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/lit/ - Literature

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16972981 No.16972981 [Reply] [Original]

Which one is better / more based?

>> No.16972986

What was the last "difficult" book you read?

>> No.16972995

Hop on Pop

>> No.16973001

>which one is more based
Please, for the love of god, learn some more adjectives.

>> No.16973013

Gravity’s Rainbow is more based but Blood Meridian is better

>> No.16973021

why, it describes what I want from a book

>> No.16973034
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>> No.16973035

I read the first like 40 pages of Blood Meridian and it seems like its going to be white man bad muh hatred of other races. Is that true?

>> No.16973487
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>> No.16973567

this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.16973834

So is it true then? I mean you're not saying it's not a white man bad screed. Call me pol if you want but save me the time either way

>> No.16973937

Jesus Christ, I didn't even know Corncob could filter you like this. You might be better off browsing the IDW subreddit.
I really loved Gravity's Rainbow the first time that I read it, but I feel like Blood Meridian is the better book now that I've had time for both to sink in.
GR is more outlandish but Blood Meridian is a very creative and compelling book, and is itself very dreamy but in a different way. I feel like GR is more schizoid and BM feels like an ancient or biblical story in the novel.

If I had to choose between McCarthy or Pynchon as writers, I'd have to go with the former, because GR is the only book by Pynchon in this league of "good," whereas McCarthy has several.

>> No.16973958

lmao you could replace Blood Meridian with literally any other book in existence and this statement would still be true

>> No.16973962

>rejecting whiteman bad xd means you're pol

>> No.16973975

You need a rudimentary understanding of the Greeks and the Tanahk before appreciating that one

>> No.16973978
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You should read "Nigger Toomsby" by Alouicious Harbinger

>> No.16973994

Pro pynchon. Anti McCarthy

>> No.16974212

huh? what are these posts? is this book anti-white or something?

>> No.16974253

BM has the word nigger in it used multiple times.

>> No.16974278

Pynchon also has M&D and Atd. V. and Lot 49 are also good books though somewhat overrated. I agree about McCarthy having several good books, this board only reads Blood Meridian and it's not even necessarily his magnum opus.

>> No.16974292

Unbased GR hater.

>> No.16974307

No its not. It portrays native Americans as savages if anything. It'd be like "Everyone bad"

>> No.16974394

OK cool thanks. I'll read it then. I just didn't want to feel genocided.

(NB: This post is not intended to be ironic)

>> No.16974424

Major Marvy would like a word with you

>> No.16974539

anon it's obvious you've migrated from pol over here to find books to read which is good but being cautious about books this way in some 20iq attempt at avoiding Jewish driven propaganda meant to subjugate and wipe out the Aryan race is only going to divert you from excellent books like it almost did here and cloud ur understanding of important works because you're so desperate for them to fit into ur pol narrative. Such propaganda does exist don't get me wrong but not in the canon, looking for it is only going to hinder your comprehension of books. Pls fix ur brain and stop seeing opposing ideology and da juice in everything you see

>> No.16974567

Just separate politics from literature entirely. Unless reading a political work ofc.

>> No.16974595

The Major Marvy section is comedic. Use of nigger in BM is completely serious. I don't have to tell you which is more based, do i?

>> No.16974876
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Okay. Which one is less cringe / more kino?

>> No.16974880

I love gravitys rainbow. is it good? no. is it based? hell fuckin yeah

>> No.16974892

both authors are shitlibs

>> No.16974906

What shitlib mean?

>> No.16974912

Favorite scene?

>> No.16974923


>> No.16974927

Based = thing i like
Cringe = thing i no like
Literally what else is there in this world? Please I'm all ears. Lets hear it

>> No.16974960

Probably the section about Pokler and the the visits with his daughter. I read it a fairly decent while ago so I cant exactly remember why I found this section so poignant at the time

>> No.16975152

What would you say is his magnum opus?

>> No.16975157
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everyone in this thread is an idiot, although I haven't red it yet.

Do BM, then GR, then BM again, so that you can actually enjoy it.

>> No.16975213

Blood Meridian. Don't even try GR, unless you've read BM at least twice.

>> No.16975244

Hes going to say Suttree like a moron. Don't listen to that guy. BM is the book he was borne to write.

>> No.16975366

The Crossing

I was going to say 'The Crossing' but ok. Suttree is a good pick too. I am sure you have read neither.

>> No.16975369


>> No.16975802

read GR first

>> No.16975857


>> No.16976113

I have a nice fresh bm coming your way right now heh heh open up

>> No.16976145

Blood Meridian is even more based when you realize the Kid is a pedo and the Judge only exists in his imagination.

>> No.16976173

use your imagination to see where my even more based bm is coming from right now heh heh heh

>> No.16976511


>> No.16976533

why are people responding to this stupid thread

>> No.16976538

Take it easy Tyrone. Stop projecting!

>> No.16976598


>> No.16977712

I like gravity's rainbow more.

Blood meridian was too grim dark for me and not funny.