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16976899 No.16976899 [Reply] [Original]

Whites have Tolkien-esque fantasy. Asians have Wuxia. What do Africans have, when it comes to fantasy?

>> No.16976984

African authors often write magical realism books, but full-blown fantasy idk

>> No.16977008

Sheeeeit muh dick be dis beeig

>> No.16977015

The Palm-Wine Drinkard is about the lazy son of a rich man who loves drinking palm wine, but the guy who makes the palm wine for him dies so he has to go to the underworld to get him back.

>> No.16977019
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Lol, there is literally African fantasy book called "Freshwater". You cannot make this up.

>> No.16977024

We wuz kangz

>> No.16977025

Africans don't have fantasy because they were just introduced to civilization a few centuries ago.

>> No.16977028

That sounds hilariously based, is the prose any good?

>> No.16977031

Nation of Islam

>> No.16977039

What about about Ethiopians? They were literate before my nation was

>> No.16977040

white supremacy

>> No.16977057

They seem to believe that they were kangs

>> No.16977067

Africans lack the proper conception of time required to place cultural value in history. This is why their cultures and belief systems are highly syncretic and atomized rather than orthodox and structurally-backed.

>> No.16977160 [DELETED] 

>This is why their cultures and belief systems are highly syncretic and atomized rather than orthodox and structurally-backed.
What kind of word salad is that?

>> No.16977214


>> No.16978211

Which Africans? You generalize too much and tie billions of people to a single type of fantasy. To answer your shitpost, for West Africans look up Igbo beliefs and the Epic of Sundiata. East Africa is Islamic/Christian so 1001 Nights + Kebra Nagast.

>> No.16978220
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What kind of Fantasy do have to call our own, amigos?

>> No.16978237

NK Jemisin is an African American fantasy writer, you could check her out. She wins a Hugo like every other year, she must be pretty good.

>Hugo diversity
She still wins among all the women

>> No.16978241


>> No.16978583

Tolkien is African.

>> No.16978594

Spaghetti westerns, unironically

>> No.16978619

I read this. I succeeded in forgetting about it until this post.

It's about a young woman (wealthy African immigrant to America) who is possessed by a demon that causes her to have lots of sex with white boys at college.

>> No.16978627

Big if true.
Same as above.

>> No.16979041


Voodoo magicks under an eerie jungle moon probably.

>> No.16979058

bix nood muhfugga

>> No.16979262

>read an eritrean newspaper once
>several unironic articles about exorcism
they have their everyday lives anon

>> No.16979278

We wuz kangz is probably their most notorious fantasy

>> No.16979289
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Non-meme reply

>> No.16979833

Pretty comfy actually.

>> No.16980592

queens and kings

>> No.16980622

Afro-futurism, Though there were empires/ancient or classical to medieval civilizations like the Mali and Ethiopia, it never really could catalyze to something that could become the common tropes seen in fantasy other than tribal references, better to look to the future, than try to create something from an often debated and not always necessarily shared passed

>> No.16980637

Extremely based if true. I cannot count the number of nubile Nubian semen demons I have fucked as a white man. The more into racial issues and black identity they are, the more they're into fucking skinny white men and calling me master in bed

>> No.16980659


>> No.16980668

Depends on the culture your talking about it, but such assumptions are very untrue, especially considering that no culture truly develops in complete isolation unless on islands in the middle of nowhere and even then they could not stay uncontacted forever, even though cultural innovations took a long time, I would say that there are still several aspects and structures unique to Africa and its tribal/religous apects

>> No.16980726

Africans still believe they live in the magic world. Why would they write fantasy?

>> No.16980823

ethiopians still aren't literate so i can't imagine what country you're in

>> No.16980852

Reverend Insanity is sooooo good.
(It's xianxia/xuanhuan not exactly wuxia.)

>> No.16980902

>Whites have Tolkien-esque fantasy.
>Asians have Wuxia.
Are you implying that Tolkien is the father of all fantasy? If you're not, then why mention Wuxia as your oriental culture equivalent?

>> No.16980964

They have Wakanda.

>> No.16980975

>What do Africans have, when it comes to fantasy?
Living in Europe.

>> No.16981138
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>> No.16981142

idk voodoo?

>> No.16981154


>> No.16981166

We’re generally more interested in Afro-futurism which is expressed in music / visual art more often than literature. OutKast, Sun Ra, Experimental Miles Davis, and things of that nature provide an Afro-Dreamscape in terms of popular art. Also certain pieces by Basquiat, Kerry James Marshall, and then like also work in that niche. There’s black sci fi writers like Butler of course but in terms of art functioning for a demographic similarly to what you’ve mentioned, the former artists fit the bill a lot better.

>> No.16981192
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OP's question is really confusing and vague. What exactly is the question, and what does tolkien and wuxia have to do with it? Also, why does any mention of africa produce such seethe?

Non meme reply: they have epic poetry such as liyongo and sundiata. The problem is that so little of it is translated, similar to asia. However, from the few that have been translated, it seems that their brand of fantasy is mixed into reality. I don't mean that peoples pots suddenly turn into demons or something like that. It's more like the non fiction has mixed into the fiction more than european fantasy, that tends to move to a completely different world. It's folklore, to put it simply. They write genre fiction, YA, and pulp though, in case you guys were wondering.