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16985318 No.16985318 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right? Was Tolkien really a racist?

>> No.16985327
File: 126 KB, 720x480, cca.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter screenshot

Thread ignored

>> No.16985340

That's Facebook, not Twitter you absolute retard

>> No.16985345

>Cesar Greenhouse
>The eternal liberal white man strikes again

>> No.16985348

Better considerations:
- Does it matter if Tolkien was racist?
- Who the fuck cares?
- Does the pea brain making the accusations know anything of cultural relativity?

The turbo liberals seem to lack any perspective of cultural relativity when lambasting authors.

>> No.16985426

There's nothing immoral about being racist.

>> No.16985437

who cares about which kike social media it is absolute retard

>> No.16985453

>i know my social media! my favorite one is bleepbloop but sometimes i use doot-doot as well
spotted the fag.

>> No.16985524
File: 343 KB, 680x680, a23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While being racist himself
Stopped reading here. And that's because I know what I'm gonna find next, and I know very well the type of person who writes this type of shit. You got here an NPC braindead redditor type who seem to love shit like this (fantasy, sci-fit etc), but at the same time condemn it for being sexist and homophobic and not diverse enough. It's like this, common notions that we all know and learned through life experience in nature are nowadays considered radical ideals, sexism, racism, homophobia even nazism and whatnot. For example, everyone has learned by themselves the differences of genders –and the existence of only two of them. Everyone knows that men are stronger than women biologically. You learned that naturally, but now that is considered sexism. You saw how disgusting and evil fagotry is, and that is considered homophobia now. You saw the difference from white and blacks since early on, but to say that is considered racist. This is the reason why the sentence "they invent reality as they go" is commonly used against this type of retards, because they have to change reality, change common sense to fit their arguments (and sometimes it becomes so pathetic we can't help laugh).

Okay, so back then this wasn't as much present as it is, people knew (as we do know) how nature and reality is, and that's how they made their works. There was no one monitoring and censoring their ideas because it might hurt someone else, although even if it did what they were saying is the truth. For this reason we see countless of movies, books and tv shows that are called homophobic, sexist and not diverse, called to be forever cancelled together whomever was a part of it. Because these works had common sense (which is hated beyond belief nowadays), they would obviously portray men and as being the strong, women taking care of home and the kids and all of them making jokes on homosexuality, because that's how it has always been (and they were mostly all white because, duh, they were made in white countries).

It's simple as that. By today's standards everyone of the past is to leftists and liberals a bunch of literal nazis, fucking literally. "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is revolutionary act." Common sense is radicalism, that's where we are at. "If it's true but it hurts people then it stops being true" this would be fitting motto of the modern world.

So no, OP, he is not even close to be right. He's comments are beyond nonsense and classic liberal talking. Btw, fucking kek, I just gave him the benefit of the doubt and read till his 4 comment and he just said "i hope to see more racial diversity" just like how I said, lol. Damn, these NPCs are truly pathetic. Repeating the same thing on and on, everytime.

>> No.16985547

You're a fucking idiot if you're not racist.

>> No.16985667


>> No.16985718
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Why are people so stupid? It's literally false that no dark skinned people/non Numenoreans or pale skinned elves were heroes. The Easterling Bor fought bravely in the Nirnaeth and died in the battle against Morgoth. He was also notably against apartheid, racism in America, and Nazi anti-Semitism. Discord trannies BTFOd forever.

>> No.16985732

Wtf is a latino orc? Do they mean an elf orc?

>> No.16985833

>He was also notably against apartheid, racism in America, and Nazi anti-Semitism
Doesn't matter to them. You can't talk sense into these people. Almost all men who fought against the axis would rationally say that there's only two genders and of course men are stronger than women. Hearing this, and we have lot of people from the past who would confirm this, they (these NPCs) immediately seethe because this ain't politically correct. See, you have to refuse reality itself and believe their lunatic fantasies, otherwise your labeled as racist.

They don't care with you fought those "bad nazis" when you dared not include those oppressed niggerinos in your fantasy story. No, this, this is far worse. It's unbelievable, this how they think.

>> No.16985964

>Wtf is a latino orc?

Please, the term is "undocumented immigrant!"

>> No.16986060

Exactly, this is a classic example of libtard mentality. Taking them serious would be foolish.

>> No.16986069

>yeah it’s racist but it’s good cause racism is good

>> No.16986085
File: 117 KB, 700x721, social justice whiners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftists worship imaginary power like Hollywood and politicians. When Hollywood collapses or runs out of things to exploit, they will turn on each other. They think life is a popularity contest they can win, until they find themselves on their allies swords. They are human locusts destroying everything in their path. These miserable fun police will kill the golden goose. Enjoy the collapse and happy reading.

>> No.16986106

I remember in an interview Tolkien compared the dwarfs to jews. Both groups are: technically minded, horde gold, were displaced from their homeland, and don't get along with other races. Seems like a fair comparison.

>> No.16986126

All of this could be solved if the Niggers were sent back to Africa and the Sandniggers were sent back to the dunes.

>> No.16986204

I'll just have a coke then

>> No.16986238

I've got nothing against the spics though. They at least are interested in working hard.

>> No.16986262

Who the fuck said racism is good? Even tough I'm racist, I never said it is good. Because in the same that you can say it's bad I can say it's good, and that would be a fallacy of my part. However, giving evidence that would support someone being racist (whether or not you consider as being good or a bad thing) is not in any way a fallacy. For example, a man is man and will always be a man, you can choose to absolute hate this, accept, appreciate or whatever, it always remain a fact independent of what you feel about it. Same can apply to race differences, and funny enough, in our world merely acknowledging that is in itself considered racist. There must be something here, right? Because if there weren't any differences you wouldn't go out of your way to publicly shame people who look to research that. We barely started and already this. Also remember: Truth does not fear investigation. But, ban for you because your truth hurts my feeling.

Okay, so you say that I said "it's racist but good." Well, you completely missed point cause what I said is that everything that was normal then is by today's standards considered racist, and these liberals claim these things to be racist because "muh feelings" instead of facts that would retroactively prove bad things people did in the past. For example, child labor was a normal thing way before, but it is and has always been a horrific thing. You can back this up with numerous facts of why a child should cannot and should not work like they did. If you now try to do the same thing with faggots, what you're gonna say? They are still incapable of having children as they were before, they are more likely to be pedos as they were before, they have more std than any group in same way as they had before, they are unholy as they were before etc. But all of sudden, with no facts just "muh feelings" homosexuality is now a normal thing. Anyone two brain cells working would see the incoherences here. Same apply to black people who have mostly been savages and with these riots right now just reinforcing more and more these "stereotypes."

You're attacking a straw man, retard.