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16982423 No.16982423[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is sincerity the way out from post-modernism?

>> No.16982436


>> No.16982442

Obviously it wasn’t
Dfw wrote an essay on this 30 years ago

>> No.16982452

Yes, telling the truth is always the answer.

General mocking and ironic attitudes towards artistic canons.

>> No.16982463

God I hate Pynchon so much.
I don’t give a fuck how disjointed the narrative is it’s not interesting

I hope all post modernists die and go to hell.

>> No.16982475

no it isn't
now post a thread with your next question

>> No.16982489


Postmodernist spotted

>> No.16982550
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Only if you sincerely try to end state-capitalism

>> No.16982556

Yes and no. Sincerity alone will not save us from what we've become. Only a harsh redefining of truth and contextualization of life will bring people back around.

>> No.16982580


>> No.16982594

This is not philosophy. None of this is interesting. This is the flatulence and masturbatory nonsense that has shit all over the name 'philosophy'. It died after Rome fell, why some retards see fit to stuff its corpse ash into the rancid, cancerous anus of Foucault and then huff, huff, huff away I will never understand

>> No.16982857
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>> No.16982894

Embracing the freewheeling style and narrative elasticity of postmodernism without falling into its trappings of cynicism is the way forward. Life's a laugh and also horrific and beautiful outside the enslaving comfort of technological ubiquity. The postmodernists unveiled new techniques but lost their souls in the process. The next generation will be the corrective.

>> No.16983215

Trying to find a way out of postmodernism is a postmodern idea

>> No.16983298

>General mocking and ironic attitudes towards artistic canons.
That isn't post modernism though, it's what low-brow plebs believe post modernism to be.

>> No.16983505

hey stop screaming. why get emotional, are you unstable? it makes you look like a post-modernist.

>> No.16983511

No. New Sincerity is just a tacit acknowledgement that postmodernism cannot be interfaced with. It allows the cancer to spread unabated.
Post-modernism (and more to the point, post-structuralism) needs to be actively engaged and stomped out in every cultural venue if we're ever going to move past it as a society.

>> No.16983514

This. Life is postmodern. Either acknowledge it or don't, it doesn't make a difference

>> No.16983516

DFW wrote the least sincere "magnum opus" ever. There is nothing sincere about Infinite Jest. It was written with intentionally obtuse language, and in a collection of differing styles so he could masturbate his own ego.

It's like he understood what the problem was (as indicated by his essay), but was incapable of being the change he wanted to be.

>> No.16983580
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I don't think so. Literature reflects the zeitgeist and postmodernism seems like the evolutionary solution for literature to survive in the current media and entertainment landscape. Literature has to compete with the primacy of visual mediums and that realm's increasing efficiency to communicate stories that are sincere, genuine, and well-made. Moreover, social media and internet connectivity means stories can be exchanged openly and freely without any need for publisher; they're also easier to empathise with and understand from a fellow layman's experience.

The only stories that have real gravitas and sincerity to them emerge from the developing world and, even then, they're fleeting in their individuality. Most people from the developed world, thereby more well-read, rarely have lives that are worthy of the screen they're typed on. Also, the more well-read first worlder normally embodies that cynicism and "too smart for their own good" writing. Postmodernism and its meta nature is the only way for literary fiction to probably survive until a major turnaround happens. Otherwise, you'll find genre fiction keeping to that safe, well-known formula with only minor deviants -- some of those deviants very good too.

>> No.16983669
