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16980115 No.16980115[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He is absolutely right. Predicting contemporary times, truly decades before his time.

What are some other authors that correctly describe the society we live in?

>> No.16980185

American cultural life is in a state of constant shit flinging over the simplest things and he chooses Obamacare as an illustration? Also Obama's first term is not even yesterday on national history scales, more like two hours ago.
I'm going to have to assume that this image is bait.

>What are some other authors that correctly describe the society we live in?
Spengler does that at times (impressive considering when he wrote). Lasch does it constantly. Pascal does it on a more general level since his analysis applies to most human societies, but he's especially relevant now with the intensification of entertainment. Those should keep you busy for some time.

>> No.16980206

>step by step

The nazis banned the party they formed a coalition with within six months of taking power

>> No.16980269

Stupid fucking idiot. Sowell is a hack.

>> No.16980287
File: 47 KB, 645x1000, 51PxL+ekmXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading pic related right now and am loving it. He is extremely well sourced and is able to explain complex phenomenon in a very manner. What should I read next by him?

>> No.16980386

As someone who lives in Australia, and have chatted with people from Europe and Asia in my line of work frequently, no one, nobody at all from an developed nation is envious of American health care. The degree to which it is privatised makes it a laughing stock of the rest of the world and an example of where some things are not better left to the free market.

>> No.16980404

>American Healthcare
I bet you're so fucking dumb that you don't even know how to wipe your ass

>> No.16980449

Can't wait for WWIII to happen.

>> No.16980472

Sowell-posting should result in a permaban

>> No.16980473

He had till Obamacare. It was such a watered down half-measure. Hardly an erosion of freedom. I guess an ideologue is gotta dogma tho.