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File: 116 KB, 921x921, TreismanFictionPodcast-DavidFosterWallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16978904 No.16978904 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a cope to pretend someone who is schizophrenic or suicidal still had relevant things to say?

>> No.16978913

Reading fiction for the didactics is retarded

>> No.16978926

It's not a cope, it's just fucking stupid. Say you liked a novel and then learn an author suffered from suicidal thoughts and had schizophrenia, will it make you dismiss it outright solely because of that and nothing else?

>> No.16978933

I feel this way about addicts. They have nothing to say because their brains are rewired to only pursue their addiction, so every word put to paper is communicating this fact and motivated by it. Never trust the words of an addict. They only want more drug more drug more drug. They would easily kill you for drugs and rationalize it later. Never trust them. Soulless automatons who were once human designed to hurt others.

>> No.16978948


>> No.16978963

>t. hated Naked Lunch

>> No.16979003

Why? You can take it into consideration when evaluating the overall quality, but to outright dismiss it is really stupid and a bit intellectually dishonest. You should be able to separate the author from his work.

Drugs aren't addictive, that's a myth. Don't conflate addiction with compulsion.

>> No.16979032

>Drugs aren't addictive, that's a myth. Don't conflate addiction with compulsion.
one of those guys....

>> No.16979045

Fuck actual research, let's just spout horseshit because I think drugs bad.

>> No.16979073
File: 135 KB, 1084x1696, Screenshot_2020-12-08 drugs are addictive - Google Scholar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual research

Just fuck off. I am too wise for word juggling competitions.

>> No.16979074

retard alert!

>> No.16979083

good life hack, very based

>> No.16979170

These are all addicts. Look at their knee jerk defensiveness, their existential terror, their narcissism. How dare someone attack this fundamental part of me! How dare someone come between drugs and me! They will deploy any range of methods to counter you, but they don't care about the argument. It is a cornered animal, doing whatever allows them to keep their drugs.

They aren't people. They would sooner kill me for criticizing their drug use than consider quitting.

>> No.16979173

>the real addictions were the friends we made along the way

>> No.16979250

Sometimes I go to a bad part of town and just beat the shit out of junkies for fun. No one cares. Least of all other junkies. I just pick one and wail on him or her until my knuckles are bruised. Its fucking great. The thing is they LET you do it too if you promise them money for drugs.

>> No.16979268

t. Totaller assburger who considers caffeine and alcohol drugs

>> No.16979285

Kek and based

>> No.16979330

If you believe in death of the author, who the author is automatically doesn't matter. It's not what he's saying that matters, it's what you're hearing.

The merits of a work should be based entirely on the merits of the work. To add irrelevant information is disingenuous, as not only does it not actually change the quality of the work in any meaningful way, but by lowering its status in such a way, it could rob someone of experiencing joy and edification.
If this is difficult to grasp, consider the ancient Greeks. Their works, such as architecture, has been praised throughout the ages, even during times when the frequent butt stuff Greeks practiced was highly frowned upon.

The thoughts of a man may have value regardless of who he is or how they are expressed. Even if he's an absolute dumbass. "A stopped clock is right twice a day." Further, it is exceptionally narrow-minded to ignore the thoughts of your fellow man, just because they had the audacity to be different. On the contrary: experiencing works that challenge your thinking, that express a viewpoint different from you own, is far more edifying than the alternative. You don't need to read a great philosopher to close your eyes and reinforce the thoughts you already have.

>> No.16979353
File: 932 KB, 800x912, 1606040968847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drug use is bad but you don't have to completely, cruelly dehumanize its victims as somehow completely soulless and devoted to drugs. These people are suffering after all, and most would quit if they could just become conscious of the harm they've done to themselves. People mock you not because they're addicts but because you sound like a fanatic/schizo. Also you sound like a complete pseud.

>> No.16979361

spoken like either an addict or someone who has never been around them. Grow the fuck up kid, and don't embarrass yourself by calling others pseuds

>> No.16979377

Nope you don't know what you're talking about. I do hope, however, you get robbed or assaulted or manipulated by a drug addict one day for your willful naivete

>> No.16979394

>somehow completely soulless and devoted to drugs
that's literally what an addict is. if this weren't the case then why do addicts suffer consequences for their addictions? why does the definitely practically include harming those closest to you? calling them still conscious people almost makes them more monstrous lol

>> No.16979398

very unconventional method of catching Hep B and HIV, very cool!

>> No.16979471


>> No.16979476
File: 111 KB, 621x718, tumblr_p7q4r6qVSE1u7pzb9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I come from the school of judging a work for what it is and nothing else. When I read it's a spherical book in a vacuum, I could give a shit who the author is.

This doesn't apply to many modern writers who are women or POCs, who make it a point that they are not writing as a writer, but as a [insert identity here].

>> No.16979548

Go back to the 70s with this boomer opinion.

>> No.16979560

Mental illness doesn’t actually exist

>> No.16979731

>addiction medicine isn't real
>reddit said so
That doesn't mean people who have a college education and understand addiction are wrong. It just makes uneducated and reddit.

>> No.16979739

the 70s were the time when drug use and addiction was the most accepted and prevalent. And perhaps least understood. How about you actually let people who finished high school talk

>> No.16979752

because that's your restrictive standard of judgement and evaluation of a work of art, not mine

>> No.16979807

Are deceptive appeals to imaginary consensus really the best addicts have to defend themselves? Wtf I would love to make you perform degrading acts for drug money as you recite this post to me over and over.

>> No.16979816

Impressive. This isn't reddit but its not a bad attempt at downvoting regardless.

>> No.16979817

Jesus, do you even history? The 'acceptance and prevalence' was part of various counter cultural movements. Not what the mainstream was like.

>> No.16979818

Philip K Dick

>> No.16979834

This is why I ignore all pro-porn and anime posts. These people are untrustworthy as fuck, they would do anything to further their narrative and will use every fallacy and shitty little maneuver to support their addiction.

>> No.16979844

nice source

>> No.16979852

You are addicted to shit posting. I bet you cant stop yourself from replying to my post. You will try, but after a minute of biting your nails right back at smashing the plastic.
Punk ass bitch.

>> No.16979856

Prove you know even one thing about the history and current state of addiction medicine

>> No.16979862


>> No.16979867

Nope. I can go the rest of my day without giving a (You)

>> No.16979871

you really are a drug addict huh? Go ahead and lie to me that you aren't. Those sorts of lies hurt people like you the most.

"People" heh there I did it again.

>> No.16979878

Imagine being this fucking immature just because you're butt hurt about people calling out your fucked brain. Sorry you ruined your life. Enjoy your early death and loved ones abandoning you.

>> No.16979887

mad shit posting addicts detected

>> No.16979890

While this is entirely true, the solution to dehumanizing addicts isn't to flop to the exact opposite pole and start suggesting addiction is just a silly little disease and these people can't help themselves, or worse yet that addiction doesn't even exist.
The solution to cruelty is never permission-slips for dangerous behavior. If you want to help addicts, you can recognize their humanity and still not give them any slack. You don't break a dangerous drug-addiction with kind words, caring, and understanding. You break it by deciding you want to not be addicted anymore, and that's a lot easier to do when people absolutely refuse to let you slide an inch.

t. someone who has broken addictions before, you don't get there with this bullshit savior-complex from people without problems pretending you're some lost lamb they need to shepherd, you get there by having people who care enough about you to not give in to your bullshit and pretend you don't have a serious problem

>> No.16979904

>uh oh it says here you've been diagnoosed, looks like nothing you say bears any weight now

>> No.16979906

Fuck off fascist I'm allowed to smoke weed and drink. Kys.

>> No.16979910

I think there's a fine line also to be drawn between eccentricity and addiction in artists.

Think about it, and certain writers or thinkers like Hunter S. Thompson, Do you consider him an addict, and because of his drug use, do you discount the value of his work?

I think there's varying degrees of addiction and degeneracy, but someone like Hunter S. Thompson wasnt really that, he had more qualities of eccentricity and was more educated, him being a consumer of recreational substances was a lesser aspect of his identity and character, and therefore has a lesser influence on his work

>> No.16979916

I'm pretty happy and secure now, thanks. That's what you'll be doing in short order with your destructive habits, if you don't kill someone you love first. Good luck, anon.

>> No.16979927

and please continue doing so. I don't want you to succeed. Stay an addict, stay miserable, stay in your hole and yell at The Man.

>> No.16979957

Oath bruh. Imma po one up and theres nothing this punk ass diamond dog quentin nigga can do bout it

>> No.16980039

>people who went to college can't be drug addicts
Wow this manages to piss off people on all ends of the political spectrum

>> No.16980062

Why would schizos and suicidal people have nothing of relevance to say? That's an insane point of view.

>> No.16980072

Hunter S. Thompson took drugs because he understood there is no point to life and you should just enjoy it and have fun, so why should it take away from what he has to say when that itself is pretty much central to what he has to say?

>> No.16980098

Imo if something is coming from the perspective of a normal person, really not interested to hear it.

>> No.16980120


this >>16980098
why would a normal person who does normal things and thinks normal things have anything new to say? How would a carbon copy have anything to say that hasn't been said?

>> No.16980443

Yes I too only like to listen to people whose brains produce so much dopamine that they hear voices.

That's a really good opinion. Well thought out!

>> No.16980709

>still had relevant things to say?
I don't understand. Some people move through varying crests and troughs of cognizance and delusion. Look at how Ezra Pound ended up. If Melville had suffered brain damage by a horse kick after he wrote Moby Dick, would this discredit his achievement? The most salient bits of psychosis in a human life don't make up the whole picture. If a person is at some time suicidal, they aren't in some way *essentially* suicidal. That's abusing the adjective.

>> No.16980719

complete fucking midwit psued take if not bait

>> No.16980732

'the actual research' suggests the opposite of your conclusion so im not sure what you're trying to do here chief.

>> No.16980755

Normies are subconsciously controlled by the need to fit in. Everything their brain produces is the product of their social conditioning. Zero original thoughts. Zero provocative thoughts. At most just the meshing of ideas theyve been fed.

>> No.16980765

>he only hears the opinions of homo sapiens whose brain chemicals are homotypical


>> No.16980936

Holy hell

You sure are mad haha

>> No.16981200

you sound like one of those people who says they don't smoke weed because they're afraid of losing control

>> No.16981236

Well I'm not. Anymore hackneyed armchair psychology you want to toss out there as a defense mechanism to protect your illness and selfish addiction? I mean really. Anyone who has been around an addict knows what they're like so you're either very sheltered/young or just a junkie yourself.

>> No.16981261

A lot of writers are/were intelligent and this led to them battling with their own heads.