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File: 80 KB, 255x391, First_Single_Volume_Edition_of_The_Lord_of_the_Rings.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16971919 No.16971919 [Reply] [Original]

What went so right, bros?

>> No.16971947

Books were 6/10, movies were 9/10.

>> No.16971957

Honestly The Hobbit was better

>> No.16971996

nothing? tolkien's prose is dog shit. he was good for ideas, and by ideas I mean pilfering various european folklore. the only good parts of the book are incidentally the ones that didn't make it into the movie, tom bombadil and scouring of the shire. in every other way the movies are superior, especially accompanied howard shore's legendary soundtrack

>> No.16972101

I think the best part is how the story ends in the middle of book three, and then it goes straight into this long boring pointless love story of two side characters who don't even like each other all that much but are willing to settle. That part was great, and I had no trouble whatsoever giving a single fuck about those characters. That part was really powerful. I also enjoyed how the primary antagonist was barely even a character with any discernable traits and motivations whatsoever. That was great. Also, the way that Tolkien chose not to alternate chapters between point of view characters, but just gives you huge chunks for example about Aragorn and his group, so when you come back around to Frodo and Sam you can't even remember what the fuck is going on or why you're supposed to care. That was a real master stroke in my opinion. And of course the vaunted world building, as the characters fast travel across a final fantasy map with a handful of interspersed villages and castles that apparently constitute the world. Truly brilliant storytelling that has never been equaled

>> No.16972142

Strong Christian themes made it so good.

>> No.16972273

>That part was really powerful. I also enjoyed how the primary antagonist was barely even a character with any discernable traits and motivations whatsoever.

cringe. this ain't one of your animes. radical metaphysical evil doesn't need a back story

>> No.16972322
File: 61 KB, 600x681, 1598583585472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16972362

>the only good parts of the book are incidentally the ones that didn't make it into the movie, tom bombadil and scouring of the shire.

>> No.16972397

For some reason the only Tolkien that stuck with me and I'd go back to was the Silmarillion. It was a long time ago, but I remember it being a mythology on par with Homer and The Bible.