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/lit/ - Literature

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16991734 No.16991734[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>almost 3 years of not using lit
>come back
>only midwit opinions on midwit posts about midwit authors
>trans obssession
>christianity obssession
>pol-tier posters

>> No.16991736

Midwit wasn't even a popular colloquialism 3 years ago. Kys

>> No.16991745
File: 148 KB, 1024x1024, 15BBDAB7-E1EE-4542-809D-54EC7FBBDE05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine pulling down the filthy pants on one of those doped up gooks and going to down on his tiny desensitized prick just slobbing up and down on his 1 inch cocklet he's probably pissed ihmself from the dope so it tastes extra bitter and briney . he cant do anything to protest because hes too zonked out of reality. he probably think a GLEAT LED DLAGON is licking his noxiously unclean peasant cock when he cums quick thin jets of foul sperm water into yor mouf before he diharreas rancid opium shits ( pickled bat foetus with rice) all over the floor. (Go back then faggot)

>> No.16991747

Thank GOD you're back. Posts like this help a lot to clean it up

>> No.16991765

>pol-tier posters
I see that for people like you, everything that isn't anti-racist or modernist is a pol-tier post made by an incel. This is a literature board, all types of literature are welcome here, either right or left wing. Deal with it.

>> No.16991774

I used to think /lit/ was fucked until I went on a pol binge for the elections and now I fucking love this board again

>> No.16992150

>"heh I'm so cool I wasn't on /lit/ for like three years, I was reading BOOKS, you know"
>"but I'm back to grace you with my enlightened takes"
>"you REAAAALLY don't deserve me though, you are all so stupid lmao"
>"also I'm trans"
>"also I'm anti-Christian"
>"also I'm a leftist (watch chapo and sam harris)"
>"also uhhh r9k I guess"
>final condescending remark
Thank you for your contribution, anon.

>> No.16992161

I can't imagine how retarded /pol/ is these days. I haven't really been there since 2012/13 and it was already retarded then.

>> No.16992210

You were still here after 2016.

>> No.16992250

t. /pol/tard.

the right has no intellectual merit and there has been a huge decline in this board with increase in /pol/tard posts.

>> No.16992265
File: 552 KB, 1788x1350, DAFC9F0E-9902-42FB-8631-C2CE4EB30861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16992276

t. tranny.
the left has no intellectual merit and there has been a huge decline in this board with increase in /leftypol/tard posts.

>> No.16992440


>> No.16992924
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>Midwit wasn't even a popular colloquialism 3 years ago