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/lit/ - Literature

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16967184 No.16967184 [Reply] [Original]

If you could travel back in time and slip your novel/poems into the cabinet or like a chest of some famous and well-respected author so that now we would find it and think that it was the author's writings, do you think that your writings would be considered good?

I'd slip some really crazy postmodern poems into the closet of Keats. Or maybe some sadomasochist porn literature to like Dostojevksi

>> No.16967219
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Das Kapital to Jesus Christ

>> No.16967342

Lmao I took that pic. Story time

>be 18yo me
>live in shithole, demographics don't really fit /mu/'s so don't expect fellow countrymen to be /mu/tants in general
>walking down a pretty run down street not too far from my home
>see pic related
>get ipod out of pocket, take pic
>start wondering what kind of person would write that
>convince myself that it has to be a girl, for the handwriting
>get home, post pic on /mu/
>no replies, what was i thinking?
>but, what if i could actually find her?
>post the picture every now and then for a few months hoping she'd browse /mu/ as well
>sometimes feel like i'm wasting my time but it seems almost fateful that i ran into what she wrote so keep posting every now and then
>a year goes by
>one day get reply from someone who claims to be her
>gives me skype adress, we talk
>she's a qt3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749
>"wow, anon, i can't believe you ran into what i wrote! NMH are like, my life"
>talk to her everyday for a week about mostly music related stuff, she's really into nmh, antlers, anco, radiohead, the list goes on
>learn a couple things about her; she's 17, collects records (she shows me her copy of ITAOTS) and plays acoustic guitar (covers king of carrot flowers p.1 for me on skype)
>turns out she lives 5 minutes away
>she wants to meet
>finally the time comes
>tell her to meet at a cafe half way between our homes, she asks if we could go check out some records later
>"yeah sure why not"
>get there
>we arrive at the same time so meet her in the street
>she says "hi anon" with a smile in her face, "how are --"
>slap that bitch across the face
>she screams and freaks out
>face is red
>"that's for listening to entry level hipster grabage"
>calmly walk back home
>get back to posting on /mu/

>> No.16967348

i hope you didn't write that...

>> No.16967477

Twas but a slice of life

>> No.16967520

Absolutely based. You/the anon should have slapped her also for vandalism. Imagine being so crude as to make the world uglier

>> No.16967586

... And impregnate her with my southern seed

>> No.16967622
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>> No.16967763

Haha, that takes me back to a few years ago when I first started browsing /mu/ and there was some other street art that was NMH related. I thought that greentext was familiar, then I got to the end.

>> No.16968142

mmm your story needs more rape