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/lit/ - Literature

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16971045 No.16971045 [Reply] [Original]

itt books that should be banned

>> No.16971060

why do you think that book should be banned?

>> No.16971065

the bible

>> No.16971071
File: 687 KB, 1024x1024, Huysman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Decadent movement in literature, as typified in the late nineteenth century by such French writers as Baudelaire, Barbey d’Aurevilly, Verlaine, and Huysmans, does indeed begin with an assumption that, like a human being, a nation and its literature have an infancy and a prime—but also a senescence, when its passions are too exhausted, its sophistications too subtle, its dreams too feverish, and its morals too compromised. The modern empires of Europe will go the way of ancient Rome, yes, but what of this marvelous music they will play as they commence to burn?

Imagine being this evil

>> No.16971081

Why should it be banned? Huysmans is condemning the lifestyle of des Esseintes.

>> No.16971089

I believe you meant "Imagine being this based"

>> No.16971114

All religious scriptures, agreed.
For at least two hundred years

>> No.16971131

>Huysmans is condemning the lifestyle of des Esseintes
no he's not

>> No.16971291

Read his Durtal trilogy. It's about a man and his road from soulless degenerate Paris to Catholicism. It's a loosely-based auto-biography.

>> No.16971307

it's not a full out condemnation but it is a critique of the hollowness of it. huysmans converted to catholicism a few years after writing it.

>> No.16971308

>no he's not
did you not read the last chapter or were you too dumb to understand it?

>> No.16971430

shut up tranny

>> No.16971586

ITT: plot fags projecting a plot onto a plotless book and shoving aside the actual artistic worth of this novel

>> No.16971604

Why are Euro book covers so inferior to the ANGLO BVLLS of Penguin and Oxford World's Classics?

>> No.16971615

>he thinks there A Rebours is a plotless book
stop reading Wikipedia and read the book faggot, a minimal plot does not mean it doesn't exist

>> No.16971617
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Eternal return to you getting BTFO in all threads

>> No.16973093

>stop reading Wikipedia and read the book faggot, a minimal plot does not mean it doesn't exist
Of course it "exists", it's just totally besides the point, and appeal, of the book.

>> No.16973114

>narcissist sperg with mental illness thinks larping will make his life better
>gets worse
>keeps viewing religion as a possible means to living a better life but is too stubborn to leave his current lifestyle

>> No.16973121

t. didnt read the book

>> No.16973143

God what a pathetic idiot you are, please kill yourself, you will never be loved and I bet you grew up with a single mother.

>> No.16973156
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>depressed communist trannie who thinks censorship of ideas they don't agree with is a good thing
Seems about right to me

>> No.16973162
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>come to this thread hoping for at least one very obscure book holding some forbidden/forgotten knowledge
>can already see the butterfag without scrolling down

>> No.16973177


>> No.16973194

If you want forbidden and forgotten knowledge, just check out the Corpus Hermeticum.

>> No.16973326

>forbidden knowledge
>findable on amazon
yeah.. sure

>> No.16973341

Buying it doesn't mean you will be able to decipher it, anon.

>> No.16973366

>Most distributed book in human history

>> No.16973381

still doesn't has nothing to do with forbidden knowledge

>> No.16973514

Depending on whether you believe in historical determinations and to the degrees in which it affects one. These authors were more or less being spurned by their climate, readership and local intelligentsia. And well, the ideas surrounding the rise of the bourgeoisie, increased liberalism and centuries of war, famine and mass death, doesnt make it surprising that nihilism as a movement grew out of the hopeless loss of faith in the idea of 'a historical nation.'