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/lit/ - Literature

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16990427 No.16990427 [Reply] [Original]

Who's your unironic favorite female(girl) author?

>> No.16990440

Anna Komene, because shes unapologetically biased and sometimes tries very hard to hide her opinion of someone, without success.

>> No.16990443
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My girl Jane.

One of the finest novelists ever, and I'll hear no arguments to the contrary. Even Nabokov agreed, as much as he hated to do it.

>> No.16990444

Margaret Weis
Jane Austen
Mary Shelley

Plenty of excellent women writers out there
>inb4 no there aren't
/lit/ is a feminist board, you need to go back

>> No.16990449

Ayn Rand

>> No.16990479

Alice Munro

>> No.16990493

This is horrifying to look at, what is this? Why is she intentionally moving like an animated character?

>> No.16990506
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>> No.16990529

Virgina Woolf, her prose is almost unrivalled.

>> No.16990534

it's actually a form of interpretive dance and it's pretty scintillating

>> No.16990541

It started on cosplay tiktok, and has slowly leaked out, sometimes ironically

>> No.16990558

>it's actually a form of interpretive dance
She's basically using the principles of Disney animation IRL. I don't know if she's doing random gestures or actually playing a character, but look at how a Disney character moves and you'll see this, especially that bounce that is used to give spring to actions. It's not implausible that she's lifting bits of animation from pencil tests.
Do people actually like this? It's uncanny as hell to look at, not in a funny or nice way.

>> No.16990565


Almost based

Austen wrote fantastic realism with the best characters I've ever read.

>> No.16990568

I've got goosebumps at the thought of this getting widespread, so it will probably become widespread.

>> No.16990570
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Can Xue

>> No.16990576

Djuna Barnes, Clarice Lispector, Hilda Hilst, Gertrude Stein

>> No.16990594 [DELETED] 
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simone my christian anarchist gf

looks frumpishly cute and supremely based

>> No.16990631
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Ma'am, this is an Arby's.

>> No.16990637

that's a straight up advertisement

>> No.16990642

>Djuna Barnes
>born June 12, 1892
>died June 18, 1982
I had a sneeze of autism for a moment thinking she completed her entire oeuvre in 6 days

>> No.16990661


>> No.16990805

Penelope Fitzgerald. I don't really like Austen - who does psychology fine and develops themes, but - fuck - I just don't find remotely funny. Which is a problem when she's writing comedy.

Fiztgerald on the other hand developed seamlessly from being actually funny to being a demigod.

>> No.16990876

sounds like a good experience desu

>> No.16990883

Savitri Devi
>runner up

>> No.16990887

She's lampooning sentimental novels. The jokes are meant to be ironic and subtle not a crusty the clown stand-up

>> No.16990906


>> No.16990920

Next generation will only talk in Disney animations. Don't like it? Leave

>> No.16990925

Next generation they'll be forced to 2d. I'll take an established 2d w great pedigree

>> No.16990935

She's imitating Sims character animations. She looks pretty cute. Too bad that she's an attention whore.

>> No.16990962

>She looks pretty cute.
How the fuck is this cute? There is zero sincerity in it.

>> No.16990973

I’ve been boycotting non male authors ever since the no boys allowed showings of Wonder Woman.

There’s plenty of great books to read without them. They’re utterly disposable.

>> No.16990984

>no boys allowed showings of Wonder Woman.
lol really?
I admit I've first subconsciously then consciously started checking if the author of anything (article, book) is a woman and if so I won't read it. I'm not sexist but affirmative action has demolished meritocracy and I need filters.

>> No.16991007

She looks like a dorky qt. The problem is she makes Tiktoks for attention and online fame. She already made one before. It pointed out how creepy it would be to interact with game NPCs that go through fixed animation loops IRL. This sequel is completely unnecessary thought.

>> No.16991024

I mean this is about as 3rd grade tree house politics as it gets

>> No.16991056


>> No.16991057


Honestly, I do the same for a simple reason:
90% of "female authors" just write about being a woman. That's the theme. That's the subject. I are wooman, dis my book bout be wooman

There's some good female authors but a lot of the time it's just "did you know I'm a giiiiiirl" in book form.

>> No.16991069

She looks uncanny and distressing. You've been stuck in escapism land for too long if you think poses and animated movements look natural on a human body.

>> No.16991080

lmao telling feminists your favorite female author is ayn rand is hilarious.

>"more women authors!"
>ayn rand
>"not like that"

>> No.16991113

You can also tell them Esther Vilar is your favorite female author.

>> No.16991334

What's good by this one? Kind of want to learn how fucked CN looks from the inside

>> No.16991352
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>> No.16991393

Elfride Jelinek and Sylvia Plath

>> No.16991499
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Virginia Woolf is my favorite but Charlotte Bronte is my wife

>> No.16992177

I like the short story collection Vertical Motion. Her writing is abstract and she calls it neoclassical literature.

>> No.16992191

>doesn't know what unapologetically means

>> No.16992213

I unironically want to murder that woman

>> No.16992292

Based. Have read some reviews, and she sounds fine.

>> No.16992302

shirley jackson

>> No.16992323

Why do you like Margaret Weis so much? Seriously asking because I've never read her

>> No.16992400

the frankenstein bitch, enjoyed it in highschool enjoyed it more in my early 20s

>> No.16992474

Virginia Woolf and Edith Wharton.

>> No.16992528

Flannery O'Connor
Edna St Vincent Millay
Kate Chopin (I couldn't stand The Awakening, but her short stories are great)

>> No.16992536

Yeah most of the reason is practical. They just talk about womanly experiences and I'm not interested.
Most articles by women start out like "I have done X" and I didn't do that, nor I relate.

>> No.16992665
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Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz is my favorite female writer and my wife.

>> No.16992857

>I started refusing to read several canonical works because a private company did something I didn't like when screening a Marvel movie

>> No.16992865

She writes fantasy novels I really like

>> No.16992892

not him but that's a legit reason to do so
seethe, cope, and dilate!

>> No.16992914

Jesus, cover that sincerity boner DFW

>> No.16992923

>She looks uncanny
Yeah, but that's kinda hot.

>> No.16992943

Viral cringe content for reddit troons and weebs.

>> No.16992970

It is something worth getting annoyed at but a) do you actually want to watch capeshit anyway never mind liberal feminist capeshit b) there is not a single place where the only cinema showing Wonder Woman only did women-only screenings and c) it has nothing (N O T H I N G) to do with anything in this thread

>> No.16992991

Emily Bronte. Wuthering Heights captured me in a way no other novel has.

>> No.16992998

Ursula K Le Guin

Peak YA Fantasy

>> No.16993006
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Runner-up: Flannery.

>> No.16993022


>> No.16993034

>I need more books to lie about reading to impress arthoes

>> No.16993097


>> No.16993098

Hating women is based but this is cringe as hell.

>> No.16993194

Where my basic bitch just started university Sylvia Plather's at?

>> No.16993202

ah yes, the barack obama strategy

>> No.16993219
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>> No.16993460

>a) do you actually want to watch capeshit anyway never mind liberal feminist capeshit
no, and this is exactly why I boycott

>> No.16993518

donna tartt is pretty good. I read secret history and goldfinch when I was 17/18 and loved, I think I'd still enjoy them but maybe not as much.

>> No.16994157

Her whole shtick is humble bragging and playing historian, but sometimes the person in question is so 'objectively wicked' that her opinion becomes fact by divine right. Not even joking. Her account of the crusaders goes from baby eating barbarians to fair almost greek tier heros.
The book is of course a mix between propoganda for her coup and a genuine attempt at writing a history book. Though her imperial and orthodox world view is inseparable.

>> No.16994249

It CAN be if she's in cosplay or makeup or something that meshes with the style of movement, but on a plain human it looks extremely wrong.

>> No.16994272

Hard agree. Her essay Death of a Moth got me into her. Waves is one of the best short novels I've read in years

>> No.16994440


>> No.16994468

what exactly does Emily Dickinson have to do with capeshit?

>> No.16994643
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Louise Labé

>> No.16994667
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absolutely excellent taste, anon

>> No.16994737
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Rapport by Birgitta Stenberg is a coomer classic.

>> No.16995638

I don't care if people post jezebels but I thought I was safe here from the horrible tiktok emoters. Imagine them alone in their smelly room doing 20 takes of this grotesque miming and then watching themselves over and over again before posting it, meanwhile you know they've never had an appropriate, genuine expression in real life conversation. Zoomers were a mistake

>> No.16995714

Juana Inés de la Cruz

>> No.16995759

Sir Walter Scott agreed, too. And me.

>> No.16995779

Did you not find Northanger Abbey even a little funny? I loved the gag so much I went on a little gothic novel kick.

>> No.16995792

>more good female authors

>> No.16995799

ayn rand is trash

>> No.16995833
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Marilynne Robinson. She's an excellent novelist and perhaps an even better essayist. She's also a bona fide Calvinist, though I don't know what to make of that.

>> No.16996133

So is about 90 % of women’s writing

>> No.16996147
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A.S Byatt. She is criminally underrated. Her novel "Possession: A Romance" was one of the great reading experiences I've had since "Ulysses."

>> No.16996154

It'll probably only work on other pseuds desu

>> No.16996230

>the horrible tiktok emoters.
There is more than one person doing this shit? Is this really a thing that people do?

>> No.16996241

TA jackson meme

>> No.16996248

thats pretty much all tiktok is. zoomers doing stupid dances with exaggerated performative expressions and meme captions in an attempt to be #relatable and viral

>> No.16996255

I thought I couldn't hate zoomers more than I already did, thanks anon.

>> No.16997269

Arby's so damn good you can get yourself 5 roast beef sandwiches (WITH AU JOUS) for $5 some time fill a boy up good

>> No.16997386
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did Weis write anything without Hickman?

my gal is Martha Wells

>> No.16997420

Dickinson's by far the best of any grill I ever read. She can fuck with the best men.

>> No.16997429

peak incel post

>> No.16997451

Agatha Christie. Sold 2 billion books.

>> No.16997503
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No question; I have to go with the peacock lady.

>> No.16998376

More like
>"more women authors!"
>Savitri Devi
>"not like that"

>> No.16998388

Constance Garnett

>> No.16998392

Eh, some women are fine. Woolf, for example. It's non-whites you should be looking out for. Except Japanese, since they write like whites.

>> No.16998400

And what are arthoes if not pseuds?

>> No.16998519

this girl is just doing Bonbibonkers but is ugly instead of cute