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16989103 No.16989103 [Reply] [Original]

>be in barnes & noble
>blm shit all over the place
>white fragility
>white supremacy and me
>various baby books that should be considered /pol/ memes
Who's buying this shit?

>> No.16989110

Why do we have to have this shitty thread everyday?

>> No.16989115

Viral marketing

>> No.16989697

>Be in Barnes & Noble>>16989103

Found your problem.

Get woke go broke. They went bankrupt and got bought out by an investment company once already. The next tier down is a doozy.

>> No.16989725

They also sell Mien kamf anon. They have a wide variety, just picked up heart of darkness there myself alongside the children of ash and elm, American Gods, and a couple others. There is a section for everyone.

>> No.16989735

>Who's buying this shit?

>> No.16990032

No one hence why they are going out of business.

>> No.16990041

>go to big chain bookstore
>pick up Mein Kampf, Lolita, and The God Delusion
>waiting in line for ages
>light up a stogie
>start loudly chatting up old ladies and families in line next to me
>thumb through the expensive knick-knacks next to the checkout, knocking several onto the floor, and repeatedly tell my fellow line-goers to “look at all this horseshit”
>complain that there are too few cashiers per customer, allege that this is the fault of “kikes”
>finally reach the checkout
>array the books so their covers are all facing up
>toss them onto the counter in a radial formation, all facing directly at the cashier, a slightly overweight girl in her early 20s
>she looks down at them and pauses, her jaw dropping in disbelief as the fuhrer himself stares back up at her
>blow smoke into her face and ask “some kind of problem, toots?”
>she coughs and nervously stutters the name of the book, as if to verify that someone could ever purchase it intentionally
>“yeah” I reply, before placing my index finger on the cover of Lolita, and leaning across to her side of the counter
>“and this one’s about a pedophile”
>her face is now wan with shock and horror
>“oh my god,” she mutters
>“God’s dead, honey”
>everyone around us goes dead silent
>pick up the books and leave without paying
>no one even calls security

>> No.16990158

Every time someone types nigger I donate a copy of this to a random majority white private academy.

>> No.16990167

i came

>> No.16990545

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.16990852

people who arent afraid to have a frank discussion about race in america

>> No.16990961

Here are some excerpts from a review of this deranged book by a woman who suffered severe abuse by a sociopathic, sex trafficking mother and recognized the same deranged tactics of guilt and shame in the arguments made by DeAngelo. The whole notion of white fragility is based on a logical fallacy called a kafkatrap: a sophistical rhetorical device in which any denial by the accused serves as evidence of guilt. Basically, the fact that you deny that you are a witch is evidence that you are a witch. In this woman’s experience this type of twisted argument was employed by her narcissistic mother to demonstrate that she was a whore.

“White Fragility - what’s wrong with the premise?

It follows the same premise that narcissists use to get a victim to prove their own false guilt from within. The reason that narcissistic abuse is so damaging is because it causes the victim to damn one’s self, no matter their intrinsically known innocence. It manipulates the victim into assassinating their own character and identity, in spite of ironclad internal knowledge of innocence and a preponderance of outward evidence to the contrary.
No amount of external evidence to the contrary is enough to alleviate the constant pressure to internalize the guilt, once a narcissist has their diabolical claws in your mind.

Requests to discuss allegations with a narcissist are met with a slow clever smile spreading across their face, and regulated breathing, as they respond, “The fact that you even want to discuss this, merely proves your guilt.”

DiAngelo argues that white people are inescapably racist, writing, “All white people are invested in and collude with racism,” and that “The white collective fundamentally hates blackness for what it reminds us of: that we are capable and guilty of perpetrating immeasurable harm and that our gains come through the subjugation of others.”

Back to how narcissists operate. How does it benefit the abuser to put the victim’s head in a “guilty of the unprovable” vise? It gives them godlike power over the other person. If you can convince an individual of the unmitigated hopelessness of themselves, you can lead them to assassinate their own identity, all the while believing that they deserve to do so.

The concept of identity assassination that is preached in White Fragility circles does not move the cause of justice forward. You cannot heal injustice by gaslighting everyone of a certain skin color. You cannot heal a lack of POC empowerment by excoriating the power of the individual to stand for or against racism on an individual basis, and to externally do everything within their power to fight injustice in their circles of influence and at the voting booth.

By accruing mass guilt to all white persons, you are removing their agency. Without agency, we cannot affect change.
Agency: to have agency over something means that one has the ability or authority to achieve control.

>> No.16990964

Furthermore, moral agency is an individual’s ability to make moral judgments based on some notion of right and wrong and to be held accountable for these actions. A moral agent is “a being who is capable of acting with reference to right and wrong.”

The premise of White Fragility, that that we are all born bad and our racism is inescapable, removes agency, moral or otherwise. In removing agency, author Di’Angelo has also removed accountability. Logically speaking, we cannot possibly be accountable for something over which we have no agency of change.

White people publicly accused of racism risk social ostracization and professional ruin. The idea that some white people may be defensive when accused of racism is not surprising. But though SOME white people may exhibit a degree of what DiAngelo calls fragility, her grandiose theory as applied to all or even most white people has two fatal flaws.

There is no way to prove or disprove one’s internal world. Narcs, too, love to deal in the realm of unprovable stuff, because evidence is too, well, inconvenient, for the desired power dynamic.

The legitimacy of a theory is in whether it is unfalsifiable or not.
DiAngelo’s theory of White Fragility is unfalsifiable. It is impossible for someone to prove that they are not fragile, just as it was impossible for me to prove that I was not a whore.

More insidiously, just like my mom, DiAngelo frames her theory of white fragility such that any denial of her theory is interpreted as proof of its validity.

For example, DiAngelo writes that:
“The mere suggestion that being white has meaning often triggers a range of defensive responses. These include emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and withdrawal from the stress-inducing situation. These responses work to reinstate white equilibrium as they repel the challenge, return our racial comfort, and maintain our dominance within the racial hierarchy. I conceptualize this process as white fragility. Though white fragility is triggered by discomfort and anxiety, it is born of superiority and entitlement.”
DiAngelo leaves white readers with only two options. Either acknowledge your fragility, which proves DiAngelo’s theory, or deny your fragility, which according to DiAngelo, also proves her theory.

White people read the book because they care about fighting racism and being allies to people of color. They are ready to listen and are unabashedly looking for answers to difficult issues. What they are met with instead are Kafkatraps and logical fallacies in a ruse to convince ALL white people that they are racist and fragile.

So, what’s the answer?

I am listening. I care. However, I am unable to follow the siren song of a woman who would use the same manipulation tactics as my psychopathic mother with which to present “the answer”.

>> No.16990967

I will continue to believe in the power of individual agency to create a better future. Where there are causes that have a scientifically proven track record of increasing the agency and self-empowerment of POC, I will continue to support them.

I will not ascribe to anything that starts with the word, WHITE, which by definition is a bassackwards white-centric notion that decreases POC agency and a continued dependency on WHITE anything.

I will continue to use my finely-honed skills at noticing logical fallacies and kafkatraps. I will continue to stand against all manipulation.”

>> No.16990972

Nice scene for my imagination, thanks anon.

>> No.16991221

>author of the book: thanks for the free online marketing op

>> No.16991235

Yeah, I literally would not have heard about this book if not for these threads.

>> No.16991263


The tl;dr of these posts is the book uses the same jewish rhetoric that every intellectually honest person is sick to death of seeing

>> No.16991279


>blow smoke into her face and ask “some kind of problem, toots?”
This line always gets me