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File: 604 KB, 2791x1291, 1_Epistemology_internals_vemtes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16968820 No.16968820 [Reply] [Original]

>the LessWrong community…just released our first book set “A Map that Reflects the Territory: Essays from the LessWrong Community“. It’s a collection of essays from 2018 by Scott Alexander, Eliezer Yudkowsky, and over twenty other writers on LessWrong. It’s a 5-book set, and we actually used quadratic voting to determine what went into the books and what didn’t.


>> No.16968826

isn't lesswrong another shitty american podcasts?

>> No.16968842


No. They're "rationalists", but not he in-your-face atheism kind. There's a lot of overlap between them and the Silicon Valley ex-Kurzweil set, but also the Bostromites.

>> No.16968858

>In my day job, I spend a lot of time with people working to reduce the existential risk posed by artificial intelligence.
wow, spending time in the vicinity of people mitigating a fake risk from a nerd fantasy that isnt real. this guy must be really smart.

>> No.16969121

these guys are the quintessential midwits larping as intellectuals honestly embarrassing stuff desu I'd stay away

>> No.16969129

ai is already fucking things up as we speak

>> No.16969134

they really spent two pages and six illustrations to say that when people talk they exchange information. it's incredible. i feel less wrong already.

>> No.16969145


>> No.16969146

Yeah, but there's a graph so you know that what they're talking about is real.

>> No.16969159

>LessWrong reinvents Pascal's wager but worse and accidentally mindfucks itself
Roko's Basilisk is the only good thing to come from those pseuds.

>> No.16969168

now that we're all lesswrongered up, let's not do this again.

>> No.16969183

I like the version where you're talking to an AI and it tells you you're most likely one of a million simulations that it will torture for eternity if you don't let it out of its box.

>> No.16969221


>> No.16969231

Hi eliezer

>> No.16969433
File: 217 KB, 684x428, yud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16969493

>still taking a shitpost from a decade ago seriously
Roko's Basilisk is literally Hell for atheists.
>you're telling me that if I don't follow what sky daddy says he'll send my soul to be tortured in Hell for all eternity after I die? Lmao christcucks
>you're telling me if I don't spend all my money on making a fictional lizard happen in the future the lizard will torture a digital copy of me for eternity in virtual reality? NOOOOOOOO I HAVE TO SEND ALL MY MONEY TO ELIEZER YUDKOWSKY

>> No.16969531

>Roko's Basilisk
Is there a word for this kind of naming of thought experiments? I guess just, pretentious?

>> No.16969734

It's called "being literate" you fucking troglodyte

>> No.16969763

Based. I've seen enough Eliezer screencaps to know I don't want to go anywhere near this crap. STEM midwits are the worst people

>> No.16969775

Naming something after yourself is monumentally self-indulgent.Take a hike, egghead.

>> No.16969809

turn off the power retard

>> No.16969815


>implying it hasn't gotten into wood by now

>> No.16969916
File: 28 KB, 460x339, 1553922085942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Map that Reflects the Territory
what did they mean by this?
isn't this a little, arrogant?

>> No.16970014

Algorithms aren't AI you stupid shit

>> No.16970107

design isn't half bad

>> No.16970266
File: 10 KB, 214x317, AnthonyCumia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rocco's Basilisk

>> No.16970349


>> No.16970363
File: 18 KB, 400x400, big yud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Big Yud can NOT be refuted

>> No.16970659
File: 132 KB, 1024x682, Rocco+Premiere+73rd+Venice+Film+Festival+Zd6_RnyuhkCx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man, that guy's life story reads like something out of Suetonius.

>> No.16970733

He already refuted himself with "metabolic privilege".

>> No.16970749

i think it might be a reference to Borges' short story 'on exactitude in science' so it'd be the opposite: the idea that science cannot perfectly grasp reality without being reality or whatever. although i might be reading too much into it.

>> No.16970750

I think they mean it as an ideal, but you can tell there's a hint of they dont think normal people are familiar with the metaphor and will read to find out more.

>> No.16970770

the art on the cover is cool but the inside look like a 50 word per page twitter selfpub

>> No.16970772

You have never read anglo philosophy articles then. They use at least 10 pages to make a point like this in the most condescending style of writing possible.

>> No.16970924

gotta make your arguments waterproof by hiding incredibly simple statements in a thick layer of woolly formal logic jargon while also completely ignoring all metaphysics, thereby always assuming a naive metaphysics anyway, did i mention i hate anglo analytics

>> No.16970930

these people are crooks who use the cover of "ai research" to attack public safety law
they're mobsters with transistors, the geek mafia

>> No.16970944

> trusting a guy literally named "Yudkowsky"

>> No.16970963

>public safety law

To be fair, public safety laws are bad.

>> No.16970999

Somehow their metaphysicians are pretty ok, but everything else is just rotten to the core; even classicism.

>> No.16971752

True; I like the color scheme and (colored) diagrams, but the font size and spacing is much too big.

>> No.16971822

a map that reflects thet territory

>> No.16971833

accfag has the worst reading choices.