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File: 16 KB, 353x347, robespierre[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1698427 No.1698427 [Reply] [Original]

hey, so im writing an essay on how evil dictator Robespierre was.
Can anyone give me ideas on what a good thesis statement for this essay should be? I suck at writing intro paragraph for essays. and any good online source?

>> No.1698436

>and any good online source?


>> No.1698437
File: 114 KB, 363x498, gilbert_du_motier_marquis_de_lafayette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gather your info together and write. Worry about the thesis after you have the bulk of your writing done. Rewrite, rewrite, rewrite. Let it emerge.

>> No.1698440

A good intro would just be a little anecdote about one of Robespierre's atrocious moments of petty rancor or revenge-- not exactly a hunt for a needle in a haystack to find one of those.
The thesis depends on the argument you're making. If it's not making an argument, it's not a good essay, even history contains Aristotelian rhetoric. If your argument was that Robespierre was an evil fuck, I'd shy away from the term evil because it's too broad.
Beyond that, I'd definitely say you should do your own fucking homework.

>> No.1698455

i already know what im going to write. its a 5 page essay. i just need a good thesis statement. english isnt my first language and i suck at writing/summarizing anything into a sentence.

just a thesis statement plz? im writing about how evil this man was

>> No.1698464

Robespierre: Evil Tyrant or Misunderstood Genius?

>> No.1698466

Its YOUR paper. YOU have the thesis. Work it out.

Don't copy/paste it here for us, we wont read it. We DON'T CARE.

DYODH=Do Your Own Damn Homework

>> No.1698490

How the hell would we know what thesis to give you if we don't know what your opinion is?

You know what you're going to write, but we don't know. So how would we know what the central argument of a paper you already have written in your head is?


>> No.1698494

OK, you said he's evil, but that still...that's not enough info to make a thesis statement

Anyways, we don't do people's homework here. So GTFO.

>> No.1698543

tl;dr op but here is some zizek on robespierre


>> No.1698545


watch this, argue he wasn't evil, and that you need terror to make justice

>> No.1698912
File: 7 KB, 128x170, robespierre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling him evil is simplistic. Most of his ideals, if not all, are our ideals now. He hated fanaticism, tyranny, superstition and oppression, and worshiped reason, science and justice. Guess he wanted to fight fire with fire and got a tad elated in the end, that's all <3.

>> No.1698942

>>Most of his ideals, if not all, are our ideals now
First, speak for yourself
Second, maybe you should examine your ideals

>> No.1699062


reason, science and justice ? so you mean you're against reason, science and justice ? bullshit. And if you pretend you're in favor of tyranny, oppression, superstition and fanaticism, then you're probably a 16 year old pseudo badass / dandy wannabe. Or maybe you've just started to read Nietzsche...?

>> No.1699383

>> Most of his ideals, if not all, are our ideals now

was the quote. Really? The man called "The Blood-Thirsty Dictator"? The man who was the author of the period of oppression called the Reign of Terror?
Maybe Left-Wing politics and the philosophy of Rousseau and Montesquieu, which he embraced, should be looked at askance?
Besides, I do not 'worship' science; reason is behind logic in my milieu; and Robespierre can hardly be associated with justice in a positive manner.

>> No.1699399


pretty ballsy calling the revolutionary govt a "period of oppression" after lettres de cachet and the corvee and all the other bullshit the monarchy pulled before 1789

>> No.1699416

Did I say *anything* about the Monarchy? Does having a tyrant in the past make being a tyrant now acceptable?

>> No.1699424


>Robespierre believed that the people of France were fundamentally good and therefore the people needed only to speak in order to advance the well-being of the nation.

yup sounds wicked tyrannical to me

>> No.1699427 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 275x183, DG5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses "wicked" as an adverb
confirmed for 400+ lbs.

>> No.1699434


wicked is a shibboleth of the northeastern us not of obesity

please stay on topic fab!!

>> No.1699436

Robespierre is my favorite person in history (Napoleon is my second favorite)

You should probably do your own homework though

>> No.1699446

what is a shibboleth?

>> No.1699455


>> No.1699450



the more you know!

>> No.1699463

Of course, he prevented the newly-ratified constitution and other laws from being enforced 'until peace' (which would never come), used the army to sieze grain from farners without paying for it, passed the Law of Suspects which allowed him to have anyone arrested without charging them with anything more than 'suspicion of being an enemy of liberty', total control of all prices and wages, and sending no less than 16 thousand people to the guillotine (only 8% of whom were nobles; over 85% were middle class or peasants (mostly peasants) guilty of such crimes as hoarding food, paying less than the set price for milk, or failing to wear the tricolor. Being a priest or hiding one was punishable by death on sight without trial by any citizen and nuns were burned at the stake for refusing to accept forced marriages.

Yeah, sounds like utopia

>> No.1699464

>used faggot as a pejorative
confirmed for the kind of dumb douche that thinks "confirmed for 400+ lbs" is not an embarrassingly played out humorless thing to say

god why do you exist

>> No.1699469

[cursed orphaned parenthesis]

>> No.1699474
File: 2 KB, 102x102, Penguin10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>angry because his thighs are the size of christmas hams and have max chafing

>> No.1699481

Robespierre was a wonderful man who only wanted to do the best by the french people. If a few thousand frenchmen got in the way of his goal, what of it? Gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette.

>> No.1699965


married oldfag does the missus know that you are an apologist for monarchical absolutism

>> No.1700708


>> No.1700724

this is why i come back to /lit/

>> No.1700727

lool nice deleted posts fabulous