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16985726 No.16985726 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone read this? Is it good?

>> No.16985729


>> No.16985769

I'd like to read it. The 1 star amazon reviewers said it was about how the increase in trannies is a Jewish plot. Sounds interesting

>> No.16985783

>noooooo, not my trannierinos

>> No.16985820


>> No.16985824

>antiacc shit
No thanks. Read Nicky

>> No.16985827
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>mfw we weren't mentioned as part of The Secret Internet of TERFs

damn, i'm starting to reconsider my commitment to wasting time on this site

>> No.16985857

What is antiacc and who is nicky?

>> No.16986366


>> No.16986384
File: 395 KB, 706x768, national_soycialism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh joooz are making my kids trans!

>> No.16986401

waiting for the ebook release so my woke-infected roommates don't cut my throat in my sleep for it being on my shelf

>> No.16986603

i've seen some shilling on twitter - i could just keep posting scihub links if i want to piss off trannes desu

>> No.16986676

Go back to redd*t phone posting retarded cunt

>> No.16986816

its a legitimate thing happening lol, not in the way your thinking (which is probably the braindead midwit psued understanding of it). trying to frame the conversation as if its just so absurd it shouldn't be given attention is an excellent strategy though. these people have names and addresses bud, follow the money, follow the names. its all very simple honestly. its so bizarre how pointing out such easily verifiable shit gets responses like yours lmfao. unbelievable, two separate realities.

>> No.16987462

Why does this book invoke such seething, impotent rage among reddit colonists bros? As soon as it's posted you can just hear the deranged wailing in the discord tranny Mordors that monitor

>> No.16987477
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>> No.16987484

Who are "these people"? Let me guess: the jooz and globalist libruls.

>> No.16987612

unironically yes

>> No.16988105

Is this supposed to be a Chinaman?

>> No.16988167


>> No.16988179

Based. Laughing at homosexuals is funny.

>> No.16988452

Has it been removed from amazon? I can't find a working link anywhere

>> No.16988466

Oh so it turns out it's been removed, literally confirming the book's central premise of the existence of a tranny lobby.

>> No.16988476

Imagine the herd mentality someone must have internalized if they think this is effective at all

>> No.16988496

How disappointed is your dad in you?

>> No.16988569

>The Pritzker family, heirs to the Hyatt Hotel, today use their estimated $29 billion dollar fortune to speculate on the stock market, dodge taxes, buy politicians, and rip people off with predatory banking schemes.

>The Jewish clan has made capitalist-activism, where money wrung out of working class people is used to pay for the pet projects of the anti-social left, central to their plan to radically re-engineer America. The Hyatt Hotels have been specifically targeted in the past for their atrocious working conditions, while they have also raked in large illicit profits through Superior Bank, a usurious subprime lending racket that ripped off and ruined the lives of scores of poor people. The money-lending venture so abusive it compelled the government to force the Pritzkers to pay a $460 million dollar settlement. In a functional system they would’ve gone to prison.

>One member, the billionaire Jennifer Pritzker, is a male-to-female transgender who served in the US military.

>According to research conducted by Jennifer Bilek, Jennifer’s money, along with other figures like fellow Jew and transsexual Martine Rothblatt, has put the wind in the sails of the transgender top-down revolution, granting it scientific and medical credibility through the power of their checkbooks, along with trained operatives who have helped institutionalize in the corporate world. The Pritzkers are heavily invested in the world of pharmaceuticals and science.

>Through the Tawani Foundation, Jennifer has been able to corrupt and influence the direction of the ACLU, various military academies, medical institutions (including for children) and universities.


>> No.16988588

Going by the visceral reaction it's received from the powers that be and their progressive pawns, it probably successfully demonstrates the connection between said powers and the transgender phenomenon. So yeah, it's probably good.

>> No.16988599

I can’t buy if off amazon anymore.

>> No.16988613

>>The Pritzker family, heirs to the Hyatt Hotel, today use their estimated $29 billion dollar fortune to speculate on the stock market, dodge taxes, buy politicians, and rip people off with predatory banking schemes.

>>The Jewish clan has made capitalist-activism, where money wrung out of working class people is used to pay for the pet projects of the anti-social left, central to their plan to radically re-engineer America. The Hyatt Hotels have been specifically targeted in the past for their atrocious working conditions, while they have also raked in large illicit profits through Superior Bank, a usurious subprime lending racket that ripped off and ruined the lives of scores of poor people. The money-lending venture so abusive it compelled the government to force the Pritzkers to pay a $460 million dollar settlement. In a functional system they would’ve gone to prison.

>>One member, the billionaire Jennifer Pritzker, is a male-to-female transgender who served in the US military.

>>According to research conducted by Jennifer Bilek, Jennifer’s money, along with other figures like fellow Jew and transsexual Martine Rothblatt, has put the wind in the sails of the transgender top-down revolution, granting it scientific and medical credibility through the power of their checkbooks, along with trained operatives who have helped institutionalize in the corporate world. The Pritzkers are heavily invested in the world of pharmaceuticals and science.

>>Through the Tawani Foundation, Jennifer has been able to corrupt and influence the direction of the ACLU, various military academies, medical institutions (including for children) and universities.

I've been admiring Martine Rothblatt for over a decade. A genius who broke big pharma, we need people like her, who stand for the people and not money.

This book is so intellectual mediocre. So sad you don't have the IQ to think for yourself.

>> No.16988622

is it just one person who keeps making this thread?

just read the book you retard

>> No.16988631

>is it just one person who keeps making this thread?

>just read the book you retard
This are usually promotional post made with the intention of selling more copies by searching for a niche sector who believes it and consume it.

>> No.16988637

Thanks to them, the LGBT rights agenda–note the addition of “T”–has become a powerful, subversive, aggressive force in American society all in which in infects. Its advocates stand at the top of media, academia, the professions, and, most important, Big Business and Big Philanthropy. It’s because of them that the reason our national discourse takes on inane debates about whether women should get their own private bathrooms and lockerrooms in a country rife with real problems is because these are manifestations of consciousness streaming out of bags of money owned by the mentally disturbed.

>> No.16988691

>Thanks to them, the LGBT rights agenda–note the addition of “T”–has become a powerful, subversive, aggressive force in American society all in which in infects. Its advocates stand at the top of media, academia, the professions, and, most important, Big Business and Big Philanthropy. It’s because of them that the reason our national discourse takes on inane debates about whether women should get their own private bathrooms and lockerrooms in a country rife with real problems is because these are manifestations of consciousness streaming out of bags of money owned by the mentally disturbed.
So...let me get this son. Over five decades of research on peer reviewed mediums regarding gender dysphoria cannot be used as prove of your stupidity because your card to defend such mediocre argumentation is that is made by some false amalgamation of evil liers, therefore rendering the only high quality info we have on the topic "useless" meanwhile I have to eat this crap without first passing it trough basic critical thinking.

So everything that I say with excellent mediums to prove is always false, making your thesis (that lacks the same level if erudition as mine) impossible to disprove.

You are an animal trying to pass as a being with a mind.

>> No.16988714

>Peer reviewed research on gender dysphoria
None of that proves tranny ideology. Transwomen arent women and transmen arent men

>> No.16988715


!Almost every philanthropist I investigated had financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry — George Soros and his connections to Pfizer and chemical company Monsanto, Jon Stryker, who is an heir to the Stryker Corporation, which makes medical and surgical supplies. The lone exception was Jennifer Pritzker, who appears to be ideologically motivated, particularly given their transition. Pritzker is extremely-right wing. Perhaps homophobia is their reason, or perhaps they truly believe. Maybe it really is about being ‘validated’ as a ‘woman’. If so, Pritzker is being taken for as much a ride as any other activist, they simply have more fiscal ability to promulgate the ideology. The ideology is a byproduct of the main goal — which is guaranteeing access to expensive, off-label drugs for a group of people, with civil protections.

Every “transgendered person” is guaranteed lifelong customer of very expensive drugs and treatments. Gold mine for big pharma.
Capitalism working as intended.

>> No.16988723

Most of these "peer-reviewed mediums" you consult actually ARE charlatans incorporating bias into sacred, holy scientism. It's all a big sham, kept operant by the illusion of impartiality. As we know, that's just not the case; and there are plenty of anti-trans research results that just get thrown out

>> No.16988728

>”she” thinks reddit “””science””” uses the scientific method

>> No.16988748

The point of those links that anon is that is is biased and extremely ideologically motivated. That’s not science at all.

>> No.16988751

>>Peer reviewed research on gender dysphoria
>None of that proves tranny ideology. Transwomen arent women and transmen arent men
So what? They are not, but that doesn't mean it's false or created.

>> No.16988760

>just because they're wrong it doesnt mean that it's false or created

>> No.16988769


>!Almost every philanthropist I investigated had financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry — George Soros and his connections to Pfizer and chemical company Monsanto, Jon Stryker, who is an heir to the Stryker Corporation, which makes medical and surgical supplies. The lone exception was Jennifer Pritzker, who appears to be ideologically motivated, particularly given their transition. Pritzker is extremely-right wing. Perhaps homophobia is their reason, or perhaps they truly believe. Maybe it really is about being ‘validated’ as a ‘woman’. If so, Pritzker is being taken for as much a ride as any other activist, they simply have more fiscal ability to promulgate the ideology. The ideology is a byproduct of the main goal — which is guaranteeing access to expensive, off-label drugs for a group of people, with civil protections.

>Every “transgendered person” is guaranteed lifelong customer of very expensive drugs and treatments. Gold mine for big pharma.
>Capitalism working as intended.
Hormones for trans people are cheap. In fact are so under produced because big pharma cares so little that there have been instances of lack of hormones to buy. Search it.

>> No.16988778


>> No.16988787

>>just because they're wrong it doesnt mean that it's false or created
See, you can say they are not men or women, but neurochemical changes do exist and produce the feeling of gender dysphoria. What I want people to do is not to accept trannies, say they are women, but accept the fact that it is a neuroscience topic, not ideological.

I'm a future cognitive scientists, thats why I care.


>> No.16988793

I don't have a neo vagina. But if you get me a drink first I'll still won't dilate my ass for you. I'm not homo like you.

>> No.16988799

I'm going to buy it just because they are banning it.

>> No.16988800

I'm thinking more like this:

Yes, I'm a rationalist. Yes I like Yudkowski and Moldbug.

>> No.16988811

Does it go into the high correlation between trannies and anime?

>> No.16988818

> neurochemical changes do exist and produce the feeling of gender dysphoria
Caused by what?

>that comment section

>> No.16988828

>Over five decades of research on peer reviewed mediums
Disturbingly enough, similar evidence is beginning to come out regarding HRT in men, who have been sold similar stories about ‘Low T’ and testosterone therapy. Unlike HRT in women, this has not come through a large drug trial, but nearly 7,000 lawsuits, directed at the makers of low testosterone treatments. Side effects include strokes, elevated risk of heart attack and blood clots.

>> No.16988867

>Hormones for trans people are cheap.
Keep in mind people take HRT for the rest of their lives...

>> No.16988947

It was banned by amazon

>> No.16988948

>>Over five decades of research on peer reviewed mediums
>Disturbingly enough, similar evidence is beginning to come out regarding HRT in men, who have been sold similar stories about ‘Low T’ and testosterone therapy. Unlike HRT in women, this has not come through a large drug trial, but nearly 7,000 lawsuits, directed at the makers of low testosterone treatments. Side effects include strokes, elevated risk of heart attack and blood clots.
I'm the first one to critique journals. I'm very rationalist.>>16988818
>> neurochemical changes do exist and produce the feeling of gender dysphoria
>Caused by what?
Probably hormonal levels that prewire our brains during the fetal stage. Probably also related to homosexuality?

>>that comment sectio
OK, if you are not familiar with SSC and the rationalist community the place looks boorderline autistic. But they are so self critical that it's the most unbiased group of individuals on the net I've come accross. Sorry for being so fucking weird and autistic...that's who I am.

>> No.16988950

Can you get it anywhere else?

>> No.16990191

Directly from their website probably

>> No.16990313

Why are you people so obsessed with trannies?

>> No.16990355

you have to go back

>> No.16990711

Good god the trajectory of society makes me suicidal

>> No.16990725

Peer review is worthless nowadays with all the leftist bullying that happens in academia.

>> No.16991013

Why is bullying trannies the new cool thing to do? Is it because gays are so accepted now that it's no fun to bully them? Is it a cope because Trump lost? I genuinely don't get it. It's such a specific thing to get mad at. I know they're a vocal minority, and that can get annoying, but the amount of time and energy into these memes and posts is astonishing.
The easy answer would be that it's just projection. All these threads center around 1. Trannies are ugly and 2. Trannies are degenerate perverts. Both assumptions pretty accurately describe the average 4chan poster, so it would make sense to project these insecurities onto an easily conquered 'foe.' Especially when there are goldmines of ugly trannies posting on dozens of subreddits.
But it can't all be projection, right? There has to be an epicenter, right? There has to be an event that sparked this. I started to really notice an uptick in it when Trump lost, but people have been saying dilate for a year at least. Also, if 4chan hates trannies so much, why is half of b and gif full of shemale threads?

>> No.16991041

Yea it's a good read, made me very angry.

>> No.16991042

Where is the ebook?

>> No.16991054

prolly because gays are less concentrated - trannies in every form seem to be dopamine seeking loners. it's surreal actually, i remember my trans roommate's interest in traditional catholicism and transgenderism were almost parallel. They almost talk and think like teenagers, trying to be as "mature" as possible.

>> No.16991071

> Why is bullying trannies the new cool thing to do?
Natural pushback to the increasing popularity of cutting off your own dick perhaps?
> Is it because gays are so accepted now that it's no fun to bully them?
It's even more fun to bully fags now, who told you I stopped bulling fags?
> Is it a cope because Trump lost?
Not for the people reading this book, the ones who support Trump love the 'based "miss" MIGA' or whatever, Trump was always up on the big gay,

>> No.16991092

Why are you taking public discourse

Do you have something invested in what is being discussed?

Is the discussion hurting your feelings?

>> No.16991109

It's not Jews but he's partially right. There has been a push for this insanity to be accepted as normal instead of giving these people treatment.

>> No.16991116

women shouldnt be here in the first place.

>> No.16991128

>gender dysphoria
You know there's a concerted and growing movement within the trans community to decouple transgenderism from dysphoria, right? It's why contrapoints got cancelled last year.

>> No.16991156

That implies that trannies are 'pushing' into someone's space in the first place. The only places I really see people saying that trannies are intruding are red fem subreddits (rip) and losers who get excited for video game speedrun conventions. Trannies have always been on 4chan. Bailey Jay flashed his tits at a 4chan con in 07. Those anime dui trap guides came from this website. There's always been a passive hatred for trannies, but it's never been this pronounced.

I'm not talking about public discourse, I'm mostly talking about 4chan. I guess I'm just annoyed because tranny posting is low quality and shit. Jannies will bever be as funny as he does it for free. Enby spam took over s4s for a month and made the board unusable. I think this kind of stuff has no lasting appeal and isn't very funny. The tranny posting has pretty quickly become more obnoxious than the trannies themselves. Desu spam was better than this.
Also nice reddit spacing.

>> No.16991275

I haven't but I've heard the interview with the author on Red Ice and it sounds very interesting, I'll probably read it sometimeext year.
Also itt seething trannies lmao

>> No.16991330

fuck trannies. Giving the mentally ill the time of day everyone loses. Only a fucking retard would consider self mutilation progress lmao

>> No.16991336
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Without having read it I'm sure it's another meme moralfag response to moralfaggotry. James Lindsay and the lot claim to be representatives of 'objective truth', while their movement is centered around an anti-trans *rhetoric*. I hate faggotry (you can be gay or gnc without being a fag btw) with a passion, but the meme fuckery going on with the pseudoreactionaries and gender-critical conjunction is just so inane, pathetic, and not least sly. They paint themselves and their agenda as arbiters of truth when it's all just a kneejerk reaction to the flaws of the intersectional/trans project, and nothing more. I don't care to pass judgement on the cause itself, to me the danger lies with the idea that 'objectivity' lies in the hands of this or that movement. By all means read the book, but please don't take it as gospel, and keep in mi d the implicit epistemological claims wherever they appear.

>> No.16991346

It's not, too bad you wasted all that effort on a book that only exists in your mind.

>> No.16991367

>why is speaking truth to power the cool new thing to do?
I don't think shitting on the system and its ideology has ever been unpopular. Even in fucking Sumer kings were bitching about people making fun of them and their eunuchs.

Trannies are jannissaries for Liberalism. They are entirely dependent upon it to survive. They happily, FOR FREE, enforce Liberal norms wherever they go. They have to. They neuter any possible Labor response to Liberalism via their narcissism. Of course people are going to shit on them.

>> No.16991385

Nah, the title itself is meaningful enough. "Industrial complex" has become a term for 'the big bad system conspiring against me'. Literally every burger political movement has some moralistic idea that their state is crooked and directly or indirectly working against them. I'd say it's even characteristic of burgers at this point. The book's contents may well outline a plausible scenario, but as I said I'm not concerned with addressing the cause itself, only warn against taking what is to a great extent a moral and political narrative as gospel.

>> No.16991417

Lmao why don't you even read the blurb before you waste all that effort writing about a book that only exists in your head. You think it's something that it's not, solely based on the title. That's new levels of burger right there.

>> No.16991433

Could you point out which passage in the book gave you this id-
>Without having read it

>> No.16991454

>Trannies are jannissaries for Liberalism. They are entirely dependent upon it to survive.
This is what leftists don’t fucking understand, they are the equivalent of jews sucking the life out of your gay movement.

>> No.16991455

>That implies that trannies are 'pushing' into someone's space in the first place. The only places I really see people saying that trannies are intruding are red fem subreddits (rip) and losers who get excited for video game speedrun conventions. Trannies have always been on 4chan. Bailey Jay flashed his tits at a 4chan con in 07. Those anime dui trap guides came from this website. There's always been a passive hatred for trannies, but it's never been this pronounced.
I don't believe you could possibly be saying this genuinely. Either that or you aren't paying nearly as much attention as you are implying, living under a rock hardly would cut it. There has, factually speaking, been a massive increase in the raw number of troons, and their invariable societal untouchability is as noteworthy as it is becoming legally enforced. The tranny in the modern age has become a priest of the homosexual religion or so to speak.

>> No.16991476

>>Trannies are jannissaries for Liberalism. They are entirely dependent upon it to survive.
>This is what leftists don’t fucking understand, they are the equivalent of jews sucking the life out of your gay movement.
That's funny and likely unintended but correct wording because homosexuality is itself a bourgeoise illness and a leech on the vitality of the labour movement. It's just bloodsucking all the way down to the pit. Grift upon grift reaching up into the sky for kilometres.

>> No.16991482

Ironic that twitter trannies are upset about idyllic countryside lifestyles being co-opted by normal young people. Their abomination of an existence can only be supported by hyper metropolitan anonymity and government mandated support. They are a net drain to society, consuming subsidized drugs that they cannot afford, excessive amounts of makeup daily that would make a clown think twice, and living entirely to keep up an outward image, against all that is natural. Never once has the tranny pondered how they could survive with nothing but the sweat of its brow and the earth beneath them. They have never once considered a life lived for themselves and by themselves. And to lay claim to an image of simplicity, without need nor want for societies approval, is wholly alien to their existence.

>> No.16991492

Because I'm not interested in addressing the explicit content of the book, only the political motivations. Are you so dense as to not understand what I've said twice already?

>> No.16991502

But you're wrong about the political motivations. If you'd read the blurb or informed yourself about the content, you'd have known. But you'd rather stick your head even deeper up your own ass instead of admitting that you're basing your point around something you think is the case, but isn't. You're quite retarded, my friend.

>> No.16991510 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Now careful there, transfolk! That much seething bears the risk of opening up your stitched gape hole and cause acute infection with lots of smelly smelly!

>> No.16991517
File: 21 KB, 597x559, D010056D-A51F-455D-91D1-4CD78F966B19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me exactly how I'm wrong, then? You seem more intent on telling me that my approach is wrong, even as I give reasons for why I do what I do (which you also haven't addressed either), rather than addressing the point I'm making. Your claims have no backing as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.16991522

Imagine unironically being a globalist neoliberal in 2020.

>> No.16991528

>Your claims have no backing as far as I'm concerned.
Neither have yours because you're pulling them out of your ass.
Read the blurb and re-evaluate your standpoint, I'm not going to do your work for you, burger.

>> No.16991544

>Here is my assessment of this book based on the title alone
>Why don't you prove me wrong?
The absolute state of midwit mongrels

>> No.16991555
File: 58 KB, 753x724, 1606696015125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not gonna address your point even as I continue responding to you
What's the meaning of this? If you know I'm not gonna read the book, which I've told you, what makes you think telling me to read the book is gonna lead to anything?

Either tell me why passing a judgement on a book based on its social and political context is wrong or tell me how the context is wrong. It's not that fucking hard.

>> No.16991609

Because you're arguing points that no longer make sense if you'd actually read what the book is about. You could find out why you're wrong in 2 minutes by reading the blurb, but instead you choose to keep digging down on a non-existent point. How can you be this retarded?
>Either tell me why passing a judgement on a book based on its social and political context is wrong or tell me how the context is wrong. It's not that fucking hard.
Because you think you've determined the social and political context by just readin the title, but your assessment is wrong and you'd find out why soon enough if you just looked up what the book is about. Once more, how can you be this retarded? Lmao.

>> No.16991646

It's weird and gross and the powers that be are trying to gaslight us into thinking otherwise.

>> No.16991675

Alright, I'll bite.
>Without having read it I'm sure it's another meme moralfag response to moralfaggotry.
It's not, the author is not a moralfag, and James Lindsay would distance himself from the author and his views the first chance he got. There goes your point.

>> No.16991680

Anon, the content of the book and the intention behind the book are not what you think they are. It's as simple as that. Christ, burger education has gotten bad.

>> No.16992326

Trannies are so fucking disgusting i wish theyd just stay in their containment board where they belong.

>> No.16992751


>> No.16992765

>I started to really notice an uptick in it when Trump lost

Bias confirmation. Tranny hate has been going on for years.

>> No.16992785

You'll never pass
Most tranny violence comes from other trannies, believe it or not

>> No.16993036

You’ll never be a man.

>> No.16993068

more projection from a triggered tranny huh

>> No.16993279
File: 140 KB, 870x652, 9DED24B9-9A45-4029-AD7C-903C2D69D89D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16994614

Biden is your president

>> No.16994706

Ban these fucking Chuds.

>> No.16994715

Leave. Now. While you're still pure

>> No.16994862
File: 15 KB, 240x240, 1597857103459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know which of you fags needs to hear this rn (right now) but you will never become a woman

>> No.16994887
File: 552 KB, 1788x1350, propheticmarx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16994940

>Every “transgendered person” is guaranteed lifelong customer of very expensive drugs and treatments. Gold mine for big pharma.
I'm in America and hrt is so hard to get it's easier to pay someone to buy birth control off the shelf in Brazil and ship it here than actually use the medical system

>> No.16994988

Fuck niggers, fuck sandniggers, fuck faggots and fuck this new breed of degeneracy. Kill them all or send them all to an isolated island. The sooner it happens the better off the world will be.

>> No.16994996

Exactly, trying to navigate anything in America is like being in Kafka’s The Castle

>> No.16995066
File: 149 KB, 1366x768, 1607622342704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden is your president.

>> No.16995849


>> No.16996746

Someone make an abook I don't want to pay (((shipping))) fees

>> No.16997568

When your parents bury you, they will use your real name

>> No.16997580

big yikes

>> No.16997775

Ntelophillpublishing door com