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16979846 No.16979846 [Reply] [Original]

Flopped my Oxbridge interview today so give me some book recommendations that will help me over this empty feeling inside
Something to do with over coming mistakes and having your failures strengthen you perhaps

>> No.16979853

Captain Underpants

>> No.16979855

It seems that you're either looking for self-help, a therapist or Xanax. I'd suggest suicide.

>> No.16979918

Was thinking more Nietzsche or Evola themed but ok

>> No.16979946

Tells us about it, dude. Most of us don't even get to the interview.

>> No.16979953


This is me but with nearly every job interview.

>> No.16979964

what was the interview for? how did you flop it, specifically?

>> No.16979980

its not a biggie they are not the only elite school

>> No.16980000

I'd say interviewing for Oxford is legitimate demonstration of some kind of status, to just have the grades and wealth to be considered.

>> No.16980010

OP was probably a token nigger and went "bix nood" on them during the interview

>> No.16980025

If you were even applying there seriously, you'll probably end up at a very good school.
I'm still kicking myself ion the ass about going to a shit tier one.

>> No.16980029

>over coming

Can't imagine why a genius like this wasn't accepted

>> No.16980037

>it was an application for sanitation personnel.

>> No.16980038


>> No.16980040

Great. Now you can get into a serious school like Imperial.

>> No.16980077

What happened? How did you “flop”? Tell us all, OP

>> No.16980086

The fact that you were even allowed to walk in that place is proof enough that you are a member of the ruling elite, therefore I have no sympathy for you.

>> No.16980138
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You don't need to be part of the ruling elite to go to Oxbridge. There are a bunch of middle class kids thrown in there as well.

>> No.16980150

Where is OP? I want a rundown of the interview, and how he knows he blew it.

>> No.16980151

60% of intake is state schools nowadays.

>> No.16980163

Which college were you trying to go to?

>> No.16980196


>> No.16980214

Op here. I’m the first in my family to go to university let alone apply for Oxbridge. I come from a long line of miners. Im not “elite” in the slightest way

>> No.16980243

don't try to reason with a commie. They are bitter and quick to blame others for their lot.

The communists got some things right and many more things wrong- the worst thing about this ideology is the people it attracts. Perpetual and incorrigible losers.

>> No.16980248

For History politics
Waffled for the first interview which was History. Expected questions either on personal statement or on history or historical events etc. Was nothing to do with that. They asked me questions about some text given then started throwing more open questions in like “ if you was to write a book on “......” how would you do it” etc
I had no coherent arguments and I froze, to the point where I can’t even remember what I said I just remember rambling
Second went a lot better more political but I jumped around too much and don’t think I was specific enough in my analysis. The latter half of that went great as it covered a topic I’m confident on.

>> No.16980263

I got interviewed for Oxford (not even LARPing) and it's really not true.
It will be much easier to get into an elite university post grad if you know what you're doing and put in the work. Seek good advice from senior academics and don't repeat my mistakes OP. Godspeed.

>> No.16980284

>Was nothing to do with that.
I am quite surprised you didn't know how those interviews go. You must ahve studied very hard and you must be very disciplined that you were considered for an interview, yet you failed to do basic research into the process. You surely aren't alone in this, though. Hard working people tend to ignore researching outside of the facts. Did the same mistake. Not anymore, though.

Theres very interesting interveiw questions for Geography:

If I were to visit the area where you live, what would I be interested in? (Oxford University Website)
What do you think about those who regard global warming as nonsense? (Oxbridge Applications)
Are fair trade bananas really fair? (Oxbridge Applications)
Imagine you are hosting the BBC4 Radio Show on New Year's Day, what message would you send to the people using this programme? (Oxbridge Applications)
Explain cliff formation after looking at a photograph. How can computers aid geographers in understanding such processes? (Oxbridge Applications)
What is the relevance of physical geography to human geography? (Oxbridge Applications)
Are there any articles you’ve read in the paper recently that are relevant to physical geography? (Oxbridge Applications)
If I would describe maps as an example of unreal realism. How would you react to that statement? (Cambridge interview, The Student Room)
Compare the effects of live 8 to those of live aid. (Cambridge interview, The Student Room)
Where's our local limestone deposit? (Cambridge interview, The Student Room)
Compare avian influenza to hurricanes. (Oxford interview, The Student Room)
Define risk? (Oxford interview, The Student Room)
What would make anyone want to settle in a place such as Iceland? (Oxford interview, The Student Room)
Would anything remain in Geography if we took the notion of place away? (Oxford Interview Questions)
Give and explain some environmental impacts of industrial agriculture? (Oxford Interview Questions)
Why should we conserve? (Oxford Interview Questions)
Where should physical and human geography be looked at together? (Oxford Interview Questions)
What are the issues surrounding world debt? (Oxford Interview Questions)
How does drama relate to geography? (Oxford Interview Questions)
Why do you think Bavaria has the lowest breastfeeding rate in Germany? (Oxford Interview Questions)
How does Geography relate to A Midsummer Night’s Dream? (Oxford Interview Questions)
What is the role of maps in modern day society? (Oxford Interview Questions)
What is the population of Croydon? (Oxford Interview Questions)
Is nature natural? (Oxford Interview Questions)
what did I notice about vegetation on the side of the a34 Newbury bypass? (I went past there on the way to oxford) (Oxbridge Applications)

Some of those are super based, some of those would freeze me up.

>> No.16980289

Thank you for your advice anon

>> No.16980325

Im the person you're talking about and i'm a reactionary lmao.

>> No.16980364

absolutely based, but you still need to shed your envy and hatred for the petty elite.
The elite you outght to hate is just a bucket full of people, not the (relative) masses of the high achievers that go through top tier uni education. They come mostly from an average background. Anything else is mostly delusions or adhering to memes of long gone times.

>> No.16980376

Sounds pretty interesting, a lot of those seem to be less focused on rote learning, knowledge or even skills, and more on ability to react to a unknown problem in a rational and well-rounded way.

>> No.16980389

State school usually means "top grammar" when it comes to Oxbridge. Something like 80% (or more) students have parents working in the top economic strata.

>> No.16980413
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>> No.16980419

Alright, so for next time...for the next university you apply to, here are some questions. Don't overthink it, just give me your answers (adapting geographybro's style of questions)
>Winston Churchill...was his propagandistic manner of public speech justified for the greater WWII cause?
>did the industrial revolution thrust Britain into the modern age?
>what similarities and what differences would a young person reading the newspaper in 1920 find compared to a young person reading the newspaper in 2020?
>in what sense was Tony Blair a conservative? in what sense is Boris Johnson a liberal?
>if you were to write a thesis on the effects of Neville Chamberlain's foreign policy between 1938 and 1940, what would be its title, and why?
>do federal governments have the right to mandate vaccines to protect the population at large? Why or why not?
>what was the most significant event in English history in the last 500 years? What about Irish history?

>> No.16980453
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I passed the interview stage and then dropped a grade at A-level and lost my place

>> No.16980513
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You're not missing anything.
Fuck academia.

>> No.16980564

rip bro, would kill myself if this happens

>> No.16980570

lol i completely threw in my king's interview. my life sucks now, you should kill yourself

>> No.16980598

What uni did you get into?

>> No.16980601

lol i guy from the oxbridge reject tier uni i went to missed his offer by one UMS. literal hell

>> No.16980609

if you don't get offered at least an interview you are a brainlet

>> No.16980630

bristol, was pretty chill honestly but not an intellectual environment whatsoever. plus whenever i visited my oxbridge friends i would internally rage while we punted around

>> No.16980647
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Miss that place like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.16980674

That's literally what happened to me
It still hurts, lol. Hoping to do postgrad work there, however.

>> No.16980685

kinda sad you had to print that off to pretend you got in bro
kings doesn't have an apostrophe in it..

>> No.16980691

your name is tom, yes?

>> No.16980695

based retard

>> No.16980741

wait fuck i mean this guy. your name is tom, yes?

>> No.16980760

You've got the wrong guy I'm afraid. What uni were you at?

>> No.16980775


>> No.16980782

Why does your life suck now?

>> No.16980803
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Retards who try to correct other people but are wrong are my favorite brand of retard.

>> No.16980821

>posts a fake website
nice try, peabrain

>> No.16980845
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>> No.16980851

Kings College was founded in 1442, not 1441 (if you wanted to know how I caught you out)

>> No.16980863
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>> No.16980904

Is this really the case? Is this for undergrad?

Geez, far different experience here. I applied early decision to Princeton and had an interview at the local Barnes and Noble with an alum who lived in the area. We talked about a couple of our favorite coffee spots/food joints in the area and then a little bit about current events (this was back in 2007-ish) and that was sorta that. Thanked him there, sent a thank you note, etc.—nothing beyond that. Got in and ended up going, assumed the interview was more or less a filter just to make sure you aren’t “red-flag” material. Otherwise very low-key and chill.

How much does the interview matter for Oxbridge-level UK schools? Seems significantly more intense, more on the line.

>> No.16980923

interview is p. much everything here, grades are (comparatively) easy to get so a lot comes down to impressing in the room and doing well on whatever tests the college decides to throw at you

>> No.16980933
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Stop giving these stupid marxist universities your money.

>> No.16980944

why do you believe that's ever going to happen? reactionaries would be a lot more compelling if you weren't all retarded

>> No.16980946

What do you mean “in the room”? Do you need to travel to a dedicated interview place, e.g. the college itself or something? Is there a dedicated committee? Is this a formal part of each application—does everyone do it?

>> No.16980966

yeah you visit the college you applied to usually, small country innit. it's usually a certain percentage of applicants that get an interview, like 40% for oxford and 70% for cambridge i thiiiink? and you talk to a professor or two from your course, they make notes and a committee ultimately makes the decision

>> No.16981081

>he doesn’t know about Kings’s ‘put a fake year on the t-shirts’ tradition

>> No.16981085

No Longer Human

>> No.16981103

What is it like in the job market as an Oxbridge grad? Is it like being in the stonecutters, where you always get the job?

>> No.16981109

Most graduates of any university won’t have trouble getting a job as an UberEats deliveryman

>> No.16981825

This should help you, friend:

>> No.16982083

No books, but I will say this: most of the assholes on here would never even get an interview.

>> No.16983526

Nigger you're retarded if you think that. 60 pc of admissions are state school pupils

>> No.16983538

Silence yank

>> No.16983540

Just go to Durham lol

>> No.16983542

Did you post about this earlier saying you only read edgy fascist political theory? Did you leak your power level?

>> No.16983579

That's why no one respects US universities (with three or four exceptions)

>> No.16983631
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lmao you fuckin retard

>> No.16983811


>> No.16984521

Been there bro, back when I was etiolated by mentally illness. Still stings

>> No.16984658

>I’m not a brainlet I was depressed

>> No.16984719

>Why do you think Bavaria has the lowest breastfeeding rate in Germany? (Oxford Interview Questions)
They throw this question in to get you thinking about big Bavarian booba in dirndl to try to distract you. Do not lose focus.

>> No.16985170

>if you was
Lol Where you interviewed by Professor DeShawn? No wonder Oxford isn't what it used to be

>> No.16985216

Yeah, pretty much. Top tier unis aren't what used to be. They became businesses like anything else. If you really want to attend Oxford but aren't clever enough then just start a business, become rich and donate like $1 million to them. They will let you in and do whatever you want. By the point you don't really need a useless piece of paper but at least you can tell your cool friends how you are an Oxford graduate. This is what the chinks have been doing for a while now btw

>> No.16985240

t. works in a Tesco Metro

>> No.16985267


>> No.16985271

It really was my first thought.

>> No.16985286

I'd be working at Tesco if I was an unicuck like you but fortunately not. I trade future contracts for a living and make $20k-30k a month on average

>> No.16985293

I wouldnt even get out of bed for that, pathetic.

>> No.16985295

Pfft. Sure you do, big man!

>> No.16985303

im just about to apply for my masters there

>> No.16985321

Why would you tell him to start a business and make a million. He would be like 40 years old by that time,

>> No.16985490

Jude the obscure