16995397

be sure to get the 2nd edition instead of the 1st one. the 2nd edition adds in additional sections on Bacon and Spinoza and that aren't in the 1st edition, so quite simply the 1st edition is obsolete

>> No.16995399

Based LCRbro
Will post my stack later when I finish wagecucking

>> No.16995427

Are you a cute art girl with bangs?

>> No.16995429
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>> No.16995430

Jag köpte Odysséen på bilden och Illiaden av samma översättare på ett antikvariat för 16 spänn styck utan att öppna dem. Visade sig att det var prosaversioner. Får läsa Lagerlöfs översättning eller liknande vid ett senare tillfälle. Men om du inte fixar att läsa den på vers så kan jag rekommendera att läsa den på prosa.

>> No.16995435

Thoughts on the killing of history?

>> No.16995446

how many of those have you read so far anon, is it 0? I bet it's close to 0.

>> No.16995452
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>> No.16995485
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I plan to finish these four before the year ends, but maybe I'll manage to fit in something else. Currently in the middle of Paz's poetry (some good stuff in there, but other poems are just so-so), started Niebla yesterday and I'm already 1/3 in, really good novel.

>> No.16995486

Based. Native American culture was cool, I wonder what could've been sometimes.

>> No.16995487

Thanks anon, I'll give it a chance

>> No.16995490

Thanks for the heads up, anon.

>> No.16995498

Spare me. I haven't organised them.
I've read 40 of the roughly 65 pictured.

>> No.16995515
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>> No.16995523

12 incher. For sure.

>> No.16995534
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Same from yesterday, gonna buy an essay and a story from fitzcarraldo editions for Christmas, recommend cute looking philosophy books

>> No.16995544

Tell me about 'Passwords'? Anything will do.

>> No.16995562

Based anti-modernist chad

>> No.16995563
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Crisis of the European Mind was the best in this whole stack. Aristotle’s Ethics and Avon Hildebrand’s ethics are close behind.

>> No.16995564

>the xenofeminist manifesto
what's it about?

>> No.16995584

16 spänn var ett schysst pris! Var dum som blint köpte denna... men ska definitivt satsa på prosaversionen istället, så att man får den läst. Lagerlöfs får damma lite innan jag ger mig på den igen hehe

>> No.16995657

It’s about refactoring feminism for the current age in digital culture. It sucked, but it’s kinda prophetic in its understanding of political movements as fluid, vertical organisms.

>> No.16995678

No gross.
Based literature reader.

>> No.16995689

Actually very good. It definitely has a pro-Enlightenment Universalism bias that I don’t agree with (read MacIntyre), but it’s excellent for explaining what the difference between things like Structuralism and Poststructuralism is and how it’s relevant to other fields, and has some cogent critiques of their logical difficulties. It’s also funny because the great majority of the academics he names and critiques for destroying the foundations of science/the humanities are Jewish, though he doesn’t seem to realize this.

>> No.16995730

Post structuralist critique by French philosopher JB. Takes a wide view of the exchange that takes place between material and symbolic.

>> No.16995752
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My new e-stack. Why doesn’t this fucker number his chapters? Makes it such a pain in the ass to find things

>> No.16995766

Nice. Thanks.

>> No.16995771

Insane thread. These stacks are combinations of high school reading lists and what people think "smart people" read

>> No.16995777

Are you seriously going to sit at a computer long enough to read that shit? Jesus Christ

>> No.16995785

post stack if you're gonna whine about the books of others

>> No.16995814
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>> No.16995848

You must be one of the guys reading through a Barnes and Noble edition of the Iliad

>> No.16995884
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>> No.16995905
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>> No.16995927

I agree with this but you really should post yours. Kinda just being a dick if not.

>> No.16995928

What is the one bound in green?

>> No.16995956
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What kind of stack is acceptable to you then?

>> No.16996010


>> No.16996014

based and warlock pilled

>> No.16996015

talk smack post stack

>> No.16996021
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Currently reading Silence

>> No.16996051

>History of the Byzantine State
>Feudal Society by Bloch
>A Confession by Tolstoy
Based or cringe?

>> No.16996092

That shit kills me to see people who think they have to read through the entire Western Canon to show off. Read something enjoyable, Read things you like, not what you think you should read. Also wasn't Plato, Homer and Dante and all that required readings in your public schools?
Not working through a stack because I don't pretend to be reading 8, 700 page books at once. Finishing Arab Routes: Pathways to Syrian California right now

>> No.16996102 [DELETED] 

Pale Fire, and you still haven't posted what amazing fantastic books you read instead. Why don't you contribute to the thread?

>> No.16996114

/pol/tards out

>> No.16996131
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shouldnt you bros actually be reading right now?

>> No.16996135

Actually, a recent reissue of Pale Fire by Vintage that was gifted to me. One of those strangely flexible paperbacks.

>> No.16996158

Why? What is the claim and what is wrong?

>> No.16996197

I kinda feel like criticizing a stack thread for containing stacks of books is silly. Also seeing stuff as necessary and obvious readings and then criticizing others for reading them is super elitist.

>> No.16996232

Här. Nice Pesten.

>> No.16996243

Don't break your brain. It's just funny for me to think about a bunch of Gamestop employees reading through Homer and Aristotle and jacking each other off to a stack of books online

>> No.16996263

So you advocate people remaining gamestop employees for the rest of their lives then

>> No.16996281

>living a terrible life with a minimum wage job
>read plato
>situation changes

>> No.16996291

They should read Marxist theory instead to gain class consciousness and revolt against their exploitation

>> No.16996312

based physics bro

>> No.16996318

no they need to read 12 rules for life and clean their rooms. then they will become ceo of their own business

>> No.16996319

Do I have to point out how retarded this take is? Yes please tell your boss or interviewer which ontological project you are reading through. I'm sure it will help you tremendously

>> No.16996337

unironically there are many things you can do to improve your looks, speaking skills, and skillset, not to mention quality of life in general.

>> No.16996388

It attempts to link intelligence to race for one. The whole book can't even be taken seriously as it was not peer reviewed

>> No.16996389

>Blood Passover
holy fucking based

>> No.16996434


>> No.16996435

Have you read it?

>> No.16996444

>not reading marx
one of the most influential thinkers of all time. created the foremost critique of capitalism that remains pertinent today. his method of analysis is extremely influential and important to be acquainted with.

>> No.16996456

Nice pull from thriftbooks. I paid for a "like new" copy of "as you like it" and it had pages falling out

>> No.16996472

you underestimate how shit public schools are if you think fucking Plato and Homer are required reading in highschool

>> No.16996484

marx is a pseud and his critique has been shit on for being fallacious

>> No.16996491
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>> No.16996517

just buy from eBay

>> No.16996524

It's my journal.

>> No.16996547

holy based

>> No.16996558
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>> No.16996647

I can't come up with a more bluepilled reading list honestly

>> No.16996683

Throw in a modern pulp philosophy book about how consumerism and stoicism are totally compatible and something by Harari

>> No.16996777

why not Modern Sequel to The Odyssey in this stack?

>> No.16996919

Nice stack, I need to check out Kazantzakis's other works. I only read Zorba but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

>> No.16996979

You dumb fuck I’m just storing the books on there i read it on an ereader

>> No.16997152

t. never read Marx

>> No.16997288
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Got these in the mail for my birthday yesterday

>> No.16997384

I've read Marx, wish I hadn't wasted my time on a pseud

>> No.16997508

Terry Eagleton is an old hack

>> No.16997575

happy birthday bro

>> No.16997599

Thanks anon

>> No.16997654
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>> No.16997746

awesome picks

>> No.16997757
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fuck yes