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16977976 No.16977976 [Reply] [Original]

How would you rank the dostoesvsky books?

>> No.16977986

1. The Idiot
2. Demons
3. The Brothers Karamazov
4. Crime & Punishment
5. Notes from underground
6. The Adolescent
7. The House of Dead
8. The Gambler

>> No.16978836

Of those I've read:
1. Crime and Punishment
2. Demons (this is actually #1 right now, but I just read it)
3. Notes from Underground
4. The Idiot
5. House of the Dead

>> No.16979695

based idiot on top

>> No.16979701


>> No.16980750

The ones I've read

1. Crime & Punishment
2. The Brothers Karmazov
3. Notes From Underground
4. The Idiot
5. The Gambler

Crime & Punishment is the only one that deserves the acclaim desu but TBK is great too

>> No.16980766

1. Crime and Punishment
2. Demons
3. The Idiot
4. The Brothers Karamazov

can't be bothered ranking the other books but I enjoyed The Gambler the most of all of them

>> No.16980783

On the topic of Dosto, which translations should I read?

>> No.16980952

>people here actually place C&P above The Brother Karamazov, Demons, Notes From Underground, and The Idiot
Jesus Christ.

>> No.16980965
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Lmao he looks like a dweeb. I could and will beat the fuck out of him.

>> No.16980982

It's a more even book than TBK or Demons, it's outright better than The Idiot. Notes From The Underground isn't on the same level as any of his novels.

>> No.16980996

>It's a more even book than TBK or Demons
They're still his masterpieces. Do you really think he'd be a widely appreciated writer if all he had was fucking Crime & Punishment to his name? Give me a break.

>> No.16980999

What should I read next? I just finished Brothers Karamazov. I'm thinking Demons

>> No.16981009

Yes. Crime and Punishment towers above almost every other Russian classic from his period. Goncharov is reasonably widely appreciated for a far less impressive novel which is the only work of his still widely read in English speaking countries. I'm not entirely sure what your problem with Crime and Punishment is

>> No.16981096

I finished Demons not too long ago. Its a little slow, but the second half of the book is amazing even though it has the most tragic ending i have ever read. He also needs a lot of credit by calling out the destructive nature of leftism long before anyone else.

>> No.16981141

why is he so good brehs

it seems to me like he has a certain level of self awareness that gives him a heightened capacity for genuinely honest self reflection which allows him to write great characters with very real mannerism and thought process and all sorts of details. I imagine it was probably why he also didn't fall for the leftist meme and was able to see it for what it was, and represent those types of people perfectly

>> No.16981193

To me, he is very good at depicting social situations in an engaging way. It develops his stories in a way that feels perfectly paced. A lot of authors have engaging stories, but this puts him a step above.

>> No.16981411

White nights (maybe even above The Idiot)

>> No.16981430

I've read Notes and C&P. What should be next? I'm thinking White Nights or The Idiot.

>> No.16981431

Is The Insulted and Humiliated a good read? What about The Adolescent?

>> No.16981475

of what I've read

1. Memoirs From the Dead House
2. The Idiot
3. Notes From Underground

I know I need to read more of him, but I'm working on it. I honestly didn't like Notes From Underground very much at all. I appreciate that it is a good book, but it wasn't my thing. The UM is such a negative character, and I'm not even a stranger to Superfluous Men. Oblomov is one of my absolute favorite books, but at least Oblomov seemed like a human being. The UM was so loathsome all you could feel was pity.
On the other hand, I loved Dead House, which was a surprisingly cozy read considering the subject matter.

>> No.16981846

What's the best translation for his stuff?

>> No.16981888

I've what of read

1. The Possessed
2. Notes from Underground

>> No.16981889

from what i've read
crime and punishment > notes from underground > the idiot

>> No.16981907
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>> No.16982116

anybody who doesnt have the brothers karamazov first is lying

>> No.16982143


>> No.16982148

or hasn't read it

>> No.16982274

Because he lived that life. Go read his wiki page.

>> No.16982278

I love all of his works, but Crime and Punishment is the first and only novel that has given me restless sleep and left me generally anxious feeling. I do think The Idiot may be the easiest and most enjoyable to return to.

>> No.16982293

I bough Notes From Underground first because I thought a shorter read would be a good intro to his other works. That, and I was interested in the subject matter. Fast forward to July and I've read Crime and Punishment. Haven't read anything else by Dosto yet, but I plan on reading The Idiot and Demons before TBK

>> No.16982402

1. Brothers Karamazov
2. Crime and Punishment
3. Notes from Underground
4. Demons

>> No.16982434

You are me.

>> No.16982495

Any Non-meme answer has to have The Brothers Karamazov first. After that, the next tier is a toss-up between C&P, Demons, and The Idiot, with C&P being much more popular with casual readers and Idiot/Demons being the contrarian’s favorites (possibly deservedly). Then you have Notes from Underground as a good short intro. Then you have everything else.

>> No.16982517

Explain your reasoning behind this

>> No.16982717

I’ve read his big 5 plus a few less read ones like The Gambler, The Adolescent, and White Nights.
The Brothers Karamazov is the most complete, and the most iconic (The Grand Inquisitor, Alyosha’s relationship with the boys, Ivan’s talk with his ‘visitor’, all very memorable for me). The three brothers could be protagonists of their own books but they are all interacting in the same plot.
Crime and Punishment is the most widely read Dostoevsky probably because it precedes Nietzsche while anticipating some of his ideas and addresses some of the possible consequences of a society without faith. I think Demons is popular with /lit/ types because it’s darker and edgier and it’s less well known so it’s get people brownie points for being well read. If I was to characterize the three second tier books after TBK, I would say Demons is the darkest and has the most shocking subject matter, The Idiot is the most religious, and C&P is the most exciting, it borrows from the detective genre which is fun.
Notes from Underground I really don’t care for as much. It is a good companion piece to C&P I think, and it’s a good first Dostoevsky, but it just doesn’t go to the depths that the others do. After that I don’t feel I’ve read enough to really rank the rest because I’ve just dabbled here and there in his novellas and short stories, and I haven’t read his lesser known novels like Humiliated and Insulted or The House of the Dead.

>> No.16982893

1. The idiot
2. Crime and punishment
3. Notes from the underground
4. The brothers karmazov
5. Demons

Haven't read anything else really

>> No.16983107

Gogol BTFO's every writer on planet.

>> No.16983144

This. If someone has read Dostoevsky and can't acknowledge brothers karamazov as the tour de force it is I pity them.

>> No.16983551


>> No.16983616

I didn't like TBK very much. Infact it took me a year to read it. For comparison I read c&p in 4 days and Notes from the underground in one sitting.

>> No.16983637

The Brothers Karamazov
Notes from Underground
Crime and Punishment

>> No.16983639

Read the Brothers

>> No.16983645

This means nothing, the brothers karamazov is almost twice the length of c&p and notes from the underground is basically a pamphlet. The amount of content as well as so drastically different. c&p has raskolnikov and that is essentially it. There are of course other complex characters but nowhere near to the extent of Brothers Karamazov. Someone earlier in the thread said each brother could get their own book and this is true.

>> No.16983718

Even at a young age, I realized that I had a hard time picking the greatest book by Dostojevski, despite having read some multiple times. This never happened with other prolific writers like Tosltoy, Dickens or Balzac, where I could intuitively sense that some of their novels are more successful.
Later, having transcended the notion of canons and started ignoring the "all art is equally valid" propaganda, I realized that all of his works are flawed to an extent which makes it impossible to call one better than the other. You could say that BK is the most chaotic, or The Demons most indulgent, The Gambler most naive etc. But in the end all such efforts are futile. Only first rate writers should be ranked worst to best, whereas ones like Dostojevski should be read for educational purposes.

>> No.16983952

read the idiot first
it´s my favorite

>> No.16983962

>saying he isn´t the best author


>> No.16984011

I will never acknowledge anything as a
>tour de force
Even if it's my favorite book in the world.

>> No.16984014


i actually started to read all of his works.
in a year or less i start another thread an rank all of them.

>> No.16985254

his novellas are way better than his novels

>> No.16985273

>great characters with very real mannerism and thought process and all sorts of details
dosto fans are delusional

>> No.16985294

Is it bad to read the Brothers K without previously reading the Bible?

His characters feel humane and natural. There's not much of a sense of "these are characters in a book" hovering over it, you feel like you're peeking into a world of real people.