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16966028 No.16966028 [Reply] [Original]

does /lit/ keep a journal? what do you write about?

>> No.16966040

I keep a reading journal where I write thoughts about books I'm reading. I don't keep an actual journal because I am the least interesting man in the world.

>> No.16966044

Yes, it's an attempt to unravel why the stream of consciousness metaphor for thinking doesn't work that's not self-aware

>> No.16966052
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>Today Anonymous was a big poopy-head

>> No.16966064

I write down new words (with their definitions) that I read in poems. I then peruse my journal when I need $10 words to spruce up my own poems. It's a good system trust me.

>> No.16966083
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Mainly reword what I've been reading or practicing translations. Currently taking notes on Winckelmann's Geschichte der Kunst des Altertums(Histoire de l'art chez les Anciens).

>> No.16966131

Observations, accounts of events, feelings, schizo ramblings.

>> No.16966169
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The fact that roasties hold their writing utensils like their hands got baked and curled in the sun and yet still manage to write more legible than I can makes me seethe to kingdom come. God I hate it so much.

>> No.16966250

I do, and it pretty much reads like this >>16966131

>> No.16966253

This, but I try to write it in the languages I am learning (Spanish, French, German). That way I have daily guaranteed practice.

>> No.16966268

i keep journal that i make dated entries in whenever feel like it plus also a commonplace book for quotes and schizoid ramblings

>> No.16966298


I have 3 siblings and we all went to the same elementary school though only one of us doesn't have complete chicken-scratch for writing.

>> No.16966309

Yeah, but I'm honest about what it is, and call it a diary. I write about various strifes that go on in my life, relationship issues, and all my ambitions

>> No.16966312

i feel cringe when i am writing about myself

>> No.16966334

You have terrible self esteem issues, anon. Shake it off however you can

>> No.16966361

Everyone has this feeling that's why they're NPCs.
Except if they're women. Then they write cringe shit

>> No.16966406

why you think so? i just curious whether you like to read your sentences when you describe what you did yesterday ( drink coffee, go for a walk and so on )

does not it sound cringe for you when you reading it?

i also did not read a lot of books so maybe thats the issue, maybe its completly normal to write about usual uninteresting stuff

>> No.16966419

I write like I'm talking to a friend. I write about things I can't talk to friends about. Usually my mental state. Things people wouldn't want to hear, or would get concerned (or call me edgy) if I did tell them. I know I'm a pretentious angsty faggot so I keep it to myself. The diary is my friend I can tell anything to. I find that I feel a lot better once I put my feelings into words. Typing them forces me to slow down and consider them.
An excerpt from yesterday.
>I don't want to wake up in the morning. the last few times I've woken up nothing but shit has greeted me. Shit to do, shit chores, shit trouble, shit having wasted the whole day sleeping, shit not being able to do anything, shit spending an age getting up, shit lack of time, shit having slept through everything. I want to go back to whatever dream I was having.

I also record my shits. I call this section the "captain's log".

>> No.16966429

When I read my old journal entries I feel blessed that I am so articulate and capable of beautiful wordplay

>> No.16966432

A challenger appears...

>> No.16966449

>the captain's log
holy mother of kek

>> No.16966645

Same, except I don't write like I'm talking to a friend exactly because of what you said, that is, I write about things I can't talk to friends about. I write like I'm talking to myself, shizo shit mostly, but I think it's a nice source for further creation. These words are not for the public eye of course, but something to remind me of my deteriorating mental state which helps me in later writing.

I also don't write in it regularly, only when I feel like it and now I have a two year old diary of my most intense moments and how I saw them at the time (and later on, if I reflect on it, how I thought of them later). It also helps me selfmedicate by reflection, although recently it hasn't been helping that much. However, it's become obvious that my mental state is in reverse proportion to the quality of the writing.

>> No.16966655


>> No.16966662
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>> No.16966664


>> No.16966672

near great digits fren

>> No.16966677


>> No.16966733

I have one which I used to write in once a week when I went out for coffee in the morning but haven't done that since March or so because corona. I write in it currently like once every two months, just about events in my life, stuff I'm reading, any feelings I have in general etc

>> No.16966738

The joys of being shizo, everything is confusingly useless, if not harmful, but the wordplay is so magnificent, that even in mindless misery I can't bring myself to fully and completely hating my words because they're not regular words, they're nearly immediate expressions of the soul. I can only hate someone's works if they aren't that, and if they are, the "worst" critique can be that it's not understandable, but I could never critique someone's soul. Nothing is more useless than writing for writing's sake, writing which contains no soul and no one sensible enough could ever be fooled by it.

>> No.16966743

Share some

>> No.16966810

It's pretty edgy and meaningless
Now I just write "events" that are necessary since I'm forgetful.

>> No.16966835

That is true. Sometimes one goes to write, it's there, sometimes not. Who can really choose when. Nietzsche said, "I am not one of those who writes with a leaky pen." And he said that he jumps in and out of big ideas like a cold shower. Only men of the journal know these words.

>> No.16967280

When i started writing i hated it because I always ended up writing about my feelings and thoughts while I was writing instead of what happened during my day, which is what I started with the intention to write. But at some point recently that shifted and now I write about my day and I realize that is probably even more useless.

>> No.16967349

I mostly write down how much I hate people and how disgusted I am with society.

>> No.16967378

Yes but I only ramble and self-deprecate in it when drunk

>> No.16967425

I only get thoughts worth writing down in the moments right before falling asleep, so I'm too lazy to get up and write them and then I forget them in the morning.

>> No.16967524

i try to write about my day like i am a visual novel protagonist

true autism

>> No.16967544

TFW you realize Shakespeare never kept a journal so all the secrets died with him

>> No.16968744

Lol why? No one will read it. Who are you afraid will judge you?
Journal about that.

>> No.16968782

I have a Moleskin for story ideas and on my phone I journal about my dreams since they're pretty surreal and interesting to me

>> No.16968791

just write about what im feeling or whats happening, using it to decode my thoughts, put it on paper, actualize ideas and goals

>> No.16968816

All I wrote in it was how I really wanted to stop using drugs and tapping. This went on my whole 20s.

Also cringey Nietzsche paraphrase when I just slammed a few coffees and felt manic.

>> No.16968965

want to do this but I have this irrational fear of someone else finding it and also this >>16966312
>inb4 use a digital and encrypted one
no I am not a zoomer and prefer paper

>> No.16968997

journal is the one place where you can be alone and free of judgement with your own thoughts. it is sacred like that. you can write cringe things, feelings that may feel right at the moment but dont apply to you later, things that don't mean anything,...etc. i suggest you start writing and embrace the cringe

>> No.16969012


>> No.16969023
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When I was younger and I kept a journal I mostly wrote about my feelings, where I thought I was going in life, women I had relationships with, and so on. When you're younger, there's this large question mark that looms above your life, and so life is emotional and exciting because you don't know where it will take you. As I've gotten, my journal has gotten less about how I feel regarding life in general — less emotional — and has become more of a log of my daily activities, and more recently about developments about COVID-19 (I work for the government).

I would highly recommend keeping a journal in your late adolescence to your mid-20s. You always think you're going to remember everything in detail, but you never do. And someday all of those things will be gone and unrecoverable. You'll be glad that you kept some record of them.

>> No.16969078
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I write my own fantasies in a story-like fashion. I used to just write whatever I wished would happen to me in whatever setting I wanted but now I'm delving into prose and using story-telling techniques. I'm around a hundred thousand words in digital writing and I have filled several moleskine notebooks. Escapism to the absolute max.

>> No.16969142

I'd read (and laugh at) your diary desu

>> No.16969152

>I am the least interesting man in the world
so what? it's worth it. it helps you remember the days instead of having everything go by in a blur.

>> No.16969211

what is it about the intj/p mind that loves journals and schedules and "productivity"

>> No.16969224

I don't see a relationship between journals and schedules or productivity

>> No.16969334
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I usually just write about what's going on in my life and how I feel about it. I'm not a neet but I am a socially anxious shut in so I don't have anyone to talk to and wouldn't feel comfortable talking to them about most things anyway. It amuses me that, someday after I die, some relative of mine will inherit my treasure trove of autism.

>> No.16969470

not being creative so grasping at the appearance of making something (ie "productivity")

>> No.16969653

>not being creative so grasping at the appearance of making something (ie "productivity")

ah fuck breh you nailed it. painful

>> No.16969702

I kept a journal of my dreams for a few days. But I only dreamed of my crush who recently got married all the time so I got sad and quit.

>> No.16969771

i just hit my mid twenties and i wish i had keppt one.
I actually wish i had kept one for years now, but i just never really knew exactly how to do it and so i procrastinated on it a lot. Honestly even now that I'm doing it it really feels kinda pointless, so I also kinda feel like I didn't miss out on much by not keeping one all those years, it's not like i would have gotten everything in detail anyway.

>> No.16970108

Thid. What is my mom finds my diary after I die in an accident? Would be pretty bad and I can't write it as long as this id a possibility

>> No.16970138
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>Thid. What is my mom finds my diary after I die in an accident?
You will be too dead to care about it at that point, anon.

>> No.16970176

Do you write from your elbow and shoulder, or do you draw the letters with your wrist? That matters more than how you hold the writing utensil.

>> No.16970289

I, for once, feel like my time does not pass too fast, nor does year feel too short. The reason we feel that way is because we don't remember much of what happened to us last month let alone last year.

>> No.16970334

>What is my mom finds my diary after I die in an accident?
I know that my mom doesn't care about what I've written nearly enough to go through my diary. Pretty much all my family knows I'll kill myself sometime in the future. Most likely they'll go through a traditional grief asking themselves why why why instead of going through the diaries.
It's ironic.

>> No.16970960

>However, it's become obvious that my mental state is in reverse proportion to the quality of the writing.
I feel this. I sincerely hope it's just how I percieve it, because I can't imagine having to feel as abysmal as this to be able to write...

>> No.16971011

Nice. Winckelmann is great. If you haven't yet try Lessing's Laocoön after.

>> No.16971067

I have a stack of journals that almost goes up to my waist. Journaling is its own art form. It's really about unfolding the crinkled up density of your own mind and seeing all its elements spaced out in the horizon of the pages. I'd journal about everything, my past, the future, moods, random thoughts, project ideas, philosophical musings, current events.

Looking back over journals you wrote can be instructive even if a little cringeworthy. You see just how wrong or right you were and that explodes illusions.

Recently I have stopped journalling however because I realized it was eating up all my writing time and i needed to prioritize actual projects. Also half the time it's just me going on about how much everything sucks and brooding in a soup of depression.

>> No.16971344

Everytimd I think about something I really should write, I'm not in a position to write it and then I eventually forget about it by the time I am in the position to write it

>> No.16971620

I write a dream journal and want to start a regular one.

>> No.16971706

local weirdos mostly

>> No.16971716

>what do you write about?
Whine about how suicidal I am then whine about how whiny I am

>> No.16972050

just spent 50 minutes writing about how sociopathic humanity inherently is because i got rejected 6 years ago and pondering how i will teach my cynical (but true) worldview to my future children to prepare them for when the illusory societal niceties that mask this sociopathy break down and they are forced to hurt others/get hurt
also wrote about how i hope i have fraternal twins. But not ugly like the only fraternal twins I know irl.

>> No.16972222

i keep one and consistently write in it every night, since the start of this year. i do it right before bed so its unfortunately usually only 2-3 sentences about what happened during the day, maybe something thats been on my mind, always followed by "goodnight."

>> No.16972237

I sometimes have some great idea bugging me right before I fall asleep. I write it down to clear my head.

>> No.16972247

are you learning them all at the same time anon?

>> No.16972268

Yeah, but it's not as impressive as you might think. The one I'm being most serious about is Spanish, and French to a lesser degree. My efforts in German have been very lazy.

>> No.16972281

How the fuck do I get dreams again? I did SSRIs for a couple years and they killed my dreams, my wonderful dreams. When I think about it I end up in tears. I want my dreams back, fuck shrinks.

>> No.16972480

post a pic of them

>> No.16972536

I recently started journaling again after a long stoppage. One problem I had in the past is that my journal entries involved a lot of complaining even though what I was doing in life at the time was interesting. Looking back on what you wrote gives you a lot of perspective on yourself.

>> No.16972538

>I did SSRIs for a couple years and they killed my dreams

Hope it didn't kill your ability to get off. When I was on them it did and I was pretty nervous that it would persist after I stopped taking them. Thankfully it didn't.

>> No.16972542

I try to keep a journal but all of my sentences begin with "I". It makes me self concious.

>> No.16972561

Finding a way around that is actually a good writing exercise

>> No.16972573

I wrote my first short story written in the first person recently, and the amount that I did this bothered me a bit, but if you read other short fiction (or non-fiction) you'll realize this is the norm.

If you're that bothered by it, you could just start your sentences with whatever word would follow "I." (Ex. "Don't know what I'm going to do today.") It really depends on what you want your journal to be though—viz. whether you want it to be a description of your events from that day or something deeper, like an internal narrative. Try playing around with either one and see how it feels.

>> No.16972604

I never had much of a libido. Actually I had a discovery in my sexuality while on SSRIs. But they fucked my emotions and since I started taking them I stopped having dreams. I used to have incredible surreal dreams and now they are gone. No amount of drinking or thinking will get them back. I miss them so much.

>> No.16972627

I keep a journal about your moms pussy and what it smells like based on what she ate that day

>> No.16972690

>No amount of drinking or thinking will get them back.

Alcohol disrupts REM sleep, so you're probably more likely to have dreams without the alcohol.

>> No.16972799

They're currently in drawers at my mom's house serving as a hotel for spiders and dust bunnies.

>> No.16973141

look into lucid dreaming

>> No.16973276

Used to in high school, but since then I've kept a sporadic but meticulous log of various days (usually a dozen or 2 in a given year). Sometimes it's because I can't sleep after a night out, or I'll do it on a Sunday or Monday after an eventful weekend. I'll spend a couple hours trying to map out every single detail of a given day or couple days from start to finish, and note how I felt at the time without doing retrospective commentary (makes it less cringe down the road). Drank and smoked a lot of weed in my early-mid twenties, so it's a nice way to preserve memories that would have gone out the window otherwise. It's comfy, I can step into past relationships, time spent with dead friends, trips, nice moments with my family, even though mostly though it's just nights out.
It's a fun snapshot to look back on when age inevitably turns the memories to goo
Daily activity log is based
Same, but I only record them when they're semi-coherent and funny so I can send them to friends in greentext form. Bit silly but it's quite entertaining

>> No.16973323

I was journaling when I broke up with my ex and had a lot of feelings. Now that I’m back to my usual self I rarely feel the need. I just right down ideas and dreams here and then; and the usual quotes from reading.

>> No.16973337

Just a bunch schitzo rants that Im slowly consolidating into my real philosophy

>> No.16973360

yes, sometimes i think i should stop because it engenders a sort of narcissism that is antithetical to writing fiction.
i write thousands of worthless words wasted on myself but i can't bother to write a couple hundred words of fiction a day.

>> No.16974536
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What are some things I could do to be ablte to write a diary anyone would be interested in? Not speaking of improving my prose, but the originality of my life.

>> No.16975438

You won't if you have to ask

>> No.16975776

B6 vitamin

>> No.16975831

Improve your prose. you don't have to be interesting to write something everyone wants to read. Look at Proust. He wrote about how he was stuck in his room and people are frothing at the mouth over his series.
Even if your life is "boring", your thoughts house universes.

But if you want a quick ticket just do a bunch of drugs and pull a Hunter S. Thompson.

>> No.16976881

Live a crazy lifestyle with money sex and drugs

>> No.16977990

I write about the things that make me sad and upset me.
I don't write too often because I insist on keeping a physical journal even though I write slow and have abysmal handwriting. Writing is on some subatomic level physically painful for me even though theres nothing wrong with my hands.
Theres always a disconnect between my brain and whats my pen leaves on the page too. I'm the worst.

>> No.16978839

I'm already on my 4th physical one, and have the fifth one on my laptop that I have been writing on and off for about 2 years now.

>what do you write about
That's for me and my diary only.

>> No.16978847

how much I wanna bone mikhaila peterson

>> No.16979117

Sounds like those words probably come off a bit stale when read aloud in the context of a poem. Your system is contrived.

>> No.16979444

But butterfly, do you journal and whrn will you post it?

>> No.16979921

Life. It's basically just a diary.

>> No.16979936
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Journals are peak comfy.

>> No.16979962

I’m an INTP but I guess this proves it’s pseudoscience. Extremely depressed and lay down and rot everyday. Very disorganized, work in short bursts.

>> No.16980002

oh thats quite fantastic

>> No.16980094

Butterfly's journal is the shitposting she writes here on /lit.

>> No.16980418

Haven't you killed yourself already tranny?

>> No.16980436

what i dreamt the night before, no nightmares yet, cool to reminisce

>> No.16980780

I'm one of those people that bottles up emotions and has trouble crying, so I use my diary to vent about my day. I'm fairly anti-social so don't have any one to talk too. I don't write a lot but when I do it's cringy.

>> No.16980800 [SPOILER] 
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I guess
(Pic not mine)

You have me confused with some guy. Not me.

>> No.16980865
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Side question, do you guys prefer paper journals or writing on your computer?

>> No.16981035

Why write a journal on your pc?
that doesn't even makes sense

>> No.16981056

Schizo shit.

>> No.16981089

I don't like reading things on my PC, so I prefer paper. Even when I typed journal entries for whatever reason, I always printed them out and added them to my paper journal.

>> No.16981104

My reading journal is done in an actual journal while my diary desu journal is done on the computer. I prefer typing over writing but I like being able to note things down without having to walk over and turn on my computer

>> No.16981170

What goes in the reading journal?

>> No.16981205

I have a mostly respectable handwritten journal and then a document for schizo ravings because I type faster than I write. I like the aesthetic of handwritten but it's nice to be able to control+f when I want to find something specific.

Related to that, does anyone do table of contents in their journals/have a good system that's not bullet journal faggotry?

>> No.16981208

>Shitposts by Butterfly - Table of Contents
>Real Communism Hasn't Been Tried
>Those Photos of Me Are 10 Years Old
>Those Posts Are by Someone Else Using a Similar Tripcode
>>Arguments for Why Socialism Wouldn't Simply Result in Making Lazy People Even Lazier
>Those Photos Aren't of Me

>> No.16981210

I do both. Writing just feels more journaly, so I think my ratio of written to typed entries is about 70% written, 30% typed. I type when I feel I have a lot to say because
1. I type faster than I write
2. My hand is get tired from writing
But mostly it's kinda random whether I write or type.

>> No.16981223

My diary desu

>> No.16981251

I do. I mostly write about what bothers me. Instead of overthinking for hours on end, setting my thoughts into paper helps to process what I feel. Sometimes I write in languages I am trying to get into, like French and Norwegian, so it is also a good form of exercise.

>> No.16981839

>the least interesting man in the world.

You were born as an adult?

>> No.16981872
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>Related to that, does anyone do table of contents in their journals/have a good system that's not bullet journal faggotry?
My journal is just a loose leaf binder that I divide by year. I've never thought of doing a table of contents, do people actually do that?

>> No.16981877

Thoughts on books I read. Sometimes just notes, sometimes writing out the plot so I can understand it better, sometimes little reviews. Basically I find that I get more out of reading when I write about the books I read in some capacity.

>> No.16981929

I have philsoihically corned myself whereby I find meaning in everything, and therefore it's important, so I end up copying down in what manner my fucking fingers touched the computer keys at a certain time, or what video I noticed in the recommended tab but didn't click.
Literally everything I take any sense of a notice in deserves my attention and my saving in history, which is why I have 40k photos in my phone right now - I'm about 100x worse than a Chinese tourist

>> No.16981930

Yes, though it's digital and mostly just to do lists I also summarize my day since I have an awful memory and every day bleeds together

>> No.16982361

A podcast I like called, "Take Note", is basically two guys who write what they see in the world. I used that as a template instead of just what I did today diaries.

>> No.16982392

>Real Communism Hasn't Been Tried
Where’s the lie? A chapter you’re duty bound to ignore because Uncle Sam told you to ignore it, of course.
> Lazy People Even Lazier
Work worshiping bootlicker, we are overworked. You are currently posting on a board for literature. Literature does not happen in a fucking pressure cooker. Morons get out

>> No.16983924

mobile. its the best because lets get real the device is with u all the time, and whenever u feel like writing, there u go.