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/lit/ - Literature

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16965010 No.16965010 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16965014

If it weren't for video games I would have no incentive to read books

>> No.16965032

If it weren't for videogames I'd have an incentive to read books.

>> No.16965036

I'm a capitalist

>> No.16965037

I haven’t read any philosophy and don’t plan to

>> No.16965041

I used to hate spaghetti, but now I've really grown fond of it. Really like tomatoes now too.

>> No.16965044
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I haven't written anything in over a year. Of course, I've been shitposting on 4chan in that time, but I don't consider that writing. I still have a dream of being a professional writer, but I don't have the willpower to force myself to sit still for an hour and knock out a thousand words every day.

>> No.16965049
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I don't think I'm going to meet my Goodreads reading challenge because I slacked off too much.

>> No.16965050

>1 hr

>> No.16965051

I've read a total of 20 books this year...
... on Audible

>> No.16965076

What vidya inspired you to read? Seriously asking; I've never found any that were inspiring besides visual novels, maybe.

Quit them, anon. I have a friend who plays and wants to quit. I haven't played for a few years. I don't care how much Redditors vehemently defend them. It destroys your potential.

Write shit drafts anon. Writing quantities of crap that you aim to improve, is better than being inhibited due to perfectionism and not writing anything. Accept your writing is trash and you will overcome.

>> No.16965096
