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16982924 No.16982924 [Reply] [Original]

Any books similar to pic related? Mainly looking for fictional works, but non fiction is fine too. I'm not familiar with Baudrillard, but I'm assuming his stuff is similar.

>> No.16982931

I love Lain :^)

>> No.16982941

We all do

>> No.16982942

Unironically gnosticism. The themes in Serial experiments Lain are more esoteric than technological.

>> No.16982944

gnosticism isnt a book buddy

>> No.16982948

Are you the person who said Eva is Gnostic too? I'm not opposed to reading into Gnosticism, but I feel I'm not mature enough to get into it. I'm still working on not adapting everything I hear and read blindly.

>> No.16982985

There is nothing that quite captures the essence of Lain but you can read philosophy to be able to absolutely overanalyze the shit out of it. Some recommendations I could give is Kant Critique of Pure Being and really anything by Husserl. people are probably going to complain that I should say Heidegger instead of Husserl and you should definitely read Being and Time too but I honestly find Husserl to be absolutely amazing as well. To give you a taste of Husserl here is a quote from something he wrote: "A veritable abyss yawns between consciousness and reality".

If you really want to be thorough I find the philosophical tradition to be especially rich as it relates to Berkeley -> Kant -> Husserl -> Heidegger.

>> No.16982992

No I'm not, though I would be willing to testify that too. In that respect, however, Lain is superior. Your apprehension towards gnosticism is understandable. I would recommend that you attempt to read Prometheus Rising and engage in its activities. If the book seems pointless and retarded, then don't bother inquiring into the subject, you simply will not get it.

>> No.16983040

I've had Critique Of Pure Reason for a while now, but haven't touched it in a while. When I first tried reading it I was just confused. I'll check out the guys you mentioned though. I've mainly been staying in the psychological area right now with Jung and Nietzsche, so I'm watching it through that perspective right now. I have to get more into the abstract ways of thinking I guess. I read Kierkegaard's Fear And Trembling, and I have Aristotle's Physics to introduce me.

>> No.16983045

I actually ordered Prometheus Rising a while ago, but it got lost in the mail. I'll definitely order it again as I saw the book mentioned here a couple days ago also.

>> No.16983109

lain is dogshit
fuck you

>> No.16983114 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16983130

Don't feel bad for being confused by Kant. Not because he is so hard you should be confused but rather because he is such a goddamn shitty writer even when you do get it it is still hard. I love Kierkegaard, if you ever plan on reading Heidegger that gives you such a good starting point

>> No.16984215


let's all love Lain

>> No.16984277

Lain is fake and gay and a schizo

>> No.16984312

Take it back right now.

>> No.16984345
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>> No.16984350

Threads asking this question are fairly common, so you might want to check the archive. Two books I've seen recommend, though, are
"The Fortunate Fall" by Raphael Carter
"One, No One, and One Hundred Thousand" by Luigi Pirandello

>> No.16984355

I love lain!

>> No.16984359

Reminder that Texhnolyze is better

>> No.16984362


>> No.16984471

These are what I always recommend. The first is post-cyberpunk but actually readable unlike trash like Neuromancer. The second is about some Italian dude realizing he exists as a different person in the minds of everyone he's met, never actually read it but it sounds very similar thematically to Lain.

I would add The Golem by Gustav Meyrink and other Symbolist authors like Schwob's The Book of Monelle (both highly regarded works by Borges) for similar books in tone. Both are about people having extremely religious experiences and translating them into myths on the page. You may want to start with some symbolist short stories first. Both authors have many.

>> No.16984504

What an embarrassing opinion

>> No.16984519

Why don't you just admit that the primary reason you think Lain is so great is because it's focused on a cute girl?

>> No.16984522
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try to understand what lain is before you look for a literary equivalent: lain was a critique of our obsession and over-reliance on technology; by the end of the anime, when lain becomes god, she basically wipes the wired from existence.

>> No.16984570


>> No.16984571

Lain was literally inspired by William Gibson’s Neuromancer

>> No.16985881

yes, thank you for saying it.

>> No.16986063

>tfw filtered by a cartoon

>> No.16986071

There is nothing even hinting at the fact that the Wired is removed from existence. Lain realizes she is God and retroactively removes herself from the Wired and reality.

>> No.16986227

>unreadable trash
How do you get filtered by a noir story with science fiction words in it?