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16967838 No.16967838 [Reply] [Original]

Stop supporting capitalism and consumer culture.

>> No.16967840

I wonder why more Christians aren't leftists. Christianity feels much more compatible with leftism than any other religion.

>> No.16967841

The only thing I consoom are books. Apart from that I only buy food.

>> No.16967842

>give money to the poor
>they buy heroin with it and OD
very loving OP

>> No.16967843

I don't disagree with this but material charity is one of the lowest forms of charity

>> No.16967850

Because we don't take ethical choices based on secular institutions. I don't need lgbt to tell me how to act w ppl or what to do and when they start supporting pedophilia, I won't need them again.

>> No.16967869

leftism is impersonal and theft since it is enforced without regard, but Christian is personal and proceeds from charity

>> No.16967887

>imagine thinking liberalism/communism has any answer that God hasn't answered
Material charity is one of the lowest rungs of charity and it begets what it gives. Material charity used to be the difference between survival or death. Now it's just some way to lube a fat hooker up

>> No.16967888

>implying most ODs aren't rich people

>> No.16967891

>implying this doesn't solve the problem

>> No.16967899

Leftism doesn't work.

>> No.16967917

The few true spritual Christians I've met, are practically apolitical. They live the teachings of Christ in their own personal way. They are few.

>> No.16967941

Straight up Singerian

>> No.16968111

>should we not...

Categorically not. Being able to do something is not a reason to do it. This is how amoral, subhuman, cretinous Matter moves, charging and discharging for no reason other than the former's excess and the latter's lack. MOREOVER, if anyone were to do all the things he can do simply for being able to do them, most of the things he would do would be bad for himself and for others, and choosing to abstain from one thing alone would categorically rebuke the initial premise. A military imbalance does NOT mean that the USA should invade all other countries. A reproductive imbalance, between semen and eggs, does NOT mean that all men should impregnate all women. A monetary imbalance does NOT mean all rich should give to all poor. Utterly anti-Christian idea.

>> No.16968117

OK and then what?

>> No.16968217

did you look up a bot with stereotypically aristocratic tone to write this for you or are you seriously this autistic?

>> No.16968476


>> No.16968698

Modern left has strong Marxist influence, and Marxism is just another Abrahamic offshoot, just very perverted one. I'm kind of worried that many people these days can't tell the difference between charity and state enforced social welfare.

>> No.16968824

Sorry boss, i gotta hoard cash. I don't want to be slaving away for the next 40 years

>> No.16969073

Leftists are materialist and support sin

>> No.16970606

>you have no right to tomorrow's food
how does this even fit within the idea of having a family and feeding your children?
The internet runs on "thoughts and prayers" and "wow this is so inshpiring, good job" and other platitudes that take 5 seconds to type down. Material charity is the highest form of charity.

>> No.16970629

>just be a doormat bro
Is this the essence of Christianity?

>> No.16970639

>you have no right to tomorrow's food
this kills the OP

>> No.16970645

Holy shit this is retarded

>> No.16970648

He sounds like a communist

>> No.16970990

When one can both wear 2 types of fabric and hate lesbians, Christianity is no longer a practice, but an excuse.

>> No.16971250
File: 504 KB, 1059x1511, ayy_basilao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most christians are brainlets and dont even read the bible

>> No.16971557

I think it was more of a proverb than a "Mandatory Christian Teaching ALL MUST FOLLOW." Just advice, or a way of looking at things; obviously, you give at your discretion, making sure not to enable another's sin

>charity and state enforced social welfare
Goodness of heart

>> No.16971570

>what is rhetoric

>> No.16971582

Besides, this seems to be attacking "greed" and "hoarding." As in, you have about twenty coats in your closet you haven't worn since you were a teenager; someone could use some of those. You have things you don't need (beyond whatever you stock up for 'hard times,' such as savings, etcetera). It's not minimalism, just against hoarding and greed at others' expense. If you don't wish to do it, don't; but it's a sign of your spiritual disease

>> No.16972381
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>> No.16972401
File: 20 KB, 554x554, 4E9B50AF-71A1-44F9-9EB1-97468D08F1BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Democratic socialism managed to fit within the two existing models as a welcome counterweight to the radical liberal positions, which it developed and corrected. It also managed to appeal to various religious denominations. In England it became the political party of the Catholics, who had never felt at home among either the Protestant conservatives or the liberals. In Wilhelmine Germany, too, Catholic groups felt closer to democratic socialism than to the rigidly Prussian and Protestant conservative forces. In many respects, democratic socialism was and is close to Catholic social doctrine, and has in any case made a remarkable contribution to the formation of a social consciousness.
—Pope Benedict XVI, ‘Without Roots’

>> No.16972454

I cant help but wonder if the only really relevant part of democratic socialism in this context is the fact that social safety nets exists to help people in need, which is a feature that is in no way required to be tied to the general "democratic socialist" ideology

>> No.16972471

it's more than that leftist ideologies are shitty, perverted versions of christianity.

>> No.16972525

While this line of reasoning is understandable, I think people have seen it exploited so often and so hard by greedy people posing as needy that they are simply unwilling to be generous.
Give away a kitten or a pup to strangers, and someone will torture it for fun. If you demand that they pay something, there's a better chance they'll actually care for it.

>> No.16972603

>how come the people who have money don't have an infinite number of hands and an infinite amount of time in their days to feed every single loser piece of trash on earth???
I fucking hate leftists almost as much as I hate Christians.

>> No.16972610

>if you aren't rich you are a loser piece of trash
amerimutts everyone

>> No.16972613

u wot m8

>> No.16972622

>if you aren't rich you are a loser piece of trash
Correct, now fuck off.

>> No.16972631

Socialism structurally prevents the need for social safety nets because it structurally reduces inequality. While capitalism structurally increases inequality, makes people poor, and produces the need for social safety nets.

>> No.16972641

A real rich person wouldn’t be seething like this, they would be smoking their cigars and laughing. You must be part of the ‘aspirational rich’ aka deluded poorfag

>> No.16972645

Better to do like PETA and kill all the puppies yourself.

>> No.16972649

what was the purpose of this comment?

>> No.16972650

>doesn't understand the word "belongs"

>> No.16972656


When you're out for a midnight cruise and you see that the bridge is out, you can either hit the gas or hit the brakes.

>> No.16972663

I'm enjoying my anger, retard. I love to hate you faggots.

>> No.16972671

Christianity is more about crusades, hating trannies and black people.

>> No.16972682

if someone on an anonymous image board tells me they are rich I believe them, because rich people lead shittier lives

>> No.16972688

Nice cope

>> No.16972694
File: 741 KB, 797x634, forestanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy all my clothes from charities (excluding safety equipment which I can't find at op shops)
>anytime I have something I no longer need I either give it to charity/put it on freecycle or if it's too old take it to recycling
>most of my appliances are also from op shops or freecycle
>before I buy anything I question if it is just a materialistic purchase or will genuinely add value (does it save money, save time, save electricity/water etc?)
What else could I do?

>> No.16973327

It’s an analogy

>> No.16973332

YEah still hate niggers doe

>> No.16973781

The mediocre & vulgar falls short of artistic sublimation, so it superstitiously conflates it with consumption, and further sterilizes itself via Protestantism, and/or Stoicism.

>> No.16973801
File: 605 KB, 722x1089, José_Antonio_Primo_de_Rivera_ValdecasasRuizAldaPrimo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.16973965

What is the correct thing to do from a christian perspective

Imagine you have 10 million dollars

-In one day I donate all my money to charities that feed the poor

-Or, I keep the 10 million dollars, and for the rest of my life, say, 40 years, I donate every month to the poor most of the money I make from interests and investments that isnt reinvested

>> No.16974166
File: 71 KB, 908x539, Dfvkph6WsAA_s_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christianity is about peace, loving trannies and black people!

>> No.16974173


>> No.16974175

US leftists are full of degenerates and actively moves towards more and more degeneracy without any end in sight. Pretty obvious why Christians would stay as far away from them as possible

>> No.16974186

Letting everyone in is one thing, but helping everyone as much as you can is 100% Christian. And it's not even one of those later dogmatic beliefs, but something Jesus said.

>> No.16974192

Some used to be. Ever hear of distributism. Sure, some will argue it's not leftism but those people are wrong.

>> No.16974216

They are in South America. Protestantism has the prosperity gospel problem, and from what I can tell, Orthodox churches are almost always on a tight leash controlled by capitalist governments.

>> No.16974220

You could argue that a full investment will give those poor people compound interest too. They will build schools etc and might grow at a higher rate than what a bank gives you on your money.

>> No.16974245

The official™ Catholic endorsed form of government is distributism, which is basically center-left localism with Catholic characteristics.

>> No.16974249

Hail captain Finnegan

>> No.16975240

>the money which you hoard up belongs to the poor
look man i dont mind helping people with my own wealth but thing is i need to personally and intimately know the person i know about. his deepest belief, his worldview, his personality. etc.
i CANT just give to someone just cos i know he's poor.

>> No.16975342

Why? Pragmatically, emotionally, or morally?