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File: 221 KB, 1440x1440, White Fragility_SocialAssets16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16975661 No.16975661 [Reply] [Original]

If so, what were your thoughts?

>> No.16975671

Its like antifragile by Nicholas.

>> No.16975688


>> No.16975823

How dare you compare someone so based with someone so cringe!

>> No.16975923

The whole idea of white fragility is kind of briliant, because you can't critizise it without beeing called fragile yourself.

>> No.16975949

At one point she throws a temper tantrum at a woman because this PRIVILEGED BITCH had the GALL to have a heart attack during one of her corporate mandated seminars. Make of that what you will

>> No.16976051

I haven't read it but am dubious to believe anything anyone says about it on here since most people on here wouldn't engage with the book in the first place. It's also a double-edge sword as >>16975923 said cause the writer could easily dismiss criticism. It's probably not completely terrible but I respect the "SJW" types who actually debate and engage with figures who their peers won't platform because they know deep down that would come out on the losing side if they did.

>> No.16976203

It is completely terrible, on top of what other anons have said it's a whole bunch of projecting her feelings onto the entirety of the white race. A bunch of segments where she gets some sort of knee jerk racism and assumes all whites feel the same and are evil for it.

>> No.16976223


The book is meant to insult. It does not propose or seek a solution, nor does it genuinely display a problem. it's designed to trigger Whites. In a way it's hate speech in its purest form.

>> No.16976270

It's a great money making scheme as well. She writes a book that nobody reads in order to prop herself up as an expert in this field. Then, she cashes out on the moral panic by charging corporations thousands of dollars an hour to tell their employees that they are racist.

>> No.16976346

it is completely terribly and reads like a satirical shitpost on this board at times.

>> No.16976407

Just convert to islam, let these crazy women ruin their world.

>> No.16976423

It's a kafkatrap that idiots take seriously.

>> No.16976562

This. It's a moral cope for people with otherwise no semblance of morality; it's a religion for the areligious. It helps them feel like a good person just by repeating mantras and reciting dogma.

>> No.16976574

No, very much false. They're not doing this to feel like a good person, they're doing it because they want to dehumanize others with impunity.

I.e., violence will get you punished unless you're punching down on Nazis.

>> No.16976592

bit of both I'd say. depending on the person varies which impulse predominates

>> No.16976599
File: 246 KB, 1246x1085, ultimate karen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what the author of the book looks like

>> No.16976635

there is legitimately a part where she gets pissy at a woman because she had a heart attack

>> No.16977129

It’s really just for white people who’ve been led to feeling guilty from the media nonsense to possibly read and talk about on their Facebook or to just put on their shelf when their pc friends are over. As another user said “ it's a religion for the areligious.”

>> No.16978111

Pls post it. Would like to read.

>> No.16978160

t. fragile white people

>> No.16978257

I wanna see a parody book called White Frugality, all about the mindless waste of the 20th/21st centuries

>> No.16978289
File: 22 KB, 532x960, oqq5cvijzvf41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am white and do not find it remotely difficult to talk about race. And here is what I think about it...

The griping and teeth gnashing of minority communities in Europe/European diaspora nations is of absolutely no importance whatsoever. Your tears and upset are of absolutely no consequence. Like a small spoiled child, any grown and mature adult should ignore your whining and tantrums about how you are being treat or allege to have been treated.

You are extraordinarily lucky to have been allowed to come and live in a civilisation like ours, a place that is historically unique and as close to a paradise as man can likely achieve without science-fiction levels of technology.

If you are a non-white immigrant, or descended from such via migration, or even descended from former slaves, then you exist in a state of abundance and safety, and have access to welfare and opportunity, solely thanks to the largesse of your host population. And yes, it is indeed their country, not yours.

You should be so lucky as to be granted permission to move to functioning society that outdoes your own place of origin in every conceivable manner. It is no fault of White Men that your society failed to maintain order, failed to properly exploit and manage natural resources, or failed to create a civilisation in the first place.

Any non-white that talks about white privilege and bemoans themselves not having it should be grateful they have even the table scraps of our society, let alone a real chance to actually live among us as fellow citizens.

The fact that you can live among us and hate us and resent us so openly tells you of your enormously lucky position to have been saved from perpetual poverty and malcontent by our generous and beneficent hand.

Non-whites should think harder before opening their mouths or putting pen to paper.

>> No.16978301

Pro-life was better propaganda tbqhwy

>> No.16978312

t. sensitive Karen

>> No.16978328

so fragility is now synonymous with defending yourself and having pride. well fuck I guess I'm fragile and so are the jews. robin is antisemitic and should be black listed

>> No.16978337

That just makes it unfalsifiable.

>> No.16978339

I'm half black and I find this annoying. I hate this color coded bullshit. Black people aren't all the same, Yellow People aren't all the same, Brown people aren't all the same, Red people aren't all the same, and yes White people aren't all the same. My white half did jack shit to black people or anyone else and weren't even in this country for slavery. The state has an obligation to make amends for Jim Crow, racist housing policies, abysmal school systems, fucked up policing, and the rest but blaming all white people, or blaming all cops or any other blanket accusation is foolish and only works to anger people and make them defensive.

>> No.16978340

Never read it and never will but can guarantee it's another in a long list of cash grab books put out by these intersectionality academics as well as to boost their social credibility among their circles.

>> No.16978346

yes, but most people don't have the rational ability to tackle that. You ever tried to rationally debate a person before anon? You can only emotionally debate 99% of people.

>> No.16978371
File: 45 KB, 924x468, Screenshot_2020-12-08 lit - Seriously, has anyone here actually read this - Literature - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and capped

>> No.16978372

Sounds like abit of a brainlet take. As if you haven't thought seriously about thr state of humanity all. Likely, that you have yet to even come to terms with your own humanity even in some basic sense. Carry on though, it's your mind and I wouldn't seek to change it.

>> No.16978381

It's Brilliant. DeAngelo comes into you office and calls you a racist and mandates white fragility training. If you consent, you admit you are a racist and need help. If you refuse, you are obviously a racist because and should be fired. Whichever happens she's proven herself right by finding the racists, like an old-timey witch-hunter earning their keep by rooting out the witches. She collects her check and leaves, but comes back next month for round 2 anyway, because combatting racism is a neverending battle in an inherently racist society.
It's a pretty sweet racket

>> No.16978387

That's the plan. This book was only part of it, make no mistake, there's zero academic merit involved, it was canned and shelved until the perfect racial crisis was available to exploit the disunitt inherent within this horseshit "book."

>> No.16978393

What precisely are you taking about anon? What part of Humanity™ am I missing? Are you saying I have little compassion for others and therefore my take is lacking the human touch? I am genuinely interested in what you mean.

>> No.16978411

Proponents of white fragility claim that any critique of their hypothesis is evidence of it

>> No.16978413


>> No.16978415

It's obvious people are trying to weaken us by pushing conflict when we need to work together. Together we have more or less ruled the world for over 70 years and while dispute is a natural thing that must be addressed I heavily resent issues being egged on by elites who are safely outside the line of fire. We're being manipulated and it's all part of the divide and conquer tactics used for centuries.

>> No.16978417

>actually read this?
Of course not. What incentive do I have to subject myself to that?
The self-loathing whites who engage in these sort of narratives are attempting a kind of ritual purification that is psychologically damaging. And it doesn't benefit nonwhites. It patronizes them and treats them as victims who are blameless in every regard and not responsible for themselves, pinning every misfortune inflicted on them on whites. It denies them agency.
The racialist politics of the left is mostly a source of misunderstanding and conflict that attempts to overcome racism by recapitulating it in other forms. It states that racism is an immutable species property of white people that they can't perpetuating because they are white. Or it reifies race into "whiteness" or "blackness", implicitly acknowledging that there are implicit racial characteristics and differences.
For instance, the whole slogan "representation matters" while nominally true, also makes it out to be the case that everyone must be straightjacketed into seeing their own identity reflected in media or in positions of power. This produces abominations like Kamala Harris, who is supposed to be "good for black women", in the same way Trump is supposed to be "good for white men" ignoring the fact that a public servant is supposed to act in ways that benefit the majority rather than narrow identification categories.

Racialized Idpol is reactionary and stuffs people into these narrow, atomized identity categories which functions to decenter class consciousness and downplay socioeconomic narratives that matter to the "99%"

>> No.16978425

the book is very lucid and explains well the problem of race within the parameters of neoliberal orthodoxy

>> No.16978426

Yeah I fucked her

>> No.16978489


>> No.16978539

Hence its comical tone. The title says they apparently have none

>> No.16978546

Youre not the real butterfly, there is no lesbian picture in your post.

>> No.16978558 [DELETED] 

antifa is the same thing, if you're opposed to burning down small businesses and destroying public monuments you must be fascist otherwise why would you have a problem with antifascists

>> No.16978609

So its literally "u mad bro? the book?

>> No.16978624

The entire passage presents whiteness and non-whiteness as nauseating and shallow monoliths. It's clearly a surface level take on what you perceive to be true.
>Your complaints don't matter at all.

As human beings living a shared experience under a shared border and system of governance means only that they have every right to voice their concerns. What if it were you? Would you willingly suck your hosts dick because he allowed to stay at his house?

>You are extraordinarily lucky

Lmao, they're unlucky if anything, forced to leave their own nations and loved ones usually due to some manner of imperialism, oppression, or bureaucratic pressure from these "benevolent white nations." Overa, a shameful lack of self-awareness is on display in writing this trite and frankly disgusting take. Do you not see the "other" within yourself? Do you not truly understand your own history and the coercion and false "choice" it left many immigrants. Childish.

>If you are a non-white immigrant

It continues pretentiously. "You were lucky to be enslaved." Yeah, at least now they have fast food, ad culture, and misery. Add a population that generalized and judges them before even knowing them. Again, many weren't happy to flee their countries, war-torn by the "largesse" of your shitty Imperial powers. If they were brought to a country during slavery, they've been there long enough for your fatass to drop the "immigrant" title. In many cases they've been there longer than alot of the domestic white population.

>outdoes your own place

In what ways? GDP? Mass produced and harmful consumerism? Dont make me laugh, food and family are far more valuable than petty western convenience.

>Any non-white that talks about white privilege

Most talk of "white privilege" comes from those that have been in the country nearly as long as whites. They are intrinsically citizens, not immigrants. It is their country too, no matter if that upsets illogical ideologues who lack the ability to reflect upon their own beliefs and history.

>saved from perpetual poverty and malcontent by our generous and beneficent hand.

Who do you think invited the "poverty" the slavery, the war? What a dumb thing to say. We introduced the idea of poverty to the world and set up proxy empires to reform happy, healthy agrarian societies into human capital machines, then we stole the majority of that capital and called the workers there poor and malnourished. This continues to this very day in places like the Congo.

You take your view of personal responsibility and "freedom of choice" and apply it liberally to those whose reality is far different than your own. When your entire nation is exploited subverted and enslaved by far more powerful ones, your "choice" and will becomes narrowed and confined.

When I see sentiment such as yours I immediately recognize a childish tendency to apply your own mentality and expereince to thevwhole of humanity. Foolish

>> No.16978633

It exists to postulate a reason why white people reject the notion of systemic racism and privilege. It's a conceptual weapon in the idpol arsenal to use against whites.

>> No.16978643

>We introduced the idea of poverty to the world
This is literally more arrogant and eurocentric than his post lmao

>> No.16978650

>White Frugality
It should be about cutting costs and gaming the welfare system to raise a big White family

>> No.16978660

said the crying clown

>> No.16978689

Go tell the Chinese, Arabs, and Indians of 1000 years ago that they don't understand what poverty is, their tiny noble savage minds just couldn't grasp it before the West came and redefined their reality for them.

>> No.16978719

I didn't mean in a strictly literal sense you spoon. I was mainly referring to the European conquest of Africa, American conquest of Latin America. The people were fed prior to our industrial exploitation.

We invited domination and economic slavery. Is that better?

>> No.16978725

>The entire passage presents whiteness and non-whiteness as nauseating and shallow monoliths. It's clearly a surface level take on what you perceive to be true.
Not at all. I am talking about the moaning of woke activist types. People that love being American who are black, for example, are not the target of my post.

>As human beings living a shared experience under a shared border and system of governance means only that they have every right to voice their concerns. What if it were you? Would you willingly suck your hosts dick because he allowed to stay at his house?
And I have every right to tell them to stuff their complaints. Their insane mental gymnastics are nothing at all to any rational person. As for the dick sucking analogy, no one has asked non-whites to debase themselves to live in the west. The correct analogy would be would I eat a delicious meal my host had prepared me in order to stay in the house, then yes, I think I would okay with that.

>Lmao, they're unlucky if anything, forced to leave their own nations and loved ones usually due to some manner of imperialism, oppression, or bureaucratic pressure from these "benevolent white nations." Overa, a shameful lack of self-awareness is on display in writing this trite and frankly disgusting take. Do you not see the "other" within yourself? Do you not truly understand your own history and the coercion and false "choice" it left many immigrants. Childish.
Forced to leave their homes? Kek. Many immigrants are totally here by option, not necessity. Imperialism??? TOP.... KEK.... where is the lack of self awareness in my take? I know that many occupied nations have managed to make themselves into paradises. Why was Rhodesia and South Africa, up until they were taken out of the sole control of Europeans, were the gold standard of success for the continent. And no, I see no other in myself, or it would not be the other. I see no reflection of me in a Congolese or Somali immigrant that has plunged his own nation into chaos and fire. What coercion or false chocie forced them across the ocean in order to arrive here to despise me?


>> No.16978733

>We invited domination and economic slavery
That is the exact same amount of idiocy as your previous statement, I'm starting to think you have never read anything at all about history apart from some Marxist essay about colonialism.

>> No.16978755

"white fragility" literally just refers to the fact that the average white guy doesn't want to talk about race at every possible opportunity with people who will try to ruin their lives if they say the wrong thing. Funny that the racial group that cries over a word calls anyone fragile

>> No.16978760

This should all just end. Whites should live with Whites, have White media, have White politicians, and pursue White interests. We could start a Black ethnostate in North America. We already made a Jewish state. Maybe someday there could be countries for Chinese and Mexicans. If you will it, it is no dream.

But oh wait, the White country would be a million times lovelier and everyone would want to move there to be victimized. That's the whole problem. Everybody Wants Some!! But Whites would be wise to keep all our awesomeness for ourselves and our posterity.

>> No.16978766

How did this become a top seller again? White neoliberals are the only people who would buy it

>> No.16978793

>Lmao, they're unlucky if anything, forced to leave their own nations and loved ones usually due to some manner of imperialism, oppression, or bureaucratic pressure from these "benevolent white nations."

Not true for any immigrant in Europe or Canada

>> No.16978807

>rational person
Cool, bring him out and let me talk to him. No ones asked non-whites to debase themselves? Slavery, segregation, redlining and wage slavery. These are all just "gifts" I suppose.
>Forced to leave their homes?
Yes, many coercive factors exist in a decision to leave your homeland. The lack of self-awareness? You place yourself above huge swathes of humanity with zero justification or scrutiny about yourself. Rhodesia and South Africa, weren't measures of "success" unless you were white and allowed to own that success.

>I don't see humanity within myself.

Ok bb. You have nothing. Thanks for playing.
>Europe or Canada
It's absolutely true for a large part of Europe who profitted of colonialism. As for Canada? Where are the radical immigrants bemoaning Canadian white privelage?

>> No.16978818

>Funny that the racial group that cries over a word calls anyone fragile
When you tag on little digs like this, you just play into the author's trap.

>> No.16978820


>It continues pretentiously. "You were lucky to be enslaved." Yeah, at least now they have fast food, ad culture, and misery. Add a population that generalized and judges them before even knowing them. Again, many weren't happy to flee their countries, war-torn by the "largesse" of your shitty Imperial powers. If they were brought to a country during slavery, they've been there long enough for your fatass to drop the "immigrant" title. In many cases they've been there longer than alot of the domestic white population.
Nice try, I said if they even descended from slaves they are lucky to be here. I did not suggest slaves were lucky people. If they don't like the fast food and ad culture, then they are free to leave. I don't judge before knowing. We have gotten to know each other quite well and it really just is not working out. And I do not care if they were happy or not to flee their country, their upset is no currency here. So they are disgruntled about their situation so why should I then have to put up with their rioting and looting (in the case of long settled minorities) or the enclave cultures and hostility from newly minted immigrants? Fuck that. You bend over for them anon, enjoy your sore ass. And if they have been here long enough to drop the immigrant title, then why do they act like they are a tribe apart? Talk to them about it.

>In what ways? GDP? Mass produced and harmful consumerism? Dont make me laugh, food and family are far more valuable than petty western convenience.
Then they should be happy to have that in their own nations. They clamour to get in and then you claim we are a terrible place and need improving. I should think you'd be okay with turfing them all out then?

>Most talk of "white privilege" comes from those that have been in the country nearly as long as whites. They are intrinsically citizens, not immigrants. It is their country too, no matter if that upsets illogical ideologues who lack the ability to reflect upon their own beliefs and history.
No it is not their country. They built nothing, they maintain little, and they will not achieve anything new. America would have been the same, or miles better, without its black population. So would all of Western Europe with its newer immigrants. Post New Deal America is a lumbering leviathan of debt and spending thanks to Blacks.


>> No.16978828

>Ok bb. You have nothing. Thanks for playing.
Whereas you have the very sophisticated view of 'all problems in the world are because of white people being racist and capitalist'.

Anyway continue fighting on behalf of people who laugh at you behind your back.

>> No.16978829

Nobody wants to read these long ass posts.

>> No.16978846

>proving the author wrong is falling for the trap

>> No.16978855

You think you did the former but you only did the latter.

>> No.16978856

I never said nor insinuated such. Your comprehension is horrid, fueled by a need to think in binaries and view any criticism of history as "anti-white." Tourist

>> No.16978885

>As if you haven't thought seriously about thr state of humanity all. Likely, that you have yet to even come to terms with your own humanity even in some basic sense.
Anyone who reflects on"humanity" will inevitably realize that it is an empty outside of its most reductive biological sense.

>> No.16978906

You said 'we invented poverty' lmao. The funniest thing about people like you is how much contempt blacks and latinos have for you while you grovel for them

>> No.16978919

>Who do you think invited the "poverty" the slavery, the war? What a dumb thing to say. We introduced the idea of poverty to the world and set up proxy empires to reform happy, healthy agrarian societies into human capital machines, then we stole the majority of that capital and called the workers there poor and malnourished. This continues to this very day in places like the Congo.

Invited the poverty and slavery and war? The world has been at war with each other since time began. You think Africa was a noble savage situation for all time until we got there? Oooooof! You are special, aren't you? You think they were in Eden picking fruit off the trees and fucking until we arrived and ruined it? Lol. How could we have stolen the majority of any capital when they had nothing to begin with. To be left with functioning roads and railroads and electrical grids is an unimaginable boon to them. They have received what is essentially alien technology and people to train them to use it, and since the end of colonialism they have squandered it. They have let it fall into disrepair and rust. They would still be living in grass huts if it weren't for us.

Tell me why you think wealth was extracted? Africa has received 50x Marshall plans worth of aid since WW2 compared to Europe's 1x. We have pumped more money into that continent than we could extract in a thousand lifetimes. Meanwhile, Poland receives one of the smallest shares of the Marshall plan and manages to rebuild Warsaw whilst under crushing Communist rule.

Why can Africa not do this?

>You take your view of personal responsibility and "freedom of choice" and apply it liberally to those whose reality is far different than your own. When your entire nation is exploited subverted and enslaved by far more powerful ones, your "choice" and will becomes narrowed and confined.

Then if they have no choice, they should be grateful there is even one hand extended to help them. I would not go into a homeless shelter and then complain about the food if I was on the street.

>When I see sentiment such as yours I immediately recognize a childish tendency to apply your own mentality and expereince to thevwhole of humanity. Foolish

And when I see you, I see a white man with White Burden and a White Saviour Complex, or a non-white that wants to make excuses for why their group cannot maintain basic civilisation.

You are a screeching fool and your lack of awareness is far greater than mine.

>> No.16978923

No he did the former pretty clearly, you just think that responding to an ebin kafkatrap makes the person necessarily lose because you have the maturity of a 10 year old

>> No.16978929

You answered your own question. There are plenty of white faggots out there willing to part with their money to become better "allies".

>> No.16978950

>nobody reads
>everybody makes surface level moral arguments about what they believe the book is
>nobody engages against anybody else because nobody read the book in question
this board

>> No.16978979

>Cool, bring him out and let me talk to him. No ones asked non-whites to debase themselves? Slavery, segregation, redlining and wage slavery. These are all just "gifts" I suppose.
They are free to leave if they wish, yet they stay. I wonder why. And also, why do more come in their droves?

>Yes, many coercive factors exist in a decision to leave your homeland. The lack of self-awareness? You place yourself above huge swathes of humanity with zero justification or scrutiny about yourself. Rhodesia and South Africa, weren't measures of "success" unless you were white and allowed to own that success.
And yet, they have the best cities, infrastructure, hospitals, and services in Africa. A success was made there by Europeans. It doesn't matter one bit if it was not evenly distributed. The fact it was created where there was no success before is sufficient evidence that without the hand of Europeans, there would have been nothing there for all of time. Whatever they have, they have because of Brits and Dutch.

>I don't see humanity within myself.
Lol, nice try. I said I do not see the "other" within myself. Your conceit is to claim that an other is always about a shared humanity. False starting point. They are not like me and I am not like them.

>It's absolutely true for a large part of Europe who profitted of colonialism. As for Canada? Where are the radical immigrants bemoaning Canadian white privelage?
Not as much as the Blacks that have had access to whites. Will they be giving up their paved roads and sewage systems anytime soon.

>> No.16978999

There's literally no content in this post. You're just mad.

>> No.16979005

>Lmao, they're unlucky if anything, forced to leave their own nations and loved ones usually due to some manner of imperialism, oppression, or bureaucratic pressure from these "benevolent white nations." Overa, a shameful lack of self-awareness is on display in writing this trite and frankly disgusting take. Do you not see the "other" within yourself? Do you not truly understand your own history and the coercion and false "choice" it left many immigrants. Childish.
I believe it would be best if western people treated them when they are here much the same way that we treated them.in their homelands.
Your point about seeing similarities in the other is just silly. The reason we develop these identities is because of manner in which distinctions between groups come to mean more to us than whatever it is we share. The reason they are the other is because what of ourselves we can see in them has become irrelevant on the presence of our differences.

>> No.16979007

>We have gotten to know each other quite well and it really just is not working out.

Your anecdote is overshadowed by your immense racism. People who've gotten to know minorities don't hold your level of racist ass-hurt.
>So they are disgruntled about their situation so why should I then have to put up with their rioting and looting.

You don't. You are free to voice your concerns, and overwhelmingly encouraged to leave.
>why do they act like they are a tribe apart?
They're alienated by extreme inequality and a lack of worthwhile opportunity following the destruction of the working class by the neoliberal elite. I expect you don't take the history of economic oppression seriously, unfortunately for your shallow worldview however, it exists as part of an ongoing reality.
>They built nothing,
We owe the behinnings of our Empire to slave labor and cotton trade. Everything they've build has been stolen by racism and oppression. Freedmans bank. Tulsa Oklahoma. COINTELPRO, crack in the 80s, the worship of and creation of "gang culture." Again, you don't seem to be a thinking man. Maybe I should accept that.
>ackshually the new deal was bad ok.

Please, it's Neoliberalism that's lead to our current state, and racism to the state of the Black American.
Haha, what a foolish pseudointelligent claim. I think about humanity precisely because I am human, and many of thd thoughts and feelings I experience are largely universal and shared.
Keep jerking off about "noble savages" or whatever term you discocered via Youtube you absolute pseud.

We gave them material goods that only lead to their overall misery and virtual enslavement to a global system of exploitation. The rest is fluff meant to make you get the warm and fuzzies instead of facing reality.
>Tell me why you think wealth was extracted?
Haha, IDK. Slavery? Literal mineral wealth extracted from the ground with lottler regard to safety and very little benefit to the native population. Their natural wealth was stolen, not created. We could've shared technology and truly helped them build their own society, but we were greedy and concerned only with profit. You naive little child.

There was a choice, it was made for them hy forces outside of their control. In the shelter, they seperate you by color and say that you can't have as much food as the other color. You're welcome to enslave yourself here. Btw sorry your home and livelihood was destroyed by our hand.

>> No.16979010

>u mad
again, 10 year old

>> No.16979011

max IQ

>> No.16979024


>> No.16979026

This behavior of chimping out about the topic of white fragility is why people say you have it.

>> No.16979031

reading a whole fucking book about it seems like too much of a commitment though

>> No.16979040

>Your anecdote is overshadowed by your immense racism. People who've gotten to know minorities don't hold your level of racist ass-hurt.
Actually every majority black city in America is a catastrophe of racial animosity, violence, poverty etc. People who have 'gotten to know minorities' often do hold exactly that position, in fact they held it so much they abandoned their cities all over the country just to avoid being around them.

>> No.16979043

>the worship of and creation of "gang culture."
i.e. things blacks absolutely love and spend all their time and energy on. someone tricked them into it? then maybe whites should blame someone else for slavery culture and colony culture LMAO

>> No.16979047

Do you even know what that means?

>> No.16979051

yes anon, we know what a kafkatrap is, if we criticize the concept then we are just displaying its truth. This sort of logic appeals to schoolchildren so I guess you're still about that level of development.

>> No.16979052

These threads always go the same way. People are so eager to prove they aren't fragile that they ragepost, or say nigs are the real fragile ones, or write huge effortposts about I don't even know what, history or some shit. It's not only all very fragile behavior, but it's like groundhog day. Discussion of this book should be banned.

>> No.16979072

>if u disagree with me u prove me right
You guys are so sophisticated

>> No.16979076

Just because you act exactly how someone describes doesn't mean their description of you is a "kafkatrap."

>> No.16979088

I have never seen anyone in these threads grapple with the actual theses in the book. You aren't disagreeing, you're just raging about something you have never read.

>> No.16979090

I personally consider people who disagree with me to have Ugly Loser Fragility, and you keep disagreeing with me, what does that say about you?

>> No.16979093 [SPOILER] 
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Heh. I have other interests.

>> No.16979100

The thesis is wrong from the outset because white privilege doesn't exist and the races aren't equal. There is no need to even engage beyond that

>> No.16979101

"If I say Bob's a drunk, then Bob starts drinking, I have kafkatrapped him."—The level of intellect on offer from the fragile internet race warrior.

>> No.16979102

So a low effort shitpost is evidence of fragility and a long high effort post is evidence of fragility. So literally any argument against the books thesis is evidence of it? How is that not an unfalsifiable kafkatrap?

>> No.16979108

>Haha, what a foolish pseudointelligent claim. I think about humanity precisely because I am human, and many of thd thoughts and feelings I experience are largely universal and shared.
Many of them, sure. But it is the ones we do not share, the ones which result from from modes of experience made possible from identities and collective aesthetics built on top of humanity. These are so much more meaningful that in the affirmation of "humanity" is tantamount to embracing pure nihilism, and doing so is typically the sign of someone incapable of real critical thinking.

>> No.16979112

>Keep jerking off about "noble savages" or whatever term you discocered via Youtube you absolute pseud.
I am accusing YOU of believing that lol. You claimed there was no war or poverty in Africa before whites arrived. Top kek.

Listen we are not going to change each others mind so lets just accept that I am willing to stand up for myself and my people and you are spineless and self-flagellating and shake hands and walk away, eh?

>> No.16979115

The book literally says that if you disagree with it you are showing white fragility. That's why it's a kafkatrap. Bob can just say 'I'm not a drunk', he can disagree with the statement, you literally can't disagree with the thesis of the book.

>> No.16979122

>and racism to the state of the Black American
It's funny how it magically made them act that way every single place they exist on earth lel

>> No.16979148

>People who have 'gotten to know minorities' often do hold exactly that position
Downwardly mobile White man here. Grew up liberal in all-White suburbs. Years of working with blacks redpilled me and made me WN. They are simply half-animal. They do not have the social instincts necessary for civilization. The black world is a Hobbesian bellum omnium contra omnes. Ffs they scatter trash everywhere they go. They think not littering makes you a bitch. You cannot help these p-...um, beings.

>> No.16979164

Your snap-insistence that "white privilege doesn't exist" is the exact phenomenon her book discusses. She is describing you saying exactly what you are saying, and she is investigating why you are saying it, and the title is her conclusion. I don't care if you engage with her or not, but as a whyte man myself, it makes me cringe to see internet race warriors take the bait time and again.

>> No.16979181

You have no moral authority, Robin.

>> No.16979186

Its not bait because there's no way to "not take it". You either agree and are fragile or disagree and are not fragile. The systemic power behind this narrative ensures you will be confronted with it eventually unless you're one of the few truly financially independent people in America.

>> No.16979192

Lmfao. I've lived in them. Total murder in 2018 was only 16000. Why are you pussies so afraid.
It's been manufactured and normalozed. Made into a commodity. On the interior it's viewed as the only way to escape poverty and oppression.
Yeah? Which human thoughts and feelings are not shared bitch?
If anything I'm standing up for my people and you're fearful anxiett ridden view of your own countrymen is woefully ignorant. I'm spineless? Your worldview has been psychologically connected to fear. I don't feel personally guilty or responsible. I recognize the past and present as accurately as possible for what they actually are. I love myself, and my worldview is one that connects me with all people. Why would I be self-deprecating? I'm a white man. I'm not whiteness. I'm no elite either, so I have little affectation for European dominance. Why would I cheer the global elite who've done nothing but create heaping piles of junk to distract from their eternal greed.

Your narcissistic view of whiteness is seperated from reality. The majority of whites hate you, not because they've been told too, simply because they've actually thought about racism whereas you replaced your earnest thought with idpol and parroted propaganda. It must be hard, to speak your true thoughts instantly alienates you from rationality and causes others to view you as an utterly insignificant being who lacks morals or the ability to reflect upon and contextualize complex ideas.
It's not funny at all actually. It is true though, at least you recognoze that much.


>> No.16979195

Oh please, like she'd use the word nigger. I'm trying to save you all from your own cringe. Lord knows it's not worth the effort

>> No.16979194

Sorry, I meant disagree and are accused of being fragile anyway.

>> No.16979196

She can't hold it as an a priori truth that white privilege exists, it's a question. Her book is dependent on it existing for its central thesis. Therefore the existence of white privilege has to be addressed before talking about the rest of the book. If it doesn't exist then her entire argument falls apart.

It's not a snap-insistence, it's my perspective, which i can argue. If I'm not allowed to argue with the content of the book without proving it right then it is a kafkatrap.

>> No.16979202

>Lmfao. I've lived in them. Total murder in 2018 was only 16000. Why are you pussies so afraid.
And that changes nothing I said, you don't have a very good grasp on logic do you. Nobody wants to live around them

>> No.16979204

ITT: White brainlets jerking off the global elite and claiming their accomplishments as "Whiteness."

The ignorance is almost pitiable.

>> No.16979210

Its a tautology

>> No.16979220

I know, it's almost as if the least economically viable areas were circled, as if some sort of red line was established seperating viable property from non.

>> No.16979225

White privilege is not a tautology, it's an empirical claim about society.

>> No.16979227

In all honesty, anyone with any amount of self respect will be at least a little fragile. What's worse than the alleged "kafkatrapping" is its attempt to demonize perfectly healthy behavior. The book would be taken apart far more quickly if people just said, "Yes, I am fragile, and that's a good thing."

>> No.16979233

>white HR cunt makes a fortune off George Floyd's death

>> No.16979235

It's almost as if blacks are poor...oh yeah everywhere they exist in the world. I guess people just circled every last area with a red line

>> No.16979249

She subconsciously thinks of them as nigs by assuming white people are responsible for black people's feelings. It's not impossible that it would slip out. All her anti-racism is a reaction formation against her own racial anxieties.

>> No.16979252

Cognitive bias leading to a fragile sense of ego is not healthy. Stereotypes and biases arent "pattern recognition." Lmfao, their cultural misnomers and you've allowed yourself to be duped by the plausible, whilst paying no mind to reality.

Happens to the worst of us.

>> No.16979255

however noble libs might find the goal of the book to be, it was always designed as a cynical way to make money because you never STOP being racist/fragile so you need more seminars and books :^)

meanwhile we will make black people go stand in front of their coworkers and force them tell deeply personal information and stories, and become a token in their workplace. surely nothing could be wrong with this

>> No.16979258

Its not empirical because there is no way to falsify it. If you attempt to falsify it your attempt is taken as evidence of the claim. It is a tautology.

>> No.16979259

>I'm a white man. I'm not whiteness
anyone that thinks the quality you refer to here should be called whiteness inherently hates white people. You could have just called it imperialism or colonialism, but you show your hand when you use whiteness. You hate what you know is good and strong.

>> No.16979260

Haha, what a dumb grasp of basic world history and present reality you have. You dissapoint yourself.

>> No.16979265

>Yeah? Which human thoughts and feelings are not shared bitch?
Specific aesthetic, spiritual, and social phenomena that derive from being a member of a certain group. I could never fully understand the exact feeling of a spiritual experience derived from the theology and culture of the Islamic faith. It is something unique to them, and it is no wonder that they hold that aspect of their existence to be far greater than what types of animal they're capable of reproducing with.

>> No.16979269

yes there is a way to falsify it, you can do studies about race differences and racial discrimination and see how much each contributes to inequality of outcomes.

>> No.16979277

Haha, not even one example of them being functional. Remind me again why you believe they can be functional, like a whole population of them, since there is, well, no example of it happening? Do you just take it on faith or?

>> No.16979280

Oh wait...so you share religious and spiritual feelings? Damn...sounds almost...universally human.

>> No.16979287

>to clarify I am not one of those people that has ever gotten to know a minority I'm just guessing that's how it would be though

>> No.16979295

Nope, any studies that fail to find sufficient inequalities are simply influenced by white privilege. Studies that support the claim are fine though, because they support the claim.

>> No.16979302

I've known plenty of them, I grew up in one of the most multicultural places on earth. And if I hadn't that still wouldnt' change anything I said in my post from being true.

>> No.16979326

No reason to read it.

>> No.16979359

Sure, but if you could read, you would have realized that I was saying that the particular nature of specific versions of these experiences cannot be shared between groups and is more meaningful than anything we share.

>> No.16979366
File: 139 KB, 1200x800, 1603558738027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you yourself have a "snap insistence" that "black criminality and violence doesn't exist".

The question is, how come when "BIPOC" individual commit crime or engage is socially unproductive behaviors, your claim that this is just a consequence of "sociological factors", and you claim that we have to "contextualize" the situation, but when it comes to white people, you completely ignore these "sociological factors" and you make no attempt to "contextualize" the situation.

If uneducated, inner city blacks are not responsible for their high crimes rates and poor living conditions, and instead we blame their circumstances on sociological factors, then how come the same standard is not applied to working class white people? How come wealthy urban liberals look down upon working class whites? How come educated liberal view these people are ignorant, inbred, racist, hateful, primitive, uneducated, drug addicted, cousin-fucking hicks? I have literally heard dozens of PMC (professional managerial class) liberals in my life say shit like "working class whites are too stupid and uneducated to vote in their own interests". Ironically, this is an extremely hateful, simplistic, and ignorant statement to make, and yet these kind of sentiments are considered perfectly acceptable in educated liberal circles. But if these liberal elites actually care about the oppressed and the working class, then they wouldn't view these people as "uneducated, conservative hicks" who are "too stupid to vote in their own self interests". Just imagine if someone said that blacks were "too stupid to behave in their own self interest".

If working class white deserve hatred and criticism for living in trailer parks, for being uneducated, for the opiate epidemic, meth production, etc., then working class blacks deserve hatred and criticism for living in urban ghettos, having high levels of theft and burglary, selling crack, and committing more violent crimes than any other racial group in the country.'

In reality all racial groups have areas where they excel and deserve praise, and all racial groups have areas where they deserve criticism. However, many mainstream woke democratic types only view criticism of whites as acceptable (especially working class conservatives). Personally, I am a leftist, and I sympathize with both the black and white working class. I recognize the existence of systemic racism, and I understand that blacks are disadvantaged in the criminal justice system, but I'm also realistic and I understand that you can't say that this is entirely because of white people. Society is a very complex system. Not everything wrong with our world is because of white people. Other races can fuck up to. Other races can be responsible for their own problems.

Elites want you to think that the number one problem with society is uneducated, "racist" working class whites, despite the fact that these people have no institutional power. See pic related.

>> No.16979383

ITT: sheltered white people sharing their opinions of the 'black person' card in Virtue: the Signaling

>> No.16979491

Why does your worldview require and employ such broad generalizations? Liberals hate working class whites? Why? I heard it one time. It's certainly not my position, probably not the guy you're responding too. These vast generalizations are inadequate when describing something as broad and wver changing as human thought and behavior. Its vastly inadequate to explain anything in any real way.

We or he, never claimed to or voiced hatred of white people or working class people lmfao. I'm both of those things and am still to have empathy and honesty about the history of racism and oppression that's still affecting blacks to this day.

In the same way I acknowledge the history of working class whites, from Eugene Debs and Blair Mountain to coal communities today. I view their plight as that of a greedy uncaring corporate class and an intrinsically flawed economic system and government.

Quit projecting your lack of critical thought and your quickness to rely on generalization onto others who actually consider all angles of a proposal and view human development with understanding and deep thought. Everyone isn't as shitty as you are.

>> No.16979500

I said nothing about stereotypes whatsoever. I really have to praise the creative way you engage with texts.
The problem with demonizing"fragility" is that it doesn't consider what is exactly at stake for someone entering these conversations nor the very nature of them. If your job is something other than anti-racism educator, typically there is a lot at stake in these conversations; whether they go right or wrong, you'll likely end up worse off for having them. When it comes to the nature of it, people like this author assume that conversations about race all resemble those held in her brand of seminar. On the real world, engaging trying to have the conversations usually ends up with one side rambling about afrocentric conceptions of history and NOI/Hebrew Israelite theology they picked up from Jay-Z or Kendrick Lamar song, and having conversations with those people on the way this book would want you too amounts to giving up any sort of hope for a dignified existence.

>> No.16979547

You might not be saying it, but it underlies your entire worldview. It's sort of necessitated by a worldview that centers social problems around the condition of "oppression" in the way that you do. The fact that you can carefully select a few good whites to name-drop doesn't change that.

>> No.16979592

>i don't hate you I just want marginalize you politically, culturally, and economically :^)
Fuck off seriously this is why nobody likes you people. At least /pol/tards are honest about who they hate. You smarmy faggots can't even be honest about this much.

>> No.16979635

They don't hate you. They just see you as pathological or existing in a inherent state of bad faith or something.

>> No.16979649

That you would jump to that absurd characterization of his post in your greentext is the result of your fragility. You cannot have a conversation about privilege without getting angry, dismissive, coping generally. That's fragility. Truly don't get how some of you cant see this.

>> No.16979658

It's not an absurd characterization, it's reality. You are calling him fragile for pointing out reality

>> No.16979677

I don't see how his reading of history and his recommended policies for remedying what he views as society's problems are anything more than a polite or academic way of saying just that. If that is how you describe fragility, then it is an essential part of not being a flagellant.

>> No.16979679

Wow you literally called out his response a minute early

White privilege is a tautology and supporting it is buying into systemic anti-white racism. While he didn't come out in support of it in his post, this thread is full of liberals who have. I do not think it is out of line to assume that he supports wacko conspiracy nonsense like white privilege.

>> No.16979747

I feel you misstepped here. We are having a discussion, not shadowboxing ideologies on /pol/. Many people who believe that nig nogs are the way they are due to sociological conditions apply the same standard to white working class people, and poor people of any race. Even academically, they do this. Not the person you're replying to btw.

You are investing yourself in this idpol as well. It is also laughable that you put forward your 'Marshal plan' bullshit, such an appeal to emotionality. Do you know how many millions died from European colonialism alone? Do you know how many millions alone the British Empire killed? By realloting food to their wars from Bangladesh? Or putting Kenyans in concentration camps, starving them? This all happened in the 'modern' era, around or after WW2. That is not to say that other race and societies commit atrocity. I'm just saying that you can't HOLD that standard, while claiming that imperialism was GOOD at the same time, if all races do evil, then white peoples evil is okay right? You downplay the evil however, you are dishonest.

>> No.16979768

>Wow you literally called out his response a minute early
I've read the material on this. Just repeating what I've read.
>White privilege is a tautology and supporting it is buying into systemic anti-white racism. While he didn't come out in support of it in his post, this thread is full of liberals who have. I do not think it is out of line to assume that he supports wacko conspiracy nonsense like white privilege.
I don't think it's much of a conspiracy to see disparate outcomes and come to the conclusion that the causal factor is race. The problem is to assume that they assert that this should be considered social problem in and of itself.

>> No.16979770

Furthermore, I would like to say that nativism has come back time and time again, and isn't new at all - and it is always used by industrial cartels and (((elites))) or elites, for their gain. None of the chess pieces on the political board are controlled by the people, especially white identity - very laughable.

>> No.16979779

based and truth pilled

>> No.16979792

Imagine supporting this collectivist nonsense, literally as dumb and malleable as an SJW


Hilarious, this country is dead

>> No.16979803

Wow, are you implying that White fragility is pseudo-science?

>> No.16979809

He is misguided because he wishes to work within a humanitarian model. Atrocity is the state where a people or civilization finds itself sufficiently valuable enough overcome the common humanity shared between its members and the other. It is self-actualization on a grand scale and the greatest possible achievement of a civilization.

>> No.16979826

>I don't think it's much of a conspiracy to see disparate outcomes and come to the conclusion that the causal factor is race. The problem is to assume that they assert that this should be considered social problem in and of itself.
They do assert it but I think many of them are essentially on the verge of a true sort of white-focused racism. It's honestly not much different than what 20-something anti-semites ascribe to Jews, and that gets branded conspiratorial thinking by liberals all the time. It's just funny how easily the "you're just a wingnut conspiracy theorist" rhetorical trick applies to both the left and right now.

>> No.16979827

>Do you know how many millions died from European colonialism alone? Do you know how many millions alone the British Empire killed?

Oh fuck off troll

>> No.16979830

Of course. But this is another problem with fascists and ethno-nationalists - they hate and despise Jews and their 'subversion', but they are subversives and degenerates to their core. They are dishonest people with malleable ideas.

>> No.16979843

Am I wrong? If you're going to type out some emotional feminine WE GAVE THEM EVERYTHING AHHHH instead of saying I'm lying, don't bother. Put up or shut up faggot. I'm not even saying that this makes white people culpable, or is even out of the ordinary for history.

>> No.16979868

The "camps" in Kenya were open air detention facilities for Mau Mau terrorists.

>> No.16979877

>t. worthless atomistic individual who thinks his individualism compensates for a lack of achievements
Individualists will always be destroyed by collectivists.

>> No.16979885

Not who you're responding to, but evaluating the opportunity cost of colonialism leads one to the conclusion that it was the best, but certainly not perfect, path.

>> No.16979893

To some extent anyone attached to a self-actualized social animal would be concerned with its health. Their relation to this being makes them exceptional to the point that there are no double standards, because one thing is greater than all others and it can justify anything.

>> No.16979908

>millions of people were terrorists
>millions in direct camps
>more in 'villagization' programs of ghettos
>torture, abuse, rape widespread for interrogation

Ok retard. You know what's funny? All of this, according to your timeline, was done for Jewish gain. It made the Jews very rich! Very based of white people

>> No.16979931

>>millions of people were terrorists
This is literally inherent to the nature of guerilla warfare and is necessary in any place where a terrorist organization successfully operates.

>> No.16979932

I'm not even against that really. I'm not a delusional idpol Marxist who wants white people to all die or blames the worlds on imperialism. Reactionaries attitudes towards imperialism are just as delusional as these idpol woke types interpretation of everything.

>> No.16979940

Yes goyim, it is worth detaining millions of nig nogs in Africa and brutalizing them to put down a rebellion so we can extract more resources for top 2% of people in our country. You are a retarded faggot, imagine believing in widespread detention camps to fight terrorism in 2020

>> No.16979952 [DELETED] 

I would love to read something like this. Possible sections could include how to beat the Jews at their own game by falsifying a disability and creative ways to nigger-proof your trailer.

>> No.16979958

And further, I think the terrors that the Third World is causing to the environment is evidence enough that they're still not ready for self-governance.

>> No.16979978

Colonial wars of any kind are unwinnable without genocide. The camps were a losing strategy because they didn't go far enough.

>> No.16979987

She looks like my fifth grade teacher who almost got fired because parents kept complaining about how she treated girls better than boys.

>> No.16979991

Most contemporary knee-jerk supports of colonialism are sort of out-of-history takes. Scramble-tier colonialism was always about developing the land in an area where the people were essentially a millennium behind. The great tragedy of it is that he Cold War ended it before it could end on its own, and now we're left with a half-baked result that's going to ruin the world.

>> No.16980076

There's a really good chapo trap house breakdown of it I remember listening to awhile ago. Basically she's created a spectre of inborn racism that actually sows the seeds of tension between diverse workplaces because a) white people are walking on eggshells and b) it's dehumanizing to black people because it creates an environment where their "otherness" is the foremost lens they're related to through.

The author of this book doesn't create diversity friendly workplaces, she gets hired by massive corporations so that they can cover their asses, the secret, covert racism she describes as being within all white people is innately unsolveable because if it was she'd be out of a job.

Key point here is mandatory diversity training is designed to help the employer and not the worker, those programs basically act as covert forms of union busting and places like Amazon Whole Foods have been documented introducing these programs in relation to a particular establishment's likelihood of trying to unionize. When you crank up racial tensions in a diverse workplace, the workforce is far less likely to cooperate for goals that may be in their best interest but not their employers.

>> No.16980177

I get it now. This is Robin here shilling her book. These posts are creative illustrations of the very point she's trying to make. I dont hate white people, far from it. I(and most white people) hate you racist non-critical idiots. This weird ironic take you guys parrot of cross-racial understanding or solidarity equals anti-white sentiment conveys the message of White Fragility in more of a poignant and succinct way than the author ever could.

No one's attacking whiteness. They're standing against racism, because racism reduces humanity into binaries that don't reflect reality, and most people generalky like to be open-minded and thoughyful humans.

As a final note of irony. YOU actually create anti-white sentiment more than any liberal, its YOU that drive people to view whites with contempt. Cosmically funny, and I realize now the caliber of intellect I'm attempting to reason with. Im gonna head out now, feeling fairly validated in my beliefs lmao.

>> No.16980207

>hate you racist non-critical idiots
not him, but what is the problem with racism? I never understood why it is supposed to be bad.

>> No.16980208

troll. opinion discarded

>> No.16980210

>No you don't understand, if I call my anti-white racism "cross-racial understanding" then it's not actually racism! I'm the good guy because I say I'm good!
It's like you're a parody of what Lasch talked about

>> No.16980232

based triggered subhuman

>> No.16980283

Racist jokes and making fun of petty cultural differences doesnt bother me, it doesnt bother most blacks I know. It's this specific eurocentric racism that implies that we should treat the whole of Black people based on biases and misleading statistics or the actions of an absolute minority of blacks. Its the huge generalizations it relies on that reduces all of another race into something viewed as intrinsically "inferior" it disregards the individual and casts judgement upon him without attempting understanding or open-mindedness. It wants to impose some horseshit hierarchy so that whites can cope with their violent history. Racism misses the point of our shared humanity, it's dogmatic and uses skin color as a metric. It isn't truthful or enlightened. Its anti-intellctual and harmful.

Lmfao I don't hate whites. Not at all. When I say I hate racists, I include all of them. You see anti-white racism in everything because you've brainwashed yourself to look for it. You're a walking example of the extreme implications of the baader-meinhoff syndrome.

>> No.16980285

>No one's attacking whiteness
Then why do they describe it as pathological or as being in "bad faith?" I think most people involved with critical race theory would have no qualms saying that attacking "whiteness" is their goal.
>YOU actually create anti-white sentiment more than any liberal, its YOU that drive people to view whites with contempt
That's only because the only way way to be seen as one of the "good whites" is through groveling.

>> No.16980326

>Then why do they describe it as pathological or as being in "bad faith?"

Perhaps because it makes uninformed opinions based on misleading stats and stereotypes?
>That's only because the only way way to be seen as one of the "good whites" is through groveling.
Haha, i pity those who believe what you do. I have many black loved ones, and I don't "grovel" you fucking nerd. I treat them like individual human beings as deserving of respect as I am. You're so far up your own ass, you arent "based and redpilled" you're delusional abd brainwashed. Isn't there a board where you fags can jerk each other off and confirm one anothers biases?

>> No.16980334

>misleading statistics
do you have any better statistics lmao

>> No.16980337

>Lmfao I don't hate whites. Not at all. When I say I hate racists, I include all of them. You see anti-white racism in everything because you've brainwashed yourself to look for it. You're a walking example of the extreme implications of the baader-meinhoff syndrome.
I don't see anti-white racism in everything. I see anti-white racism in people who explicitly espouse support for a racist, anti-white theory. The point of my post was that an anti-semite who denies the Holocaust or thinks Jews run the world does not deny that he is an anti-semite. Yet here you are supporting an anti-white theory and you refuse to admit that you are anti-white. In fact, you are going head over heal to try to argue that you are not. I hope this is some kind of intentional rhetorical deception otherwise you are drowning in cognitive dissonance.

>> No.16980344

lick their boots, good boy, remember to ask them what you're allowed to think

>> No.16980346

Stop embarrassing yourself dude

>> No.16980349


Adding to

>critical race theory
Who here is a proponent of critical race theory by the way? Idiot. I hate books like OP and most CRT is just as poor in faith and "pathological" as what they're attacking. Your binaries are useless, at least as it concerns me lmfao.

>> No.16980359

Then we're just not talking about the same thing. No use in continuing down this path. Everything I've posted has been about CRT styled anti-racist discourse.

>> No.16980362

No one is or has ever supported anti-white theory on this thread you fucking idiot. I attacked the fucking book in my very first post. It isn't either you hate minorities or you support critical theory. In fact the majoritt of human beings fit between that. Fucking moron.
I'm less of a slave to their indoctrination than you or the vegetables I'm argueing with. Return to your safe space you shallow "man."

>> No.16980374

>No one is or has ever supported anti-white theory on this thread you fucking idiot
The fuck are you talking about, go back and read the thread there are tons of posts attempting (rather poorly) to defend the concept of white fragility.

>> No.16980378

>I'm less of a slave to their indoctrination
lol but you don't have even one single opinion you would get in trouble for stating publicly. That's not because you're indoctrinated of course, that's because you independently arrived at the exact set of opinions permitted by them on your own ;)

>> No.16980395
File: 130 KB, 960x892, 0pdmikbzs5k51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like feminism, it's a bunch of unfalsifiable opinions where if you disagree, your disagreement itself proves its validity.

>> No.16980415

What a strange metric to judge someone by. It takes a true brainlet. You're not racist so you're brainwashed. Haha. You fucking effeminate little bitch, so concerned that society views you as "edgy." Who cares so much ya bitch? You're right, I arrived at accepting and judging people individually due to my life experience and a concerted effort to explore the source of my biases and beliefs. Fight me pussy

>> No.16980430

They were argueing against a child who went on an anti minority rant straight parroting his echo-chambers worldview. Prior to that they all were hating relentlessly on this author. You disingenous dishonest slimes are impossible to wngage with

>> No.16980448

>Who cares so much ya bitch?
You care, you care so much you can't even consider any views that aren't sanctioned by them

>> No.16980488

That's patently false though. I've been around this site for many years, Ive seen all of the arguments, all of the disunity propaganda. I considered it, and destroyed it rationally and logically.

>> No.16980494

You said
>No one is or has ever supported anti-white theory on this thread you fucking idiot
Which is just flat out wrong. This thread is full of people defending white privilege if you scroll up. Considering the topic of this thread it is not unreasonable to assume that someone who is a self-described liberal is also in support of the existence of white privilege. You're the fucking dishonest one seriously what has the entire topic of this thread been?

>> No.16980509

What's your argument for thinking all races have the same average intelligence? What evidence do you have to support that conclusion? How do you feel about the evidence that contradicts it such as IQ studies, crime rates, gdp per capita, brain sizes, and so on?

>> No.16980543

You see what you want to see. It's your mind that you've entrapt within a prison of false assumption, generalization, and belief. I don't really care anymore. Maybe read it again.

When did I say that? IQ is a bullshit field though, and every serious study states the many problems with testing, as well as explaining that many many other factors outside of race impact IQ.
IQ isn't character. Averages don't illustrate the whole, or provide insight to the individual. It's a pointless discretion. It means next to nothing to me.

I accept that races have different average IQs. Doesn't change my opinion of any race as there are always exceptions to every rule.

>> No.16980554

>You see what you want to see. It's your mind that you've entrapt within a prison of false assumption, generalization, and belief. I don't really care anymore. Maybe read it again.
I think you might have read the wrong post or something, please see >>16980494

>> No.16980557

>Seriously, has anyone here actually read this?
Nope. And every thread about it hits 300 effortlessly.

>> No.16980565

>Its the huge generalizations it relies on that reduces all of another race into something viewed as intrinsically "inferior" it disregards the individual and casts judgement upon him without attempting understanding or open-mindedness. It wants to impose some horseshit hierarchy so that whites can cope with their violent history. Racism misses the point of our shared humanity, it's dogmatic and uses skin color as a metric. It isn't truthful or enlightened. Its anti-intellctual and harmful.

As a racist I can assure you that the skin color is the least important factor in how I consider blacks inferior. Extracting the actual answer to my question:
>Racism misses the point of our shared humanity
I don't think that people would consider blacks closer to apes than modern humans. We are perfectly aware that the different races belong to humanity. Who else was a human? Ed Gein, Hitler, Elephant Man, ...
>it's dogmatic
I'd throw it back to you, saying that anti-racism is dogmatic as positions itself as a cultural imperative, despite only surfacing for a blink of mankinds history. Racism is pretty much a free-for-all game without any rules. Some people hate blacks, some hate whites, some don't hate them, but avoid them with healthy distrust. It usually boils down to awareness of difference.
>uses skin color as a metric.
as discussed above
> It isn't truthful or enlightened
it mostly is an instinct and is a reality simply by how the brain is wired. What could be more real than our first instinctive perception of the foreign and strange? What then follows is a learning phase: is the strange and foreign harmful to me or not? Tests occur, experiences are gathered, conclusions are drawn. Many dogs bark at black people. Furthermore there are enough statistics and studies that would also support racism on a more quantitative basis- however I believe it wouldn't be necessary. Even if blacks were superior racism would still be reasonable. I don't think it claims to be "enlightened". rather, like breathing, natural and healthy and a tool we were given in our minds, shaped by evolution.
> Its anti-intellctual
many intellectual works regarding race were published before WW2. When WW2 happened eugenic and racialist ideas had to be thrown out for the allies to justify their war efforts. Before it theorizing on race on quite racist terms was common. Pretty much all scientists before that time were racist and quite a lot after, number declining steadily as progressivism got a tighter hold on education. To claim it is anti-intellectual is plain dishonest. It just isn't accept by todays education elite which is, after all, educated and selected from a pool of applicant by like-minded progressivists.
to them, yes. For example I would be in favour of exterminating the black race. However it being harmful to them does not mean it is absolutely harmful. It might be beneficial to humanity. Based on which ethical philosophy do you based its harmfulness?

>> No.16980567

IQ is not a bullshit field, because it is highly predictive as a measure, and it doesn't out step its bounds of validity. Behavior is hard to measure but I'm sure it also varies between races.
>I accept that races have different average IQs. Doesn't change my opinion of any race as there are always exceptions to every rule.
It matters because it makes ideas like white privilege, which underlies the thesis of the book this thread is about, suspect.

You are talking about judging individuals but that is an entirely different topic than analyzing the outcomes of entire populations.

>> No.16980571

Good post anon, here's a (You)

>> No.16980604

Take meds. Then go outside. Quit being a pussy, I can see your amygdala from here.

>> No.16980627

this just makes him look more correct because those detracting can't forward an argument

>> No.16980632

>do you based its harmfulness?
do you base its harmfulness*
also consider other spelling and grammar errors corrected. I hope those won't get picked in order to avoid having to engage the content.

>> No.16980639

It may be predictive, and may be PART of the reason for societal differences. It's not the whole, nor the most important factor however. If any one metric is used to determine success, by far the most accurate predictor is access to wealth. My problem lies in ignoring every other factor and focusing simply pn race and IQ. Race being immutable means we should look for solutions outside of race for furthering the progress of humanity.

>> No.16980658

I've put forth pages of arguments in this very thread. It was the best advice I could offer giving his position. Sorry that you felt the need to point out it's insufficiency, but let's be honest. No one can change a foold mind but himself. I hope one day he will pick up Descartes and follow the Method of Doubt found therein

>> No.16980733
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>DiAngelo writes like a person who was put in timeout as a child for speaking clearly. “When there is disequilibrium in the habitus — when social cues are unfamiliar and/or when they challenge our capital — we use strategies to regain our balance,” she says (“People taken out of their comfort zones find ways to deal,” according to Google Translate). Ideas that go through the English-DiAngelo translator usually end up significantly altered, as in this key part of the book when she addresses Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream,” speech:

>> No.16980767

>most accurate predictor is access to wealth
Well of course, economic class is much more important than race or intelligence or really anything else apart from some subtle power structures.

>> No.16980987

It's called Hillbilly Elegy.
They just made a movie about it.

>> No.16981034

>reddit spacing
>reddit views

>> No.16981113
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I found the heart attack passage that was mentioned earlier in this thread since nobody else wanted to post it.

>> No.16981117

yeah i remember stuff like that.
my female teacher used to do after school revision sessions for our final exams that only girls were allowed to attend, thinking back it was pretty fucked and i prolly could've got her in trouble if i told anyone about it

>> No.16981296
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>> No.16981300

its fine - honestly not worth reading, but not worth getting this angry about either

>> No.16981301

I was thinking more of an Idiocracy

>> No.16981309

I don't read deranged manifestos.

>> No.16981346

It's hard to talk about since the implication is that you have to denigrate yourself essentially for the "correct answer" if you're white. Doesn't exactly make great conversation.

>> No.16981764

Close but not quite. They're unlucky in the fact that they've been baited by a system looking to destroy the nice shit you have by bringing them. The result is inevitable animosity from the citizens of the country they're being brought to. While the standard of living might be better, many people are told they'll live like kings if they abandon their life and join the caravan to a new nation not realizing they're just pawns in a game they'll never understand.

>> No.16981849

It was part of my curriculum for University, I had to do a ten minute presentation apologising for being white, I had to give examples of my racism in the past and how I promise to improve it. White people could get a maximum of a credit, if you were black and born in Australia you could get a distinction but you still had to apologize for western culture and how it's conducted itself in the world. Foreign students could get a hd and got to talk about how much they hate our country. I have no idea what any of this had to do with nursing but it was a semester course filled with slide show after slide show of this book.

>> No.16981854


>> No.16981908

>He doesn't know about how much Australia hates itself

>> No.16982115

I thought this was a smart board lol

>> No.16982122


>> No.16982197

holy fucking BASEDDDDDDDDD

>> No.16982211

Not anymore :(

>> No.16982250

What if you aren't white?

>> No.16982364

Basado. May many more nigger tears be spilled for the glory of the BWC.

>> No.16982389

>waaaaaah why dem poleece so mean? I just want to murder rape and steal with impunity. Why they gotta be so raciss man? I can't breafe

>> No.16983269
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The book is retarded tier postmodernism.
If you're white, you're racist. If you claim you aren't, it's your white fragility and you are still racist. The solution she proposes is brainwashing ('unconscious bias training'), which she happens to offer with her company. Meta analyses of implicit bias training point out that it's completely useless. Everybody knows that any postmodernism form of activism is internally inconsistent and hypocritical and useless.

If you like even one word from what's in this book, you failed the IQ test of life.

>> No.16983306

Funnily enough this is exactly how the off the deep end conspiracy theorists think. Not only is lack of evidence actually evidence, but criticism of their position is also evidence.

>> No.16983503

>These posts are creative illustrations of the very point she's trying to make
> I dont hate white people
you're misguided if you seriously believe that the author herself does not hate "white people" or that the people who might be interested in this book and who regularly engage in circlejerks on "white fragility" and on "deconstructing whiteness" do not do so based on sheer slave morality resentment against "white people"
>inb4 you're just projecting because you cant fathom that someone talking about white privilege is "just standing up against racism" and not actively trying to get back at white people
what you suffer from is a pure case of no scotsman's fallacy; the fact of the matter is that a lot of these people are ideologically possessed and have no care for any sense of nuance whatsoever, the extreme responses that this behavior gets is just part of the whole process, extremist generating counter-extremists

>> No.16983719

I know its jewish propaganda but I meant that you could literally add anything in the front and the same line of reasoning would appy. Think black/asian/male/female/doctor/truck driver fragility.
>My book made your group mad?
>guess you really are that fragile, huh

>> No.16983758

well if systematic racism and privlidge didn't exist we wouldn't have that problem

>> No.16983760

us white people just can't catch a break!

>> No.16983927

pure passive-aggressiveness
go outside and get some fresh air

>> No.16984008
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>> No.16984164

how cute :)

>> No.16984231
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This is also how I feel. The book is also a bestseller in Britain, a land where 'white people' have lived since forever. My ancestors built this country and I couldn't give a damn if I am somehow privileged in my own homeland when compared to someone who moved here voluntarily from the other side of the planet and whose ancestry is from a different continent entirely. Diangelo and her ilk can fuck off permanently.

>> No.16984401

When in sneed

>> No.16984535

...do as the Chucks do?

>> No.16984766 [DELETED] 
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fuck niggers
fuck brown people
fuck white liberals
fuck slave morality

>> No.16984809
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>> No.16984842
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Redneck. Go back to your farm and milk your cows, hick.

>> No.16984848
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go read a book soiboi

>> No.16984858

You've never read a book in your life.

>> No.16984894

It's a kafka trap.

All kikes will hang.

>> No.16984902

They're going to reproduce and you're not.

>> No.16984925

>My ancestors built this country and I couldn't give a damn if I am somehow privileged in my own homeland
Based. That is what our ancestors wanted for us, why should we be ashamed for what we have?
Vae Victus, let the poor of the world suffer and let them have nothing, we conquered them for our own glory and glorious we shall be.
t. half Spaniard, half Anglo

>> No.16985658

i´m reading Thesmophoriazusae by Aristophanes, what about you?

>> No.16985695
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>It is no fault of White Men that your society failed to maintain order, failed to properly exploit and manage natural resources, or failed to create a civilisation in the first place.
Except for all of the colonization, theft, slavery, genocide, assassinations of democratically elected leaders, proxy wars, and drone strikes?
if you look at the history of europe and the us, they have done *everything* to fucking destroy and destabilize the so-called third world, directly and indirectly leading to the problems that cause so many people to leave their devastated home countries

>> No.16985713

I find it funny that the people who insist white fragility is a "kafka trap" are the same ones who turn around and throw nigger and kike into the conversation because of how mad the idea of privilege makes them. Like yeah, of course you think it's a "kafka trap," it fits you to a T and that makes you uncomfortable so you pretend there was never any possible way to calmly disagree.

>> No.16985741

Spooked and funny. How can they go and claim a of X group is Y?

>> No.16985891

It still doesn’t change the fact the the idea was set up to function in such a way. It’s really impossible to calmly disagree with a concept that where the very act of disagreement assumes your guilt to begin with. You inability to understand that frustration when confronted with such rhetoric only indicates the extent that you’ve confused projecting theory onto other with genuine empathy.

>> No.16985926

The failure to properly resist such instigation as it was happening is the fault of those people and their societies. For the sake of consistency, westerners should treat them the same way when they are within our borders as they do when they are in their homelands.

>> No.16986005

>bomb the shit out of and try to destabilize all non-white countries in the world
>you should be thankful to our largesse for allowing the 1% smartest among you to come to our country and work in our companies, thus benefiting us

>> No.16986010
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You act like if whites hadnt moved, some other power wouldnt have moved to fill the power vacuum. History shows that to be very wrong. Blacks would have moved to do the same thing. Problem is their culture was weak and still is. Look at Africa and the entire continent is just one cesspool.

>> No.16986033

Should blacks be on the hook for the genocide, war, and terror of the Bantu Expansion?

>> No.16986059

Anti-racism is as bad as the average type of racism. Back in the non-modern west there was no such concept as "white", ofc they had the "cult" of the ancestors and stuff like that, but that has nothing to do with american "white" racism. Another good point is that in some western countries from the middle ages, the nobility was as white as the serfs(racially talking, tanning from sun doesn't count) and they still didn't mix. It was much more than biological race...

>> No.16986112
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>don't mind me. just over here fishing

>> No.16986158
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No idea about that specifically, but I was obviously not arguing the us and europe are the sole authors of every aspect of contemporary africa or it's recent history, just that it's ridiculous to say they have "no fault".
It seems like you are basically arguing might makes right
I disagree
And maybe if european colonizers hadn't "moved in" then I wouldn't be making this point about european nations and the us having some fault in africa being royally fucked, but in this version of history they did, and so they bear some fault.

>> No.16986246

>It seems like you are basically arguing might makes right
>I disagree
Only in the realm of nations. Peoples know what must be done for their survival and enrichment, and the failure to do so is their fault. Just as the west’s decline and inevitable fall will be their own fault. I’m not at all sentimental about it.

>> No.16986291

and so Africa deserves to whine and moan and never improve? I wonder the total amount of aid in dollars that have poured into to Africa. Bottomless pit at this point.

>> No.16986305
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Why would I care about human suffering?

>> No.16986352

If you want them to improve force all the Euro, Chinese, and American companies to give back the resources they control. No more diamonds, Oil, or anything else for you it all goes back to the Africans and you can pay them for it. Oh wait that requires making a sacrifice to the almighty dollar better just pretend they're lazy for not succeeding with nothing.

>> No.16986373

If they as a people were deserving of those resources, they would have already taken them back. Their failure to industrialize should be held against them until our species perishes.

>> No.16986390

You can just completly ignore the book and concept. Works pretty well for me.

>> No.16986417

Refugees come to Europe as beggars and wouldn't be let in if not for the overempathic white women and capitalist greed.
What did Sweden do to merit so many browns? Same with any other Scandinavian country that's beig overrun by immigrants despite not having set a single foot in their country. When the "it's about making things right for the past" argument doesn't work they pull up something else.

>> No.16986433
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They still at it.

>> No.16986576

Pay reparations for the Deluge nordnigger.

>> No.16986605

Exactly, the Saxons displaced the Brettons 700yrs ago, and I got a personal apology and money off every north German. Why is it so hard for you chuds to understand?

>> No.16987150
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I just said there are some "white" nations that clearly bear some of the fault for parts of africa and the middle east being nightmare mode. I'm not trying to tell you what stance to have on immigration racism or anything else.
I would definitely encourage you to hate american imperialism and politicians if you hate immigration, they have done a fucking bunch in the last 40 years along with Russia to actually cause the crises that are straining your economy, rather than the beggars showing up at your door.
Never said you should give a shit, just understand that a lot has contributed to the development of africa besides africans
If you think that means I think immigration is simply good or bad or whatever, that's you projecting some stupid liberal fantasy onto me

>> No.16987185

Scare-quoting something does not make it not real. You might just lack the ability to understand the idea, that's another possibility.

>> No.16987588

But the West may just as well play Saudi type imperialism and close the borders to the countries they fuck over.

>> No.16987697

You will hang.

>> No.16988518

how to be an antiracist is more tolerable. diangelo is such an annoying and bitchy cunt, I couldnt get very far. Ibram kendi is much more likable. He told alot of stories in the book I actually liked, made more sound arguments

>> No.16989798

>Take them back
So if Kay jewlers got forcibly nationalized and all their assets were just seized the euros would just allow it? If the oil fields were seized the Euros, chinks etc would allow it? Now that I think about it the Chinks outright stole the fish from Somalia and would run over local fishing boats with their mobile factories ( because God forbid they are too far from those...) and when they turn pirate everyone jumps on them. Funny how whites can put a gun to their official's heads, Chinese can outright annex territory from people and Euros can invade for "peaceful missions" but when blacks even thinks of asserting control of their own resources or land EVERYONE converges on them. The greatest tragedy of the 20th century is that it didn't end with more whites, arabs, and asians dead.

>> No.16989960

Runs in the race.

>> No.16990010

>Ibram kendi is much more likable. He told alot of stories in the book I actually liked, made more sound arguments
white hot bait

>> No.16990219

>tfw went to see my brother for the first time in a while and this was one of his course books at his first year of college
Ah, so that's how they sell copies.

>> No.16990239

You really hate white peoples lol

>> No.16990250


>> No.16990262

I know lol. I can’t tell what is real opinion vs regurgitated leftism religion vs good trolling. Clown World is actually extremely funny if you ignore the horrific ramifications of it for a minute or two.

>> No.16990279

White people should start an ethnostate based on the leftists ideas that whiteness is a state of oppression. These white people would move there so as not to intentionally or unintentionally oppress anyone else. It will be “punishment” for being white lol

>> No.16990286

Leftcuckery is state religion. This is the mainstream now. Did you just wake up from a 40 year coma?

>> No.16990293

I asses them in a split second scroll through then immediate reply with a shitpost

>> No.16990302
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The right is the one addicted to statism
Yes, liberals are rightwing. The whole world knows this.

>> No.16990310

Lmfao niggers are so dumb. Why is this so hard to accept?

>> No.16990336

Liberalism is right-wing, only in so far as they support the existing Capitalist state. However, in supporting the Capitalist state, it is in their class interest to maintain the existing production relations of Capitalism, by flooding the labor-market with cheap, foreign labor - which is something nobody would say is right-wing or traditional. It is key to recognize the relativity of the left-right spectrum - a spectrum that was invented by bourgeois Liberals, during the French Revolution.

>> No.16990352

Die whore

>> No.16990372
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Chud Mudsucker

>> No.16990981

I wasn't racist until I had a black roommate, so I can confirm.

>> No.16991011

>assassinations of democratically elected leaders, proxy wars, and drone strikes
>bomb the shit out of and try to destabilize all non-white countries in the world
Sounds like you fellas have a particularly American world view. I, the poster of the gigachad post you are replying to, am not an American. Top kek for burgers that thing there is just America and Mordor on planet earth lol.

>> No.16991019

>>you should be thankful to our largesse for allowing the 1% smartest among you to come to our country and work in our companies, thus benefiting us

>> No.16991309

I'm agnostic but I would pray to a deity of your choice if you got some terminal disease for your racist take. If this isn't bait read a book or better yet look at empirics and history.

>> No.16991337

That's not how you look, is it Butters?

>> No.16991342

Thank you anon for the corrective. Indeed any individual born had no prior choice or knowledge on what material conditions they would be born in. At least if they're in the same society they should have the same political rights and this includes speaking up on racism and discrimination they experience. The immigrant title (Americans are almost all immigrants btw) is not one handed down just to claim oppression but oppressive practices are entangelt in the majority culture. Such practices need to be identified and challenged.
I recently read Rawls and wasn't too impressed but this thread really opened my eyes.

>> No.16991353

Almost all my roommates in Europe were white except a few exceptions. Do I have a reason to hate whites now? No. I might hate individuals but not their entire race. If you generalize then ur racist and a problem

>> No.16991904

>Almost all my roommates in Europe were white except a few exceptions. Do I have a reason to hate whites now? No.
Really makes you think

>> No.16991922

Exactly, we will improve nothing by playing their disunity games.

>> No.16991928


>> No.16991930

Boy you sure showed him. Clever guys like us know that there's only one set of statistics, which are made by The Statistics Company

>> No.16991937

That means "no I don't have any better statistics'' right

>> No.16992394

I had an HS teacher that openly admitted she was trying to lower boys' grades to artificially prop up girls as the top of the class.

>> No.16992518

White men are oppressed

>> No.16992732

I don't think it's wrong in a way. Some white kids (outside eastern europe) really are ignorant as fuck about how good their lives are compared to most of the world, on average. In India I see the same thing from brahmins who unironically think token affirmative action programs mean dalits have easier lives than them, so its not just a "white" thing. Its outrage culture targeting opposing demographics.

>> No.16992801


Also, you will never be a real woman.

>> No.16992830
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>misleading statistics
Misleading argument
>it's dogmatic and uses skin color as a metric.
Propose a better metric that can be established within 0.25 seconds of seeing someone.

>> No.16992837

So afraid of people you have to judge them inmediately. Cringe

>> No.16992840

if you get beat up by a bully in school that doesn't mean the bully is right but it also means that you were weaker than the bully. It's pretty simple, fucking retard

>> No.16992861

I'm judging that you're not in for honesty, but to validate your ego via "holier than thou".
Take care

>> No.16992987

Not at all. I simply judge all individually. Why would I fear 47 million black Americans when they only comitted 8000 murders that were mostly gang related

>> No.16993003

you should assign to one that you meet a higher probability of violence, just as you assign to a man a higher probability of violence. You don't have to be afraid it's just the logical thing to do, you will do it subconsciously anyway if you spend time around people.

>> No.16993007

Read Fanon instead

>> No.16993020

I don't believe you, I dont fear for my life around men or black people. The odds of not being met with violence are far greater statistically speaking. It's a sign of intelligence, I use pattern recognition to recognize the pattern that most humans don't treat others violently.

>> No.16993031

You don't have to fear for your life, you just will assign a higher probability of violence. Even black people do this to other black people vs whites.

>> No.16993059

What if I don't? You're making a subconscous argument. Ok I guess. Subconsciously you are want to suck dick and have sex with your mother.

>> No.16993080

You don't fear for your life around a man right? But you are aware he is more likely to be violent than a woman. It's the same with race, if you've spent a lot of time around different races, you will notice the pattern even if you try not to.

>> No.16993085

>I simply judge all individually.
No you don't, you don't know everyone individually before acting upon them. But it's okay, you seem to NEED to appeal moral to online strangers.

>> No.16993105

>It's a sign of intelligence, I use pattern recognition
You just stepped up "holier than thou" to literal "I'm smart" rhetoric lmaooo

>> No.16993168

I've spent alot of time around poor whites and blacks. I notice more "patterns" related to poverty.
I don't claim to know everyone individually. When I meet and spend time with them I make a judgement. Obviously if they're immediately shitty I make my judgement then. I'm not making a moralistic claim, it's a philosphical claim about the extreme vatiety of human thought and behavior and how locking yourself into binary thought and broad generalization makes you seem a fool.
That you took it that way is interesting. Hmmm. Thank you?

>> No.16993228

>I don't claim to know everyone individually.
You claim to judge everyone individually, which can only be achieved if you knowing individual things before reacting to the people. That is not true.
You are more alert when a tattooed guy who lost his teeth to meth addiction follows you for 200 metres, than when a white middle class blonde talking on her phone.
That you pretend seeing those two situations as identical until you truly get to know people is not wise, it's not intelligent, it's not moral. It's a dumbass move.

>> No.16993301

>You claim to judge everyone individually, which can only be achieved if you knowing individual things before reacting to the people.

This is a poor attempt at logic my friend. It can be acheived by making a judgement on someone the moment I encounter them. I'm not encountering an idealized version of them. If I see a meth-crazed stalker and decide he is dangerous thats an individual judgement despite the features being previously recognized. Judging someone because they look sketchy isnt the same as judging all black people or women. I still saw an individual with the feature of "sketchiness" and made my judgement then, not prior to his arrival.

>> No.16993324

That same judgement doesnt apply to black people. As the wide majority of them are less violent than the average "toothless sketchy looking meth crazed stalker."

>> No.16993329

>the moment I encounter them
>before reacting
Trying to say those two are mutually exclusive is a poor attempt at logic my friend. There is no contradiction.
>If I see a meth-crazed stalker
Not my example. My example was a tattooed dude who lost his teeth because of meth. That you judge him to be a crazy stalker is a generalization based on what people with meth experience are statistically likely to do.

Congratulations. You don't judge everyone individually. You may actually be a sane person.

>> No.16993376

I'm not sure you're coming across how you think you are. In any example you choose, you're still making judgement based on individual characteristics. No, I don't fear tattooed teethless people unless they exhibit behavior that appears violent. I extend that courtesy to everyone. Physical appearances tell you nothing about human behavior or individual character.

>> No.16993411

>I don't fear tattooed teethless people unless they exhibit behavior that appears violent
At some point in your life you will get mugged or raped and you'll blame the society.
Take care.

>> No.16993436

Christ. Go live, quit being a worm. Remove yourself from your safe space

>> No.16993488

>I won't think you're capable of murder until you murder.
You are literally this naive.

>> No.16993534

Every human is capable of murder. I don't shake in fear on the bus stop. I'm more likely to die in a car accident, doesn't make me fear driving. You're trying desperately to attach my ideas to your assumptions about them. Just cope dude.

Im done bumping this shitty thread say what you will.

>> No.16993560

>doesn't make me fear driving
My darling, if you're driving at a time when accidents are more statistically likely, you should be afraid. If not for your naive dumbass sake, then for the other drivers'.
But let me guess, you judge each moment individually, driving at 1PM and 1AM are equally dangerous unless you SEE someone crash... dumbass.

>> No.16993582

Yes, each time I drive I do so based on pther individual cars on the road if its 1pm and there are many individual "danger factors" then I don't avoid driving if I need to be somewhere. I drive and react to the traffic flow. If it's 1am and the road is empty, I may be more reckless.

You have no argument. Nothing justifies your ignorant worldview.

>> No.16993611

>>driving at 1PM and 1AM are equally dangerous
You're a cretin.

>> No.16993622

Haha you slimy insect. Thats not what I said at all. Just go back tourist. Racism isn't the mark of a man who thinks freely. Its ignorance.

>> No.16993657

>Thats not what I said at all.
You literally replied "Yes" to "But let me guess, you judge each moment individually, driving at 1PM and 1AM are equally dangerous".
You live in denial of your stupidity by appealing to what your friends on Facebook think is moral.
>> Don't anticipate things based on statistics
>> Think for yourself, just don't use data, ok?
>> Loool nothing predicts anything, just live laugh love

>> No.16993728

What a faggot. I said I drive based on trafic flow not what time of day it is.
> Don't anticipate things based on statistics
Only 5% of Black people are convicted of crime on a given year. I do use statistics, they show that the vast majority of people aren't criminals. It's your dumbass that uses statistics in the most critical way your pea brain can, which is poorly.

If I used statistics like you I wouldn't let my children around white men because they sre overrepresented in cases of crimes against children and child molestation. Luckily for me though, I dont base my entire worldview around out of context statistics that I fail to correctly interpret.

You're objectively dumb. Dumber than average.

>> No.16993815

>>I drive based on trafic flow not what time of day it is
>>driving at 1PM and 1AM are equally dangerous

Good for you, cretin. Please don't drive. You put others in danger.

>> I don't act like EVERYONE in group X does something when they are more likely to do something.
Wow, you have the most basic grasp at statistics imaginable, congratulations!

>> No.16993830

>Not ALL black people do crime
Damnit, I thought being more likely to do something meant certainty to do something... You just cured racism. With a Facebook motivational status, nothing less.
Very cool!

>> No.16993906

So don't act like it. Why judge 46 million people based on the actions of 8000? Makes you seem stupid as fuck, which is probably because you really are stupid as fuck.
Prove that you aren't 13. Because your ignorance is baffling. Is it the time of day that makes driving more dangerous? If you removed all other factors and left only time of day would there be any significant difference? Driving at night is more dangerous, should we avoid it? Should we obsessively plan our neurotic world around avoiding driving at night? You have nothing, you're time here was wasted, and the infection is spreading to the rest of your brain.

>> No.16993953

>Why judge 46 million people based on the actions of 8000?
>> Don't anticipate things based on statistics
>> Think for yourself, just don't use data, ok?
>> Loool nothing predicts anything, just live laugh love

>Is it the time of day that makes driving more dangerous?
You conflating causation with correlation is an admission of idiocy.

>> No.16994022

You're the dumbass conflating them you insufferable pest

>> No.16994081
File: 41 KB, 800x422, Charlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not identify as white but rather Mediterranean. I also believe the "white" race is a social construct made by anglo-german so that they can be grouped with actual human being. By imposing your opinion of my racial identity on myself, you are proving yourself a bigot and I can therefore safely disregard your argument as petty insults.

>> No.16994087

I never once suggested causality.

>> No.16994091

Not him but you're a raging idiot.
Here, let me help.

In statistics, the phrase "correlation does not imply causation" refers to the inability to legitimately deduce a cause-and-effect relationship between two variables solely on the basis of an observed association or correlation between them.

Driving at 1pm increases risk of accident.

Ok. The effect is an accident. Driving at 1pm is the stated cause. He pointed out that those phenomenon don't correlate, thus. Illustrating to you that your example was a blatant misunderstanding of causation-correlation. Jesus. You're dumb

>> No.16994108

So your example was moot if you didnt suggested driving at different times causes an increase of risk.

You need to give up buddy. There's a board on this very site where people will entertain your delusions and agree with your faultt reasoning. Return

>> No.16994126

Nobody talked about causation, which is why I called him a dumbass for bringing it up. Is your comprehension this limited? You think I need to believe "melanin causes people to steal stuff" in order to keep an eye out on a black shopper? LMAO

>> No.16994165

You have such a poor understanding of the planet you inhabit and its machinations. I pray that with time you will grow and recover some of your lost humanity. It's not too late for you anon, you have the entire world of information at your fingertips. Climb your way out of the cavern before it's too late.

>> No.16994168

>unable to object to statistics, I cope by insulting
I'll allow it.

>> No.16994189

Dude he destroyed your statistics, caught you lying about your shitty example, and left you seething like the imbecile you have proven yourself to be. Go back.

>> No.16994198

>Not every single black person steals!!!
aahhahaha, can't tell if new or old cretin

>> No.16994214
File: 542 KB, 1072x2150, Screenshot_20201128-112800_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out for white men. Theyre all child molesters and drunk drivers.

>> No.16994244

I find it unironically said that you think this actually debunks anything I say. Go for a drive.

>> No.16994263

All whites are child molesters and drunk drivers right? When we see whites, we should immediately assume they molest children and drive drunk? Yes or no bitch?

>> No.16994270

No. And again, I find it unironically sad that you think "NOT EVERY SINGLE ONE THO" actually debunks anything I say. You're a cretin. Go back to facebook.

>> No.16994285

But wait, it's an overwhelming majority of whites that do this behavior? Are you just ignoring statistics? I mean despite being 70% of the population whites drive drunk at over 80%.

Wow, we've got a statistics ignorer in here? Oh shit.

>> No.16994295

I really wish you'd see yourself:
>> Either ignore the statistic or pretend the majority means everyone... thereby ignoring the statistic
You're a cretin.

>> No.16994326

I never once ignored the statistics faggot. That's your game. I actually looked at the statistics truthfully. My reality is realer than yours. You're a fraud, a feckless peurile man child.

>> No.16994369

I didn't accuse you of ignoring statistics. I accuse you of throwing a false dichotomy at me. Do you know what that means? Why is it more difficult to read posts in your realer reality?

>> No.16994398

Oh you have a different position now? Well I've judged you individually. You're shite. A fearful small minded person. It may be permanent. Get it checked out.

>> No.16994405

>W-wait... what? You didn't.... *gulp*... you didn't believe EVERY SINGLE ONE????

>> No.16994469

Are you happy? Looks bad for you

>> No.16994507

I'm happy you finally understand the futility of "Not every single one thooooo" argument. Maybe you'll some day understand that Facebook posts don't solve things irl.

>> No.16994530

So...even fb normies have a more grounded worldview than you? Kek.

>> No.16994548

This post was so weak and convoluted that I don't even have the vitriol to insult you over it. You simply have no point.

>> No.16994570

Im not even the guy you were arguring with, been me since your remarkably dumb causation claim. In all sincerity, you lost. You're dumb. It's ok, we can't all be thinking men. Go clean the stalls

>> No.16994591

>Im not even the guy
>your remarkably dumb causation claim
This is why you have no point. None of what I said relies on causation.
In all sincerity, you lost. Take care.

>> No.16994617

You shit for brains. You claimed the other guy misunderstood causation correlation because he called you out for dping exactly that. Since then you've had nothing but ad homs and pure cope.

Post you ID. Blur out the identifiers. You must be 13

>> No.16994632

>None of what I said relies on causation
>B-but... the other guy called you out on causation... it can't b-be that ... that ... I parrot a dysfunctional point.... NOO
Cool lol

>> No.16994646

You can retroactively claim whatever you want, I would too if I had failed so miserably. You made a claim and then stated that the other was misunderstood, when in reality it was you.

Post ID. Faggot. There's no fucking way you're old enough to post here.

>> No.16994675

>You MUST have meant causation!!!!
>Otherwise my Facebook wisdom would be useless!
>Like you already pointed out in, >>16993953, >>16994087, >>16994126, >>16994198, >>16994244 etc.
Cope harder, cretin. You had one shot loaded and you fired it into your step-dad's black ass.

>> No.16994719

>My darling, if you're driving at a time when accidents are more statistically likely, you should be afraid. If not for your naive dumbass sake, then for the other drivers'.
>But let me guess, you judge each moment individually, driving at 1PM and 1AM are equally dangerous unless you SEE someone crash... dumbass.

> conflating causation with correlation
> never implied correlation
>My darling, if you're driving at a time when accidents are more statistically likely, you should be afraid

Post ID faggot

>> No.16994742

> Quotes with no mention of causation
> Quotes against mixing causation in
> Non-existent quote "never implied correlation"

>> No.16994749

You implied that driving at a specific time of day caused greater risk.

Post ID

>> No.16994766

>you implied causation
>i know this from these quotes that don't mention causation
>and from the quotes that flat-out don't exist

>> No.16994795

You said if you're driving at a time when accidents are nore likely you should be afraid. You said there is greater risk driving at different times of day.

Both of these explicitly imply causation. You're the dumbest person I've ever spoken to. Im glad I've kept you busy here, so your stupidity spread slightly less.

You fucking vegetable. Now post ID child. Do it.