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File: 13 KB, 302x468, youngvidal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16965124 No.16965124 [Reply] [Original]

>Sex is. There is nothing more to be done about it. Sex builds no roads, writes no novels and sex certainly gives no meaning to anything in life but itself.

>> No.16965137

Why would we listen to a fag's sex advice

>> No.16965138
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I honestly cannot describe to you how desperate I am for a wife.

I'm 27, a virgin, and have never even had a girlfriend in my life, but more than anything else in the world, I want a wife.

>> No.16965142

'Incels' don't exist in an era where anybody anywhere around the world could fuck a whore tonight, likely legally and in a clean and well regulated brothel depending on the country. The problem is much deeper then sex in of itself.

>> No.16965155
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>There is no human problem which could not be solved if people would simply do as I advise.

>> No.16965180

Want a life first.
Look after yourself, love yourself. Make friends. Practice runs on dating sites (they’re so abysmal. Don’t expect much, just have fun with it) meet more and more friends. Build your confidence up so much that you stop longing so desperately.
Eventually you could find a mate, but the road I’m pointing you in will at the very least lead you to happiness and fulfillment.
But good luck to us all.

>> No.16965185

My dude, if it's legal you should at least start seeing prostitutes just to get the sexual frustration out. Sexual frustration will destroy you.

>> No.16965189

I hope you fall down a hole and die

>> No.16965216


It isn't legal. What now?

>> No.16965245

butters is actually right for once you child

>> No.16965258

Me too bro. At this point I don't even care about sex I just want a hug.

>> No.16965272

Well, the next step is for you to find out whether or not the law is actually enforced. I can't tell you what to do with that information, though, so don't ask.

>> No.16965275

He's wrong. Pussy is life.

>> No.16965287


cringe. more like gore vidunce

>> No.16965303

Sex is wonderful and oddly not that important
Or is it important and not that wonderful once you get the hang of it?
Depends on your age and experiences with it, I think.
Anyway, it’s okay as a motivator sometimes.

>> No.16965321

I was a virgin until last year, twenty-five now. I can now say with perfect confidence that sex is the most amazing experience in life and that I have deep regret that I put it off for so long. Sex should be a human right, like shelter and water.

>> No.16965335
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cringe redditor verbose non-decider wordsalad, both wonderful and important, but never okay. remember that and maybe you'll be worth remembering.

>> No.16965434

Said the poster of long dead 2010 memes

>> No.16965438

Brainlet hands typed this post.

>> No.16965448

Maybe I am a brainlet, but I’d gladly knock off ten points from my IQ for guaranteed sex every week

>> No.16965450


>> No.16965454

t. virgin

>> No.16965461

He doesn't like it when women speak to him.

>> No.16965463

Vidal was relentlessly handsome.

>> No.16965467

When's the last time you got pussy, Butters? just asking?

>> No.16965473
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says the ROOTLESS 1990s FUKUYAMA cosmopolitan of half-baked references and ENDLESS dawdling (rude). SEX (as negative) will help you. SEX (not) will save you. and until SEX (in the non-state) is met you ARE the DYEL of thought and SEXcore thinking. CRINGE, QED, usw.

>> No.16965503

If prostitution is legal in your country, just start seeing prostitutes. After a while, you'll calm down.

>> No.16965523
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Like a year and a half.

>> No.16965946

take your meds, schizo

>> No.16966006

Very based

>> No.16966068

Based butter-kun

>> No.16966075
File: 25 KB, 600x484, 10849456-1C39-4D75-9A8A-F824F04D607A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make friends. Practice runs on dating sites
fuck off

>> No.16966099

breh, did you know that JAYWALKING is ILLEGAL? why can't you just stay on the SIDE-WALK like a proper citizen?

>> No.16966110

the style is good, if overwrought. Needs less uppercaps. Needs longer sentences to achieve full potential. 6.8/10

>> No.16966115

What is this redditry on my board. You know no one upvotes you here. Why do you keep posting normie advice?

>> No.16966118

Oh walk it off.

>> No.16966128

I was a virgin since last year and sex was so underwhelming that I'm pretty much content with just jacking off for the rest of my life now.

>> No.16966140

clean your room level advice

>> No.16966158

sex with someone you truly love is fantastic, ngl. The kind of sex where you make out during, laugh in the dark afterward, and go to sleep spooning

>> No.16966166

The sad thing is that it never lasts. After some time your hormone levels normalize and suddenly you feel like she is a completely different person. All that wonderful, magical time was based on illusions.

>> No.16966180

yes, but nothing lasts, not the pleasures of companionship, women, great literature, the mcgangbang. I think it's better this way, if pleasure were not ephemeral then we would grow extremely complacent and full of ennui. i think our expectation of love to be eternal comes from legends, lies, hopeful projection, and hollywood's bottom line.

>> No.16966200

Stopped reading there. Shut the FUCK UP. Stupid bitch.

>> No.16966217

I bet this faggot couldn't hold in his shits anymore so he had to wear diapers.

>> No.16966240

Too much effort to achieve

>> No.16966264

it was no effort at all, things escalated quite naturally between us. in those days, i could stay up all night just chatting with someone. damn i miss being young

>> No.16966270

True but for me all those false expectations were what made it feel good. Now it's only one more mundane pleasure.

>> No.16966276

It's like going to a cathedral. If you are a Christian, you will visit the cathedral and all those painting and statues feel like representations of God and the holy itself, it can be quite breathtaking.
If you lose your faith however, those statues are only pretty statues.

>> No.16966277

Tfw never got to experience this

>> No.16966287

I'm not a normalfag

>> No.16966290

ginourmously thadleuscent and based

>> No.16966331

Covid drought?

>> No.16966363

The desire for sex is anachronistic. It's just another way our more basal monkey brains want to sabotage us. If every human being stopped having sex tomorrow, our species would be able to continue on with techniques like in vitro fertilization. Actual sex has no evolutionary necessity anymore, but it still manages to rule the world, creating strife and misery along the way. It's an inefficiency. I'm not trying to say that you shouldn't have sex, but I hope if you're reading this and your unrequited desire for sexual activity causes you distress that this helps contextualize things. People who spend their lives in search of sex and value it above all else are slaves to their own humanity. It's hard to deprogram yourself in a contemporary, highly sexualized Western society ruled by extroverts, but it's absolutely possible.

>> No.16966894

>It's just another way our more basal monkey brains want to sabotage us
>he thinks there's some other part of his brain than the monkey basal part

>> No.16966909

retarded materialist

>> No.16966932

Thought I made a mistake entering this thread. I was wrong.

>> No.16966933

It wouldnt fix your problems anon

>> No.16967046

I try to think of it as a biological urge, like the expelling of waste. My sex drives gets going, so I have to go blow a load and then I can get back to what I was doing before. Anything other than fapping is a waste of time. I don't need to cultivate a relationship with someone to help me take a shit. The same for having an orgasm.

>> No.16967181

Exactly, I agree completely. What I say when I reference the more basal monkey brain, per >>16966894, is intended to hint at the procedural nature of evolution and how our biology interfaces with contemporary lifestyles. We are, essentially, the same organisms we were 10,000 years ago. At a certain point we became so well adapted to our environments that we stopped just interacting with them, but exploiting, improving, shaping them. This led, obviously, to the tremendous pace of technological development with which we are all familiar. The problem is that—and I believe this is a genuine irony—by virtue of mastering our environment, we created one we are biologically unsuited for. Evolution works on much longer timescales than just the few thousand years in which we've seen this quantum leap in technology. The physical structures of our brains evolved over the course of millions of years, reacting to our environments and developing specific behaviors to adapt. Then, in the literal blink of an evolutionary eye, we find ourselves not in 120-person tribes, but in massive urban developments full of so many people that we'd never be able to meet and say just "hello" to in an entire lifetime. Inside all of us is this little monkey brain which just wants to fuck, suck, and swallow. These are the results of what can accurately be called neural vestigial structures. It's a crazy world we live in and there's no solution except to hold on for dear life, if you can manage that. If we listen to the little monkey too much and have no cognizance of even his existence, we set ourselves up for another death of despair. While changing a social structure this big is impossible (especially something abstract, for which there's no easy branding like #BLM) the cognizance itself is helpful.

I'm all for taking personal responsibility, but there's only so far it can go. The structures we've created around ourselves were the mental children of so many men that it's impossible to understand anything but a little slice of it. Sometimes you really are powerless.

>God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference

>> No.16967195


>> No.16967202

>capitalism is not wholesome, we should replace it with economic democracy
>yet sexual capitalism is a-okay!
what did this braindead tranny anarchist mean by this?

>> No.16967212

Why can you retards not go more than fifteen seconds without making some inane shitpost about political ideologies? It's like watching the deepest, darkest black jungle nigger salivate over which sportsball team is their favorite. It's the exact same behavior, only your favorite superstars wrote books instead of tossing around chunks of inflatable leather. People like you are the most tiresome drones alive, and the problem is that you're multiplying. Everywhere I look there's some political zealot salivating at the mouth who feels the need to throw shit to reinforce his sense of ingroup solidarity. Literally fucking NPCs.

>> No.16967220

>commie wordsalad
No thanks waiter

>> No.16967222
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>sex and love won't make you happy brah, you just godda love yourself
Trust me from experience anons, this is just another lie the system perpetuates for you to keep on eating shit. It won't solve all your problems but only a retard would ever assume it would.

>> No.16967230

I'm just happy Vidalposting has taken off in /lit/

>> No.16967253

What a blissful world you must live in, full to the brim with phantoms and cardboard cutouts.

>> No.16967762

Are you actually trying to equate prostitution and jaywalking?

>> No.16967772


>genetic dead end wants muh waifu

Nigger you can't even get a date, let alone a wife. Get a clue.

>> No.16967782

>It's like watching the deepest, darkest black jungle nigger salivate over which sportsball team is their favorite
I keked

>> No.16967784

I'm pretty sure he's aware, dumdum

>> No.16967806 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16967821

I'm not asking for a wheat field blond girl in a dress. Just someone that can browse 4chan with me and hasn't had sex yet just like me.

>> No.16967905

Sex aint a big deal dude, Wait what you haven't had sex yikes ummm yeesh uhhh incels you should basically be dead

>> No.16967910

trips of truth

>> No.16967922

Honestly most girls aren't virgins by the time they hit 20 (youngest plausible age you're gonna get). So just accept your best bet is a girl with 1 or 2 bodies.

>> No.16967928

Just have sex, jesus fucking christ. Go on Tinder or go out and talk to people when things open up more. Moan moan moan moan moan.

>> No.16967943

So sex for just procreation got boring and now sex for just recreation got boring. What next?

>> No.16967963

Don't underestimate the value of an experienced gf teaching you sex tricks. It changed my life

>> No.16967979
File: 90 KB, 1024x615, 1_ZD90J3F8BfxbJGtGJTl3Qg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on Tinder

>> No.16968191

Sex as deliberate evildoing.

>> No.16968207

I can't fathom sharing my life with someone else, there is nothing more blissful to me in this life than being alone
Anticipating the inevitable "cope" responses but that's how I feel and having sex only reinforced that impression

>> No.16968658

I don't think this is cope, anon. I genuinely believe it would be too difficult for someone to have my presence inflicted upon them every single day of their lives for more than a couple of years. Being alone allows me to decide how far I want to go with people. I don't want to experience again getting very invested in a relationship and having it end bad. I honestly do not think a relationship can end well. I do not know of happily married couples. The best I have seen is people who strategically manage to stand each other's bad traits by ignoring them. So I am opting out. I enjoy the company of females as friends, short term relations, and that is all. I don't want to ruin mine, or their lives, by living together.

>> No.16968661

bully for you

>> No.16968706

>t. coomer

>> No.16968779

>sexual capitalism

Even your dumb ass would get laid in a anarcho-communist world

>> No.16968849


>> No.16968861


>> No.16968898

based, don"t listen to those faggots. Sex without love is pointless.

>> No.16968921

Lmaooooooo, why would women sleep with ugly dudes in that world when one of the key reasons they could get laid now is power/money. Sounds like that world is Pussy4Chad only

>> No.16969059

Honestly people like you (ugly, resentful, bitter) should just be put to death

>> No.16969079

Kek I have a gf, I just see the reality that no situation on earth is going to make incels fuckable

>> No.16969082


>> No.16969090

I agree with you. I'm just tense around people.

>> No.16969220
File: 106 KB, 500x662, comment_1591050164niP3LZGYJCYkfXcCUZCQe7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even your dumb ass would get laid in a anarcho-communist world
For a materialist (weren't Epicurus, Stirner and Nietzsche materialists?) you seem very fond of idealistic wishful thinking. Pic very much related

>> No.16969229

Women think men are ugly, so what? Women go way more for personality.

>> No.16969254
File: 121 KB, 1000x696, blackpill+101+looks+personality+okcupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women think men are ugly, so what?
Specifically - women think 80 PERCENT OF MALE POPULATION is either average or below average in terms of raw physical attractiveness, if that doesn't bother you you've been brainwashed by this gynocentric society of ours.
>Women go way more for personality
LMAO cope

>> No.16969295

You're citing an OkCupid survey, this isn't exactly a representative sample.

>> No.16969312

Hit the gym. Groom yourself. Make a Tinder account and pay for it. Then when you finally land a date have some glasses of wine to ease the nerves. Keep repeating this cycle until you'll find someone as dorky and broken as you (I don't mean this in a bad way). Good luck

>> No.16969316

>80% is average
Isn't that what 'average' means?

>> No.16969330

This is pretty typical of Vidal's bitchier hyperboles in reaction to both puritanical control-freaks and reckless slovens with hardly anything except sex on their to-do lists, but it's not that different from Montaigne's down-to-earth view of the matter. He is of course also talking about the physical act specifically, as opposed to eros in the broader sense of the term, which he affirms as necessary to everything else worth doing--though it is a little depressing to have to spell that out here. I'm more romantically inclined than either were, but my jimmies aren't particularly rustled by those who aren't, even when they gripe about the disastrous extremes & expectations that commonly go with it when those involved aren't all that bright.

>> No.16969331
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>You're citing an OkCupid survey, this isn't exactly a representative sample.
How much more does this graph representing the popularity of online dating have to go up for bluepillers to stop regurgitating their already debunked talking points? Is 80% enough?

>> No.16969339

Just give up already. Kill the part of you that desires a mate. Don't even let yourself hope for one. Just accept that you'll never get a wife just you'll never go to the moon or win the Nobel Prize. It's just not your fate.

t. wizard

>> No.16969352

What's the point of doing anything if women did not exist? Imagine writing just so other "intellectuals" give you a hand job? RIP.

>> No.16969359

Your parents, and their parents, and their parents before them, and so on almost ad infinitum until the very inception of life itself not only had sex but managed to successfully procreate. It’s not that hard.

>> No.16969365

>Good luck
Should have said that to his parents when they were conceiving him, there's no gym for your face and with bad genetics (which means being less attractive than the top 20% of men in 2020, see here >>16969220) your advice is utterly worthless
No, take a look at the distribution of how men rated women.

>> No.16969378

>What's the point of doing anything if women did not exist?
Imagine being this much of a cumbrain.

>> No.16969381

>Your parents, and their parents, and their parents before them, and so on almost ad infinitum until the very inception of life itself not only had sex but managed to successfully procreate. It’s not that hard.
They all lived prior to the sexual revolution which shifted the sexual market dynamics markedly in favor of women. All of these people you've mentioned wouldn't have been able to get laid had they lived in 2020

>> No.16969399

Men are pretty ugly though. However women aren't that bothered by appearance so it doesn't really matter.
I mean don't you think you'd get similar results if you asked men how funny or interesting women were?

>> No.16969417

>Your parents, and their parents, and their parents before them, and so on almost ad infinitum until the very inception of life itself not only had sex but managed to successfully procreate. It’s not that hard.
Femoid hands wrote this post
>I mean don't you think you'd get similar results if you asked men how funny or interesting women were?
The absolute state of bluepillers

>> No.16969430

>The absolute state of bluepillers
Am I not correct?

>> No.16969458

>Am I not correct?
Not the point. You didn't supply anything in support of your statement. Granted, blackpill is not a scientific ideology by any standard (although its future as a science looks bright, what irony) but it's 100x more scientific than the bluepill. You could reproach me for having provided a biased study, not big enough sample size etc. and you'd be correct however at least I provided something

>> No.16969484

>Not the point.
So yes I am correct but you don't want to deal with it.

>> No.16969528

It’s hard to take you seriously when you’re still non-ironically aligning yourself with “pills” like a retarded gamer bugman from six years ago, as if the biggest threat against society is Anita Sarkeesian and the next Sargon video is about to drop. Jesus Christ, grow up.

>> No.16969545

incredibly based

>> No.16969567

Oh wow, Gore Vidal actually wrote something intelligent for once instead of simping for leftist faggots and losing arguments to William F. Buckley.

>> No.16969580

I'm going to have to remember that one. I got in trouble for calling football Niggercollision.

>> No.16969593

I am trying to do this at 30 but I simply seem not to be able to accept it. Really pathetic...

>> No.16969631

Do this if you're Left-Wing, because your genes are inferior and you deserve extinction. Racially, culturally, morally and genetically inferior.

If you're Right Wing, go to church.

White men in decent shape are the most beautiful creatures in existence. When women say that everyone is ugly, what they're actually saying is that most men aren't white enough to be truly attractive.

>> No.16969686

why are righties so gay

>> No.16969691

Cousin marriage is always an option in my country.

>> No.16969746
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Retroactively refuted by Socrates and Plato
Shame really, he simply could not compete with the Diotimic doctrine.

>> No.16970309

because a male fag has forgotten more things about fucking than you even know

>> No.16970319
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>> No.16970335

>White men in decent shape are the most beautiful creatures in existence
So you're a fag, got it.

>> No.16970916

Yes, but also 80% or so of tjeir brothers did not procreate.
In every generation a large number of men did not procreate. Its not about being a good man, its also about being better than othets. Obviously not everyone can be at the top, thats the definition of the top.

>> No.16970975

Because you’d be okay with the “ugly” girls who flirt with you.
I know a woman. Like why is she married with a son, so unattractive. Her husband is old and ugly.
I bet he’s uglier than you (externally)

>> No.16970992

I don’t think this is a healthy fetish of self love.
Still, you could meet some dominatrix ... naw. I still think it’s unhealthy.

>> No.16971012

ugly people marrying is just sad

>> No.16971029

Bro you are legit gay
So were the greeks and the romans

>preaching extinction
>if are on the same political brasinwashing camp as me you are fine
Id say go to church yourself but you probably never have in your sad short life. I doubt youve even read the ten commandments. Pathetic.
Take your own medicine, chud.

>> No.16971040
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Happy people, no matter how ugly, is never sad.

>> No.16971098

Go to /x/.
Go to /succ/ thread(s).
Get spirit waifu.

>> No.16971897

>Hades & Persephone

>> No.16971905

Can someone explain this chart to me?

>> No.16971935

what else are you gonna do, sleep late?

>> No.16971952

>Not in a bad way

Literally fuck your own ass

>> No.16971959

Why do incels like charts from dating websites so much. Stat cope?

>> No.16971974

Sex feels good because your biology wants to reproduce itself.

>> No.16972008

Are Vidal's books any good? Burr and Julian sound like fun.

>> No.16972057

That's nice sweaty, but how can you build roads or write novels in the future without a reproduction?

Protip: u can't
>Have sex.

>> No.16972068
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>> No.16972078

>Men are pretty ugly though. However women aren't that bothered by appearance so it doesn't really matter.
Wrong. I did not ask to be designed by tasteless and erroneous bonobos. Even if I was to be a genetic dead end etc. etc. and hated by all, I should at least have had a decent designer so I could love myself.
Now I just look 'handsome' and it hasn't given me anything. Sure I could 'take' from women and a lot of women but that's merely repeating what led to this point to begin with.
Women, learn to have a good taste. Have beauty standards that aren't dehumanizing. You can assure yourselves that both sexes will win with this; women will not need to paint a fake face on top of their own because they will have inherited decent DNA.
It's not like you value breeding at all, so why obey neurotic patterns?

>> No.16972079
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>In The Atlantic magazine interview, "A Conversation with Gore Vidal" (October 2009), by John Meroney, Vidal spoke about topical and cultural matters of U.S. society. Asked his opinion about the arrest of the film director Roman Polanski, in Switzerland, in September 2009, in response to an extradition request by U.S. authorities, for having fled the U.S. in 1978 to avoid jail for the statutory rape of a thirteen-year-old girl in Hollywood, Vidal said, "I really don't give a fuck. Look, am I going to sit and weep every time a young hooker feels as though she's been taken advantage of?"

>Asked for elaboration, Vidal explained the cultural temper of the U.S. and of the Hollywood movie business in the 1970s:

>The [news] media can't get anything straight. Plus, there's usually an anti-Semitic and anti-fag thing going on with the press – lots of crazy things. The idea that this girl was in her communion dress, a little angel, all in white, being raped by this awful Jew Polacko – that's what people were calling him – well, the story is totally different now [2009] from what it was then [1970s] ... Anti-Semitism got poor Polanski. He was also a foreigner. He did not subscribe to American values, in the least. To [his persecutors], that seemed vicious and unnatural.

—Gore Vidal

>> No.16972125

I am going to commit a mass shooting and cite your post as an influence in my manifesto.

>> No.16972163

If you're triggered by facts and numbers then you're the one coping bro
I'm the guy who posted the chart. The Gini coefficient is a measure of inequality of income distribution, the higher it is the more unequal the distribution. As we see on this chart the distribution of "likes" on Tinder is more unequal than in over 90% of world economies.

>> No.16972193 [DELETED] 
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Fucking kike

>> No.16972717


>> No.16972719

You'll only elevate her to the national spotlight as a victim of another incel's rage, possibly kickstarting her poetry career

>> No.16972725

holy based

>> No.16972736

gotta protect the tribe

>> No.16972848

>Abused as a child so was weird about sex/flirting for ages
>Now can't get past the inexperience

Any advice for getting past inexperience? Women seem to hate it.

>> No.16972901

It won’t help. You need to learn and work to becomes someone you can love before you will find any happiness. A wife will give you some good feelings at first, but it fades if you still don’t love yourself. I learned this the hard way

>> No.16973080


This is an unironic post.

>> No.16973094

Take xannies and drink liquor

>> No.16973136

I have a wife. Shit's pretty cash, desu. She makes tasty food and cleans our house.
I am not a fan of how she gets mad at me for not making the bed. I feel as though I shouldn't have to make the bed, because we just get it all unmade every night when we sleep in it.
This is small potatoes, of course, but I really do wish she would calm down about the bed among other minor things.

>> No.16973139

She'll stop complaining about the bed if you hit her

>> No.16973140

>hard time getting laid? listen to this based faggot!
No wonder so many men aren't having sex.

>> No.16973181
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Thank God.

>> No.16973192

Yeah. Those are good reads

>> No.16973201

Probably because as a child beds were required to be made and this gave her a comforting sense of order, as well as being symbolic of continuity between the two domestic lives.

A made bed is also much more comfortable to climb into.

>> No.16973208

>I like reading faggots
Yes we know.

>> No.16973224
File: 25 KB, 324x499, 34053E2F-FAFF-4EC7-9ADC-A954A246B10C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you know

>> No.16973236

Just try not to think about it, the past is only as real as you make it. If you literally don't have a thought in your head related to the subject, you can't feel any way about it.
Either be content with your level of experience, and write girls off who try to shame you for it. Or accept that you want more experience, and laugh off what she's saying because you're trying to fuck her not justify your life choices.

>> No.16973509

You know when you're playing a Hitman game and you just brutally murder an innocent civilian npc and feel nothing, but you're also excited that you feel nothing? If you view women the same way you will be successful. I am not joking. I am completely fucking real here. The most successful you can be with women is when you think of them as entities that aren't real, and when you just say and do things to show you're interested in them without thinking about it. The more dissociated you are the easier it is to talk to totally random women. Get of your head. With this method I've talked to plenty of girls who were total strangers, just talking to them for no reason. They've always at least smiled at me, I met one of my girlfriends that way. The best way I can explain it is you have to have the same mindset talking to women that you do when playing Skyrim and murdering an entire village while thinking "I'll load the quicksave when I'm done." The less consequence you think there's going to be, the easier it is to do. When you do it without thinking, it's the easiest thing in the world. Don't think about it.

>> No.16973699

No one thinks like this, you are a broken person

>> No.16973919

everything butterboy said was good advice. if you don't want to listen to it then you really enjoy your misery and don't want to get out of it. the thing about you loser incels is that you refuse to listen to good advice and would rather continue to wallow in your comfortable sadness than be temporarily uncomfortable in service of potentially making your life better. it is completely within you to break the chains of being a sad loser but most of you never even bother to try. i'm not saying it's easy, but it is possible.
i don't care if this is bait or not but god it's so fucking obvious that you people actually love to hate yourselves and masturbate to the thought of victimizing yourself forever. go make a friend in real life you autismos

"normie advice" is the only advice that will get you laid. or even help you find a person who will love you for who you are. continue to post pictures of frogs on the internet, that'll work out great for you

>> No.16974252

You know how other people think and process reality? Damn bro how do you do it?

>> No.16974270

I have the best advice for getting a gf: talk to women, then make them your gfs
Buy my ebook

>> No.16974693

>I am not a fan of how she gets mad at me for not making the bed. I feel as though I shouldn't have to make the bed, because we just get it all unmade every night when we sleep in it.
Holy based, I can't tell you how many times I've heard exactly this story from the people around me.
>This is small potatoes, of course, but I really do wish she would calm down about the bed among other minor things.
Talk to her about it. I'm sure you'll be able to figure something out if you speak calmly and compassionately to her.

>> No.16974762

What's with the increase in Gore Vidal threads?

>> No.16974805

You're moving too far outside the 4chan users milieu, butta. They know only the ugly and the sad and the faint ghost of happiness you can experience while living the life of another through escapism. To them a beautiful person loving an ugly duckling is a cruel meme and two ugly people finding happiness together is equally cruel in its fantastic impossibility for them because it requires a mindset of doing and reciprocating and they are mentally paralyzed.

God, this place is stagnant beyond belief.

>> No.16974812

What's with the uptick in reddit tourists lately?

>> No.16974822

Is that what you tell yourself after fucking your landwhale wife?

>> No.16974825

Been on 4chan since 2008 and I have periodically visit this board (with large gaps) since 2010. What makes you think I'm a tourist and not just sick from watching this place steadily decline?

>> No.16974839

Your support for Butterfly and your hatred of this place.
I've been here for about as long, and it seems to me that the site's userbase has always been this way. Instead of attacking others and contributing to the general air of negativity here, why not tell those people something that might actually benefit them?

>> No.16974858

Tbh maybe viewing women as objects in this way isn’t the best long term solution, but basically he’s spot on if you want to just talk to them and shit

>> No.16974889

>why not tell people something that will actually benefit them
No, I'd rather rub your face in the dirt because you deserve it you fucking pleb. You get all mealymouthed when somebody points out how retarded you are, trying to pull the ragged, inadequate curtain over your inadequacies while your filth covered ass hangs out for all to see.

I'm not here to program the sad and the lonely, I think that's a pointless task. I think Butts is just as stupid as any edgy faggot for trying to point any of you in the "right" direction and is wasting her time. It's better to denigrate the shitposters and incels than it is to waste time trying to reform them. More satisying anyway. Hell, if I could, I'd shoot you with a Puckel gun.

This board is about books, not fucking social work.

>> No.16974904

I have a girlfriend and I go to an elite university. I have no problems in my life. I'm just not interested in attacking people who are clearly suffering.

>> No.16974952

>A made bed is also much more comfortable to climb into.
Eat shit.
When I leave my bed in the morning, the blankets and pillows are fairly undisturbed from their positions that I find most comfortable. In the evening, the bed requires only small re-adjustments to the position of optimal comfort rather than the much longer process of made bed--->comfy bed.

>> No.16974995

They resent being taught anything and are incapable of implementing it until they finally (if they are lucky) galvanize their wills to solve their little predicaments. There's nothing you are capable of suggesting that they might not read in a book and fitfully ignore. In a way, insults are better; they offer no clues and spur the victim to take action, if only to escape or retort. That might be the only lesson I have ever learned in this place.

Surely you aren't moved with genuine pity to waste your time giving life advice when you could be posting about an actual book.

>> No.16975014

can you imagine how much sex vidal had in his lifetime? popular literary figure in one of the sleaziest eras. this guy fucked.

>> No.16975199

>Your support for Butterfly and your hatred of this place
See? He has nothing to do with re**it.
Why attribute a reasonable point to them? You know he made a good point in that post

>> No.16975648

I hope you fall into a well and become a vengeful spirit

>> No.16975969
File: 188 KB, 1096x2893, Homosexual Statistics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average homosexual male has over a thousand partners. Any rando glory-hole cruiser does the same.

Vidal made it to 85 so he probably had a lot less sex than most.

>> No.16976388

He had so much sex, with both men and women that by 25, he said he had a thousand sexual encounters.

>> No.16976432

Very based take. I will use this to cope with my inceldom

>> No.16976476

In the left pic he was divorced raped by the woman in the right pic

>> No.16976500

reactionary lesbian btfo by modern heterosexual

>> No.16976526

I don't get this. If you sum up everything it goes over 100% but in any case, 74% of all relationships still happen in real life compared to 39% relationships online based on his survey.

>> No.16976547

lol I love how a subhuman alcoholic, divorced and 50 fucking year old still crave for providing for a glorified prostitute.

Men really live to be pussy slaves while deluding themselves they are the stronger sex lol.

>> No.16976680
File: 45 KB, 960x544, 4A5CA1B3-BD0A-4F4E-BEA7-966FA478D533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be quiet. Women hate hearing us talk seeing that it takes away from their confidence to witness the superior male intellect extrapolate confounding ideas. They want weak docile Turkey-Baster-Breeders so they can fulfill their life purpose growing our seed in their belly/incubator.

>> No.16976817

I feel that I'm spending energy whenever someone is around, even without doing much. After spending a few hours with someone, I feel tired and need a few days of isolation to be fully "charged" again. I'm not talking about romance exclusively.
I can't imagine being socialized most or even a lot of the time (business interactions are fine).

>> No.16977300



>> No.16977623

I have seen your posts repeatedly. First of all, I want to give you a good slap for namefagging in such a retardedly overfeminine way. Second of all, I want to absolutely beat the living shit out of you and curb stomp you. Just know, there is a stranger out there that you managed to annoy with your subhuman nature so much that he wants to utterly destroy you.

>> No.16977702
File: 53 KB, 680x847, 3A3F461F-7E31-41E4-BBDD-0964CD7D7F6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe. You're sounding like my co-worker who tells everyone that:

1. he is on the spectrum.

2. when asked what kind of music he likes he replies he could never tell anyone because its just too much, and so complicated-Fucking fave band is a generic UK shit-pop act known as Ed Sheeran.

3. Bachelors in philosophy-Never read the philosophers.

4. Writing a book on the history of analytic/continental philosophy claiming Russel as a main source.. He hasn't heard of Anthony Kenny!

5. Uses Hitherto, and therefore in spoken English.

>> No.16977889

Because my father seems happy.

>> No.16977997


Just know, there’s a woman out there that will beat your ass to a literal pulp on the sidewalk if you provoke her. Don’t talk to me anymore.

>> No.16978062

unironically this. the secret is that women are human beings and they are just as easy to talk to as anyone on this godforsaken website.

it might not be easy, but it is simple.
the golden rules: be attractive, don't be unattractive are rules to live by. attractiveness is mostly in personality and demeanor, believe it or not. if you're funny and likeable you can use that to give you a one-up even if you're a troglodyte. women are not the hyperbolized "stacys" that you cavemen think they are

>> No.16978102

Christ this post is dripping with so much cope it's frankly depressing

>> No.16978115

>women are human beings
opinion discarded

>> No.16978121

>there’s a woman out there that will beat your ass to a literal pulp on the sidewalk

Women always believe that until they try.

>> No.16978384

You know it's becuase your coward, the worst that girl in the library can do is say no

>> No.16979120

There’s so much worse she can say, like “Ewww, get away from me freak” or “That’s sexual harassment, I’m gonna get you banned from this library”

>> No.16981017

>the worst that girl in the library can do is say no

I’m fucking sick and tired of this meme. Do people not understand how fucking awful rejection is?

>> No.16981030

This only applies to homosexual sex

>> No.16981111

It literally doesn’t matter how many times you try to explain this to the autist that dumps these graphs. He does not know what a random sample is and absolutely refuses to learn. He doesn’t even care that all the data is from 2012, when online dating was 1/4th as popular