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16992318 No.16992318[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books on how vulnerable and powerless men are due to their constant lust for pussy?

>> No.16992409

The iliad

>> No.16992410

I don’t see how that makes men vulnerable and even powerless. It might be that we are powerless to resist the lust itself, especially when an opportunity presents itself to act upon it. It might be that in certain situations we are more vulnerable because of that lust. But that doesn’t mean that men are vulnerable and powerless in their entirety. Vulnerability and powerlessness are limited to situations in which lust is relevant. And even then lust can be resisted as many men have proven already.

>> No.16992422

Start with the Greeks

>> No.16992457

This is why pederasty existed in Ancient Greece. Men would get twink boyfriends they could have sex with whenever the wife refused. That way pussy wasn’t put on a pedestral, and no one gave in to women’s demands for rights, even when they threatened to withdraw six because men had their erómenos

>> No.16992473

>a female posted this
why are you on OUR website?

>> No.16992494
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I only lust for boypussy

>> No.16992645

My diary desu

>> No.16992701

Gravity's Rainbow.
I just read a scene where Pointsman got pissed and shat on.

>> No.16992749

Confessions by St. Augustine (pbuh)

>It was, in fact, my old mistresses, trifles of trifles and vanities of vanities, who still enthralled me. They tugged at my fleshly garments and softly whispered: “Are you going to part with us? And from that moment will we never be with you any more? And from that moment will not this and that be forbidden you forever?” What were they suggesting to me in those words “this or that”? What is it they suggested, O my God? Let thy mercy guard the soul of thy servant from the vileness and the shame they did suggest! And now I scarcely heard them, for they were not openly showing themselves and opposing me face to face; but muttering, as it were, behind my back; and furtively plucking at me as I was leaving, trying to make me look back at them. Still they delayed me, so that I hesitated to break loose and shake myself free of them and leap over to the place to which I was being called--for unruly habit kept saying to me, “Do you think you can live without them?”

> But now it said this very faintly; for in the direction I had set my face, and yet toward which I still trembled to go, the chaste dignity of continence appeared to me--cheerful but not wanton, modestly alluring me to come and doubt nothing, extending her holy hands, full of a multitude of good examples--to receive and embrace me. There were there so many young men and maidens, a multitude of youth and every age, grave widows and ancient virgins; and continence herself in their midst: not barren, but a fruitful mother of children--her joys--by thee, O Lord, her husband. And she smiled on me with a challenging smile as if to say: “Can you not do what these young men and maidens can? Or can any of them do it of themselves, and not rather in the Lord their God? The Lord their God gave me to them. Why do you stand in your own strength, and so stand not? Cast yourself on him; fear not. He will not flinch and you will not fall. Cast yourself on him without fear, for he will receive and heal you.” And I blushed violently, for I still heard the muttering of those “trifles” and hung suspended. Again she seemed to speak: “Stop your ears against those unclean members of yours, that they may be mortified. They tell you of delights, but not according to the law of the Lord thy God.” This struggle raging in my heart was nothing but the contest of self against self

>> No.16993149


>> No.16993232

>constant lust

>> No.16993451

Why do you need a book about this? It's like wanting a book about why we are compelled to eat a few times a day. Fuck a bitch or don't fuck a bitch, who gives a fuck at the end of the day?

>> No.16993478


>> No.16993513

The Devil by Tolstoy

>> No.16993777

just stop watching porn

>> No.16994724

Literally any novel

>> No.16994727

The Practice of Brahmacharya

>> No.16994822


>> No.16994857


>> No.16994907

People should be reading "Sex and Character" by Otto Weininger.

>> No.16994941

roastie cope itt

>> No.16995020

the bible u fucking idiot