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16965181 No.16965181 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the ideas of this book even discussed post-Soviet Union? How isn't this treated in the way as Mein Kampf?

>> No.16965197

>How isn't this treated in the way as Mein Kampf?
You mean like daily threads praising it?
The goals are radically different probably

>> No.16965203

Because it’s easy for conservatives to point to, vilify, and not realize it was a pamphlet for steel mill workers.

>> No.16965205

I don't mean here ofc, in the normally world

>> No.16965222

>How isn't this treated in the way as Mein Kampf?
The Communist Manifesto: "Workers of the world, unite!"
Mein Kampf: "Let's exterminate the Jew and invade other countries and exterminate their ethnic populations as well."

Rightists belong in camps. Disgusting people.

>> No.16965226

Because the 'bourgeois' aren't actually real so are not an identifiable target

>> No.16965229

>Communist Manifesto
Lol. Nobody takes this seriously past rightoids and college students. Marx's actual works like Capital have been influential and are far from "Mein Kampf" tier. Of course communism has been refuted by reality but that doesn't mean capitalism has been affirmed.

>> No.16965240

>Because the 'bourgeois' aren't actually real
>Capitalists aren't real
Are you a retard?

>> No.16965243

I'm referring to the consequences of ideas of both the books

>> No.16965249

>bourgeois aren't real

Okay, this is epic

>> No.16965253

have you ever met a capitalist

>> No.16965263

This isn't the 19th century numbnuts

>> No.16965276

>he thinks "bourgeoise" only refers to industrial capitalists
Based retards. Btw industrial capitalists do still exist they just open factories in China now.

>> No.16965283

Marxism has always been by and for the intelligentsia. It never had anything to do with a worker's revolution, and had everything to do with a clique of sanctimonious ivory tower academics finding new ways to pat each other on the back for liberating the lower classes. Not much has changed in the last 150 years, Marxism is still touted by career academics who wouldn't know labor if it flew over their house, and largely ignored by actual working individuals.

>> No.16965293

Not true. Most Marxists are middle to lower class

>> No.16965294

have you ever met a chinese

>> No.16965296

>why are the ideas of this book even discussed post-Soviet Union
They aren't. Nor were they in the pre-Soviet Union. Nobody has ever seriously discussed the Manifesto.
I'm rating this bait 4/10. It will probably get a few hundred posts on it, but they will probably only amount to about 3 posters arguing about vague socialism. If you had posted a pretty girl holding the Manifesto, it'd probably be significantly better bait, but as it is, 4/10.

>> No.16965301

Yes, I have met plenty. What's your point? Are you going to disprove the bourgeoise exist or what?

>> No.16965308

If Hitler faded into obscurity in the late 1920s and then his work was revived fifty years later and used by some other group it would be a more accurate comparison

>> No.16965310

It doesn't refer to anything because they don't fucking exist it's completely arbitrary

>> No.16965317

Have you ever met lower class working people? The vast majority of them tend to be conservative people. Why the modern fringe left thinks attaching trans and BLM shit to socialism would make it more attractive is beyond me.

>> No.16965322

Have you read mein kampf? Which chapter discusses that jews must be eradicated?
Hitler and Marx had similar ideas, capitalist was just a marxist dogwhistle for jew.

>> No.16965323

Ah yes those adjuncts who need to work two jobs and make 30k a year and who's departments' funds are constantly getting slashed. Ayo fuck college. Fuck education. Fuck literacy. Fuck that liberal bullshit.
Rightists are so fucking retarded.

>> No.16965327

Marxist ideas aren't discussed? Are you a retard or just plain ignorant?

>> No.16965337

Most PEOPLE are lower to middle class. Career academics are a class of their own however. The latte-sipping, glasses-wearing, bearded inner city gentrifier intellectual trope (a la Chapo Trap House) is not working class. The Starbucks Team Lead Anarchist is not working class.

>> No.16965340

It's really not. Are you gonna disprove that some people own property and some people work for those people? You also know that bourgeoise and proletarian aren't the only classes right? Some people who both own property and work are petit-bourgeoise.
Sure, structure has changed since the 19th century but that doesn't mean the bourgeoise don't exist.
>fuck college
Yes, bourgeois faggot.

>> No.16965352

If you don't own capital and your capital is not working for you then you are working class.

>> No.16965353

>adjuncts who need to work two jobs and make 30k a year and who's departments' funds are constantly getting slashed.
Dishonest platitudes aren't going to get you anywhere.

>> No.16965354

Those adjuncts are free to take a job at UPS if teaching college is too tough for them.

>> No.16965358

But working class is defined as anyone who has a waged or salaried labor. Bourgeois are the owners of the means of production.

>> No.16965364

typical anti-intellectual rightists

>> No.16965366

Yeah they have to keep inventing classes because ...? Hmmmmmmm

>> No.16965371

That's both patently false and hilarious evidence of how far the goal posts for "working class" have been moved by the very sanctimonious urbanites who wish to identify with it.

>> No.16965372

Ok you clearly have no clue what you're talking about, please actually read Marx and come back with a principled critique rather than this shit.

>> No.16965374

ahahahah holy shit, this is the most pseud commie hipster thing Ive ever read

>> No.16965382

>This isn't on the wikipedia article!

>> No.16965388

It is true. Those "urbanites" in your head are working class. It seems like you are more absorbed in cultural issues and trying to divide others.

>> No.16965389

>But working class is defined as anyone who has a waged or salaried labor.
This is a meme that upper class white collar academics made up because they wanted to identify with the poor's.

>> No.16965390

Can you lay out what you're trying to say? I'm not a Marxist but this is just pathetic. Letting ESLs online was a mistake.

>> No.16965401

That might have been a good definition in like 1850, but today everyone has partial ownership in companies through 401ks and pension funds. The days one on guy in a tophat personally owning a factory that cranks out "widgets" that then go directly to market is long gone and probably only existed for a few decades anyways.

>> No.16965404

Academics are working class. You are more absorbed in cultural issues and dividing others.

>> No.16965405

Maybe you should read more than just Marx dipshit

>> No.16965411

I have, I've read plenty more than him. So how don't the bourgeoise exist? Still waiting.

>> No.16965412

Well to start with, the author didn't kill a whole lotta people and start a war that nearly broke the earth.

>> No.16965421
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>It's another Marx thread where Wikipedia educated Marxists face off with lolbertarians who don't have any clue what Marx said

>> No.16965424

That's literally not true. The proletariat was specifically defined as manual laborers within the Communist Manifesto. All you philosophy students who work at Starbucks born to land-owning families are not working class.

>> No.16965432

Veblen and Schumpeter have less simplistic and childish "us vs. them" class divisions. Check them out some time if you didn't already learn about them in school like everyone with a degree already did.

>> No.16965441

Yeah same I've read every philosophical work in the world and I still think Marx is 100% accurate

>> No.16965443
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>Academics are working class.

>> No.16965452

you haven't read my philosophical book i'm writing which BTFO's all of western philosophy

>> No.16965455
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>Academics are working class.
I'm glad I ditched Marxism a year ago considering this is the average Marxoid opinion nowadays.

>> No.16965469

Because its ideals are the same as those in which our elites believe.

>> No.16965474

That would be capitalism

>> No.16965477

abolishing value and worker-abolition?

>> No.16965482

ask butterfly she is the biggest pseud on this board

>> No.16965485

Capitalism & socialism: Two forms of managerial ruled, technical slavery
No thanks! Take the distributism pill.

>> No.16965495

No, an egalitarian utopia with no families, no hierarchies, and no states.

>> No.16965508

Distributism and Georgism have their merits too, though I don't see how you got slavery out of socialism.

>> No.16965519

By "slavery" I just meant lack of freedom and being ruled over, subjected to the elite's vision of a "greater purpose". And I mean, in the actual socialist countries there was actual slavery. So that too.

>> No.16965527

>no families and no states
Yes I suppose the elite would want that
>no hierarchies
This makes no sense since the elite would do everything in their power to maintain their power. Why would they give it up to benefit the lower classes?

>> No.16965540

Anyone who makes more than $70k a year is not working class and is a beneficiary of capitalism, and thus are class enemies aligned with the bourgeoisie and their interests.

>> No.16965541

It's not about benefiting the lower classes. It doesn't even have to make sense. Look at how angry they get when JBP starts talking about hierarchy. They are really, really against the idea, for some reason.
Also, you sound like you've never actually had to live around them. Come out to California and you'll see how things are.

>> No.16965542

>Marxist ideas aren't discussed
Not all Marxist ideas are in the manifesto! They're mainly in Capital, The German Ideology, etc.
I'm not anything resembling a Communist. I just don't like bad threads.

>> No.16965545

Both these opinions are retarded and it shows Marxoids have absolutely no clue about how capitalism works.

>> No.16965547

>Not telling them to read Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
Eighty pages that summarize everything.

>> No.16965549

Also, my point has been proven. Since I posted, the number of posts on this thread has increased to 62 from 16, yet the number of posters has only increased by 9, from 10. That means that exactly what I said would happen happened.

>> No.16965575

So this thread is dead? Good. How about we never have another Marx thread?

>> No.16965771
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I hate delusional bugmen that treat philosophy and ideology as a fashion that they can switch out any time. They don't fundamentally understand the concepts they're advocating for and thus fail to realise it's them, not the ideas that suck.

>> No.16965811

>Let's exterminate the Jew and invade other countries and exterminate their ethnic populations as well."
Absolutely kosher. You’ve never read one word of Mein Kampf

>> No.16965861

Pretty obviously bc mein kampf is an autobiography, written by the leader of nazi Germany.

The communist manifesto is a work of political philosophy and not directly tied to the actions of an one country that took up the flag of Marx decades after he died. The 1:1 comparison would be the writings of Stalin and those are arguably even more difficult to get your hands on than even mein kampf.

A mainstream publisher like Verso has published a collection of Mao’s writing but with a lengthy preface that calls him the “Lord of Misrule”

>> No.16966519
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This. I have no idea why people always try to equate communists and nazis. One group explicitly says that they want a world in which all people are free and prosperous. The other group explicitly says that they want a world in which everyone who doesn’t look like them is dead. It should not be a mystery why the two groups get treated differently.

>> No.16966629

TheThe consequences of freedom are murders, rapes, etc.

Ban being human.

>> No.16966666
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Nazi's wanted their people to be prosperous, wanted abolishment of classes. What a strawman, especially since everybody knows what regime has killed most people. Nazism posits that their way of living frees their people of oppression by corporations and bankers and the international community and thus wants freedom too.

>> No.16966679

Because socialism is the only popular alternative

>> No.16966726
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>> No.16966748

blessed post

>> No.16966832

I want to read "mein kampf critical edition" but i don't know if there is and english translation or where can i donwload it.

>> No.16966972

>the consequences of ideas
So just ban everything?

>> No.16966975

>their people
Key words. Everybody else? Yeah just fucking kill them lmao xD ebin!!

>> No.16967124

Stop swallowing war propaganda.

>> No.16967129

It's clear why communism isn't hated as much as fascism

>> No.16967151

>No gods! No masters! And that includes the communist party
That guys fucks

>> No.16967201

Marxism and communism were Jewish movements. Jews in Frankfurt school also built their doctrines in a way that requires the entire western civilization be connected to Nazi death camps so that the western man be decried as a nazi and made feel guilty, should he object to his being erased and destroyed from history. Marxism and communism has always already been a Jewish movement to destroy the Christian civilization so despite its awful consequences it has never been decried, rather after its political failure it was instead transported through academia into the West.

>> No.16967237


>> No.16967241

Sounds like a pre pubescent boy gross

>> No.16967272

>we killed over 100 million people but it's fine because it was for the greater good

>> No.16967283

>we killed over 100 million people

>> No.16968019

its literally 50 pages long, its closer to a manual than a book. The only people that discuss it are baby lefties that haven't read Capital. Its achieved its goal of being an accessible, easy to digest explanation of communism for the layman but as a result people who haven't read anything else praise it like its the bible. It isn't treated the same way as Mein Kampf because the contents aren't nearly as vitriolic.

>> No.16968087

Uhh no I mean by "dropped Marxism" I left the Communist party, idiot.

>> No.16968091

You know, even the coauthors of the book which made that claim declared it an obsession-spawned clump of bullshit and distanced themselves from the entire project.

>> No.16968092

Umm China exists sweetie

>> No.16968105

Is this the new Marxist cope?

>> No.16968121

Take your meds faggot. Marx was pro-white as hell, he thought communism was the next stage of human progress and would make people fulfilled, he also thought Jews should be exterminated. It's only with Lenin that it got "Jewish", Marx denounced vanguardism.

>> No.16968126

I mean the ussr wasn't communist either. There has never been a communist state that's a contradiction of terms. Socialist? Arguably

>> No.16968145

Marx used socialism and communism to mean the same thing so no there can't be "socialist states". China is obviously not socialist. They're capitalist with heavy state intervention.

>> No.16968149

Here’s why the hammer and sickle will never be considered as heinous as the swastika. It’s really simple. Both of them resulted in mass murder and oppression, but the main difference between the two is that with the Communist Manifesto, this mass murder is an unintended consequence. If you read it, you’ll never find any mention of eradicating specific groups of people, in order to bring about a paradise. Paradise may be the goal, but systematic eradication is not seen as a means to achieve this goal.

Mein Kampf is different in this regard. It states explicitly that Judaism must be eradicated entirely before the world can be rid of Marxism. This is the significant difference. It specifically goes out of its way to mention the implementation of brute force and mass murder in order to achieve racial purity and establish the Third Reich

>> No.16968151
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>existential comics


Anon, just take the third positionist pill. Fascism and Communism have far more in common with each-other than they do with liberalized degeneracy. If the world keeps up as it is you won't even have any books left to own, it's all going to get zoomed in and enhanced by globohomo Amazon DRM shit

I dislike you, 30k is plenty and when you have a tenure track position I will feel bad for your students, especially those who may not have your political views. Seek help for your emotional problems before you project them onto your students

>> No.16968173

Explain how you bring communism about (on a large scale) without a state transition. You can't just change hundreds of years of social relations/economic conditions overnight.

>> No.16968180

>Implying Marx didn't advocate for the eradication of Jews too

"Since in civil society the real nature of the Jew has been universally realized and secularized, civil society could not convince the Jew of the unreality of his religious nature, which is indeed only the ideal aspect of practical need. Consequently, not only in the Pentateuch and the Talmud, but in present-day society we find the nature of the modern Jew, and not as an abstract nature but as one that is in the highest degree empirical, not merely as a narrowness of the Jew, but as the Jewish narrowness of society.

Once society has succeeded in abolishing the empirical essence of Judaism – huckstering and its preconditions – the Jew will have become impossible, because his consciousness no longer has an object, because the subjective basis of Judaism, practical need, has been humanized, and because the conflict between man’s individual-sensuous existence and his species-existence has been abolished.

The social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism."-Marx, On the Jewish Question

>> No.16968188

That's the point of the transitionary state. But socialism and communism =/ transitionary state
Read Gotha

>> No.16968204

>Judaism must be eradicated entirely

>> No.16968212

read dosto's demons

>> No.16968223

So what's the transition called? I maybe a theorylet but I thought 'socialism' was the transitionary state

>> No.16968246

>How isn't this treated in the way as Mein Kampf?
because it is good

>> No.16968249

>The question then arises: What transformation will the state undergo in communist society? In other words, what social functions will remain in existence there that are analogous to present state functions? This question can only be answered scientifically, and one does not get a flea-hop nearer to the problem by a thousand-fold combination of the word 'people' with the word 'state'.
>Between capitalist and communist society there lies the period of the revolutionary transformation of the one into the other. Corresponding to this is also a political transition period in which the state can be nothing but the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat.
Read Critique of the Gotha Program and State & Rev. Lenin made socialism and communism different things, but Marx uses them to mean the same thing. They both had the same ideas of the state though, just used different terms.

>> No.16968262

photo of Jesus
and almost double 666

>> No.16968281

holy shit are you illiterate?

>> No.16968357
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>Thanks for proposing a point, it would indeed be troublesome if I had to address it. However, have you considered this non sequitur ad hominem attack?

>> No.16968422

The real answer has been given multiple times so far.

1. Mein Kampf and The Communist Manifesto are formally different types of books. The former is an autobiography and a description of how Hitler came to form his particular worldview. The latter is a theoretical polemic that lays out a critique of capitalism. That difference is essential for the next point.

2a. Mein Kampf was written by Hitler, the leader and driving personality of the Nazi movement and leader of German Nazi state. It’s impossible to separate out any ideas described in Mein Kampf from the actions of the Nazi state because the author of the book and the supreme leader of that state were the same person. There is *no distance* between those two things and thus they must be talked about together. This is especially the case because Mein Kampf ISN’T a theoretical text, it’s a autobiography, and as such there it’s an edifice of concepts that can be abstracted away from the specific personage who wrote them.

2b. Conversely who the authors of the CM were is entirely irrelevant to reading and evaluating the document itself. There is also vastly more distance between the CM and the Soviet Union, which while certainly inspired by the CM was also being led by different people, in a different country, with a different language, nearly 70 years after the publication of the CM.

It’s also important that the CM largely doesn’t lay out a positive programme for how a communist government ought to be structured and governed. The ‘Ten Planks’ are instrumental goals aimed at solidifying political control after a communist party seizes power, they are categorically not in themselves ‘socialism’. They are basically good advice for *any* political movement that wants to seize power in a country.

3. Stalin’s writings ARE basically treated like a Mein Kampf. You can’t find them at regular book stores, people would generally be offended if you sat in public reading them etc. The only people who publish Stalin’s writing are the publishing arms of communist parties, not unlike how Neo nazi material is published and distributed by neo Nazi groups.

If somebody things there is a different reason why those two books are not the same I’d really like to hear it.

>> No.16968441

you belong dead in a ditch with the rest of your race

>> No.16968454
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Go to bed Lee

>> No.16968569

And as an addendum to this:

The Communist Manifesto should never be published with the image of the Hammer and Sickle because that’s a symbol that originated with the Russian Revolution and neither Marx nor Engels would have seen it during their lives. In their time a plain red banner was the standard symbol of the communist movement.

So if people want to be outraged at the hammer and sickle symbol as a symbol of Soviet crimes, by all means. But it’s not even close to identical with Marx.

You should read that work in its entirety. On ‘The Jewish Question’ is an essay responding to a book written by Bruno Bauer called The Jewish Question, and Marx was staking out a far more moderate position than Bauer, who was outrightly calling for the expulsion of Jews from Germany.

In that essay Marx points out that Jews have been put into the position of the usurer by the dominate Christian state and by capitalism, and the traits of Jewish diaspora culture that Germans hate is directly a result of their position within capitalism. He says that this position makes political emancipation of Jews inseparable from emancipation of all humanity from capitalism.

There’s no doubt that the essay is anti Semitic, but it was also from 1843, six years before he wrote the manifesto and decades before he published Capital. To treat it as being part of his mature political thought is just to play a game of pretend.

Marx’s corpus isn’t the Bible, you can’t just take random verses with no regard to where in the book they are and act like they are proof of anything.

>> No.16968588

Thanks for the intelligent post but if we read what you wrote how will we get back to shitflinging

>> No.16968647

Leftism doesn't work.

Every single time it has failed.

>> No.16968668

Marx encouraged massacre and revolution in his life time, there's not a lot of distance.

>> No.16968681

>two destructive individuals working within the same destructive ideology differ in some minor point

That must mean it's not true!!!

>> No.16968699

>revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat.

How do people come up with this kind of bullshit and not realize that it's not possible?

>> No.16968704

>There is *no distance* between those two things and thus they must be talked about together.

We should abolish everything the French Revolutionaires championed then.

>> No.16968716

> To treat it as being part of his mature political thought is just to play a game of pretend.
Is there any indication that he changed his thoughts on the issue? Why can’t that phrase be considered sufficient? People can hold onto their beliefs for a lifetime

>> No.16968719

read this and keep in mind that every socialist country has been under constant threat, sanctions, trade wars, actual wars or straight up invasions by capitalist powers, especially the USA.

>> No.16968725

Because Russia wasnt occupied by foreign army, dummy. Most of the people still consider communism to be a good thing, if you start banning shit people like it will undermine your legitimacy more than if you just let the shit circulate.

>> No.16968739

Liberal democracies dabbed on every other regime during past two centuries. Only regime that has potential to defeat liberal democracies atm is chinky socialism.

>> No.16968831

>read this
How about no.

>> No.16968963

what are you doing on a literature and philosophy board? let me summarise it for you.
its a study showing that every socialist country has had better living conditions at the same level of economic developement than any capitalist country.

>> No.16968978

this board is so low iq it hurts. it hurts if you read marx. it hurts if you read guénon. it hurts if you read it all.

>> No.16969119

The difference here is between Rousseau and Robespierre. Examining the thought of Robespierre cannot be divided from the events of the French Revolution and the actions he took during those events.

Examining the role Rousseau’s thought played in the revolution is an interesting and important context but how we evaluate and understand Rousseau’s political thought doesn’t live or die on our evaluation of the revolution.

Same goes for our evaluation of Locke’s politics and the American revolution, versus Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton.

All these comparisons are false to some extent because unlike Stalin, Robespierre, and Jefferson, Hitler’s book *isn’t principally a theoretical text*, it’s an autobiography. There is no set of arguments or theoretical system explicitly laid out, there is just the collection of things Hitler believes and the experiences he had that led him to those beliefs.

The point of the book is to make the case for his leadership. Not about the nature of inequality between men, the pursuit of liberty, the alienation of man in the division of labour etc. Hitler hoped you would finish his book and say ‘wow I really believe in this Hitler guy’.

First is that it’s before Marx had begun series study on the texts that would form the major influence for his mature work. It’s like talking about Heidegger before he read Husserl, or Kant before he read Hume. There is a reason why people make a distinction when talking about what Kant thought, and what ‘pre-critical Kant’ thought.

The second reason is that unlike a number of his contemporaries, antisemitism or any discussion about the Jews is extremely sparse in his mature published works, and has no structural importance to his system of politics or economics. This is in complete contrast with the Anarchists Proudhon and Bukharin for whom antisemitism was an integral part of their public politics.

The question isn’t ‘was Marx antisemitic’, the question is ‘was antisemitism a feature of Marx’s mature politics’, and the answer to that is no.

I’d even go further an say that even if Marx was writing antisemitic tracts on the side, it’s entirely possible to conclude that such a belief is in contradiction to the rest of his politics. I believe this is the case with Kant and Hegel’s racism. It’s very obvious that Kant’s racism is in clear contradiction to his ethics, and attempt to ‘cancel’ Kant for comments he made about Africans is absurd and counter to any standard of rational sympathy necessary for communication.

>> No.16969131

Because the theory of fascism is inherently despicable, whereas the theory of communism is at the very least debatable. There is a peaceful, "correct" way to practice communism. Not so with fascism. Also, Mein kampf doesn't even represent fascism, it's just the memoir of a psychopath.

>> No.16969423

how retarded are you?

>> No.16969448

Spurious and strawmanning

>> No.16970378

You haven't read Mein Kampf. Not that it's any good, but you haven't read it.

>> No.16970407

> One group explicitly says that they want a world in which all people are free and prosperous

That's the nazis, yeah. Commies want an anti-human religious dictatorship that forces people to become what they are not.

>> No.16970419

How would you know, you haven't the faintest idea what fascism is besides the cartoonish representations used to indoctrinate you. To understand fascism you'd have to be able to think critically, and read independently.

>> No.16970456

Hitler was not a psychopath. If you had basic knowledge about his thinking and personality, you'd know that. I think it's fairly revealing that Hitler is just some boogeyman in your head rather than a human being.
Fascism is not inherently despicable, it is an ideology with a powerful, positive drive behind it. But of course, fascism is one of those words that can mean whatever you want it to mean, so whatever. It's probably little more than just a loose image-category in your head referring to the *other*

>> No.16970484

I may ask you the same, there are numerous places where you can apologize and shill for leftism, /lit/ is not one of those places.

Now kindly fuck off you retarded leftist.

>> No.16970494

Yes, the Soviet Union was an innocent little bunny bullied by big evil capitalist countries like Finland. No wonder it collapsed!

>> No.16970529

And yet here you are, shilling for the right. Why should only we shut up? There's no rule that says "no leftism." I've been here for years and I'm not leaving.

>> No.16970680

>read this and keep in mind that every socialist country has been under constant threat, sanctions, trade wars, actual wars or straight up invasions by capitalist powers, especially the USA.
Every capitalist country was under constant threat of fellow capitalist countries and the Soviet Union who was literally invading other countries to impose its system in

>> No.16970709

Holy shit, they manage to get a p-value of <0.001 from a single observation! One can only marvel at such statistical wizardry that must have made such a conclusion possible! Alternatively, they don't know what the fuck they're doing. One of those.
Seems like they're not aware of MLR.3, AND they assume homoskedasticity of the error term. Given their "variance analysis" section I'm not even sure they're aware of the existence of heteroskedasticity robust standard errors, which is not unlikely given the articles age.

>> No.16970727
File: 1.24 MB, 1707x2560, Debunking Utopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Sweden was really under such sublimation.

Or, perhaps, the socialist experiment doesn't work.

>> No.16970740

This study isn't even remotely good because it reeks of selection bias; of course communism looks better when you compare it to African countries, that are capitalist, and mostly underdeveloped due to colonialism. Why not compare those countries before their revolutions; I guarantee you they were better off than Africa.

>> No.16970881

The study is horrible, it use statistical methods the authors do not understand, which do not apply. Not only is it not i.i.d., there's multicollinearity and assumed homoskedasticity.

>> No.16970995

anyone got that jordan peterson greentext about his family/ daughter and how fucked up it all is?

>> No.16972153

Yeah, because of war propaganda and decades of left-leaning media and academic figures being wary fo putting as severe anti-communist propaganda into peoples' heads as anti-fascist. By the way, in countries with an intimate relationship with communism it is hated plenty. Too few people today have a real relationship with fascism to understand why it is bad, instead resorting to strawmen. Fascism is not the third way it promised to be, but it's core beliefs pay much more respect to the human soil than communism ever did. They also, like communism, allowed tyrannical governments to commit war atrocities. Both are inferior to what came before them, so get off your commie high horse

>> No.16972206


Because to judge Marx as a failed father and deadbeat procrastinating faggot is to engage in Ad Hominem. It is also a personal attack on every professor who contributes nothing. To attack his ideas is to attract pseud faggots who will say anything that is blatantly wrong in capital is intentionally wrong to confound the fake readers from the real ones. The understanding on inputs has changed so much since his time, LTV is embarrassing. Also people tend to read the Manifesto and Capital and apply our current definitions to the words used, when the words in the books meant something else entirely. Like a lot of Marx's economics are in the ricardian sense (such as wages) and not how you would understand them now.