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/lit/ - Literature

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16973615 No.16973615 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you visit little free libaries? What have you found in there? What have you donated?

>> No.16973632

>steal expensive out of print books
>sell online to buy redpilled literature
>refill little library with jordan peterson and hitler

>> No.16973640
File: 244 KB, 490x490, gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fill mine with BL

>> No.16973675

i've never seen i book i would even take for free in those things. they suck

>> No.16973784

What state are you in? Everything I see is awsome.

>> No.16973789

I take all the liberal anti-White/feminist books out and replace them with normal books.

>> No.16973797

same. it's almost exclusively dollar bin books. which makes sense. you would never put a book you actually liked in it. you'd only put the books you didn't like it

>> No.16973811

>hardcover copies of mein kampf
>print out covers for lotr, hobbit etc
>put them in sleeve
>leave mein kampf copies in local book boxes

>> No.16973812

I have boxes full of old books that people here would like. I’d put them in one of these if there was one anywhere around me.

>> No.16973816

These are for neighborhood moms to share nice little boomer books with one another, why is everyone saying
>I've never once seen a first edition copy of André Gide in these fucking things!

No shit, not everybody is /lit/. These are for the nice grandmas you see walking around during the day who say "hi" to you. Be nice and put something nice in. If I ever see one of you fags scoffing at a little library I'll beat the fuck out of you.

>> No.16973901


>> No.16973925

I'll take you to the pavement and rape you until you have a pink sock coming out of your ass.

>> No.16973945

meet me at the snoopy little library faggot ill tie you up and laugh at all the contents and make you watch while you cry and pee your pants and poop your pants and cry your pants

>> No.16973953

Saw a book I thought was really cool.......upon retrieving it I found it had a spider egg nest upon it. I will not be using that again.

>> No.16973971

Oh I think it's way more popular in America, so that makes sense.

>> No.16974201

God bless.

>> No.16975022

I found a nice, basically brand-new copy of Island by Aldous Huxley in the library in the laundry room of my apartment complex, which I nabbed immediately and have since sold.

>> No.16975754
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Always seen crappy romance novels in it or worn books that look infected with diseases.

Didn't want to make a new thread and push something away so i'm just going to put it here. Anyone here use e-readers? I'm going to work rural for 6 months and I need to know if a kindle is worth it. I need to travel light.

>> No.16975795
File: 445 KB, 1080x1051, bookbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost daily, I walk my dog by one. It's mostly in the local language I can't speak, but occasionally some classics will pop up that i might grab depending on how far I've gotten with the other books I took. This is the best thing I've found, an encyclopedia of practical engineering and allied trades from 1907, lots of diagrams and pictures. Did you know animal charcoal was used to filter the color out of sugar syrup? There's parts of the books where the autistic/erudite author spends 10 pages on one definition just to talk about Greek and Roman architecture, very cozy stuff. I'll get it scanned for preservation one of these days

>> No.16976040

imagine wasting so much time and money just for some dude to go 'uhg' when opening the book and throwing the thing out

>> No.16976089

That looks awesome. What local language btw?

>> No.16976144
File: 402 KB, 1080x1415, ropeway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dutch. It is pretty great, here's a pic from the book of a ropeway from a cliff to a lighthouse

>> No.16976157

One must imagine Sisyphus happy

>> No.16977197

I have put dozens of copies of Mein Kampf in White Fragility sleeves, it’s not like anyone actually opens that book up anyways.