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/lit/ - Literature

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16964768 No.16964768 [Reply] [Original]

You guys have stopped recommending good books

>> No.16964774

I recommend The Flanders Road by Claude Simon and Riders in the Chariot by Patrick White.

>> No.16964778

I've been trying to make Muriel Spark a thing. Go read The Comforters and come back a schizoposter.

>> No.16964817

This board is very ill. I'm here mainly in a hospice like capacity to ease the pain for the rest of you before the board is inevitably split into /natsoc/ and /christ/.

>> No.16964842

you are jsut not looking in the right threads.
I have gotten great recommendations this year.

>> No.16964843

The problem is there are no good books

>> No.16964864

Wind in the Willows is a very good book, and you are very wrong and possibly a weasel.
Not this. This anon is drawn to shit and after posting ten posts about Hitler because he simply can't help himself he wonders why nobody in the thread he's bumping seems to be recommending good books and why he keeps seeing Hitler shit.

>> No.16964877

>Claude Simon
>Muriel Spark
>Patrick White
BASED. Thank you for not shilling the same 5 well-known canonical authors over and over.

>> No.16964883

>possibly a weasel
All my life I've been assumed to be human, I just haven't read any good books is all.

>> No.16964897

How do I find the right threads

>> No.16964903

>I have gotten great recommendations this year.
Drop some of them here

>> No.16964913

Now we just recommend ways to catch AIDS and cancer. Sitting through an awful student film is my favourite.

>> No.16964926

I have not

>> No.16964961

yesterday I was recommended "Un Homme qui dort" and eventhough I only got to read it for some 30 minutes today in the library, I will get it for myself on tuesday and I am quite convinced it is very close to the book i am looking for.
Make your own threads perhaps, and the recommendations will come.

>> No.16965002
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>back up to 8500 posts a day
/lit/ may be fucked for good this time

>> No.16965033

It's okay Eureka chad, you can always rewatch the greatest anime ever made

>> No.16965497

Another victim of the corona virus

>> No.16965665

Magus - John Fowles

>> No.16965713

I've noticed that as well, thankfully I have a healthy backlog so I don't need recommendations at the moment. For you anon, I will recommend The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn if you are a burger. If you are a non burger then I will recommend Billy Budd, Sailor

>> No.16965730

The Gormenghast trilogy by Mervyn Peake. A fun little fantasy series, and exquisitely gothic. It's very different to most other fantasy series, and very unique in general.

>> No.16965738

Culture of Narcissim by Christopher Lasch was solid

>> No.16965898

The Thousand Autumns of Jacob d Zoet is a damn good book by David Mitchell who is hated for his popularity. Book is v nice though.

>> No.16966086

only I read in /lit/ and I haven't read much this year

>> No.16966354

Try Oblomov by Goncharev. It's some good shit.

>> No.16966414

It's shit and I mostly like fantasy.

>> No.16966576

We told you to start with the Greeks anon (but nobody can actually get through them all so we just shitpost on /lit/ all day)

>> No.16966583

This is not a new recommendation. It's on all the doomer/depressing charts

>> No.16966588

good recs are replies to good requests

>> No.16966606

Seconding Oblomov
The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas
The Third Policeman

>> No.16966692

>. It's on all the doomer/depressing charts
well I didnt ask for it in that context, you faggot.

>> No.16966700

What kind of fantasy? Sandershit or something better like Le Guin?

>> No.16966838

The General in his labyrinth or The death of honorio

>> No.16966846

The Death of Ivan Ilych

>> No.16966852

Okay? You're still a doomer faggot kek

>> No.16966882

Basé. It's one of the greatest book about depression and loneliness.

>> No.16966891

Moby-Dick - Melville

>> No.16966905

Yeah I've leveled up. I only recommend great books

>> No.16966967

>he doesn't know how to find his own reading material
never gonna make it

>> No.16968299


>> No.16968991

The fact there were a multitude of "are video games art?" threads for past month or so and they received genuine replies is proof this board is just another reddit hive.

>> No.16968999

>"I mostly like fantasy." he says
>thinks he has any right to criticize Gormenghast

>> No.16969005

not really

>> No.16969117
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I’ve been trying to shill Paul Bowles on here for a while now, who was unequivocally in the top 5 American writers of the 20th century if not all time. Nobody’s really taken yet but if anyone here does - read the short stories, you won’t regret it.

>> No.16969284

No. Read Auto-da-Fé by Canetti.

>> No.16969864


>> No.16970163


>> No.16970318
