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/lit/ - Literature

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16970117 No.16970117 [Reply] [Original]

How awful is it going to uni for a degree in literature, or any other humanities related degree? I know that if you go to a good school the connections you make will help you out regardless, but what about a state school (mid-tier for Europeans)?

I am about to complete a humanities degree debt free, but I feel like I've made a mistake. What do you all do career wise? Do you guys just read as. a hobby?

>> No.16970132

I got an English degree and I contemplate putting a gun in my mouth every single day. I'm not saying you cant making somthing work, I'm just saying that you'd better have a very good and specific plan of what you want to do--lest you end up an unemployed alcoholic.

>> No.16970149

I figured as much. I'm about to graduate with a history degree. I'm working class, so I have no connections really. Why did I make such a dumb decision at 18.

>> No.16970420


>> No.16970452

I don't know about you but I got fed the line, 'It doesn't matter what degree you get! employers just want to see that you went to college" about a million times. I naively assumed that if I studied hard and got good grades that a job would follow. Not the case whatsoever. In my parents' day having a degree was huge, so I understand why they gave that advice, but nowadays everyone and their dog has a B.A. so they're pretty much worthless unless it's STEM or premed.

>> No.16970487

I graduated with a degree in English literature. I am now a middle school teacher's assistant in nyc. I make minimum wage, hourly. Is what it is.

>> No.16970511

Your options for employable bachelor's degrees these days are Accounting, Comp Sci, Nursing, Supply Chain, Electrical Engineering. You could also go to Medical School but that is pretty much it.

>> No.16970524

Why didn’t you become an actual teacher?

>> No.16970552

Food is for the weak, if you haven't figured out that much you should never have gotten your degree.

>> No.16970569

meaning a professor? I don't want to wait that long to make $ and its just too competitive. I am getting a Masters now. Maybe I will end up a Professor one day, I just don't think I'd do well at a university. But then again I truly hate the classroom management aspect of teaching middle school. That's draining, everything else about it is easy—besides the normal horrors of being a wagie. Honestly I am thinking of becoming a mailman.

>> No.16970699


>> No.16970830

not a professor. A school teacher. They cant fire you after 3 years, union, etc.

what does this gay shit even mean, kys

>> No.16970879

It feels as if society is stripping itself back to the bare essentials (except for richfags) like we're going to war or some shit. I think the abuse hurled towards non-stem majors is going to be worse and worse as sheer brute practicality is all anyone can appreciate. Of course I would have said the same thing ten years ago except ten years ago study in Australia was still largely crippling debt-free and deregulating costs has ensured that only the upper middle class and above can study with any hope for success.

>> No.16970883

Yea I’m getting certified to be a high school teacher

>> No.16970968

I graduate this spring with an English degree. No idea what I'm doing after. Never worked in my life. I have no debt though.

>> No.16970997

>graduating with a philosophy degree from a state school
>already have a job lined up

You people need to shape up and stop feeling sorry for yourselves.

>> No.16971018

What field? What should I do friend?

Why have you never worked?

>> No.16971053

If you have an English degree and have spent your time honing your communication skills, the world is your oyster. You can work your way into any livelihood you want within reason.

Every path is open to you. You may need to shoulder some debt to allow yourself the opportunity, but that path is always better than the alternative.

>> No.16971146

Double major so you have something that actually works in the world. I'm about to go off to college and decided I'm gonna double major in economics with philosophy or lit.

>> No.16971161

Sound advice if your IQ>115

>> No.16971230

Any books you recommend? I have a history degree. I’m not autistic but I’m socially awkward.

>> No.16971233

>Why have you never worked?
Don't know. Never went out of my way to do things and I'm not ambitious. I just went to school, went to the gym, then just came home and did my homework and read. Never had an idea of anything I wanted to do I just like reading and learning things.

>> No.16971241

how old are you? in my country uni degrees are also free, so what does it matter if you start studying a non-employable field at, like, 20 years old? Just study an employable field after you have completed your degree in literature or whatever. Better yet, get a degree in philosophy first, then study whatever bugman field you have study in order to secure a high-paying job. This is of course gonna take most of your twenties, if not all, but you will have valuable experience in various fields which will help you succeed in every aspect of life

>> No.16971274
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I live in America man, congrats though fag

>> No.16971275

I assume you have a good memory. Go into law or a related field.

>> No.16971301

I was thinking about law school, its just really expensive here. Thanks for the heads up though.

>> No.16971318

My plan is to study Classics/philology for my undergraduate degree (3 years), then go on to study for 2 more years as an English/German/Hungarian translator (Hungarian is my native language). This way I can indulge in my interests while getting a degree that is relatively employable.

>> No.16971337

Are you american?

>> No.16971357

Yea. I read about law school. If you don’t go to a T1 apparently your outlook is bleak.

>> No.16971445

the 300,000 dollars in debt is insane for law school. student led rebellion when?

>> No.16971486

It’s not that ridiculous but it is easily 150k if I go to a good law program - maybe I could get grants or scholarships, but my gpa at my state school is only a 3.6 so probably not

>> No.16971494

if you care about "a job" do something else. I studied literature because I'm not even capable of thinking of "a career" or living a normie life. if you want both at the same time, good fucking luck

>> No.16971500

You know universities are just big businesses now? Why would you give them your money? Also, it's fucking literature. Autodidactism is the way.

>> No.16971521

Too late. If I were you I wouldn’t resign myself to failure and any sense of normalcy, but its your life.

You should really get a job wagecucking anon

>> No.16971525

Just get a good score on the LSAT, you'll get a scholarship to a T2 or T3. Making connections with law firms you want to work for are important, you probably won't make $200,000 like some L1 graduates but you could make $60,000 - $80,000 with little debt and probably more practical / hands-on work. Just avoid doc review like the plague

>> No.16971609

just go to a state school. costs way less than 300k

>> No.16971662

History major here. Attempting to get published and studying for the LSAT at the moment.

>> No.16971663

Thanks for the pointers, sounds good to me. Is there possibility for moving up from that payscale? I mean... as a school teacher I’ll make 80k after 10 years teaching.

>> No.16971670


>> No.16971694

Military History, focus is on Loyalism in the American Revolution

>> No.16971973

Awesome bro, hope everything goes well for you

>> No.16973000
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I got a fine arts degree and then doubled down with photography. I have almost always been employed in the field but not in very good jobs.

Getting the masters actually fucked me because now I'm overqualified for most openings in my country and I get rejected automatically.

I had some debt from my first degree around USD13000 in 2013 money. Paid it recently, but could have paid it way earlier desu. I did buy a car and traveled a lot instead. I'm unemployed now and getting kinda restless, I can't find better jobs and I'm not sure if I'm cut for freelancing. All my friends studied either arts, design or philosophy. You can absolutely make a living out of those fields, it's just very hard.

>> No.16973488

I can’t believe I’m going to say this for the 100th time on this board but here goes.

You guys need to understand what it is that these institutions do. Institutions institutionalize. Period. Full stop. They don’t make you a writer. They don’t make you an artist. They don’t even make you an engineer. They take your money so that they can spend 4 years trying to teach you to approach X field in a way that is aligned with the mainstream civic narrative. Okay? That is literally all it is. You know that already too. Deep down you already know this but you spend your time reading about this author who studied X and Y school and this academic who published this paper on whatever. Stop. That’s not you. That’s not today. You need to accept this reality. If you do, then congratulations. You can do as you wish. As long as you know and accept the true nature of things, you can do with that whatever you need. But if you delude yourself, if you convince yourself that it’s something it’s not, if you allow yourself to be brainwashed into the cult of “lifelong education” not only will you find yourself under a mountain of debt but you’ll probably find yourself on the hamster wheel, pursing degree after degree in attempts to fix your first degree.

So understand this simple truth and do whatever you must in light of it. If you want to study English, fucking go for it, dude. Please for the love of God, just don’t convince yourself that it’s something it’s not.

>> No.16973501

I went to school and I jumped from Comparative Literature to Classics to Philosophy to finally Economics. If I could do it all over again, I just wouldn’t go.

>> No.16973511

>something that actually works in the world
Oh boy. You wait.

>> No.16973580

I know a 90 year old woman at church who went to a prestigious school(can't remember which). It blew my mind for a second, her degree must have been incredibly powerful and opened so many doors for her. Comparatively, I could go to the same school and it'd be rather meaningless in the sea of educated people.

>> No.16973846


>> No.16973896
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>Trades master race

>> No.16973909

Even if I’m getting accepted by an Ivy League?

>> No.16973917
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No you'll be fine anon pull that trigger, take out that loan and put in the time. You'll be happy in 4 years

>> No.16973923

>Do you guys just read as. a hobby
Unless you make money, it is a hobby. I don't care if you studied it, sorry.

>> No.16973930

Please please god anon convince me to go into a trade. I left uni but everyone wants me to go back in 2 semesters, and I’m dreading it. Trade-pill me so I don’t have to go back to writing stupid fuck essays 24/7 again

>> No.16973960

Why don’t you just not put ur masters degree on ur resume

>> No.16974047

hes retarded

>> No.16974185

Because the type of jobs I can get with an arts degree alone are not the ones I want. It's usually design related and graphic design grunt work is below cleaning toilets in my list.

I'm looking for more stable photography work, those are usually given to interns and pay just above minimum wage. Sometimes you'll get the odd offer to handle the cultural department of a university, college level teaching or very rarely something beefier like handling the regional photography workflow for a newspaper. Those are the jobs you actually want that pay well.

And in case you're thinking, no babies and no weddings.

Never worked a single day in your life have you?

>> No.16974867
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Doing an English Literature and Creative Writing degree in a shit Uni ranked in the 400s (30s in my country) and I'm probably going to join the army as an officer. Why did I do this to myself? It wasn't even my choice or my plan. Fuck. But you just have to keep moving, no time to stall.

>> No.16974893

Extremely based post. You should make a thread with this as the OP.

>> No.16974915

I hold a BA in English. I ended up in Public Relations.

You need to research how to get past the screening process. If you don't use the correct key words, no human is going to see your resume. Also, learn the various instruments/methods that biz majors learn and highlight them on your CV. Do mock examples and have a portfolio ready to go. Always tailor your resume to the job your applying for.

>> No.16974918

I teach English, German, Piano and Music Theory on private lessons to support me while I get my master's in American Literature. It's not a life of luxury, but I am able to pay rent and get groceries, with a little left for things like books and a shitty streaming service.

I work from home, make my own hours and now I am at a point where I know my students well so classes are a breeze. I stopped taking more students in because there is no need and I'd rather have the time to study or to advance my personal projects.

I didn't pay a single penny for my education and got into a fully-funded Master's program. The only debt I have on me is my acoustic piano, which I use for work.

I still read for 2-3 hours a day.

>> No.16974967

you can sell yourself online. it is completely soulless though.

>> No.16975114

Are you a Negro? A woman? A shemale? No?

Yeah, I'd pray for UBI and a studio apartment rental if I were you.

>> No.16976357

I'm going into post graduate dentistry. Originally going to apply for medical school but this year's GPA didn't count. My results this year was excellent so I would have had a very good chance of getting in but alas. I'll apply next year while in dental school. Also, the prospects of becoming a dentistry is crushing and i am melancholic rn. I wish I could persue an academic life in the arts because I'm a really good essayist. The essay I wrote for the Australian medical school exam was in the 0.001% percentile. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.16976393

This. Knew this since I was 18. I have been leeching scholarships pretending to study while writing and publishing novels in the meanwhile. Never regret one second. No, I'm not going to read your shitty 20 pages paper on whatever. Yes, I do enjoy sitting at a pub dropping jokes about renaissance literature and greek philosophy with my professors.

>> No.16976400


>> No.16976408

>tfw 27
>Well and truly missed the trades boat at this point
>Fucking no one will hire an apprentice my age
Feels bad man.

>> No.16976460

I'm a UK medical student who's looking at 5 more years of soul crushing. The next two's going to spent on flashcards, a job a computer can do better than me on. And the worst part is that after each day's soul crushing I don't want to do anything other than sleep and reset the cycle. People say to make friends and pursue hobbies and maybe go for nature walks but that's just fluff to distract you from the fact that you're (I'm) fucked.

>> No.16976580

Where's is our redemption? We've done the work, have the smarts (somewhat) and achieved what was demanded of us. There truly is no salvation in the banal. I suppose the saddest thing is that if we were given a chance to give it up, we wouldn't. Truly like the doomed mice in Kafka's the Trial. Still it should get better after a while haha

>> No.16976613

Learn the only trading that matters: financial trading. If you fail, you lose a bunch of money. If you succeed, you will be wealthier than all these stem cucks

>> No.16976633

>so they're pretty much worthless unless it's STEM
my STEM degree was pretty worthless.

>> No.16976677

Only because we'll have misled ourselves. Guess it's time to reread the sailor who fell from grace with the sea. Or burn my copy.

>> No.16976692

look dude, a stem degree is also garbage , just study stem if its acutally interesting to you. most people who work mid level office jobs, like the jobs on "the office" have like a comp lit bachelors or a stem degree. its just as unlikely oyu will be a sceintist as a famous poet, so just study whats interesting to you, unless your really planning on a phd.

>> No.16976697

Just read as a hobby.

I’m a STEM fag. It pays the bills. If it didn’t I would quit. Was looking at a park keeper job the other day, seems supremely comfy in comparison.

>> No.16976717

Now, this is a really based post.

OP, take all that money and time you would’ve spent on a degree and do this.

>> No.16976725

27 is not too old to work in a trade. There are guys in their 40s and 50s just going to trade school and apprenticing. In fact, I personally know guys who want more mature apprentices. Too many 20 year olds don’t show up on time or don’t show up. You can also still join the military.

>> No.16976796

American? If so, be careful. Army is now heavily favoring STEM degrees and high GPAs (if you’re white and male) for officer candidates. I fucked myself with an BS in Economics and low GPA. Go talk to a recruiter.

>> No.16976988


>> No.16977174

>How awful is it going to uni for a degree in literature, or any other humanities related degree?
You just have to avoid debt and be prepared to receive low wages. If you do that, it doesn’t matter.
>I am about to complete a humanities degree debt free, but I feel like I've made a mistake.
You’ll be fine.
>What do you all do career wise?
I’m a data analyst. I got my degree in economics. Sometimes I wish I stuck with literature but it doesn’t really matter so much at the end of the day.
>Do you guys just read as. a hobby?
Yes but I also write a bit on the side. I’d like to write full time one day but if I can’t, so be it.

>> No.16977490


>> No.16977574


>> No.16978124


>> No.16978191

Creative writing/German lit major, graduating in spring. I’ve been looking into the world of freelance copywriting. You can make bank and set your own hours, though of course it takes a while to get there. Worth it though desu

>> No.16978239
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Bs. You probably heard that on /lit/ lmao.
It depends a lot on the job market in the area you want to practice and your network/internship game. Definitely not bleak. My brother went to hastings, for example, and he is doing incredibly well for himself about 7 years out.

>> No.16978253

Yea I'm from Boston, so not sure about the job market here. I did hear that from 4chan and >>>/reddit/ - the problem is that I have no networking or internship game, but I'll work on it. Not really sure how networking works, I'm not autistic but I've never had a real job, just manual labor.

What tier is hastings? US right?

>> No.16978259
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How many NEET's here?

>> No.16978302
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Hastings is 59th according to usnwr and wikipedia. Not terrible but not great either. It is in San Francisco, though he left sf to practice because it is competitive as hell.
If you want to learn about the industry, talk to profs and advisors at your school, and harass alums who are lawyers on LinkedIn. Do NOT take anyone's word for gospel over the internet, even mine, your career and future self sufficiency are too important to risk on some internet fool.
I will also say my career development class and freelancer mother have both constantly impressed upon me the importance of networking, meeting people with jobs relevant to ones you want, and telling them about yourself, your interests and skills. You can straight up ask if they know of any positions that would be a good fit for you.
>t. Philosophy student about to graduate with a family full of lawyers

>> No.16978355

Hey mate, how hard it is for foreigners to join the NHS? I’m finishing a medical residency in Hematology (my second specialization) on March, and I’ve thought about leaving Brazil for quite some time. I make good money here and live a comfortable life, but I hate this soulless country.

>> No.16978370
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>be me
>gifted kid
>bored in school, spend youth on sports
>Nat'l Merit Semifinalist because how do you NOT score in the top 0.5% on the PSAT, multiple choice is for literal mouth breathers
>2x state champion wrestler
>go D1
>first wrestler in honors college
>glorious mop of blond hair
>perfect physique
>discover coffee
>discover books
>yes, Infinite Jest, Blood Meridian, 2666, White Noise, all the pseud magnets
>declare English major
>decide to be intellectual
>quit wrestling
>become depressed
>hell sermon from Portrait of the Artist unironically triggers schizophrenia
>attempt heroic course load while lowkey obsessed with whether God is real
>mental breakdown
>drop out
>spend a decade doing menial labor with ghetto blacks
>manic episode where I find Jesus and spew /x/ and /pol/ to everyone
>NEET at 31
I should have taken 12 hours/semester of Rocks for Jocks, excelled in my sport, banged countless cuties, and landed a coaching job. I should have a wife and kids and be making six figures for fun playtime all day.

Watch out for that literature senpai, it can fuck you up.

>> No.16978414

I seriously hope you are LARPing

>> No.16978464

I would do anything to make it a LARP, Anon.

>> No.16978554

my current plan is somewhat similar. I was born and raised in Italy but am bilingual (dad is English and we've always spoken English at home). I am currently studying for a BA in philosophy in the UK but my plan is to move on to translation studies and work as an English-italian translator. I am already working quite a bit with several local history journals in southern Italy translating bits and pieces from English travellers, which might look good in my CV - but, more importantly, is actually very enjoyable. I honestly have no idea what a career in this field would look like, but the prospect of getting to know writers etc sounds pretty /lit/..

>> No.16978586

Degrees like German, French, information science, etc. have great job opportunities here
How about you check unemployment and salary statistics from the university you want to go to rather than asking on an international forum without even mentioning you country? Job market varies a lot from country to country
t. dane

>> No.16978646

Worry not, Victor; you are experiencing an episode again, I fear, for it seems in your mania you have once more found the temerity to delude yourself a wronged god cast down to toil with mortal man. But Victor, we must remember, we are not gods, we have two hands, two feet, two eyes and two ears, a mouth, a nose, and a good head on our shoulders, and that will keep us out of trouble. Come, Victor, come. It is time to abstain no longer, and come back to us. A wrestler you never were, but a son, and loved, you are.

>> No.16978768

Ah sweet Victor do you hear? I fear my words do nothing to rouse you from such a slumber though you fumble words and murmur nothings as though in response, I feel no repose, nor retort, nor any indication that you should so listen but pray I speak and speak again lest these words free shackled feet unchained in all but mind. Victor, I must, pray forgiveness, for I fear that the indulgence of gabled ears has slept you yet again into a world uncanny to ours. I wonder, sometimes.. that I knew myself your confessor, but else if I am your jailer for catching you with my prying eye in a changed place. Please, wake, blink not in vanity but of purpose; spit not in absence but in fury. Just wake.

>> No.16978995

You sound mentally ill.

>> No.16979082

>What do you all do career wise?
I pay 350$ a month to live in a trailer park. All my old class mates are at T1 schools working in exciting academic careers, I don't talk with them anymore. I read and write a lot. My main source of income is welfare checks. On the side I sell pot, freelance, and work in a care home on the weekends, but I only report enough income to keep me eligible for welfare.

Recently I've been thinking that I should publish a novel. The wealth and prestige of being an author would fit me nicely I think, but I don't know if I could deal with the fame.

>> No.16979134

you sound based

>> No.16979465

Frig off Ricky

>> No.16979475

It really depends on what kind of job you want to have.

Either you want to get a job that everyone can do after they get the initial training (any customer service job, sales, marketing, HR, admin etc.), or you want something with a specific skills set (IT, Finance, programming etc). What people in humanities often don't realise is that no one is going to pay you just for talking when you're out of college. You'll have to produce results in large quantities. Meaning, you will need to work with a system and process lots of requests, whether they are customer service requests, data entry, or pay check's processing. You are not there as an individual. Rather you are there as a unit that is responsible for producing the desired results. You become an individual once you manage to produce results and gain a voice of your own. That's when people start looking for more money, better position, etc.

Next step is to decide what you want from your job apart from money. Since if you want to have a job you're respected for, then wave good bye to the low paying ones. You'll have to grind to get a better position and better pay.

Last step is about not losing your soul. Don't become a bugman and don't let your job make you weak.
That's where /lit/ steps in. If you are articulate and well read, very few are going to want to argue with you, and most will get on your side simply because you present ideas in an organised and effective manner. Then people will start coming to you for advice.

This is the short version. I could say a bit more on the topic if you're looking for something specific.

>> No.16979574

How do I get a job as a spy?
I lived abroad a lot when I was younger, speak five languages, am tall white and handsome, know how to mirror people's body language for rapport, used to hang with gangsters and cartelaros when I was young, look good in a suit, spent some time living among the indians, know enough bushcraft to get out of the woods alive...

When I look back on it, my whole life in fact has been preparing me to be a James Bond kind of guy. Yet I keep waiting for that recruitment letter from the CIA to show up in the mail and it never does. Then I go online and look for stuff but all I find are state department jobs that want nerds with impressive degrees in poly sci and maybe a semester abroad... Is that the kind of person who's gonna keep a calm mind with a gun in their face? I don't thinks so. I wrote an application to my countries diplomatic statement expressing as much, and saying that I would make a much better candidate than the person they think they're looking for, but I did not get any kind of response from them. Idk if its counter-intel or what.

Any ideas? I don't want to be some office wageslave my whole life and blue collar stuff is kind of miserable once you get used to it.

>> No.16979595

you just posted here so forget about it

>> No.16979636
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From what I've gathered, it will be about translating all sorts of documents that a bureaucracy needs - mostly related to the economy and law. Translating literature is a sort of side business for all but the most successful translators, although I do hope that I'll be able to climb up to that rank given enough time.

To be frank, I've wasted years on trying to get a STEM degree that I didn't even really want because I fell really hard for the STEM meme when I was 18 or so. It's a long story, my family situation had a lot to do with it, but the main culprit behind it was probably my own nihilism and immaturity in the sense that I didn't know yet what I even wanted. Higher education is really cheap here, so I'm not financially ruined, but I'll never get those years back - I'm kinda anxious about going back as a freshman at 24 years old. Still, I feel that I'd rather do this and struggle to make ends meet than to force myself to study something I have zero affinity towards and end up blowing my brains out from the frustration and the sense of nihilism such a course of life would bring me. I come from a family of proles so it isn't like I ever had major expectations hanging over my head, but I nevertheless would like to separate from my mother now and become my own person. Maybe a wife and a kids down the line, who knows, I've made peace with the possibility that such a thing might never happen - all the more time and energy I can pour into obtaining and mastering the knowledge I wish to possess, and use it as kindling for my art. If I ever manage to bring about something that could be called a great work of art, it will all be worth it, worldly success or not. If this is the course life has set for me, with either failure or success at the end of it, I'll happily meet it halfway either way. There's no other way that I'd rather take regardless.

>> No.16979727

I have a degree in History. Minor in English. I worked odd jobs as cashier,warehouse guy,waiter etc for 5 years maybe before making it "big" as a bartender. Made good money in the small college town I live( before COVID).
Thing is, I've realised that I don't need too much money to be happy. Dirt poor upbringing, low/zero expectations from parents, no grand ambitions of having kids or a wife means that I'm pretty much happy with $30-40k am year.
Don't regret my degree one bit and might even go for a masters if I have some savings. It's not for you if money and high tech products is what you want in your life. I want free time to do what I want(reading books, loafing around the town) and just enough salary to have a roof on my head.

>> No.16979806

>Dirt poor upbringing, low/zero expectations from parents, no grand ambitions of having kids or a wife means that I'm pretty much happy with $30-40k am year.

Same. I don't share the delusions that most normies have. I value free time a lot more than I do financial prosperity, anyway.

>> No.16979845

teach us how

>> No.16980032

I daresay you are winning, sir/madam

>> No.16980209


>> No.16980261

>but I don't know if I could deal with the fame.
Great punchline. lol'd.

You should probably publish.

>> No.16980871

Just follow in this guy's footsteps


>> No.16981657

what does this guy have to do with me

>> No.16981852

Where are you that that's the case? I'm in a community college trade program and half the class is older then that. Lots of 30-40 year old guys switching trades, coming out of a career in the military, or wanting to finally get a formal education and a proper career after doing unskilled labour

>> No.16981875

I think as long as the gmc recognises your qualification and you take the PLAB you should be fine. But I'm not sure about the transferability of your residency.

>> No.16981886

English grad student here. Job prospects after just a bachelor's or master's degree---here in my place---is pretty slim. If you have the qualification to be a teacher in a school, you're safe. Otherwise, a PhD plus the qualifying exam for teaching in college is the other viable option. The pay is really good.

With a BA or an MA in English litt, your options are pretty non-existent. Sure, you could get some copywriting or copyediting job, but the pay is shit.

>> No.16982303

gf has a phd in economics from a world top 100 uni, not worth it. You're better off studying statistics, it's all she does anyways (in research and uni teaching), but it's harder for her because she doesn't have the background in stats.