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File: 21 KB, 300x485, the-road-cormac-mccarthy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1697710 No.1697710 [Reply] [Original]

So far this book has been nothing but boring and TERRIBLE dialogue.
Does it ever get better?

>> No.1697714

It's a pretty fast read, but it is kind of stylized. Maybe, OP, you should go back to reading Twilight and whatnot

>> No.1697720


Now because I find a book boring so far and I express my opinion about it, I should go back to reading Twilight? I'm just asking if anyone else thinks the same about the book and expressing my opinion, idiot. I thought you guys were better than other boards, wow

>> No.1697723

seconding this.

have you checked out twilight yet? its pretty straightforward. it isn't cryptic like the road.

>> No.1697733
File: 27 KB, 500x478, 1301703619506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


gb2 Twilight, faggot!

>> No.1697736

WHY is the dialogue terrible? they are in survival mode. i like that the dialogue is sparse. it makes it like they're too worrisome for anything more.

>> No.1697738

It's meant to show the bleak heeby-jeebies of post-apocalyptic earth. It's also one of the few books with the nads to show humanity actually dying and not just surviving, and the writing style is only shit because its 2deepforu.

I hated the ever-loving shit out of it. Postmodernism seems to mean taking a problem and turning it into a style. I predict a book rife with intentional spelling errors outside of dialogue within twenty years

>> No.1697741
File: 32 KB, 184x184, hipsterkermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dialogue from The Road:

"What would you do if I died?
If you died I would want to die too.
So you could be with me?
Yes. So I could be with you.

Dialogue from Twilight:

"Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars-------points of light and reason....And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly evertything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything"

I ain't gonna judge but uh...

>> No.1697743

you expressed an opinion without justifying it. You said "nothing but boring and terrible dialogue" - why do you think it's terrible? is it because it doesn't sound natural, or because it's extremely sparse? how far are you into the book that you think it's boring? I found it to be relentless in pace - I read it in one sitting I was so captivated and taken up with the emotional journey of the boy and his father. Also, the scene where those dudes roast a baby is pretty fucking badass. So yeah, we gave you sarcasm cause you provided no content other than some trolling

>> No.1697744

consider context, dumbass.

>> No.1697745

lol. deep and edgy can quote whole sections of twilight


>> No.1697747


how about you read Blood Meridian instead?

>> No.1697751
File: 2 KB, 126x126, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems to me that context is being used to avoid consideration

>> No.1697752


she stole the "blinded by the light" part from that one song where it sounds like the guy sings "wrapped up like a douche"

>> No.1697755


Dialogue from the road is manly, to the point, and powerful.

Dialogue from Twilight is girly, cliched, and full of poop.

>> No.1697760

or your quotes in lack of consideration for context


>> No.1697764

anyways, twilight discussion aside, the road rules and mccarthy rules. although i'm more of a "all the pretty horses" kind of dude than "the road".

>> No.1697765

>Dialogue from the road is manly, to the point, and powerful.

>manliness = short curt sentences with no flourishing
its like im rly living in teh early 20th cntery

>> No.1697771

Hemingway was manly. Are you saying Hemingway wasn't fucking manly?

>> No.1697773


dad i saw a kid. i shouted like a retard
why the fuck did you shout
dad can we keep the dog. we could travel you me the dog and the kid so we could have an awesome journey and stuff.
baww my wife left me. my wife is more manly than me. baww.
i'm starving
i'm hungry
if we were going to die would you tell me?
stop saying ok

>> No.1697774


i'm not ssure parody is "your thing"

>> No.1697778
File: 13 KB, 400x269, rdjamused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baww my wife left me. my wife is more manly than me. baww.

Fucking hell I lol'd, it's kind of a role reversal in some ways alright

>> No.1697782


they say that stuff in the book. ain't parody. just pointing out that this shit ain't manly, it can be whatever you want, but manly?

>> No.1697785
File: 409 KB, 626x683, 1298666327685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his wife killed herself because she wasn't ready for the endtimes. she left a gun and a few extra bullets in case the dad and son wanted to kill themselves too.

i don't think you read the book, anon. hope the wiki read was fun for you.

>> No.1697787


i meant that by "left". And more manly that me meant she had the balls to shoot herself. derp

>> No.1697790


yeah offing yourself is totes more ballsy than trying to survive and keep your son alive in postapocalyptic nightmareland

>> No.1697793

>And more manly that me meant

and me think you're wasting your time, anon.

>> No.1697798

>Boy and his Papa walk
>'Papa you suck'
>'I still love you son'
>Papa dies
>Boy cries
>Boy survives
Here there, OP, you can put that book away now

>> No.1697815

if that's all you remember from the book no wonder you don't like it. it requires a better attention span and memory for crissakes.