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/lit/ - Literature

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16963542 No.16963542[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I found this book so inspiring and beautiful that I was nearly moved to tears. The images of niggers and kikes finally getting what's coming to them, the depictions of white men and women finally coming together to defend themselves and take back a world that is rightfully theirs. It's all just so beautiful, I need to find more of this now.

>> No.16963626

Rightists belong in camps

>> No.16963657

There are white women pregnant with black babies right now lmao

>> No.16963816

Why is it that this sort of books are almost exclusively written by Americans? It's not like they're the only white-majority country.

>> No.16963916

Europeans don't have the historical baggage of racism (at least in their own countries, the less said about colonialism, the better) that Americans have.
Americans have always been deeply distrustful of the government taking away their freedoms

>> No.16964013

That doesn't bother me, the book is clear about what is in store for mudsharks and other race traitors. Really, exceptionally clear =)

>> No.16964053

They have the upper-hand in camp-building though, not sure you want to start a contest there.
We literally have The Camp of Saints, a perfect, although more pessimistic, equivalent. And better written ofc.
>Europeans don't have the historical baggage of racism (at least in their own countries
How surprising, as we used not to have inferior foreigners within our countries. Now that we do, we're becoming about as racist.
>the less said about colonialism, the better)
You mean the conquest and administrating of the world by Europeans? I guess if you're not one it's indeed a bit of a shameful topic...

Saging this thread because this book is pretty shit though.

>> No.16964075

Yeah from a literary standpoint it's not a great book but I'll take what I can get. If there were better written fiction about niggers and kikes getting lynched in the street then I would be praising that instead. As it stands most authors are too cowardly to write on this topic so the options are fairly limited.

>> No.16964114

not very many and they're fat white trash so no one cares lol. most white girls find niggers disgusting. so do asians and latinos.

>> No.16964128

Not many. And there are plenty of kweens being bleached too.

>> No.16964252
File: 128 KB, 441x330, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16964286


>> No.16964301

tenth post best post

>> No.16964316
File: 46 KB, 480x480, 6e7d59a91a31fbe8241474ef22479eff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder Chuds, Biden's America will look like THIS for all non racists. You? You'll be put in a re-education camp and turned into a sissy.

>> No.16964421

Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your ”lit” threads. Face it. most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history. get over it losers.
Leftism has been working since the French revolution. the leftism you see today is further refinement on the point of liberalism, that the ideal society is one where there are limited negative experiences as one grows up so that the rational mind of each person is allowed its full potential, and these rational adults can participate in a contract-based society that rewards merit.It won many major conflicts so it must be doing something right, even if you have to see black people sometimes

>> No.16964471

Where did you get this image